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Several methods for characterizing the occurrence and rate of nitrate attenuation were tested at a field site near Monument Valley, Arizona. Spatial and temporal nitrate concentration data collected from a transect of monitoring wells located along the plume centerline were analyzed to evaluate the overall rates of natural attenuation. The occurrence and rate of denitrification was evaluated through microcosm experiments, nitrogen isotopic fractionation analysis, and solute-transport modeling. First-order denitrification-rate coefficients calculated with each method were comparable. In addition, the composite natural attenuation rate coefficient was similar to the denitrification-rate coefficients, which suggests that microbially induced decay primarily controls nitrate attenuation at the site. This research highlights the benefits associated with a multiple-method approach for the characterization of natural attenuation.  相似文献   
We used a sequential extraction technique and 210Pb dating to determine the chemical form and amount of particulate phosphorus (PP) that is retained during burial in 1-m-long sediment cores collected along a salinity gradient from tidal freshwater to the mesohaline waters of the Patuxent River, a subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay. PP buried in the study sites with salinity values ≤3 was similar in concentration and form to PP entering the Patuxent from the watershed, suggesting efficient sequestration by the sediments at these low-salinity sites. PP extracted with citrate–dithionite–bicarbonate was the dominant form of PP at all salinities and all depths, and organic-P was the second most abundant fraction. We estimated that 81% of PP entering from the watershed is trapped in the sediments of the upper Patuxent subestuary and that the subtidal sediments retain three times as much PP as the marshes adjacent to the study sites.  相似文献   
We have measured 224Ra (3.4 d), 228Ra (5.7 yr), and 226Ra (1620 yr) and chloride in hot spring waters from the Norris-Mammoth Corridor, Yellowstone National Park. Two characteristic cold-water components mix with the primary hydrothermal water: one for the travertine-depositing waters related to the Mammoth Hot Springs and the other for the sinter-depositing Norris Geyser Basin springs. The Mammoth Hot Springs water is a mixture of the primary hydrothermal fluid with meteoric waters flowing through the Madison Limestone, as shown by the systematic decrease of the (228Ra/226Ra) activity ratio proceeding northward. The Norris Geyser Basin springs are mixtures of primary hydrothermal water with different amounts of cold meteoric water with no modification of the primary hydrothermal (228Ra/226Ra) activity ratio. Using a solution and recoil model for radium isotope supply to the primary hydrothermal water, a mean water-rock reaction time prior to expansion at 350°C and supply to the surface is 540 years assuming that 250 g of water are involved in the release of the radium from one gram of rock. The maximum reaction time allowed by our model is 1150 years.  相似文献   
The distribution of chlorophyll on a transect of the English Channel was measured during 1980 and 1981. In both years, high concentrations of chlorophyll a were measured in midchannel in July and August and this was due to a bloom of Gyrodinium aureolum. At a near-shore station close to Plymouth, regular measurements of water transparency and primary production were made during 1981. Values of diffuse attenuation coefficient increased in the spring with increasing chlorophyll concentration; this was followed by a period of low attenuation coefficients when chlorophyll maxima developed on the thermocline. The attenuation coefficient was greatly increased in late summer as the result of a bloom of G. aureolum. The high cell density resulted in self-limitation and specific rates of photosynthetic carbon fixation were low during the bloom. The total water-column light utilization index (Ψ) is calculated to be 0.48 g C g Chl a?1 E?1 m?2 and the possible use of this index to calculate production from depth-integrated chlorophyll a concentrations is discussed.  相似文献   
Observations of ε Eri (K2 V) have been made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope . The spectra obtained show a number of emission lines which can be used to determine, or place limits on, the electron density and pressure. Values of the electron pressure are required in order to make quantitative models of the transition region and inner corona from absolute line fluxes, and to constrain semi-empirical models of the chromosphere. Using line flux ratios in Si  iii and O  iv a mean electron pressure of P e= N e T e=4.8×1015 cm−3 K is derived. This value is compatible with the lower and upper limits to P e found from flux ratios in C  iii , O  v and Fe  xii . Some inconsistencies which may be because of small uncertainties in the atomic data used are discussed.  相似文献   
Coastal ecosystems are ecologically and commercially valuable, productive habitats that are experiencing escalating compromises of their structural and functional integrity. The Clean Water Act (USC 1972) requires identification of impaired water bodies and determination of the causes of impairment. Classification simplifies these determinations, because estuaries within a class are more likely to respond similarly to particular stressors. We reviewed existing classification systems for their applicability to grouping coastal marine and Great Lakes water bodies based on their responses to aquatic stressors, including nutrients, toxic substances, suspended sediments, habitat alteration, and combinations of stressors. Classification research historically addressed terrestrial and freshwater habitats rather than coastal habitats. Few efforts focused on stressor response, although many well-researched classification frameworks provide information pertinent to stressor response. Early coastal classifications relied on physical and hydrological properties, including geomorphology, general circulation patterns, and salinity. More recent classifications sort ecosystems into a few broad types and may integrate physical and biological factors. Among current efforts are those designed for conservation of sensitive habitats based on ecological processes that support patterns of biological diversity. Physical factors, including freshwater inflow, residence time, and flushing rates, affect sensitivity to stressors. Biological factors, such as primary production, grazing rates, and mineral cycling, also need to be considered in classification. We evaluate each existing classification system with respect to objectives, defining factors, extent of spatial and temporal applicability, existing sources of data, and relevance to aquatic stressors. We also consider classification methods in a generic sense and discuss their strengths and weaknesses for our purposes. Although few existing classifications are based on responses to stressors, may well-researched paradigms provide important information for improving our capabilities for classification, as an investigative and predictive management tool.  相似文献   
The results of a palaeomagnetic investigation of a 27 m thick loess/palaeosol sequence in Viatovo (NE Bulgaria) are presented in this paper. The sequence consists of topsoil S0, seven loess horizons (L1–L7) and six interbedded palaeosols (S1–S6) overlying a red clay (terra rossa) complex. Magnetic viscosity experiments, IRM acquisition, AMS analysis and NRM stepwise alternating and thermal demagnetisation experiments of pilot samples were implemented for precise determination of the characteristic remanence and construction of a reliable magnetostratigraphical scheme. Analysis of IRM acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm of Heslop et al. [Heslop, D., Dekkers, M., Kruiver, P., van Oorschot, H., 2002. Analysis of isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves using the expectation – maximization algorithm. Geophys. J. Int., 148, 58–64] suggests that the best fitting is obtained by three coercivity components. Component 1 corresponds to SD maghemite/magnetite, while component 2 is probably related to the presence of oxidised detrital magnetites. The third component shows varying coercivities depending on the degree of pedogenic alteration of the samples and probably reflects the presence of detrital magnetite grains oxidised at different degree.

The relevance of the Viatovo section as a key representative sequence for the loess cover in the Danube basin is confirmed by the presence of geomagnetic polarity changes in the lower part of the sequence. The youngest one recorded in the seventh loess unit L7 can be identified as corresponding to the Matuyama/Brunhes palaeomagnetic polarity transition. Two normal magnetozones were found in the red clay complex, probably corresponding to the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchronozones of the Matuyama chron.  相似文献   

Periods of summertime low flows are often critical for fish. This study quantified the impacts of forest clear‐cutting on summertime low flows and fish habitat and how they evolved through time in two snowmelt‐dominant headwater catchments in the southern interior of British Columbia, Canada. A paired‐catchment analysis was applied to July–September water yield, the number of days each year with flow less than 10% of mean annual discharge, and daily streamflow for each calendar day. The postharvest time series were divided into treatment periods of approximately 6–10 years, which were analysed independently to evaluate how the effects of forestry changed through time. An instream flow assessment using a physical habitat simulation‐style approach was used to relate streamflow to the availability of physical habitat for resident rainbow trout. About two decades after the onset of logging and as the extent of logging increased to approximately 50% of the catchments, reductions in daily summertime low flows became more significant for the July–September yield (43%) and for the analysis by calendar day (11–68%). Reductions in summertime low flows were most pronounced in the catchment with the longest postharvest time series. On the basis of the temporal patterns of response, we hypothesize that the delayed reductions in late‐summer flow represent the combined effects of a persistent advance in snowmelt timing in combination with at least a partial recovery of transpiration and interception loss from the regenerating forests. These results indicate that asymptotic hydrological recovery as time progresses following logging is not suitable for understanding the impacts of forest harvesting on summertime low flows. Additionally, these reductions in streamflow corresponded to persistent decreases in modelled fish habitat availability that typically ranged from 20% to 50% during the summer low‐flow period in one of the catchments, suggesting that forest harvest may have substantial delayed effects on rearing salmonids in headwater streams.  相似文献   
The Earth's atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere are increasingly being modified by human activity. Given this anthropogenic influence on the natural environment, the case for recognizing an Anthropocene Epoch has recently been made and there is ongoing debate as to whether, and how, to formally characterize and define such an epoch. As a contribution to this debate, this article explores whether or not the landscapes, deposits, landforms and key marker horizons that may be used to characterize and define an Anthropocene Epoch could, and should, be identified and conserved in the same manner as other parts of the geological succession. Anthropogenic features pose a conservation challenge, however, as they often cross cut existing conservation frameworks which tend to focus on the natural, historic or cultural environment. Developing a coherent approach to the conservation of the indicators of an Anthropocene Epoch would, therefore, require an integrated system of describing, auditing and designating features for conservation. A major benefit of such an approach would be the opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration between the wide range of researchers interested or involved in studying and conserving the record of anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   
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