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Soils affect the distribution of hydrological processes by partitioning precipitation into different components of the water balance. Therefore, understanding soil-water dynamics at a catchment scale remains imperative to future water resource management. In this study, the value of hydropedological insights was examined to calibrate a processes-based model. Soil morphology was used as soft data to assist in the calibration of the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+) model at five different catchment scales (48, 56, 174, 674, and 2421 km2) in the Sabie River catchment, South Africa. The aim of this study was to calibrate the SWAT+ model to accurately simulate long-term monthly streamflow predictions as well as to reflect internal soil hydrological processes using a procedure focusing on hydropedology as a calibration tool in a multigauge system. Results indicated that calibration improved streamflow predictions where R2 improved by 2%–8%. Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) improved from negative correlations to values exceeding 0.5 at four of the five catchment scales compared to the uncalibrated model. Results confirm that soil mapping units can be calibrated individually within SWAT+ to improve the representation of hydrological processes. Particularly, the spatial linkage between hydropedology and hydrological processes, which is captured within the soil map of the catchment, can be adequately reflected within the model simulations after calibration. This research will lead to an improved understanding of hydropedology as soft data to improve hydrological modelling accuracy.  相似文献   
Résumé Trois séléniures nouveaux ont été découverts dans la minéralisation unranifère à séléniures et sulfures de Chaméane, France. Geffroyite, (Cu, Fe, Ag)9(Se, S)8, cubique,Fm3m,a=10.889 ,Z=4; structure type pentlandite. Densité calculée 5.39 g/cm3. Les raies les plus intenses du diagramme de poudre sont: 9 3.282 (311); 9 3.145 (222); 6 2.094 (511;333); 10 1.925 (440); 5 1.660 (533); 6 1.112 (844). Microdureté Vickers 70 kg/mm2. Brun crème en lumière réfléchie, réflectances: 19.0 (420), 27.5 (500), 30.1 (540), 33.6 (600), 35.8 (660), 36.9 (700 nm). Chaméanite. Les analyses à la microsonde correspondent à (Cu3.46Fe0.52)3.98 (As0.94 Sb0.02)0.96(Se3.72S0.34)4.06, formule idéale (Cu, Fe)4As(Se, S)4. Le rapport Cu/Fe varie de 6 à 13. Cubique,I---,a=11.039 ,Z=8, densité calculée 6.17 g/cm3. Raies les plus intenses du diagramme de poudre: 10 3.187 (222); 9 1.951 (440); 8 1.665 (622); 4 1.381 (800); 6 1.266 (662); 7 1.127 (844); 5 1.062 (10.2.2; 666). Microdureté Vickers 265 kg/mm2. Gris foncé en section polie, plages à zonage complexe dû à des variations de Cu/Fe. Réflectances maximales: 27.1 (420), 26.6 (500), 27.1 (540), 27.7 (600), 28.2 (660); 28.7 (700 nm). Giraudite, (Cu, Zn, Ag)12(As, Sb)4(Se, S)13. Cubique ,a=10.578 ,Z=2; structure type tétraédrite. Analogue arsénié de la hakite. Densité calculée 5.75 g/cm3. Raies les plus intenses du diagramme de poudre: 10 3.050 (222); 5 2.497 (411; 330); 6 1.932 (521); 9 1.868 (440); 7 1.593 (622). Microdureté Vickers 293 kg/mm2. Gris clair, réflectances: 32.2 (420), 31.6 (500), 31.7 (540), 31.7 (600), 31.5 (660), 30.8 (700 nm).Trois épisodes minéralisants, séparés par des mouvements tectoniques, forment la paragenèse de Chaméane, comportant: barytine, pechblende, hématite, löllingite, mispickel, pyrite, chalcopyrite, clausthalite, tétraédrite, tennantite, bukovite, athabascaïte, umangite, berzelianite, klockmannite, eucaïrite, geffroyite, chaméanite, giraudite, eskebornite.
Paragenetic evolution of the uranium mineralization rich in selenides at chaméane (Puy-de Dôme), France: Chaméanite, geffroyite and giraudite, three new selenides of Cu, Fe, Ag and As
Summary Three new selenides occur in the uranium mineralization rich in selenides and sulphides at Chaméane, France. Geffroyite, (Cu, Fe, Ag)9(Se, S)8, cubic,Fm3m,a=10.889 ,Z=4; pentlandite-like structure. Calculated density 5.39 g/cm3. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern are: 9 3.282 (311); 9 3.145 (222); 6 2.094 (511; 333); 10 1.925 (440); 5 1.660 (533); 6 1.112 (844). Vickers microhardness 70 kg/mm2. In reflected light, it has a brown colour with a cream tint. Reflectances: 19.0 (420), 27.5 (500), 30.1 (540), 33.6 (600), 35.8 (660), 36.9 (700 nm). Chaméanite. Microprobe analyses gave (Cu3.46Fe0.52)3.98(As0.94Sb0.02)0.96(Se3.72S0.34)4.06; ideal formula is (Cu, Fe)4As(Se, S)4. The Cu/Fe ratio varies from 6 to 13. CubicI---,a=11.039 ,Z=8, calculated density 6.17 g/cm3. Strongest lines in the powder pattern: 10 3.187 (222); 9 1.951 (440); 8 1.665 (622); 4 1.381 (800); 6 1.266 (622); 7 1.127 (844); 5 1.062 (10.2.2; 666). Vickers microhardness 265 kg/mm2. Dark grey in reflected light. Some grains exhibit irregular zoning due to variations of Cu/Fe ratio. Maximum reflectances: 27.1 (420), 26.6 (500), 27.1 (540); 27.7 (600), 28.2 (660), 28.7 (700 nm). Giraudite, (Cu, Zn, Ag)12(As, Sb)4(Se, S)13. Cubic, ,a=10.578 ,Z=2; member of tetrahedrite series. Arsenian analogue of hakite. Calculated density 5.75 g/cm3. Strongest lines in the powder pattern: 10 3.050 (222); 5 2.497 (411; 330); 6 1.932 (521); 9 1.868 (440); 7 1.593 (622). Vickers microhardness 293 kg/mm2. Light grey in reflected light, reflectances: 32.2 (420), 31.6 (500), 31.7 (540), 31.7 (600), 31.5 (660), 30.8 (700 nm). The mineralization of the Chaméane deposit consists of three cycles separated by tectonic movements. The minerals found are: barite, pitchblende, hematite, löllingite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, clausthalite, tetrahedrite, tennanite, bukovite, athabascaite, umangite, berzelianite, klockmannite, eucairite, geffroyite, chaméanite, giraudite and eskebornite.

Avec 5 Figures  相似文献   
There is a broad correlation between the εNd values for rivers (including both the water and the particulate material it carries) and the age of the source terrain. This paper presents Nd isotope distribution data for soil, soil water, groundwater, and stream water samples gathered in a small catchment in northern Sweden. The results show that the release of Nd and Sm from boreal forests into streams and, eventually, into the oceans is more complicated than previously realized. The weathering of till causes changes in both the Nd isotopic composition and Sm/Nd ratios. Both the Sm/Nd ratio and εNd were higher in strongly weathered soils horizons than in less weathered till, since minerals with high Sm/Nd ratios were, on average, more resistant to weathering than those with low Sm/Nd ratios. In contrast to the situation for the main minerals and the major elements, the weathering of rare earth elements (REE) was not restricted to the E-horizon: the measured REE concentrations continued to increase with depth in the C-horizon. In addition, REE released by weathering in the upper parts of the soil profile were partly secondarily retained at deeper levels. Therefore, the dissolved Nd released by weathering in the upper soil horizons was trapped and did not enter the groundwater directly. Rather, the Nd in the groundwater largely originated from weathering within the groundwater zone. However, this was not the only source of Nd in the stream water. The Nd isotope composition and Sm/Nd ratio were determined by the mixing between of Nd and Sm in the groundwater and REE-carrying organic material washed out of the soil profile. The groundwater close to the stream reaches the upper soil horizons during high discharge events such as snowmelts, and organic matter carrying Nd and Sm is washed out of the soils and thus released into the stream. Therefore, the Nd exported from catchment is derived from both the weathering within the groundwater zone, and the organic matter washed out from the soil. If longer timescales with more advanced weathering stages in the groundwater zone are considered, it cannot be ruled out that there will be a shift towards more radiogenic values in the exported Nd. Recorded shifts in the Nd isotopic composition in the ocean may thus not only reflect changed source regions, but also the weathering history of the same source region.  相似文献   
The crocodyliform faunas of the lowermost Cretaceous Rabekke and Jydegård Formations on the Baltic island of Bornholm, Denmark, and the Annero Formation of Skåne, southernmost Sweden, are represented by isolated teeth, osteoderms, and vertebrae. The rich Berriasian assemblage of the Rabekke Formation includes at least three distinctive taxa: Bernissartia sp., Theriosuchus sp., and Goniopholis sp., an association that is also known from several other contemporaneous European vertebrate localities. In contrast to this fauna, the Jydegård and Annero Formations have yielded only rare mesoeucrocodylian remains, which are assigned to Theriosuchus sp. and an undetermined mesoeucrocodylian taxon, possibly Pholidosaurus. Geographically, the Scandinavian localities represent the easternmost and northernmost distribution of typical continental Jurassic-Cretaceous crocodyliform communities in Europe.  相似文献   
Water level records at two stations in the Guadalquivir Estuary (Spain), one near the estuary mouth (Bonanza) and one about 77 km upstream (Sevilla), have been analysed to study the amplification of the tide in the estuary. The tidal amplification factor shows interesting temporal variation, including a spring-neap variation, some extreme low values, and especially the anomalous behaviour that the amplification factor is larger during a number of periods. These variations are explained by data analysis combined with numerical and analytical modelling. The spring-neap variation is due to the quadratic relation between the bottom friction and the tidal flow velocity. The river flood events are the direct causes of the extreme low values of the amplification factor, and they trigger the non-linear interaction between the tidal flow and suspended sediment transport. The fluvial sediment input during a river flood causes high sediment concentration in the estuary, up to more than 10 g/l. This causes a reduction of the effective hydraulic drag, resulting in stronger tidal amplification in the estuary for a period after a river flood. After such an event the tidal amplification in the estuary does not always fall back to the same level as before the event, indicating that river flood events have significant influence on the long-term development of this estuary.  相似文献   
Ecological surveys were carried out to investigate the distribution and characterization of riparian corridor plants along the Perai River,Penang,Malaysia from July 2007 to March 2008.Surveys were design to represent horizon-tal sections of the river starting from the river mouth towards the upper reaches for 20 km.A total of 84 species of plants from 30 families were recorded.They consisted of 28 species of standing plants(plants with height of more than 1 m)and 56 species of weedy plants(plants with heigh...  相似文献   
Adaptation to climate change in agricultural settings depends on understanding farmers’ perceptions of the nature of climate change, their agency in adapting and the efficacy of adaptive measures themselves. Such knowledge can improve mitigation and adaptation strategies. This study addresses the limited understanding of how farmers appraise their private adaptive measures and influential factors. It uses data from structured interviews with 598 rice farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Based on protection motivation theory, farmers’ assessments of private adaptive measures were measured by perceived self-efficacy, perceived adaptation efficacy and perceived adaptation cost. Multiple regressions were used to understand significant factors affecting those assessments. Some demographic and socio-economic factors, belief in climate change, information and objective resources were found to influence farmers’ adaptation assessments. It is shown that the sources and quality of information are particularly important. The improvement of both the accessibility and usefulness of local services (e.g. irrigation, agricultural extension, credit and health care) is deemed a necessity for successful adaptation strategies in the Mekong Delta. The paper also shows the application of PMT in measuring farmers’ appraisals of private adaptive measures to climate change, thereby opening this area for further research.  相似文献   
Fauna species living in seagrass meadows depend on different food sources, with seagrasses often being marginally important for higher trophic levels. To determine the food web of a mixed-species tropical seagrass meadow in Sulawesi, Indonesia, we analyzed the stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) signatures of primary producers, particulate organic matter (POM) and fauna species. In addition invertebrates, both infauna and macrobenthic, and fish densities were examined to identify the important species in the meadow. The aims of this study were to identify the main food sources of fauna species by comparing isotopic signatures of different primary producers and fauna, and to estimate qualitatively the importance of seagrass material in the food web. Phytoplankton and water column POM were the most depleted primary food sources for δ13C (range −23.1 to −19.6‰), but no fauna species depended only on these sources for carbon. Epiphytes and Sargassum sp. had intermediate δ13C values (−14.2 to −11.9‰). Sea urchins, gastropods and certain fish species were the main species assimilating this material. Seagrasses and sedimentary POM had the least depleted values (−11.5 to −5.7‰). Between the five seagrass species significant differences in δ13C were measured. The small species Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis were most depleted, the largest species Enhalus acoroides was least depleted, while Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotundata had intermediate values. Fourteen fauna species, accounting for 10% of the total fauna density, were shown to assimilate predominantly (>50%) seagrass material, either directly or indirectly by feeding on seagrass consumers. These species ranged from amphipods up to the benthic top predator Taeniura lymma. Besides these species, about half of the 55 fauna species analyzed had δ13C values higher than the least depleted non-seagrass source, indicating they depended at least partly for their food on seagrass material. This study shows that seagrass material is consumed by a large number of fauna species and is important for a large portion of the food web in tropical seagrass meadows.  相似文献   
The phenomenon of inertia is modeled by a new process, which semi-discretely changes the metrical scale of spacetime. This process explains inertia as a curved spacetime phenomenon, since all accelerating trajectories take place on geodesics of general relativity. By this approach inertial reference frames are Minkowskian manifolds imbedded in a five-dimensional space. It would imply a revised interpretation of special relativity, which preserves a universal temporal reference. If acceleration curves spacetime, it would also imply the existence of an energy-momentum tensor with net energy, which under certain conditions could become negative.  相似文献   
Two European temperature reconstructions for the past half-millennium, January-to-April air temperature for Stockholm (Sweden) and seasonal temperature for a Central European region, both derived from the analysis of documentary sources and long instrumental records, are compared with the output of climate simulations with the model ECHO-G. The analysis is complemented by comparisons with the long (early)-instrumental record of Central England Temperature (CET). Both approaches to study past climates (simulations and reconstructions) are burdened with uncertainties. The main objective of this comparative analysis is to identify robust features and weaknesses in each method which may help to improve models and reconstruction methods. The results indicate a general agreement between simulations obtained with temporally changing external forcings and the reconstructed Stockholm and CET records for the multi-centennial temperature trend over the recent centuries, which is not reproduced in a control simulation. This trend is likely due to the long-term change in external forcing. Additionally, the Stockholm reconstruction and the CET record also show a clear multi-decadal warm episode peaking around AD 1730, which is absent in the simulations. Neither the reconstruction uncertainties nor the model internal climate variability can easily explain this difference. Regarding the interannual variability, the Stockholm series displays, in some periods, higher amplitudes than the simulations but these differences are within the statistical uncertainty and further decrease if output from a regional model driven by the global model is used. The long-term trend of the CET series agrees less well with the simulations. The reconstructed temperature displays, for all seasons, a smaller difference between the present climate and past centuries than is seen in the simulations. Possible reasons for these differences may be related to a limitation of the traditional ‘indexing’ technique for converting documentary evidence to temperature values to capture long-term climate changes, because the documents often reflect temperatures relative to the contemporary authors’ own perception of what constituted ‘normal’ conditions. By contrast, the amplitude of the simulated and reconstructed inter-annual variability agrees rather well.  相似文献   
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