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Porites panamensis is a hermatypic coral present in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Skeletal growth parameters have been reported, but studies of the relationship between annual calcification rates and environmental controls are scarce. In this study, we investigated three aspects of the annual calcification rates of P. panamensis: growth parameters among three P. panamensis populations; the sea surface temperature as a calcification rate control spanning a latitudinal gradient; and calcium carbonate production among three sites. Growth parameters varied among the sites due to the colony growth form. Massive colonies in the north showed a higher calcification rate than encrusting colonies in the south (mean: 1.22–0.49 g CaCO3 · cm?2 · yr?1), where variations in calcification rates were related to growth rate (0.91–0.38 cm · yr?1) rather than to skeletal density differences (overall mean ± SD, 1.31 ± 0.04 g CaCO3 · cm?3). Our results showed a positive linear relationship between annual calcification rates and sea surface temperatures within these P. panamensis populations. Differences were related to distinct oceanographic environments (within and at the entrance of the Gulf of California) with different sea surface temperature regimes and other chemical properties. Different populations calcified under different environmental conditions. Calcium carbonate production was dependent upon the calcification rate and coral cover and so carbonate production was higher in the north (coral cover 12%) than in the south (coral cover 3.5). Thus, the studied sites showed low calcium carbonate production (0.25–0.43 kg CaCO3 · m?2 · yr?1). Our results showed reduced calcification rates, regional temperature regime control over calcification rates, different growth forms, low coral cover and low calcium carbonate production rates in P. panamensis.  相似文献   
A reliable estimation of sediment transport in gravel‐bed streams is important for various practical engineering and biological studies (e.g., channel stability design, bed degradation/aggradation, restoration of spawning habitat). In the present work, we report original laboratory experiments investigating the transport of gravel particles at low bed shear stresses. The laboratory tests were conducted under unsteady flow conditions inducing low bed shear stresses, with detailed monitoring of the bed topography using a laser scanner. Effects of bed surface arrangements were documented by testing loose and packed bed configurations. Effects of fine sediments were examined by testing beds with sand, artificial fine sand or cohesive silt infiltrated in the gravel matrix. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that the transport of gravel particles depends upon the bed arrangement, the bed material properties (e.g., size and shape, consolidation index, permeability) and the concentration of fine sediments within the surface layer of moving grains. This concentration is directly related to the distribution of fine particles within the gravel matrix (i.e., bottom‐up infiltration or bridging) and their transport mode (i.e., bedload or suspended load). Compared to loose beds, the mobility of gravel is reduced for packed beds and for beds clogged from the bottom up with cohesive fine sediments; in both cases, the bed shear stress for gravel entrainment increases by about 12%. On the other hand, the mobility of gravel increases significantly (bed shear stress for particle motion decreasing up to 40%) for beds clogged at the surface by non‐cohesive sand particles. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recent observations of the longest known head-tail galaxy IC 711, at long wavelengths have shown it to extend farther than previously known. At δ 74 cm, Vallée and Roger (1987) found it to stretch 17′ (930 kpc) behind the optical nucleus of this elliptical galaxy. At δ92 cm, Vallée and Strom (1988) found it to stretch 18.3′ (1 Mpc) behind the optical nucleus. What new physics can be learned from it? To that end, a theoretical simulation in 3 dimensions of the longest head-tail galaxy has been performed, building the radio trail cell by cell inside a volume of space composed of 8 million cells, with each cell being assigned a proper radio emissivity. Matching ram pressure theory and recent observations yields a primary fast decrease of the radio luminosity with time or distance from the optical nucleus of the galaxy, and a secondary periodic variation of the radio luminosity every 500 kpc. Near the end of the tail, a sudden and unpredicted flare-up of the observed width of the tail requires a sudden change in the jet's physical conditions about 2 Gyr earlier, or that of the surroundings. These simulations provide some additional constraints on the ram pressure theory. Along the tail ridge, particle aging and particle acceleration must combine to give a luminosity function that mimics an exponential decrease with time. Across the tail ridge, no edge brightening is necessary, suggesting that particle aging and particle acceleration must combine via central turbulences and central instabilities (not by edge effects). The disappearance of the radio trail at two points along the radio ridge is unexpected from the ram pressure theory. Thus particle aging and particle acceleration must combine once more to mimic a sinusoidal modulation with time of the radio luminosity, perhaps near the nucleus inside the optical galaxy.  相似文献   
The SEMAPHORE (Structure des Echanges Mer-Atmosphère, Propriétés des Hétérogénéités Océaniques: Recherche Expérimentale) experiment has been conducted from June to November 1993 in the Northeast Atlantic between the Azores and Madeira. It was centered on the study of the mesoscale ocean circulation and air-sea interactions. The experimental investigation was achieved at the mesoscale using moorings, floats, and ship hydrological survey, and at a smaller scale by one dedicated ship, two instrumented aircraft, and surface drifting buoys, for one and a half month in October-November (IOP: intense observing period). Observations from meteorological operational satellites as well as spaceborne microwave sensors were used in complement. The main studies undertaken concern the mesoscale ocean, the upper ocean, the atmospheric boundary layer, and the sea surface, and first results are presented for the various topics. From data analysis and model simulations, the main characteristics of the ocean circulation were deduced, showing the close relationship between the Azores front meander and the occurrence of Mediterranean water lenses (meddies), and the shift between the Azores current frontal signature at the surface and within the thermocline. Using drifting buoys and ship data in the upper ocean, the gap between the scales of the atmospheric forcing and the oceanic variability was made evident. A 2 °C decrease and a 40-m deepening of the mixed layer were measured within the IOP, associated with a heating loss of about 100 W m−2. This evolution was shown to be strongly connected to the occurrence of storms at the beginning and the end of October. Above the surface, turbulent measurements from ship and aircraft were analyzed across the surface thermal front, showing a 30% difference in heat fluxes between both sides during a 4-day period, and the respective contributions of the wind and the surface temperature were evaluated. The classical momentum flux bulk parameterization was found to fail in low wind and unstable conditions. Finally, the sea surface was investigated using airborne and satellite radars and wave buoys. A wave model, operationally used, was found to get better results compared with radar and wave-buoy measurements, when initialized using an improved wind field, obtained by assimilating satellite and buoy wind data in a meteorological model. A detailed analysis of a 2-day period showed that the swell component, propagating from a far source area, is underestimated in the wave model. A data base has been created, containing all experimental measurements. It will allow us to pursue the interpretation of observations and to test model simulations in the ocean, at the surface and in the atmospheric boundary layer, and to investigate the ocean-atmosphere coupling at the local and mesoscales.  相似文献   
Deglacial sequences typically include backstepping grounding zone wedges and prevailing glaciomarine depositional facies. However, in coastal domains, deglacial sequences are dominated by depositional systems ranging from turbiditic to fluvial facies. Such deglacial sequences are strongly impacted by glacio‐isostatic rebound, the rate and amplitude of which commonly outpaces those of post‐glacial eustatic sea‐level rise. This results in a sustained relative sea‐level fall covering the entire depositional time interval. This paper examines a Late Quaternary, forced regressive, deglacial sequence located on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Estuary (Portneuf Peninsula, Québec, Canada) and aims to decipher the main controls that governed its stratigraphic architecture. The forced regressive deglacial sequence forms a thick (>100 m) and extensive (>100 km2) multiphased deltaic complex emplaced after the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet margin from the study area ca 12 500 years ago. The sedimentary succession is composed of ice‐contact, glaciomarine, turbiditic, deltaic, fluvial and coastal depositional units. A four‐stage development is recognized: (i) an early ice‐contact stage (esker, glaciomarine mud and outwash fan); (ii) an in‐valley progradational stage (fjord head or moraine‐dammed lacustrine deltas) fed by glacigenics; (iii) an open‐coast deltaic progradation, when proglacial depositional systems expanded beyond the valley outlets and merged together; and (iv) a final stage of river entrenchment and shallow marine reworking that affected the previously emplaced deltaic complex. Most of the sedimentary volume (10 to 15 km3) was emplaced during the three‐first stages over a ca 2 kyr interval. In spite of sustained high rates of relative sea‐level fall (50 to 30 mm·year?1), delta plain accretion occurred up to the end of the proglacial open‐coast progradational stage. River entrenchment only occurred later, after a significant decrease in the relative sea‐level fall rates (<30 mm·year?1), and was concurrent with the formation and preservation of extensive coastal deposits (raised beaches, spit platform and barrier sands). The turnaround from delta plain accretion to river entrenchment and coastal erosion is interpreted to be a consequence of the retreat of the ice margin from the river drainage basins that led to the drastic drop of sediment supply and the abrupt decrease in progradation rates. The main internal stratigraphic discontinuity within the forced regressive deglacial sequence does not reflect changes in relative sea‐level variations.  相似文献   
The structure of a fault zone developed in granitic rocks can be established on the basis of the spatial variability of geological, geophysical and geochemical parameters. In the North Fault of the Mina Ratones area (SW Iberian Massif, Spain), fault rocks along two studied traverses (SR-2 and SR-3 boreholes) exhibit systematic changes in mineralogy, geochemistry, fabrics and microstructures that are related to brittle deformation and alteration of granite to form cataclasite and subsequent gouge. The spatial distribution and intensity of these changes suggest a North Fault morphology that is consistent with the fault-core/damage-zone model proposed by Chester et al. (1993) to describe a fault zone architecture. North Fault damage zone thickness can be defined by the development of mechanically related mesoscopic faults and joints, that produce a Fracture Index (FI)>10. High FI values are spatially correlated with relative low seismic velocity zones (VP<5 km/s and VS<2.5 km/s in the well-logs), more probably related to a high concentration of fractures and geochemical alteration produced by meteoric water-granite interaction along fault surfaces. This correlation is the base of a geostatistical model proposed in the final part of this study to image the fault zone architecture of a granitic massif.  相似文献   
New data on the structure of Garfield nontronite have been produced by the use of different spectroscopic techniques: Mössbauer spectroscopy, optical spectroscopy, X-ray absorption edges and EXAFS and NMR. The tetrahedral iron content is found to be no higher than 1 percent. All iron atoms belong to the octahedral sheet excluding the possibility of the presence of non crystallized phases. Some ambiguities remain about the coherence of the octahedral sheet because of the presence of two doublets in the Mössbauer spectrum and at least two lineshapes in NMR spectra of OH which correspond to different environments.  相似文献   
This paper describes an alternative approach for generating pointing models for telescopes equipped with serial kinematics, esp. equatorial or alt-az mounts. Our model construction does not exploit any assumption for the underlying physical constraints of the mount, however, one can assign various effects to the respective components of the equations. In order to recover the pointing model parameters, classical linear least squares fitting procedures can be applied. This parameterization also lacks any kind of parametric singularity. We demonstrate the efficiency of this type of model on real measurements with meter-class telescopes where the results provide a root mean square accuracy of 1.5?2 arcseconds.  相似文献   
West Africa experienced severe drought during the 1970s and 1980s, posing a threat to water resources. A wetter climate more recently suggests recovery from the drought. The Mann-Kendall trend and Theil-Sen’s slope estimator were applied to detect probable trends in weather elements in four sub-basins of the Niger River Basin between 1970 and 2010. The cross-entropy method was used to detect breakpoints in rainfall and runoff, Spearman’s rank test for correlation between the two, and cross-correlation analysis for possible lags. Results showed an overall increase in rainfall and runoff and a decrease in sunshine duration. Spearman’s coefficients suggest significant (5%) moderate to strong rainfall–runoff correlation for three sub-basins. A significant lower runoff was observed around 1979, with a rainfall break around 1992, indicating possible cessation of the drought. Temperatures increased significantly, at 0.02–0.05°C year-1, with a negative wind speed trend for most stations. Half of the stations exhibited an increase in potential evapotranspiration.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Not assigned  相似文献   
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