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研究并总结了示意性道路网地图的制图规则,量化了约束条件,提出了一种道路网渐进式图形简化方法和移位方法,并研究了拓扑关系检查方法。在具体实验中,通过对道路网上点的分类,依据约束条件,快速生成有效的道路网示意性地图,同时保证了原始道路图与示意性道路图之间的拓扑关系一致性。  相似文献   
二层模式中小地形对于气压跳跃形成的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文应用一个两层密度不同的流体所组成的模式,讨论了小地形对于气流的影响。由一维常定问题的解指出,对于气流一定的上游条件,山脉存在一临界高度;山区气流的被扰状态,决定于上游条件和山的高度。当上游状态中的弗罗德(Froude)数小于1,而山脉的高度等于临界高度时,背风面将出现常定的“气压跳跃”。也由一维非常定的解,研究了“气压跳跃”的形成过程。  相似文献   
To further understand the variations of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 in Beijing,the authors observed their concentrations continuously and in high temporal resolution by the system for rapid collection of fine particles and ion chromatography(RCFP-IC) during 12–18 July 2010.These results combined with those of earlier backward trajectory research are used analyzed to determine the causes of concentration changes in water-soluble ions under the influences of two kinds of air masses in summer.The results indicate that concentrations of NO3^-,SO4^2-,and NH4+ were influenced strongly by the continental air mass than by the marine air mass.Cl^- and Na^+ were not changed significantly.Because the sources of K^+,Mg^2+,and Ca^2+ are mainly concentrated on land,their concentration levels were slightly higher under the control of continental air mass than that of the marine air mass.Variations of NO2^- during the observation differed from those of other ions;its concentration was significantly higher under the influence of marine air mass.Moreover,the authors obtain the diurnal variations of eight water-soluble inorganic ions including NH4^+,K^+,Mg^2+,Ca^2+,Cl^-,NO2^-,NO3^-,and SO4^2-.Diurnal variations of NH4^+,NO3^-,and Cl^- showed single peak,which appeared before noon,while SO4^2- showed two peaks that appeared during rush hours.Those of Mg^2+,Ca^2+,and K+ showed single peak that appeared in the afternoon.That of NO2^- showed with a peak appearing at sunrise and a valley appearing at sunset.  相似文献   
The ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) is applied to the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) with the ability to assimilate the along-track sea level anomaly (TSLA). This system is tested with an eddy-resolving system of the South China Sea (SCS). Background errors are derived from a running seasonal ensemble to account for the seasonal variability within the SCS. A fifth-order localization function with a 250 km localization radius is chosen to reduce the negative effects of sampling errors. The data assimilation system is tested from January 2004 to December 2006. The results show that the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the sea level anomaly decreased from 10.57 to 6.70 cm, which represents a 36.6% reduction of error. The data assimilation reduces error for temperature within the upper 800 m and for salinity within the upper 200 m, although error degrades slightly at deeper depths. Surface currents are in better agreement with trajectories of surface drifters after data assimilation. The variance of sea level improves significantly in terms of both the amplitude and position of the strong and weak variance regions after assimilating TSLA. Results with AGE error (AGE) perform better than no AGE error (NoAGE) when considering the improvements of the temperature and the salinity. Furthermore, reasons for the extremely strong variability in the northern SCS in high resolution models are investigated. The results demonstrate that the strong variability of sea level in the high resolution model is caused by an extremely strong Kuroshio intrusion. Therefore, it is demonstrated that it is necessary to assimilate the TSLA in order to better simulate the SCS with high resolution models.  相似文献   
In summer, the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) is a stable water mass of low temperature lying at the bottom of the central Yellow Sea (YS). It is fringed by some typical tidal fronts, which separate deep, stratified water on the offshore side from the well-mixed, shallow water on the inshore side. Three striking fronts--Subei Bank Front (SBF), Shandong Peninsula Front (SPF), and Mokpo Front (MKF; a front off the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula)--have been iden- tified by various studies from both satellite observations and model results. Tide plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of these fronts. However, it is still a matter of debate as to the roles these two kinds of mechanisms of upwelling and tidal mixing play, and how importance they are in the maintenance processes of the above three fronts. Basing a nested high-resolution model HYCOM (the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model), this study focuses on the different mechanisms of tidal effects on the thermal fronts in the YS in summertime. Through comparative experiments with and without tidal forcing, the results indicate that the MKF is mainly driven by tide-induced upwelling. For the SPF, tidal mixing is the dominant factor, when lower cold water is stirred upwards along the sloping topography of the western YS. Meanwhile, the combined effect of upwelling and tidal mixing is the main cause of the formation of the SBF. Diagnostic analysis of thermal balance shows that horizontal nonlinear advection induced by strong tidal currents also contributes to the thermal balance of frontal areas.  相似文献   
In arid and semi-arid zones, water is the most vulnerable resource to climate change. In fact, various techniques such as artificial recharge are adopted to restore aquifers and to ensure aquifer sustainability in relation to the accelerated pace of exploitation. Morocco is a Mediterranean country highly vulnerable to climate change, many of its main aquifers are subjected to excessive drawdowns. This technique is practiced to increase potentiality of these aquifers. In the Northwestern area of Morocco, the significant development experienced by Tangier City in the industrial, tourism, and commercial sectors will lead to increased water requirements-up to 5 067 L/s (159.8 mm3) by 2030. However, the Charf El Akab aquifer system, subject to artificial recharge, is the only groundwater resource of Tangier region; hence, a rational management context is needed to ensure aquifer sustainability, and optimized exploitation under the background of differing constraints, such as increased water requirements, and climate change impacts. This work aims to respond, for the first time, to the Charf El Akab aquifer overexploitation problem, and to evaluate the future scenarios of its exploitation in the event of failure of one of the superficial resources. This work also presents a synthesized hydrodynamic modeling based on the results of the numerical simulations carried out using Feflow software for 2004 (date of cessation of injections) and 2011 (date of resumption of these facilities), making it possible to evaluate the impact of the artificial recharge on the piezometric level of the aquifer on a spatiotemporal scale. Finally, the exploitation scenarios have shown that the aquifer of Charf El Akab will not adequatly provide for the region's water requirements on the future horizon, entailing an optimal management of water resources in the region and an intentionally increased recharge rate.  相似文献   
《海西交通图集》是以省基础地理信息为基础框架,运用计算机制图技术、数据库技术和全数字桌面出版一体化技术集成制作的综合交通图集,也是一本反映海西交通基础设施及主要成就的图集。对图集的技术创新、内容选题、设计特点等进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   
本文以成矿地质模型为依据,对观驾山—黑山岛一带的化探、物探、遥感及地质等信息变量进行了详细的分析,选取了10个信息变量24个标志状态;在此基础上,运用信息量法对研究区内458个单元的信息量值进行计算,并由此确定了研究范围内的成矿远景区。事实表明,研究区信息量成矿预测是非常有效的  相似文献   
风应力对热带斜压海洋的强迫   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用一个线性的具有不同密度、温度的热带海洋两层模式,分析了热带西太平洋对纬圈风应力的响应.解析地求得热带西太平洋温跃层厚度、洋流及海温分布.结果表明次表层温度变化明显要比表层海温变化大,同时在大洋西部次表层发展起来的扰动向东传播能引起海温分布形态的异常.理论结果支持观测己表明的热带西太平洋物理量的变异在ElNino/La Nina事件中起着重要作用的事实.  相似文献   
阐述了测量机器人工程控制网网观测自动化系统Geo_Net和测量机器人变形监测自动化系统Geo_Def的主要功能、特点和设计思想,介绍了该系列软件的应用情况和前景。  相似文献   
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