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多层螺旋CT螺距、层厚和重建间隔关系及对图像质量影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多层螺旋CT问世大大提高了扫描速度,一次扫描能同时获得多个层面的图像,并且有足够的信息量进行图像后处理,但扫描参数的正确选择至关重要。本文就多层螺旋CT的扫描及重建参数螺距、层厚及重建间隔及对图像的质量影响进行阐述。  相似文献   
Supported by the technologies of remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS), we chose northwest of Beijing as a study area and gave priority to understanding of the spatial-temporal characteristics of landscape pattern change through visually interpreted Landsat TM images of 1989, 1996 and 2005. It is believed that there were a series of landscape ecological problems caused by city expansion: landscape ecological connectivity was low; landscape structure was simplified; the fragmentation of green land patch was more obvious on the plain areas, moreover, spatial distribution of green land was unbalanced. For this reason, this study adopted accumulative cost distance model, combined with ecosystem services and spatial interactions of landscape types, analyzed the spatial difference of the ecological function and the compactness of landscape structure in the study area, and further discussed the landscape pattern optimization proposal. We find that it is essential to protect and establish ecological sources, to establish urban ecological corridors, and to establish ecological nodes at the landscape ecological strategic positions so as to intensify spatial relationships among landscape elements and maintain continuity of landscape ecological process and pattern in the course of city expansion. The methods and final results from this study are expected to be useful for landscape ecological planning in Beijing region.  相似文献   
1Introduction Seaiceplaysanimportantroleinmoderating heatandmoistureexchangesbetweentheatmosphere andtheoceanathighlatitudes.Seaicealsointeracts withthebroaderclimatesystembythepositiveice albedofeedback(Curryetal.,1995),whichamplifies projectedclimatewarmingatthehighlatitudes,andby theoceanicfeedbackinvolvingicegrowthandmelt, whichinfluencesglobalthermohalinecirculation(i.e., theNorthAtlanticDeepWaterandtheAntarcticBot- tomWater)(Walsh,1983;Barryetal.,1993). Recently,theimplementationofas…  相似文献   
为揭示湿地变化剧烈区湿地格局变化过程及规律,利用GIS和RS技术,结合地学信息图谱与空间自相关方法,对1954-2010年三江平原沼泽湿地格局变化及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:1954-2010年三江平原沼泽湿地面积逐渐减少,88.7%的沼泽湿地丧失,湿地斑块数量呈先增加后减少的趋势;三江平原沼泽湿地的空间聚集性逐渐降低,且空间格局由集中连片分布转变为零星散布;降雨量减少、气温升高及径流量减少,是造成沼泽湿地减少的主要原因之一,地形地貌影响到沼泽湿地的丧失程度,以海拔20~80 m的沼泽湿地面积丧失最多。三江平原沼泽湿地的丧失同时受农业开发、居民点分布、湿地保护区建设影响,距居民点越近,沼泽湿地面积丧失呈指数增加,距保护区越近,沼泽湿地面积丧失越多。  相似文献   
在山东半岛北部近海海域进行了多条剖面的声波探测,初步查明了蓬莱-威海断裂带的基本活动特征.该断裂带由一系列北西走向的次级断层组成,主体在长岛至大竹岛之间的海域,多数断层以正断兼有走滑运动为主,部分断层具有逆冲运动性质.断裂带在第四纪活动明显,以北东向桃村-东陡山断裂在海域的延伸段为界,蓬莱-威海断裂带可分为两段:长岛-烟台段和烟台-威海段.西段长岛-烟台段为晚更新世活动段,多数次级断层上断点埋深位于海底以下30m,明显错断了中更新世地层,部分断层明显错断了晚更新世早期地层,有些断层达到晚更新世地层中部,但没有发现全新世地层错动现象.东段烟台-威海段为中更新世活动段,没有发现晚更新世地层错断现象.蓬莱-威海断裂带对历史地震和现代小震活动具有明显控制作用,其中1548年7级地震发生于断裂带西段,1948年6级地震发生于断裂带东段.蓬莱-威海断裂带与北东向断裂交汇区是中强地震发生的有利部位.  相似文献   
A depth map (close to that of the thermocline as defined by 20℃) of climatically maximum seatemperature anomaly was created at the subsurface of the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean, based on which the evolving sea-temperature anomaly at this depth map from 1960 to 2000 was statistically analyzed. It is noted that the evolving sea temperature anomaly at this depth map can be better analyzed than the evolving sea surface one. For example, during the ENSO event in the tropical Pacific, the seatemperature anomaly signals travel counter-clockwise within the range of 10°S-10°N, and while moving, the signals change in intensity or even type. If Dipole is used in the tropical Indian Ocean for analyzing the depth map of maximum sea-temperature anomaly, the sea-temperature anomalies of the eastern and western Indian Oceans would be negatively correlated in statistical sense (Dipole in real physical sense), which is unlike the sea surface temperature anomaly based analysis which demonstrates that the inter-annual positive and negative changes only occur on the gradients of the western and eastern temperature anomalies. Further analysis shows that the development of ENSO and Dipole has a time lag features statistically, with the sea-temperature anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific changing earlier (by three months or so). And the linkage between these two changes is a pair of coupled evolving Walker circulations that move reversely in the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans.  相似文献   
在引力位虚拟压缩恢复法的基础上,进一步发展该法,使其适合于任意一个正则调和函数u.对于任意一个有限单连通形体Ω(其边界是简单封闭曲面),假如给定了边值u| ,并且假定u在上述形体的外部调和,在无穷远处正则,则可根据虚拟压缩恢复思想精确而严密地求出整个外部空间的u场.于是,可将虚拟压缩恢复法提升为虚拟压缩恢复原理.作为一个应用实例,本文简明地给出了Bierhammar理论所需要的虚拟重力异常.  相似文献   
Shale gas reservoirs develop multi-scale pores ranging in size from nanometer to micrometer, the characteristics of gas transport involve the multi-scale pore space which divided into organic and inorganic matrix pores. This paper reveals the shale pore structure with large amounts of organic mesoporous based on the techniques of focused ion beam scanning electron microscopes (FIB-SEM), high-pressure mercury intrusion (MICP), and low-pressure adsorption (LPA), which also shows the size and distribution of these pores. Then the research characterizes effective pore scale via circular tube bundle model with due regard for gas adsorption layer thickness on the walls of organic pores and water film thickness on the walls of inorganic pores, and the investigation of shale pore geometry is significant for designing and developing shale gas reservoirs. This work shows that the widely existing shale mesoporous volume with diameter of 2~50 nm accounts for 81% based on experimental testing, then it reduces to about 76% via effective diameter model calculation.  相似文献   
利用1971—2016年辽宁省61个气象站气温、地表温度、积雪日数和积雪深度资料,分析了积雪的保温作用及其对地气温差的影响。结果表明:更换自动站前后地表温度观测方式的差异导致地气温差显著增大,地气温差的增大程度受所在区域积雪日数、积雪深度的影响显著。在积雪期较长、积雪较厚的地区,积雪引起反照率增大,使得雪面温度降低,导致雪气温差减小,而雪的保温作用使得地气温差显著增大。因此,更换自动站前地(雪)气温差与积雪日数呈显著负相关,而更换自动站后地气温差与积雪日数呈显著正相关。各台站之间地气温差随积雪深度的变化系数差异较大,为0.045~0.858 ℃?cm-1,在年平均积雪日数<40 d、年平均极端积雪深度<10 cm的区域,积雪的保温作用随积雪深度增大而显著增大;在年平均积雪日数>40 d、年平均极端积雪深度>10 cm的区域,10 cm以下的积雪对土壤保温作用随积雪深度增大显著,当积雪深度>10 cm后,其保温作用随积雪深度增大的幅度明显减小。  相似文献   
针对目前我国减灾服务重决策轻预警,减灾服务技术、系统、应用集成不够,尚缺乏完善的一体化综合减灾智能服务体系现状。该文从测绘地理信息视角,分析了室内外一体化应急定位、多源应急数据融合、灾害场景可视化、灾害模型分析服务等关键技术,构建了一体化综合减灾智能服务原型系统,并在国家基础地理信息中心和陕西省的相关应急部门进行了实际应用,实现了应急信息的一体化感知、定位、融合、分析、服务,为我国综合减灾决策分析提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
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