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万永坤  董锁成  王菲  李泽红  李富佳  李俊 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1890-1898
区域差异历来是国内外学者关注的热点问题,区域差异长期扩大、过分悬殊,会产生严重的负面影响;而处于转轨时期的俄罗斯,由于各种矛盾导致经济发展缓慢、区域差异不断扩大。针对俄罗斯东部地区人口分布特点,利用超越对数计量模型深入分析后发现,俄罗斯东部地区科技贡献率都较低,经济增长主要是依靠劳动力和物质资本的投入,并且劳动力对经济贡献率远高出物质资本的贡献率。要转化优势、加快经济增长,就必须把自然资源与科技创新和劳动力发展等结合起来,提高人力与物质资本的直接产出弹性和外溢弹性,是俄罗斯东部、乃至整个俄联邦增强经济实力,在国际贸易中争取最大利益的重要途径之一。  相似文献   
以添加不同掺量填料的氯氧镁水泥(MOC)试件为基体,在空气和碳化箱中分别养护至规定龄期,研究碳化对掺加填料MOC力学性能的影响,并与空气环境进行对比,运用XRD和SEM分析碳化后水化产物和微观结构的变化规律。结果表明,28 d龄期内,随着填料掺量的增加MOC试件碳化后的抗折强度均有所增加,碳化后的抗压强度均有提升,碳化过程反应生成了MgCO_3,不同碳化龄期的主要物相均为5Mg(OH)_2·MgCl_2·8H_2O(5相),而掺加填料不影响MOC的水化产物的组成。  相似文献   
文章从处理钻孔所揭露出的岩体构造资料入手,提出了位于类似热带地区的具有基岩露头少、堆积层厚大、矿体埋藏条件适宜露天开采等特征的矿床的露天采矿中确定推荐边坡角的一种方法。通过详细收集弱风化及未风化且节理开启或由方解石、石膏、粘土等软弱矿物充填的岩石的岩体构造特征,图解统计节理发育密度、节理与岩芯轴夹角随钻孔深度变化关系,并以相应钻孔深度倾角标准离差作修正,提出不同露天开采深度与稳定边坡角的关系。  相似文献   
The latest Cretaceous magmatic activity in the eastern segment of the Lhasa terrane provides important insights for tracking the magma source and geodynamic setting of the eastern Gangdese batholith, eastward of eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. Detailed petrological, geochemical and geochronological studies of the intrusive rocks (monzodiorites and granodiorites) of the eastern Gangdese batholith are presented with monzodiorites and granodiorites giving zircon U–Pb crystallization dates of 70–66 Ma and 71–66 Ma with εHf(t) values of ?4.8 to +6.2 and ?1.9 to +5.3, respectively. These rocks are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous I-type granites showing geochemically arc-related features of enrichment in LREEs and some LILEs, e.g., Rb, Th, and U, and depletion in HREEs and some HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, and Ti. The rocks are interpreted to be derived from partial melting of mantle material and juvenile crust, respectively, which are proposed to be triggered by Neo-Tethyan slab rollback during northward subduction, with both experiencing ancient crustal contamination. The studied intrusive rocks formed in a transitional geodynamic setting caused by Neo-Tethyan oceanic flat subduction to slab rollback beneath the eastern Gangdese belt during the latest Cretaceous.  相似文献   
我国磷矿资源丰富,但是磷矿石的平均品位较低,面对传统选矿工艺的诸多问题,本文采用生物浸矿方法,研究了嗜酸氧化硫硫杆菌对中低品位磷矿的浸磷效果。研究结果表明:嗜酸氧化硫硫杆菌对磷的浸出率随磷矿粉量的增加而降低;磷矿粉浓度为2 g/L时,磷的浸出率可达95%以上;磷矿粉浓度为15 g/L时,浸出45d,磷的浸出量最大,为179.56 mg;在溶磷过程中,溶液的pH逐渐降低,最后稳定在2.0左右,pH最大降幅达4.45。嗜酸氧化硫硫杆菌对中低品位磷矿中磷的浸出有很好的效果。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西部古岩盐地质地球化学特征与成钾条件分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
塔里木盆地是我国重要的成盐盆地,为我国最有远景的找古钾矿地区之一。本文通过多年野外实地调查和大量岩盐样品的化学分析,特别是岩盐中可以指示沉积阶段的Br×103/Cl系数等区域分布特征,联系前人研究资料,分别从构造环境、地层和岩相古地理、地球化学特征等方面进行了成钾条件分析。结果表明,莎车盆地西部喀什坳陷和库车盆地中部拜城坳陷宏观地质特征均有利于钾盐沉积;岩盐地球化学组成相对于正常海相沉积表现出明显的贫Br特征,属海陆交互相或海源陆相沉积。相比之下,莎车盆地的喀什次级坳陷是目前最有前景的找钾远景区。  相似文献   
South China as an amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks is composed of Archean to Mesoproterozoic basement overlain by Neoproterozoic and younger cover. Both the constituent Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks contain well-preserved Neoproterozoic rocks that have been extensively studied in terms of the age and tectonic nature, but less is known about their earlier crustal history due to the incomplete rock record. Recent efforts in investigating the yet survived crustal nature based on isotopic and elemental signatures preserved in igneous and sedimentary rocks have steadily improved our knowledge about the pre-Neoproterozoic continental crustal evolution in South China. In this paper, we summarize the up-to-date pre-Neoproterozoic records, including petrological, geochronological, geochemical and geophysical data, across South China, and discuss its spatiotemporal patterns of the pre-Neoproterozoic crust and the relevant tectonic events. While the xenocrystic/inherited and detrital zircon records suggest widespread Archean (mainly ca. 2.5 Ga) crustal components within both the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, exposed Archean rocks are only limited to isolated crustal provinces in the Yangtze Block. These Archean rocks are dominated by TTGs (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) with varied ages (3.3–2.5 Ga) and zircon Hf isotopes, indicating a compositionally heterogeneous nature of the Archean Yangtze Block and, by inference, the development of multiple ancient terranes. The early Paleoproterozoic (2.4–2.2 Ga) tectonomagmatic events characterize the western Yangtze Block and are supportive of an east-west subdivision of the Yangtze basement, whereas the late Paleoproterozoic (2.1–1.7 Ga) orogeneses may have affected a larger area covering both the western and eastern parts of the Yangtze Block, and also the Cathaysia Block. The eastern Yangtze Block with generally northeastward-younging late Paleoproterozoic magmatism and metamorphism likely experienced a prolonged 2.05–1.75 Ga orogenic process welding the various Archean proto-continents, consistent with the documentation of a buried late Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt imaged by deep seismic profiling from its central part and of a slightly older ophiolitic mélange in the northern part. The Cathaysia Block was probably involved in a short-lived 1.9–1.8 Ga orogenic event. The two orogeneses overlapped in time and may have contributed to the cratonization of a possible unified South China, and are referred to be linked with the assembly of the Nuna Supercontinent. The subsequent late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic rift successions and intrusions (1.7–1.5 Ga) in the southwestern Yangtze Block, and the ca. 1.43 Ga rifting in Hainan Island of the Cathaysia Block could be responses to the Nuna break-up. Late Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.0 Ga) magmatism of varied age and nature in different localities of the Yangtze Block is reflective of a complex tectonic process in the context of the assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent. Similar-aged metamorphism (1.3–1.0 Ga) is recorded in Hainan Island, reflecting the Grenvillian continental collision during the Rodinia assembly, but further studies are necessary to better constrain the late Mesoproterozoic tectonic framework of South China.  相似文献   
东天山东戈壁钼矿辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东戈壁钼矿位于新疆东天山哈密库姆塔格沙垄东侧,康古尔断裂与雅满苏断裂之间.矿体赋存于隐伏斑状钾长花岗岩体上部,赋矿岩石为下石炭统干墩组变质泥质砂岩、变质砂质泥岩、变质砂岩等.矿石矿物主要为辉钼矿、黄铁矿,微量黄铜矿、金红石、方铅矿、闪锌矿,白钨矿、钛铁矿等,石英脉和裂隙发育部位发育辉钼矿,形成矿区内的富矿体.对辉钼矿中的Re-Os同位素年龄测定,获得矿床形成的等时线年龄为(231.1±1.5) Ma,加权平均年龄为(232.3±1.2) Ma,成矿时代为中三叠世.该矿床测年结果代表了东天山地区印支期一次成矿作用的高峰,为重建东天山地区中生代以来岩浆演化与成矿作用提供了科学依据和重要线索.  相似文献   
RADARSAT数字图像积雪覆盖下地物解译方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用加拿大RADARSAT雷达数字图像,以新疆阿勒泰地区阿勒泰市、布尔津、吉木乃、哈巴河、福海5个县(市)为典型试验区,研究了积雪覆盖下雷达遥感图像地物解译的基本原理和几何纠正方法,比较分析了标准模式的地理参考高分辨率合成孔径雷达图像与经过亮度增强、边缘增强、图像增强、斑点压缩和纹理分析处理的图像上地物目视解译的特点,建立了积雪覆盖下雷达图像上耕地、水系、交通道路、居民地等与抗灾救灾密切相关的地物的解译标志。结果表明,可弥补可见光及近红外遥感积雪监测的缺陷,为雪灾发生区的救援决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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