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1989年中日青藏高原冰川联合考察研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
苏北—滨海断裂在江苏以北的存在与活动性长期以来存在争议。本研究通过小多道地震探测技术,对苏北—滨海断裂北段及附近海域进行探测,识别出4个反射界面,将研究区第四纪地层划分为4个地震层序,分别对应全新世、晚更新世、中更新世和早更新世4个地质时期。对照区域地质构造,对地震剖面断点进行分析,认为断点F1、F2、F3、F4、F8、F9、F10对应为苏北—滨海断裂,断裂错动的最新地层为晚更新世,因此推断苏北—滨海断裂为晚更新世活动断裂。  相似文献   
华夏家谱GIS的数据组织与系统架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华夏文明源远流长,家谱、正史与方志共同构成了中华文明史的三个重要成分,其中,家谱以家族中的个人信息为基本记录单元,以人与人之间的关系为框架,形成了富有中国特色的对家族从空间分布到时间演化的完整描述体系,家谱资料的蕴含信息和记录粒度是其他历史资料所不能比拟的。家谱GIS扩展了现有家谱信息描述的概念,通过强化其中蕴含的空间信息,以家族谱系为基础,在空间信息技术的支持下,重构个人的空间活动,重现一个家族的兴衰、繁衍与变迁,实现从宏观到微观角度家族历史的全面地反映。本文分析了家谱与GIS的关系,提出了家谱GIS构建所必须的统一的历史地理时空描述框架;在此基础上分析了家谱中信息的组织模式,设计了的家谱的核心数据模型;在Web2.0理念下,以公众参与的开放式系统构建为基础,设计了家谱GIS的系统架构并进行了系统实现。  相似文献   
中国高校"双一流"建设要求培养兼备专业能力与国际竞争力人才,而双语教学则是一条有效途径.以CIPP(context,input,process,product)课程评价模型为理论依据,根据测绘地理信息类专业双语教学的特点,从背景评估、输入评估、过程评估、成果评估4个方面构建了测绘地理信息类专业双语课程评价指标体系,为提...  相似文献   
北京一次罕见夜间突发性强增温事件成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗然  郑永光  陈敏 《气象》2020,46(4):478-489
夜间降温是正常的地表气温日变化,但统计表明北京及周边地区冬半年时常出现入夜后气温不降反升的现象,甚至出现了小时升温超过10℃的剧烈增温事件。这种增温具有明显的突发性,且很快转为降温,常对业务预报造成困扰。2010年11月26日夜间冷锋过境该区域造成了最强达12℃·h^-1的夜间急剧增温事件,与气候统计结果相比,该次增温幅度和影响区域范围非常罕见且极端。文章对其进行了详细诊断分析,使用的资料包括自动气象站、常规地面和探空、铁塔、卫星、风廓线雷达等观测资料和美国环境预报中心(NCEP)最终分析资料。分析结果表明:该次过程对流层低层有非常显著的冷平流;垂直速度诊断、卫星和风廓线雷达观测都表明,对流层中低层都存在显著的强下沉运动;铁塔观测和北京探空观测演变都表明增温过程中近地面大气有显著的湍流运动。分析此次罕见过程的机理包括三个方面:高原地区地面位温显著高于平原地区(二者最大可差10 K),是该次罕见增温事件形成的首要条件;强下沉运动使得低密度高位温空气强迫下沉到边界层,是增温必要条件;强湍流混合作用则是地面空气增温的必要机制。估算结果表明,边界层急流伴随的强湍流混合可引起约8℃的罕见地面空气增温。最后,给出了该次事件的机理概念模型。  相似文献   
对2017年11月1日—2018年1月31日与2018年11月1日—2019年1月31日连续两年青岛市大气PM1进行监测,获取了PM1中含碳组分的变化趋势,结合国控站点监测数据和气象条件,分析了秋冬季PM1来源.结果表明:2017、2018年秋冬季观测期间PM1日均质量浓度分别为40.58±25.98、42.55±25.05 μg/m3;霾日质量浓度分别为84.71±16.70、81.52±18.39 μg/m3.与2017年相比,2018年同期PM1质量浓度增长4.85%,霾日下降3.76%.2017年霾日PM1中OC、EC质量浓度分别为13.67±3.95、3.95±1.02 μg/m3,2018年分别为16.48±6.34、3.34±1.16 μg/m3.与2017年相比,2018年霾日OC质量浓度增长20.56%,EC下降15.44%.2017、2018年霾日SOC质量浓度分别是非霾日的1.28和2.15倍,表明霾污染发生时易发生有机碳二次转化.含碳组分主成分分析均解析出3个因子.因子1解释变量均最大,分别为58.98%、67.14%,其表征含碳组分主要源于生物质燃烧、燃煤、道路扬尘及汽油车尾气等排放源.由后向气流轨迹分析得出,2017、2018年秋冬季气团轨迹多起源于内蒙古,经河北、天津、山东等省市抵达青岛.  相似文献   
Since the 20th century, numerous Quaternary moraine dating methods have emerged, including lichenometric, moraine 14C, quartz sand thermoluminescence (TL), electron spin resonance (ESR), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 10Be, 26A1, 36C1, 3H, 21Ne nuclide dating methods. These dating methods are widely applied to determine moraine ages and have provided a large dataset. Unfortunately each method has its defects. In this paper, we will review these various dating methods and provide some comments.  相似文献   
With the goal of model fitting species abundance distribution patterns of the tree, shrub and herb layers of the natural Toona ciliata community in Xingdoushan Nature Reserve, Enshi Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province, we used the data collected from the field survey and employed different ecological niche models. The models tested were the broken stick model (BSM), the overlapping niche model (ONM) and the niche preemption model (NPM), as well as three statistic models, the log-series distribution model (LSD), the log-normal distribution model (LND) and the Weibull distribution model (WDM). To determine the fitted model most suitable to each layer, the fitting effects were judged by criteria of the lowest value of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Chi-square and the K-S values with no significant difference (P>0.05) between the theoretical predictions and observed species abundance distribution values. The result showed: (1) The fitting suitability and goodness of fit of the tree, shrub and herb layers by using the three ecological niche models were ranked as: NPM>BSM>ONM. Of the three statistical models, by accepting the fitting results of the three layers, WDM was the best fitting model, followed by LND. By rejecting the fitting tests of the herb layer, LSD had the worst fitting effect. The goodness of the statistical models was ranked as: WDM>LND>LSD. In general, the statistical models had better fitting results than the ecological models. (2) T. ciliata was the dominant species of the tree layer. The species richness and diversity of the herb layer were much higher than those of either the tree layer or the shrub layer. The species richness and diversity of the shrub layer were slightly higher than those of the tree layer. The community evenness accorded to the following order: herb>shrub>tree. Considering the fitting results of the different layers, different ecological niche models or statistical models with optimal goodness of fit and ecological significance can be given priority to in studying the species abundance distribution patterns of T. ciliata communities.  相似文献   
内蒙古四子王旗黑脑包岩体位于华北板块北缘早古生代增生造山带,主要由花岗闪长岩和花岗斑岩组成。对花岗闪长岩进行La-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,获得四子王旗黑脑包侵入岩体的2个侵位年龄为407.4±4.7 Ma和268.0±2.7 Ma,分别代表洋陆俯冲事件以及陆陆碰撞事件年龄。岩石地球化学数据显示,四子王旗黑脑包岩体属钙碱性系列,逐步向低钾拉斑系列靠近,并且亏损高场强元素。同位素地质年龄及地球化学数据表明,样品具有同碰撞花岗岩特征。结合区域大地构造背景认为,四子王旗黑脑包地区主要构造背景为西伯利亚板块与华北板块之间俯冲、碰撞和对接过程,属古亚洲洋构造域,而后期的构造演化还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
Phenotypic and genetic parameters for growth-related traits in the half-smooth tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis, were estimated in 22 full-sib families produced by normal and neo-male breeding stocks. As phenotypic males with female genotypes, neo-males are harmful in C. semilaevis aquaculture because they reduce overall production. The present study evaluated the difference in the growth-related traits: total length (TL), body weight (BW) and square root of body weight (SQ_BW) at the age of 570 days between normal and neo-male offspring (neo-males used as male parents). The difference in the proportion of females between normal and neo-male offspring was also assessed. Based on the linear mixed model, restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) were used to estimate various (co)variance components and estimated breeding values (EBVs) of growth-related traits. As a result, all the mean values of the three studied traits were significantly larger in normal offspring than in neo-male offspring. Additionally, the female proportion was significantly larger in normal offspring than in neo-male offspring. Heritability was 0.128±0.066 2 for TL, 0.128±0.065 5 for BW and 0.132±0.062 9 for SQ_BW, all of which were low level heritabilities. The correlation coefficients of EBVs and phenotypic values of the target traits were 0.516 for TL, 0.524 for BW and 0.506 for SQ_BW, all of which were highly significant (P <0.01). Genetic correlations among TL, BW and SQ_BW were positive high (0.921–0.969) and higher than those of phenotype (0.711–0.748), both of which had low standard errors (0.063–0.123 for genotype, and 0.010–0.018 for phenotype). Compared with normal offspring, neo-male offspring have lower breeding values for each studied trait through EBVs comparison. Therefore, neo-male offspring should not be used as broodstock in a C. semilaevis breeding programs.  相似文献   
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