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A marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. BC228 was supplemented to feed in a feeding experiment aiming to determine its ability of enhancing the digestive enzyme activity and immune response of juvenile Apostichopus japonicus. Sea cucumber individuals were fed with the diets containing 0(control), 105, 107 and 109 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 for 45 days. Results showed that intestinal trypsin and lipase activities were significantly enhanced by 107 and 109 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 in comparison with control(P 0.01). The phagocytic activity in the coelomocytes of sea cucumber fed the diet supplemented with 107 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 was significantly higher than that of those fed control diet(P 0.05). In addition, 105 and 107 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 significantly enhanced lysozyme and phenoloxidase activities in the coelomic fluid of sea cucumber, respectively, in comparison with other diets(P 0.01). Sea cucumbers, 10 each diet, were challenged with Vibrio splendidus NB13 after 45 days of feeding. It was found that the cumulative incidence and mortality of sea cucumber fed with BC228 containing diets were lower than those of animals fed control diet. Our findings evidenced that BC228 supplemented in diets improved the digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber, stimulated its immune response and enhanced its resistance to the infection of V. splendidus.  相似文献   
An Arctic Ocean eddy in sub-surface layer is analyzed in this paper by use of temperature,salinity and current profiles data obtained at an ice camp in the Canada Basin during the second Chinese Arctic Expedition in summer of 2003.In the vertical temperature section,the eddy shows itself as an isolated cold water block at depth of 60 m with a minimum temperature of-1.5℃,about 0.5℃ colder than the ambient water.Isopycnals in the eddy form a pattern of convex,which indicates the eddy is anticyclonic.Although maximum velocity near 0.4 m s-1 occurs in the current records observed synchronously,the current pattern is far away from a typical eddy.By further analysis,inertial frequency oscillations with amplitudes comparable with the eddy velocity are found in the sub-surface layer currents.After filter the inertial current and mean current,an axisymmetric current pattern of an eddy with maximum velocity radius of 5 km is obtained.The analysis of the T-S characteristics of the eddy core water and its ambient waters supports the conclusion that the eddy was formed on the Chukchi Shelf and migrated northeastward into the northern Canada Basin.  相似文献   
Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau play an important role in the local hydrological cycle. However, there are only few studies on groundwater in the alpine basins in the Tibetan Plateau which considered the effects of glaciers. Glaciers are extensively distributed in the Dongkemadi River Basin, which is a representative alpine basin in the Yangtze River source region. This study focuses on building a numerical groundwater flow model with glaciations using HydroGeoSphere (HGS) to simulate subglacial meltwater recharge to groundwater in the Dongkemadi River Basin in response to future climate changes. Effects of hydraulic conductivity, precipitation, and temperature on subglacial meltwater recharge to groundwater were discussed. Glacier changes in the future 50 years were predicted under different climate change scenarios. Results show that: (1) the average thickness of the glacier will change significantly; (2) the simulated rate of annual mean subglacial meltwater recharge to groundwater is 4.58 mm, which accounts for 6.33% of total groundwater recharge; and (3) hydraulic conductivity has the largest influence on subglacial meltwater recharge to groundwater, followed by temperature and precipitation. Results of this study are also important to sustainable water resource usage in the Yangtze River source region.  相似文献   
1989年中日青藏高原冰川联合考察研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对2017年11月1日—2018年1月31日与2018年11月1日—2019年1月31日连续两年青岛市大气PM1进行监测,获取了PM1中含碳组分的变化趋势,结合国控站点监测数据和气象条件,分析了秋冬季PM1来源.结果表明:2017、2018年秋冬季观测期间PM1日均质量浓度分别为40.58±25.98、42.55±25.05 μg/m3;霾日质量浓度分别为84.71±16.70、81.52±18.39 μg/m3.与2017年相比,2018年同期PM1质量浓度增长4.85%,霾日下降3.76%.2017年霾日PM1中OC、EC质量浓度分别为13.67±3.95、3.95±1.02 μg/m3,2018年分别为16.48±6.34、3.34±1.16 μg/m3.与2017年相比,2018年霾日OC质量浓度增长20.56%,EC下降15.44%.2017、2018年霾日SOC质量浓度分别是非霾日的1.28和2.15倍,表明霾污染发生时易发生有机碳二次转化.含碳组分主成分分析均解析出3个因子.因子1解释变量均最大,分别为58.98%、67.14%,其表征含碳组分主要源于生物质燃烧、燃煤、道路扬尘及汽油车尾气等排放源.由后向气流轨迹分析得出,2017、2018年秋冬季气团轨迹多起源于内蒙古,经河北、天津、山东等省市抵达青岛.  相似文献   
Since the 20th century, numerous Quaternary moraine dating methods have emerged, including lichenometric, moraine 14C, quartz sand thermoluminescence (TL), electron spin resonance (ESR), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 10Be, 26A1, 36C1, 3H, 21Ne nuclide dating methods. These dating methods are widely applied to determine moraine ages and have provided a large dataset. Unfortunately each method has its defects. In this paper, we will review these various dating methods and provide some comments.  相似文献   
Biodegradation is one of the main natural attenuation processes in groundwater contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. In this work, preliminary studies have been carried out by analyzing the concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dominant terminal electron accepters or donors, as well as δ 13CDIC and δ 34SSO4, to reveal the biodegradation mechanism of petroleum hydrocarbons in a contaminated site. The results show that along groundwater flow in the central line of the plume, the concentrations of electron acceptors, pH, and E h increased but TPH and DIC decreased. The δ 13CDIC values of the contaminated groundwater were in the range of ?14.02 to ?22.28 ‰PDB and ?7.71 to 8.36 ‰PDB, which reflected a significant depletion and enrichment of 13C, respectively. The increase of DIC is believed to result from the non-methanogenic and methanogenic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon in groundwater. Meanwhile, from the contaminated source to the downgradient of the plume, the 34S in the contaminated groundwater became more depleted. The Rayleigh model calculation confirmed the occurrence of bacterial sulfate reduction as a biodegradation pathway of the petroleum hydrocarbon in the contaminated aquifers. It was concluded that stable isotope measurements, combined with other biogeochemical measurements, can be a useful tool to prove the occurrence of the biodegradation process and to identify the dominant terminal electron-accepting process in contaminated aquifers.  相似文献   
罗布泊罗北凹地第四系上部盐层中蕴藏丰富的卤水,卤水中则富含钾(KCl平均品位为1.40%)。文章通过对罗布泊卤水氢、氧、锶及硫同位素等分析及与塔里木盆地(河流)、柴达木盆地等地区对比研究,确定了罗布泊富钾卤水源于地表水,可能主要是塔里木盆地南北缘河流水;卤水中的硫钾等物质组分主要来源于南天山、塔里木盆地西北、西南部中新生代石膏钙芒硝石盐矿床或地层及其古代地层卤水。由于第四纪期间塔里木盆地西部抬升。  相似文献   
韩佳芮  严中伟  矫梅燕  叶谦  赵琳娜 《气象》2011,37(6):649-658
基于近年来涌现的有关新一代气象预报系统发展的认识,本文提出用户导向的交互式预报系统的概念模型。新系统强调在用户信息分析的基础上,发展从用户出发再回到用户不断自我改善的预报流程。系统组成的关键模块包括:用户端风险决策动态需求分析模块、物理预测模块、用户目标量的降尺度模块,用户端专业耦合模块及用户风险决策模块。文中阐述了系统中各模块间的联系、用户端信息在系统中的反馈作用以及具体的“交互式”方式。以临沂地区水文用户为例,以引发洪涝的降水事件为预报对象,利用TIGGE全球超集合预报,初步构建了一个临沂水文用户导向的可能致洪降水交互式预报系统。这个具备迭代式自我完善功能的新型预报系统包含了汛期随时变化的用户决策信息、由前期影响雨量和当前水文条件决定的可变致洪降水阈值以及一个动态的用户端预报水平和不确定性评估模块。初步结果表明,结合用户端信息的预报优于未考虑用户信息的预报结果,从而更直接地帮助用户进行防汛决策。个例研究也为发展更完整的用户导向预报系统提供了参考。  相似文献   
讨论了网箱养殖、工厂化养殖和野生褐牙鲆的外观差异,对比分析了不同生长环境下褐牙鲆的肌肉营养成分和营养学价值。结果显示:网箱养殖的褐牙鲆体形、体色更接近野生褐牙鲆,即有眼侧呈深褐色,无眼侧呈白色;工厂化养殖褐牙鲆有眼侧体色较暗,无眼侧有黑斑。网箱养殖褐牙鲆脂肪含量(2.5%)远低于工厂化养殖的褐牙鲆(4.2%),而接近于野生的褐牙鲆(1.4%);网箱养殖褐牙鲆水分含量比工厂化养殖的高,也更接近野生的褐牙鲆。3种生长环境的褐牙鲆,氨基酸组成是一致的,而且各项比值也都符合FAO/WHO的标准。对比分析必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)和EPA+DPA、SFA、MUFA、PUFA等指标,网箱养殖褐牙鲆均要高于工厂化养殖褐牙鲆,接近而又优于野生的褐牙鲆。在矿物质含量方面,3种生长环境下的褐牙鲆差异不明显。综合各项指标分析,在褐牙鲆的3种生长环境中,网箱养殖的褐牙鲆要优于工厂化养殖的褐牙鲆,而更接近于野生的褐牙鲆。  相似文献   
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