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A systematic assessment of Planctomycetales diversity in a South China Sea, deep‐sea sediment (1657 m) was conducted using the 16S rRNA gene analysis approach. PCR amplification of the samples from seven sediment layers (0.1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 m below the surface sediment) using the primer set Pla‐46‐F/1392‐R showed that the Planctomycetales existed within a limited range of sediment depths (≤ 5 m), and had a decreasing trend in diversity with increasing depth. The majority of the retrieved Pla‐46‐F/1392‐R sequences belonged to Pirellula‐related Planctomycetales, and two sequences retrieved from the 0.1‐m layer (GenBank accession numbers: DQ996944 and DQ996945 ) shared the same anammox‐related signature oligonucleotides and were closely related to commonly recognized anammox organisms. To identify new anammox‐related biomarkers, three primer sets were designed for amplifying the fragments of hydroxylamine oxidoreductase and S‐adenosylmethionine radical enzyme genes, but no related sequences were found. Our multiple 16S rRNA gene primer sets (Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology, 2008, in press) revealed even an higher diversity of Planctomycetales in the 0.1‐m layer of the sediment, especially at genus level. Our data profiled the distribution pattern of Planctomycetales diversity along sediment depths, and provided molecular evidence for the existence of anammox‐related bacteria in a new location, which broadens our understanding of Planctomycetales diversity in deep sea sediments.  相似文献   
The genome of green microalgae has rarely been reported. Ulva prolifera is a green microalga that has received much attention. Despite research articles about U...  相似文献   
<正>Erratum to:Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology Vol.31 No.6,P.1190-1195,2013http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00343-013-3049-3The supporting grant information on the footnote of the original version of this article needs to be altered and updated.The new information is given below.  相似文献   
根据定位观测、第一次全国水利普查、遥感影像解译的数据,利用MWP、双累计曲线、水土保持分析法、数学模拟等方法,分析了黄河上游水沙变化特征,评估了多元驱动因素对2000-2012年黄河下河沿-头道拐沙漠宽谷段水沙变化的贡献率。结果表明:与20世纪70年代以前的基准期相比,2000年以来径流量、输沙量同步减少,水沙关系也发生变化,单位径流量的输沙量明显减少;沙漠宽谷段径流量减幅沿程不断增加而输沙量减幅沿程变化不大,水沙年内分配较基准期发生倒置,来沙系数不断减小;灌区引水引沙、水土保持措施、水库拦沙、支流来水来沙、水库调蓄及河道冲淤是沙漠宽谷段水沙变化的主要影响因子;经济社会发展用水对沙漠宽谷段径流量减少的作用最大,贡献率为81%,其次是水库蓄泄量,占15%以上;水库拦沙对头道拐输沙量减少的贡献率最大,占41%,其次是支流水土保持措施,贡献率约占13%,入黄风沙减少的贡献率并不大,约为6%,而河道淤积量、灌区引沙量较基准期都是减少的,贡献率分别约为-41%和-8%;近10多年来降雨等自然因素对水沙变化的作用相对不大,起主要作用的是水库运用、水土保持、经济社会发展等人类活动因素。  相似文献   
A new approach to high-order Boussinesq-type equations with ambient currents is presented. The current velocity is assumed to be uniform over depth and of the same magnitude as the shallow water wave celerity. The wave velocity field is expressed in terms of the horizontal and vertical wave velocity components at an arbitrary water depth level. Linear operators are introduced to improve the accuracy of the kinematic condition at the sea bottom. The dynamic and kinematic conditions at the free surface are expressed in terms of wave velocity variables defined directly on the free surface. The new equations provide high accuracy of linear properties as well as nonlinear properties from shallow to deep water, and extend the applicable range of relative water depth in the case of opposing currents.  相似文献   
利用实测资料对比和FVCOM数值模拟等方法,研究了"利奇马"台风风暴潮在渤海的演变规律。研究表明:渤海沿岸的风暴潮过程是由局地风"直接作用"及外部天气系统"间接影响"共同作用引起的,且它们引起的风暴潮时空分布明显不同。在"利奇马"台风风暴潮中,"直接作用"引起的风暴增水在渤海湾和莱州湾沿岸分别约占总风暴增水的2/3和1/2。  相似文献   
Under normal temperature, the creep experiments with complete samples of Gabbro and Marble rocks are made under uniaxial compression. It is found that at the instantaneous creeping stage, AE activities increase with loading; at the steady creeping stage, large AE signals may appear at lower background of AE action, andm—value which shows the relationship between AE amplitude and frequency keeps stable on the low value or decreases; at the accelerate creeping stage, AE activities increase andm—value decreases quickly or decreases again after recovery. These experimental results are related to the quality of the samples. In this paper, AE activities during three stages of creeping process are connected with the seismic patterns (for exampleb—value, foreshocks). Finally, it is pointed out the possibility that the foreshock—mainshock—aftershock earthquake sequence has been formed by the mechanism of creep fracture of crustal rocks. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 104–112, 1991. This subject is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Microbial D-amino acids and marine carbon storage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In nature, there are two conformational types of amino acids: L- and D-isomers. The L-amino acids are the predominant form and are used mainly for protein synthesis, while the D-amino acids are few in quantity but more diverse in terms of their biological functions. D-amino acids are produced by many marine microbes, which are important players in carbon and energy cycles in the ocean. As the major constituent of the marine organic carbon pool, D-amino acids can persist in the water column for a long time before being further transformed by chemical or biological processes or transported through physical processes (such as absorption and aggregation). This article reviews the microbial synthesis of D-amino acids, their physiological function and metabolism in microbes, and the contribution of D-amino acids as a carbon source to the oceanic carbon reservoir.  相似文献   
以山西省地震局地震科技图书馆为例 ,阐述了建立地震科技文献信息网的必要性和网络化建设构想。提出了电子阅览室的设想和实现途径 ,并对网络管理员的特点和基本工作进行了论述  相似文献   
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