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The groundwater of medium salinity refers to the groundwater with a mineralization degree of 2-7 g/L that can be directly or indirectly used for irrigation. This paper determined the distribution area of the groundwater with medium salinity in Tarim Basin, estimated the total amount of recharge resources and exploitable quantity of the groundwater of medium salinity. The irrigation water quality assessment was conducted on the groundwater of medium salinity by using multiple factors and methods. The salt tolerance parameters and irrigation water mineralization control parameters of the cotton in under-mulch-drip irrigation were determined. The under-mulch-drip irritation technology for cotton in groundwater of medium salinity was developed and applied successfully to the demonstration area. The social, economic and ecological effects of this technology as well as the application prospect were analysed. This paper also puts forward two questions that need to be further studied  相似文献   
西风区黄土沉积序列的磁化率变化特征比较复杂,磁化率与成壤强度之间的相关性在不同的区域环境中具有一定的差异。选取塔城地区黄土剖面作为研究对象进行较为系统的磁学特征分析。结果显示,塔城剖面的磁性矿物主要为磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿等亚铁磁性矿物,同时含有一定量的反铁磁性矿物和顺磁性矿物,磁畴状态主要是多畴(MD)和假单畴(PSD)。成壤作用影响单畴(SD)颗粒磁性矿物的相对含量,而对超顺磁(SP)颗粒的贡献有限。影响地层磁学性质的因素比较复杂,粒度与磁学参数的变化与区域的气候波动具有一定的对应关系。古土壤中磁性矿物浓度的降低以及钙积现象可能反映了成壤时期温暖干燥的气候条件,磁性矿物浓度的变化在一定程度上或许是对区域相对湿度状况的反映。  相似文献   
岩溶关键带水文地球化学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶关键带处于岩石、水、土壤、大气、生物五圈交汇地带。正确认识岩溶关键带的结构、特点及其水文地球化学过程是当前地球关键带与岩溶水科学研究的重点问题。本文基于对国内外相关研究成果的归纳整理,剖析了岩溶关键带水文地球化学内涵、岩溶关键带水动力垂向分带、岩溶关键带框架下的水文地球化学过程与机制, 探寻变化环境下岩溶关键带水文地球化学过程演变的规律与驱动机制。指出了当前研究中存在的薄弱环节:目前工作仅停留在传统岩溶地下水科学工作范畴,未从岩溶关键带框架体系的角度考虑植物冠层至岩溶含水层之间水文地球化学过程及其耦合关系,未考虑新污染物持续输入、地球大数据科学工程深入实施、全球碳排放路径逐渐改变等时代因素对岩溶水文地球化学研究的潜在影响。进一步的研究可以从以下方面开展:基于岩溶关键带框架体系的新污染物水文地球化学研究,基于大数据框架体系的岩溶水文地球化学研究,“双碳战略”下的岩溶水文地球化学研究,岩溶关键带水文地球化学驱动的物质转化与能量迁移过程及其耦合以及高分辨率监测、评估与模拟手段的综合应用。  相似文献   
Roots are responsible for the uptake of water and nutrients by plants and have the plasticity to dynamically respond to different environmental conditions. However, most land surface models currently prescribe rooting profiles as a function only of vegetation type, with no consideration of the surroundings. In this study, a dynamic rooting scheme, which describes root growth as a compromise between water and nitrogen availability, was incorporated into CLM4.5 with carbon–nitrogen(CN) interactions(CLM4.5-CN) to investigate the effects of a dynamic root distribution on eco-hydrological modeling. Two paired numerical simulations were conducted for the Tapajos National Forest km83(BRSa3) site and the Amazon, one using CLM4.5-CN without the dynamic rooting scheme and the other including the proposed scheme. Simulations for the BRSa3 site showed that inclusion of the dynamic rooting scheme increased the amplitudes and peak values of diurnal gross primary production(GPP) and latent heat flux(LE) for the dry season, and improved the carbon(C) and water cycle modeling by reducing the RMSE of GPP by 0.4 g C m~(-2)d~(-1), net ecosystem exchange by 1.96 g C m~(-2)d~(-1), LE by 5.0 W m~(-2), and soil moisture by 0.03 m~3m~(-3), at the seasonal scale, compared with eddy flux measurements, while having little impact during the wet season. For the Amazon, regional analysis also revealed that vegetation responses(including GPP and LE) to seasonal drought and the severe drought of 2005 were better captured with the dynamic rooting scheme incorporated.  相似文献   
颉佳  王世金  窦文康  赵灿文 《地理科学》2022,42(6):1064-1072
滑雪场空间分布特征、集聚演变状况与分布方向性变化深刻影响着中国滑雪旅游乃至冰雪产业的发展。运用地统计学空间分析原理,通过最邻近指数分析、空间自相关分析、核密度分析、标准差椭圆及平均中心分析,对1990年前后每10 a 中国滑雪场空间特征及其演变规律进行了综合分析。结果显示:① 1990年之前,仅在黑龙江和吉林省有7家滑雪场,且分布较为离散。② 1990—1999年,滑雪场数量呈小幅增长,空间上出现向新疆、河北和四川扩散的现象。③ 2000—2009年,滑雪场增速较快,并形成了以哈尔滨?牡丹江、北京?张家口两地区为核心的滑雪场双核驱动模式。④ 2010—2019年,是滑雪场数量增速最快的10 a,期间新增滑雪场522家,并在双核驱动模式基础上,逐步形成了以长白山、燕山–太行山为主要条带的联通南北的滑雪场空间结构。总体上,近30 a中国滑雪场呈现出了“南展西扩东进”的空间演变特征。该研究结果对于未来中国滑雪场空间布局、优化及其区域间的协调发展具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
研究目的】目前雄安新区范围内的热流数据多测自于新近系沉积盖层及白云岩地层,对岩溶热储下伏太古界的热流测定研究还鲜见报道,主要受限于以往的地热勘查开发层位主要在1800m以浅的蓟县系岩溶热储,揭露岩溶热储下伏太古界的钻孔稀少。2018年以来,在雄安新区牛驼镇地热田实施了D01深部地热参数井,揭穿了高于庄组岩溶热储,并揭露太古界厚度达1723.67m,给该地区岩溶热储下伏太古界的热流测定研究提供了条件。【研究方法】本文基于近稳态钻孔测温及岩心热导率测试,对D01井太古界进行了热流测定及分析。【研究结果】结果表明:D01井太古界呈显著的传导型地温特征,地温梯度为18.3℃/km,相比于新近系地温梯度48.6℃/km偏低。测得25块D01井太古界片麻岩岩心样品的热导率平均值为(2.41±0.40)W/(K·m)。根据钻孔测温数据及热导率测试,计算出D01井太古界2300~2700m深度的热流值为(44.1±7.0)mW/m2。同时,估算了D01井新近系400~800m深度段的热流值为84.6mW/m2,较太古界高出40.5mW/m2。【结论】分析认为D01井新近系较太古界高出热流主要为高孔渗岩溶白云岩层中地下水侧向热对流作用以及牛东断裂地下水垂向热对流作用共同所致。研究结果对前人提出的地下水运移聚热模式及导热断裂聚热模式提供了数据支撑,对雄安新区深部地热资源成因机制和太古界地温场研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   


In order to reduce the uncertainty of offline land surface model(LSM) simulations of land evapotranspiration(ET), we used ensemble simulations based on three meteorological forcing datasets [Princeton, ITPCAS(Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Qian] and four LSMs(BATS, VIC, CLM3.0 and CLM3.5), to explore the trends and spatiotemporal characteristics of ET, as well as the spatiotemporal pattern of ET in response to climate factors over mainland China during 1982–2007. The results showed that various simulations of each member and their arithmetic mean(Ens Mean) could capture the spatial distribution and seasonal pattern of ET sufficiently well, where they exhibited more significant spatial and seasonal variation in the ET compared with observation-based ET estimates(Obs MTE). For the mean annual ET, we found that the BATS forced by Princeton forcing overestimated the annual mean ET compared with Obs MTE for most of the basins in China, whereas the VIC forced by Princeton forcing showed underestimations. By contrast, the Ens Mean was closer to Obs MTE, although the results were underestimated over Southeast China. Furthermore, both the Obs MTE and Ens Mean exhibited a significant increasing trend during 1982–98; whereas after 1998, when the last big EI Ni ?no event occurred, the Ens Mean tended to decrease significantly between 1999 and 2007, although the change was not significant for Obs MTE. Changes in air temperature and shortwave radiation played key roles in the long-term variation in ET over the humid area of China, but precipitation mainly controlled the long-term variation in ET in arid and semi-arid areas of China.  相似文献   


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