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以地质统计学为基础的三维地质建模技术已成为当今储层精细描述中的一项关键技术,但该项技术存在着一个最大的限制就是对硬数据的密度要求十分苛刻,因而多用于井网密度大的已开发区的储层精细描述。而在勘探区块,多采用地震属性资料作为软约束,来弥补资料不足的缺陷。本文以我国海上某油田为例,探讨了应用地震反演资料约束三维储层建模的几种方法,并提出"多条件、多级约束"的建模策略。研究表明,有效地应用包括地震信息在内的多学科信息进行岩相随机建模,能有效地弥补井间信息不足的缺陷,降低地质模型的不确定性,所建立的模型能很好地综合井资料的纵向高精度和地震资料的横向高精度信息,可以成功地应用三维随机建模技术解决勘探开发阶段的储层精细描述问题。  相似文献   
四川那朗地区地处三江成矿带,区内出露三叠系灰岩、板岩及火山岩,有闪长岩岩株侵入其中,地表见铁帽。岩体蚀变分带明显。通过激发极化法工作,由视极化率处理后异常显示,原始数据圈出了激电异常,推测为铁帽下部之矿(化)致异常。  相似文献   
通过对滦平盆地西瓜园组(上侏罗统-下自垩统)暗色泥岩和油页岩的岩相特征及其中所发现的各种恐龙脚印化石的研究,分析了恐龙脚印化石形成的环境。认为在前扇三角洲或深湖-半深湖环境的暗色泥岩中出现恐龙脚印化石,说明湖平面变化频繁,在枯水期,湖平面下降,前扇三角洲或深湖-半深湖相暗色泥岩暴露出水面,一些恐龙经过此处到低洼处喝水,留下脚印。由此推断中国东部古近纪陆相断陷湖盆中的暗色泥岩所夹的砂砾岩和盐岩并不全是深水重力流成因,暗色泥岩所夹的盐岩也不一定是深水成因;并建立了暗色泥岩中所夹的砂砾岩和盐岩的成因沉积模式。  相似文献   
伏牛山构造带变质流体脉变形特征及构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伏牛山构造带由多条近平行的断裂带和夹持其间的变形岩片组成,洛南-栾川断裂带和瓦穴子-乔端断裂带为其中的两条主要断裂带。这两条断裂带虽遭受多期强烈构造活动的影响,但主造山期的构造特征至今仍然保存完好,并以中深层次的韧性剪切变形为主,形成了典型的糜棱岩和同构造期石英脉。本文从宏观、微观、超微观变形特征及年龄等方面对这些变质流体脉进行了研究,以探讨与其形成密切相关的构造活动特征、年代及其在秦岭造山带和华北板块南缘强变形带中的作用。石英脉中石英颗粒动态重结晶特征总体显示远离剪切带只有少量的膨凸式,靠近断裂带为亚颗粒式,形成核-幔结构,位错特征显示远离剪切带位错密度较小,靠近断裂带较大,位错形态显示瓦乔断裂带以挤压为主,洛南-栾川断裂带以剪切为主。两条断裂带石英脉的变形特征说明它们的糜棱岩化过程均为塑性变形中的晶质塑性变形,形成过程均为挤压在先,剪切在后。所测糜棱岩中石英脉的ESR年龄分别为372.9±30.0 Ma、275.0±20.0 Ma和218.0±20.0 Ma,真实地记录了晚加里东至中-晚海西期北秦岭的构造活动及所受影响。其中372.9±30.0 Ma是宽坪岩块向华北板块下的斜向俯冲汇聚和走滑的年代, 275.0±20.0 Ma是瓦乔断裂带的形成年龄。218.0±20.0 Ma的年龄则反映了华南、华北两大板块印支晚期全面闭合作用在秦岭造山带内部的影响。从以上3个年龄可以看出:北秦岭各构造带自北向南演化,时代上自北向南变新。  相似文献   
Eclogitic rocks were sampled from two zones in the basement of the Sredna Gora terrane (central western Bulgaria): (1) partially retrogressed eclogites and amphibolites embedded in sillimanite-bearing garnet-micaschists with kyanite relics and migmatites and (2) banded amphibolites associated with muscovite-bearing metagranites within two-mica paragneisses. Rutile relics and oligoclase + green hornblende + epidote ± biotite pseudomorphs after garnet suggest an eclogite facies event. A tholeiitic, transitional affinity was determined for the protoliths, suggesting a continental rift environment, consistent with several eclogite-bearing complexes in the eastern segments of the Variscan belt that arose from the Cambro-Ordovician Gondwana break-up. Decreasing pressure after the eclogite overprint was demonstrated by (a) diopside-albite symplectite, and (b) plagioclase + red–brown to green amphibole kelyphite. The early static re-equilibration, dated to 398 ± 5.2 Ma by 40Ar–39Ar technique, was followed by an amphibolite facies foliation, which was pervasive in amphibolites, gneisses and micaschists, and poorly developed in eclogites. The lithospheric PT paths corresponding to higher and lower metamorphic gradients reflect the juxtaposition of crustal and lithospheric mantle units, respectively. In the build-up of the basement of the Balkan orogen, the physical properties of the lithological complexes might have influenced the collisional pattern of involved microplates.  相似文献   
The Strona-Ceneri Zone comprises a succession of polymetamorphic, pre-Alpidic basement rocks including ortho- and paragneisses, metasedimentary schists, amphibolites, and eclogites. The rock pile represents a Late Proterozoic or Palaeozoic subduction accretion complex that was intruded by Ordovician granitoids. Eclogites, which occur as lenses within the ortho-paragneiss succession and as xenoliths within the granitoids record a subduction related high-pressure event (D1) with peak metamorphic conditions of 710 ± 30 °C at 21.0 ± 2.5 kbar. After isothermal uplift, the eclogites experienced a Barrowtype (D2) tectonometamorphic overprint under amphibolite facies conditions (570-630 °C, 7-9 kbar). U-Pb dating on zircon of the eclogites gives a metamorphic age of 457 ± 5 Ma, and syn-eclogite facies rutile gives a 206Pb/238U age of 443 ± 19 Ma classifying the subduction as a Caledonian event. These data show that the main tectonometamorphic evolution of the Strona-Ceneri Zone most probably took place in a convergent margin scenario, in which accretion, eclogitization of MOR-basalt, polyphase (D1 and D2) deformation, anatexis and magmatism all occurred during the Ordovician. Caledonian high-pressure metamorphism, subsequent magmatism and Barrow-type metamorphism are believed to be related to subduction and collision within the northern margin of Gondwana. Editorial handling: Edwin Gnos  相似文献   
The possibility of filling empty underground spaces, which exist owing to the extraction of mineral raw materials, with fly ash and cement fly ash mixes has been studied for the purpose of reducing the impact of deep mining on the surface. The method of physical modelling was used to study the behaviour of fly ash mixes deposited in extracted mine spaces. The models were constructed for two different geometries of underground extracted mine spaces: into cavities of the type of large slits created in the course of mining in steeply lode deposits without subsequently filling the empty space and in vertical shafts of rectangular or circular cross-section with horizontal side headings that have partly caved in due to mine shocks or other seismic events.  相似文献   
The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket process followed by the biological aerated filter process was employed to improve the removal of color and recalcitrant compounds from real dyeing wastewater. The highest removal efficiency for color was observed in the anaerobic process, at 8-h hydraulic retention time, seeded with the sludge granule. In the subsequent aerobic process packed with the microbe-immobilized polyethylene glycol media, the removal efficiency for chemical oxygen demand increased significantly to 75 %, regardless of the empty bed contact time. The average influent non-biodegradable soluble chemical oxygen demand was 517 mg/L, and the average concentration in effluent from the anaerobic reactor was 363 mg/L, suggesting the removal of some recalcitrant matters together with the degradable ones. The average non-biodegradable soluble chemical oxygen demand in effluent from the aerobic reactor was 87, 93, and 118 mg/L, with the removal efficiency of 76, 74, and 67 %, at 24-, 12-, and 8-h empty bed contact time, respectively. The combined anaerobic sludge blanket and aerobic cell-entrapped process was effective to remove the refractory compounds from real dyeing wastewater as well as in reducing organic loading to meet the effluent discharge limits. This integrated process is considered an effective and economical treatment technology for dyeing wastewater.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of Brines from Salt Ore Deposits in Western Tarim Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the geological evolution of the Tarim Basin, many transgressions and relictions happened. So there have been plentiful sources of salt. Moreover, because of uttermost drought, a lot of salt has been deposited. It is possible to find potash salt in this area. In our fieldwork, we have found salt and brine in western Tarim Basin. Based on a geological survey and the characteristics of sedimentary facies and paleogeography, this paper deals with the geochemical parameters and discusses the possibility of formation of potash salt in terms of the chemical analyses of samples collected from western Tarim Basin. Results of brine analysis lead to some conclusions: most of these salt brines have eluviated from very thick halite beds, mainly chloridetype salt and this kind of halite does not reach the stage of potash deposition in all aspects; WKSL (Wukeshalu) occupies a noticeable place, and we should attach importance to this district because there have been some indicators of the occurrence of potash deposits as viewed from the contents of Br and K. Finally, low Br contents are recognized in the Tarim Basin as a result of salt aggradation, and this point of view has been proved by the results of this experiment and the data available. It cannot depend upon the index of Br to judge the evolution stage of halite. We must look for other facies of potash except marine facies.  相似文献   
The pre-Mesozoic, mainly Variscan metamorphic basement of the Col de Bérard area (Aiguilles Rouges Massif, External domain) consists of paragneisses and micaschists together with various orthogneisses and metabasites. Monazite in metapelites was analysed by the electron microprobe (EMPA-CHIME) age dating method. The monazites in garnet micaschists are dominantly of Variscan age (330–300 Ma). Garnet in these rocks displays well developed growth zonations in Fe–Mg–Ca–Mn and crystallized at maximal temperatures of 670°C/7 kbar to the west and 600°C/7–8 kbar to the east. In consequence the monazite is interpreted to date a slightly pressure-dominated Variscan amphibolite-facies evolution. In mylonitic garnet gneisses, large metamorphic monazite grains of Ordovician–Silurian (~440 Ma) age but also small monazite grains of Variscan (~300 Ma) age were discovered. Garnets in the mylonitic garnet gneisses display high-temperature homogenized Mg-rich profiles in their cores and crystallized near to ~800°C/6 kbar. The Ordovician–Silurian-age monazites can be assigned to a pre-Variscan high-temperature event recorded by the homogenised garnets. These monazite age data confirm Ordovician–Silurian and Devonian–Carboniferous metamorphic cycles which were already reported from other Alpine domains and further regions in the internal Variscides.  相似文献   
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