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A new classification of the Korean pleuronectids was proposed based on a molecular phylogeny using specimens collected from Korea (including some Japanese specimens) between 2008 and 2013. A molecular phylogeny based on partial sequences of the two mitochondrial DNA regions (COI and 16S rRNA) supported the reciprocal monophyly of the three genera, Cleisthenes, Pleuronectes and Pseudopleuronectes. We also found that the genus Poecilopsetta is clearly distinct from Pleuronectidae at the family level. Therefore, the previous classification of the Korean pleuronectids should be changed as follows; two families (Pleuronectidae and Poecilopsettidae), 18 genera, and 26 species. Further research is required to resolve the taxonomic uncertainty of the five species in the genus Limanda, which clustered into two clades in our analysis.  相似文献   
1994 年 4~11 月在东太平洋铁锰结核区, 使用 “向阳红 09”船, 采集 39 个表层沉积物、12 个上覆水和 7 个结核样。在现场用平板法测定了异养细菌和铁、锰细菌丰度, 用稀释法( M P N 法) 测定硫酸还原菌丰度。为了探讨微生物在大洋成矿过程的作用, 在实验室对异养细菌和锰细菌作纯化分离, 并进行了多项生理生化实验, 参照伯杰氏手册第八版鉴定至属。使用分光光度法, 测定锰细菌对锰、铁离子的转化作用, 使用 p H 计测定了p H 值的变化, 同时测定了不同培养温度对转化作用的影响。结果表明, 沉积物中异养细菌的数量在 3×100~95×103个/g; 锰、铁细菌的数量在1×100 ~1×103 个/g; 硫酸盐还原细菌的数量分布范围在 0~4×103个/g;在上覆水和结核样中各类细菌的数量均较低,比沉积物样中各类细菌数低 1 个数量级。在细菌的种群组成方面与近海区相比存在差异, 特别是在革兰氏阳性菌的组成上微球菌占了绝对优势。在成矿作用方面, 锰细菌对锰、铁氧化还原的实验结果表明, 在好氧的条件下, 锰细菌使可溶性的 M n2+ 氧化为 M n4+ , 其氧化速度与环境温度存在密切关系, 锰细菌对铁的氧化速度比对锰的氧化速度来得快。在  相似文献   
内蒙岱海湖岩芯碳酸盐含量变化与气候环境演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
内蒙岱海是位于东南季风区的西北边缘的内陆封闭湖泊,对气候变化十分敏感。本文根据对岱海湖泊岩芯的碳酸盐含量分析,结合湖泊沉积岩性特征、介形类化石以及其年代学研究,初步讨论了岱海距今近千年的气候环境演化过程,结果表明:930aBP—670aBP气候以温湿为主,670aBP—540aBP,气候以冷偏湿为主;540aBp—490aB.P.湖泊急剧退缩,以冷偏干气候为主;490aBp—270aBP以凉干气候为主;270aBP-150温干气候;150年以来,湖区有效降水有所增加的温偏湿气候为主。  相似文献   
该文对目前工业上生产纳米碳酸钙的方法作了较为详细的综述。对一步碳化法、两步碳化法、多段喷雾碳化法、旋转填充床碳化反应器碳化技术制备链形、纺锤形、球形、立方形等不同形状的纳米碳酸钙材料的方法进行了比较和总结  相似文献   
Tsunamis are traveling waves which are characterized by long wavelengths and large amplitudes close to the shore. Due to the transformation of tsunamis, undular bores have been frequently observed in the coastal zone and can be viewed as a sequence of solitary waves with different wave heights and different separation distances among them. In this article, transient harbor oscillations induced by incident successive solitary waves are first investigated. The transient oscillations are simulated by a fully nonlinear Boussinesq model, FUNWAVE-TVD. The incident successive solitary waves include double solitary waves and triple solitary waves. This paper mainly focuses on the effects of different waveform parameters of the incident successive solitary waves on the relative wave energy distribution inside the harbor. These wave parameters include the incident wave height, the relative separation distance between adjacent crests, and the number of elementary solitary waves in the incident wave train. The relative separation distance between adjacent crests is defined as the ratio of the distance between adjacent crests in the incident wave train to the effective wavelength of the single solitary wave. Maximum oscillations inside the harbor excited by various incident waves are also discussed. For comparison, the transient oscillation excited by the single solitary wave is also considered. The harbor used in this paper is assumed to be long and narrow and has constant depth; the free surface movement inside the harbor is essentially one-dimensional. This study reveals that, for the given harbor and for the variation ranges of all the waveform parameters of the incident successive solitary waves studied in this paper, the larger incident wave heights and the smaller number of elementary solitary waves in the incident tsunami lead to a more uniform relative wave energy distribution inside the harbor. For the successive solitary waves, the larger relative separation distance between adjacent crests can cause more obvious fluctuations of the relative wave energy distribution over different resonant modes. When the wave height of the elementary solitary wave in the successive solitary waves equals to that of the single solitary wave and the relative separation distance between adjacent crests is equal to or greater than 0.6, the maximum oscillation inside the harbor induced by the successive solitary waves is almost identical to that excited by the single solitary wave.  相似文献   
2010年1月12日海地MW7.0地震打破了Enriquillo断层近240余年的地震平静期, 可能意味着加勒比地区新的活跃周期的到来。 本文通过收集该地区地质构造演化、 地球物理场、 发震构造、 震源物理、 运动学特征及应力场演化等方面的研究成果, 分析由于海地地震的发生所带来的区域地震危险性等相关认识的改变。 通过对多学科资料的梳理, 分析利用多学科研究成果开展加勒比地区地震危险性分析的基本思路, 以期为未来的中国大陆区域动力学模型构建、 地震预测预报研究提供基础参考。  相似文献   
三探测器密度测井的Monte Carlo模拟   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为了改善传统岩性密度测井仪的缺陷,本文基于传统的双 源距探测器密度测井仪,提出在负源距范围内增加一个反散射探测器,构成新的三探测器密 度测井仪器. 利用Monte Carlo方法通用程序MCNP(3B),从光子与地层相互作用的机理出发 ,计算得到了反散射探测器、长源距探测器和短源距探测器的光子通量的能谱分布、光子通 量与源距的关系、光子通量与地层密度的关系、源距与探测深度的关系以及计数能窗等. 从 结果看,三探测器密度测井仪的长、短源距探测器对地层的响应关系与双源距密度测井仪的 长、短源距探测器一致,而反散射探测器对地层具有明确的响应关系,其响应关系与长、短 源距探测器近似相反,且其计数率很高. 因此,在负源距范围内增加第三个探测器是可行的 ,这将有利于提高密度测井的测量精度和垂向分辨率. 同时表明了Monte Carlo方法在核测 井仪器早期研制中的有效性,对仪器设计具有指导作用.  相似文献   
针对"十五"地震现场卫星集成箱系统的诸多缺点,陕西省地震局进行了应急通信指挥车的车辆改造,将地震现场通信设备安装于应急车内,并对各业务系统进行了设计集成,提升了地震现场通信保障和应急指挥能力。本文介绍了地震应急通信指挥车改造和系统集成的关键技术及实际应用情况,分析了应急通信指挥车的优势,总结了实际应用中出现的问题并提出了解决方案。  相似文献   
根据汶川地震各烈度区内变电站破坏状况、停运状况以及恢复时间的统计,分析了不同烈度区变电站地震破坏和功能失效特点和模式,定义了变电站震害指数,得出了设防烈度为Ⅶ度的变电站地震破坏和功能失效的震害指数与烈度的Di-Ⅰ关系曲线,并结合我国电力设施抗震设计标准,外推了设防烈度Ⅵ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ度变电站的Di-Ⅰ曲线,由此建立了基于抗震设防烈度和震害统计的变电站震害快速评估方法(FI-EDS法).通过德阳地区49个110kV及以上变电站的震害实例,对评估方法进行检验,结果表明,用本文方法快速评估得出的变电站破坏等级,0级偏差比率为47%,±1级偏差比率为45%,±2级偏差比率为8%.本文评估方法具有可接受的精度,并且可操作性强.  相似文献   
长江天鹅洲故道是长江江豚首个迁地保护区,其中充足而适口的饵料鱼类资源是长江江豚种群健康发展的保障。为此,根据2017年10月—2021年4月对长江天鹅洲故道进行的7次鱼类调查数据,结合禁捕前的历史数据,对其鱼类群落结构演变进行了分析,并针对长江江豚饵料鱼的供应状况对天鹅洲故道内鱼类资源管理提出了建议。调查期间,共采集到鱼类57种,其中,蒙古鲌(Culter mongolicus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)和鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)等大中型鱼类生物量明显增加,而?(Hemiculter leucisculus)和似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)等小型鱼类生物量呈现下降趋势。鱼类群落优势种逐渐由太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)、短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)和?等小型鱼类转变为鳙、蒙古鲌和拟尖头鲌(Culter oxycephaloides)等大中型鱼类,尤其是新近出现的拟尖头鲌种群发展迅速。同时,短颌鲚和?等小型鱼类的体重在减小,而鲢、鳙等大中型鱼类规格在持续提高。长江江豚以小...  相似文献   
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