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The Wattkopftunnel, near Ettlingen (Nordschwarzwald), drives through the eastern margin of the Rheingraben. The tunnel passes cenozoic and mesozoic sediments. Early quarternary and tertiary beds are situated west of the main thrust of the Rheingraben. Fossil record indicates upper Oligocene age (Chatt) for parts of the tertiary sediments. At the eastern border of the Rheingraben, wedges of jurassic and middle triassic series are squeezed. East of the Rheingraben the tunnel drives in the lower triassic Bausandstein. The eastern margin of the Rheingraben was investigated in detail during tunneling. Faults of the Rheingraben margin are distributed in an 130 meter wide fault zone in the tunnel. Total stratigraphic separation by the normal faults reaches more than 2 000 meters. The cenozoic sequence suffered synsedimentary to early diagenetic deformation, while the mesozoic series are characterized by ruptural deformation. The fault- and joint system is directed in the rheinische Richtung (SSW-NNE). East of the Rheingraben a second direction occur, running parallel to the lower Albtal (W-E).
Reducing the draconitic errors in GNSS geodetic products   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Systematic errors at harmonics of the GPS draconitic year have been found in diverse GPS-derived geodetic products like the geocenter $Z$ -component, station coordinates, $Y$ -pole rate and orbits (i.e. orbit overlaps). The GPS draconitic year is the repeat period of the GPS constellation w.r.t. the Sun which is about 351 days. Different error sources have been proposed which could generate these spurious signals at the draconitic harmonics. In this study, we focus on one of these error sources, namely the radiation pressure orbit modeling deficiencies. For this purpose, three GPS+GLONASS solutions of 8 years (2004–2011) were computed which differ only in the solar radiation pressure (SRP) and satellite attitude models. The models employed in the solutions are: (1) the CODE (5-parameter) radiation pressure model widely used within the International GNSS Service community, (2) the adjustable box-wing model for SRP impacting GPS (and GLONASS) satellites, and (3) the adjustable box-wing model upgraded to use non-nominal yaw attitude, specially for satellites in eclipse seasons. When comparing the first solution with the third one we achieved the following in the GNSS geodetic products. Orbits: the draconitic errors in the orbit overlaps are reduced for the GPS satellites in all the harmonics on average 46, 38 and 57 % for the radial, along-track and cross-track components, while for GLONASS satellites they are mainly reduced in the cross-track component by 39 %. Geocenter $Z$ -component: all the odd draconitic harmonics found when the CODE model is used show a very important reduction (almost disappearing with a 92 % average reduction) with the new radiation pressure models. Earth orientation parameters: the draconitic errors are reduced for the $X$ -pole rate and especially for the $Y$ -pole rate by 24 and 50 % respectively. Station coordinates: all the draconitic harmonics (except the 2nd harmonic in the North component) are reduced in the North, East and Height components, with average reductions of 41, 39 and 35 % respectively. This shows, that part of the draconitic errors currently found in GNSS geodetic products are definitely induced by the CODE radiation pressure orbit modeling deficiencies.  相似文献   
Many kinds of environmental data are nowadays publicly available, but spread over the web. This article discusses using the Sensor Observation Service (SOS) standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as a common interface for providing data from heterogeneous sources which can be integrated to a user tailored environmental information system. In order to allow for providing user‐tailored and problem‐specific information the adjusted SOS is augmented by a semantic layer which maps the environmental information to ontology concepts. The necessary information fusion from different domains and data types lead to several specific requirements for the SOS. Addressing these requirements we have implemented a SOS which still conforms to the OGC SOS 1.0.0 standard specification. The developed SOS has been integrated in a publicly available demonstrator of our personalized environmental information system. Additionally this article discusses future consequences for the SOS, caused by the recently published SOS 2.0 specification.  相似文献   
On 9 January 1979 an SI-excited pulsation event was observed by the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array. The pulsation period shows a clear variation with latitude which suggests decoupled oscillations of individual magnetic field shells. The pulsation amplitudes exhibit an e-fold decay with the damping rate γ varying both in longitudinal and latitudinal directions. Assuming Joule heating in the ionosphere as the dominant damping mechanism (and thus γΣ?1p) approximate height-integrated Pedersen conductivity profiles were calculated which fit well with previously observed Σp distributions. This is interpreted as observational evidence for ionosopheric Joule dissipation as the major damping mechanism for high-latitude ULF-pulsations.  相似文献   
W. Krauß 《Ocean Dynamics》1965,18(5):193-210
Zusammenfassung Entsprechend der Reynoldsschen Konzeption werden die virtuellen Reibungskr?fte berechnet. Die Orbitalbewegungen der Oberfl?chen- und internen Wellen stellen die st?rksten Abweichungen vom mittleren Strom dar. Der auf diesen Bewegungen basierende Reynoldssche Spannungstensor wird aus dem Gleichungssystem (12) bis (14) ermittelt. Formale L?sungen sind (25) bis (28), wennW(z) aus (24) für beliebigeū(z) bekannt ist. Für Oberfl?chenwellen reduziert sich (24) auf (29) mit der N?herungsl?sung (34). Hieraus folgen (37) und (38). Absch?tzung der Integrale führt für Wellen endlicher Kamml?nge auf (55), woraus die Reibungskr?fte (56) bis (58) folgen. Station?re mittlere Str?mungen sind dann durch (61) beschreibbar. μ, gegeben durch (62), wird in Anlehnung an die bestehende Nomenklatur als “virtueller Reibungskoeffizient” bezeichnet. Er ist durch die Parameter des Seeganges bestimmt. Im Gegensatz zu V. W. Ekman werden Triftstr?me durch (67) bis (69) mit den L?sungen (71), (72) bzw. (73), (74) beschrieben. Aus dem sinusoidalen Verlauf der Reibungskoeffizienten (62) folgt eine Streifenstruktur des Triftstromes, wie sie Abb. 3 in Zuordnung zum Seegang zeigt. Die Geschwindigkeitsverteilung eines Streifens ist in Abb. 2 wiedergegeben. Eine Rechtsablenkung analog zur Ekman-Spirale tritt nicht auf; der Strom setzt stets in Richtung des Windes. Durch Messungen in der Ostsee mit Rhodamin wurde die theoretisch zu erwartende Streifenbildung für verschiedene Windgeschwindigkeiten qualitativ nachgewiesen (Abb. 4 und Tafeln 8 und 9).
The theory of the drift current and the virtual friction in the sea
Summary According to the Reynolds' procedure, the “turbulent” stresses due to surface and internal waves are computed. Starting from Eqs. (12) to (14) for linear internal and surface waves we get the solutions (25) to (28) withW(z) as a solution of (24) for arbitrary mean currents. For surface waves, (24) reduces to (29) with the approximate solution (34). From this follow (37) and (38). Estimating the integrals, we get (55) for waves of finite crests. From this follow (56) to (58) for the frictional forces due to waves. Stationary mean currents are then described by (61). The coefficient (62) is called “eddy viscosity”. It depends on the wave parameters. In contrast to Ekman's theory, drift currents are described by (67) to (69) with the solutions (71), (72) or (73), (74). Due to the sinusoidal shape of the eddy viscosity coefficients (62) the drift current has a band structure. This structure is shown in Fig. 3. The current distribution within a band is shown in Fig. 2. The current runs always in the direction of the wind, a deflection to the right due to Coriolis force is not observed. The forming of bands has been tested by Rhodamin. The results are in qualitative agreement with the theory (Fig. 4 and Plates 8 and 9).

La théorie du courant de dérive et du frottement virtuel en mer
Résumé Les forces de frottement virtuelles sont calculées d'après la conception de Reynolds. Les mouvements périodiques dans la couche de surface et les ondes internes constituent les écarts les plus importants par rapport au courant moyen. Le tenseur de Reynolds qui prend pour base ces mouvements, est obtenu au moyen du système d'équations (12) à (14). Les solutions obtenues sont (25) à (28) lorsqu'on conna?tW(z) au moyen de (24) pour desū(z) quelconques. Pour les ondes de surface, (24) se réduit à (29) avec la solution approchée (34); les solutions (37) et (38) s'en déduisent. De l'évaluation de l'intégrale on déduit (55) pour des ondes d'une longueur de crête finie et on en tire les forces de frottement (56) à (58). Des courants moyens stationnaires peuvent alors être décrits au moyen de (61). μ, donné par (62) est appelé ?coefficient de frottement virtuel? suivant les dénominations admises et il est déterminé par les paramètres des vagues. Contrairement à V. W. Ekman les courants de dérive sont décrits par (67) à (69) avec les solutions (71), (72) ou encore (73), (74). Du fait de la forme sinuso?dale prise par les coefficients de frottement (62) le courant de dérive se présente sous forme de bandes comme le montre la fig. 3 d'après l'état de la mer. La fig. 2 indique la distribution des vitesses dans une bande. On ne constate pas de déviation vers la droite analogue à celle de la spirale d'Ekman: le courant suit toujours la direction du vent. Des mesures effectuées en mer Baltique avec de la rhodamine ont confirmé quantitativement la formation des bandes théoriquement prévisibles pour différentes vitesses de vent (fig. 4 et planches 8 et 9).

Hierzu Tafeln 8 und 9  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 18 Gefügediagrammen.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus den Monatsberichten einiger hydrographischer Stationen der Ostalpen in verschiedenen Höhenlagen wird bestimmt, welche Niederschlagsmengen 1 cm der gemessenen Neuschneehöhen entsprechen, im Monats- und im Jahresmittel. In Abhängigkeit von der Höhenlage weist die Niederschlagsmenge pro Zentimeter Neuschneehöhe ein ausgeprägtes Minimum bei 1350 m Seehöhe auf. Durch Multiplikation des der Seehöhe entsprechenden Wertes dieser Kurve mit der an einer Station der Ostalpen gemessenen Neuschneehöhe der Periode 1896/97–1915/16 erhält man den Schneeanteil dieser Station am Gesamtniederschlag. Die auf diese Art bestimmten Anteilmengen sind in der Regel dann größer bzw. kleiner als die nachV. Conrad berechneten Werte, wenn die Anomalien der jährlichen Neuschneehöhen nachE. Ekhart positiv bzw. negativ sind.
Summary On the base of monthly reports of several hydrographic stations in the Eastern Alps, the amounts of precipitation corresponding to 1 cm of fresh snow-depth have been calculated in the monthly and yearly average. As a function of the altitude the amount of precipitation per cm fresh snow-depth shows a marked minimum at the altitude of 1350 m. By multiplication of the fresh snow-depths, measured at a station of the Eastern Alps during the period 1896/97–1915/16, with the corresponding value of the above curve the snow fraction of the total precipitation of this station can be obtained. As a rule, the fractions determined in this way are greater or smaller than those calculated byV. Conrad according as the anomalies of the yearly fresh snow-depths given byE. Ekhart are respectively positive or negative.

Résumé On calcule la quantité d'eau météorique correspondant à 1 cm. de neige fraîche (moyennes mensuelles et annuelles) sur la base des rapports mensuels de quelques stations hydrographiques des Alpes orientales. Cette quantité, considérée en fonction de l'altitude, présente un minimum net vers 1350 m. En multipliant la valeur correspondant à l'altitude d'une station des Alpes orientales où furent mesurées les hauteurs de neige fraîche pendant la période 1896/97 à 1915/16 par cette hauteur même, on obtient la fraction en neige des précipitations totales en ce point. Les fractions ainsi calculées sont dans la règle plus grandes ou plus petites que les valeurs établies parV. Conrad selon que les anomalies des hauteurs annuelles de neige fraîche, d'aprèsE. Ekhart, sont respectivement positives ou négatives.

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