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Abstract— Adzhi-Bogdo is an ordinary chondrite regolith breccia (LL3–6) which fell on 1949 October 30 in Gobi Altay, Mongolia. The rock consists of submm- to cm-sized fragments embedded in a fine-grained clastic matrix. The polymict breccia contains various types of clasts, some of which must be of foreign origin. Components of the breccia include chondrules, melt rock clasts (some of which are K-rich), highly recrystallized rock fragments (“granulites”), breccia clasts, pyroxene-rich fragments with achondritic textures, and alkali-granitoids. The composition of olivine in most fragments is in the range of LL-chondrites. However, olivine in some components has significantly lower fayalite contents, characteristic of L-chondrites. The bulk meteorite is very weakly shocked (S2). Based on the bulk chemical composition, Adzhi-Bogdo is an ordinary chondrite. The concentrations of Fe and Ni are somewhat intermediate between L- and LL-chondrites. The contents of solar gases indicate that Adzhi-Bogdo is a regolith breccia. Most of the solar He and probably a part of the solar Ne of Adzhi-Bogdo has been lost. It is suggested that Adzhi-Bogdo experienced an (impact-induced) thermal event early in its history, because most of the radiogenic 40Ar is retained.  相似文献   
Northwest Africa (NWA) 7325 is an anomalous achondrite that experienced episodes of large-degree melt extraction and interaction with melt under reducing conditions. Its composition led to speculations about a Mercurian origin and provoked a series of studies of this meteorite. We present the noble gas composition, and results of 40Ar/39Ar and 129I-129Xe studies of whole rock splits of NWA 7325. The light noble gases are dominated by cosmogenic isotopes. 21Ne and 38Ar cosmic-ray exposure ages are 25.6 and 18.9 Ma, respectively, when calculated with a nominal whole rock composition. This 38Ar age is in reasonable agreement with a cosmic-ray exposure age of 17.5 Ma derived in our 40Ar/39Ar dating study. Due to the low K-content of 19 ± 1 ppm and high Ca-content of approximately 12.40 ± 0.15 wt%, no reliable 40Ar/39Ar age could be determined. The integrated age strongly depends on the choice of an initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio. An air-like component is dominant in lower temperature extractions and assuming air 40Ar/36Ar for the trapped component results in a calculated integrated age of 3200 ± 260 (1σ) Ma. This may represent the upper age limit for a major reheating event affecting the K-Ar system. Results of 129I-129Xe dating give no useful chronological information, i.e., no isochron is observed. Considering the highest 129Xe*/128XeI ratio as equivalent to a lower age limit, we calculate an I-Xe age of about 4536 Ma. In addition, elevated 129Xe/132Xe ratios of up to 1.65 ± 0.18 in higher temperature extractions indicate an early formation of NWA 7325, with subsequent disturbance of the I-Xe system.  相似文献   
We compiled homogeneous long-term time series comprising 39 variables representing the German Bight and for the period 1975–2004. A diverse set of variables was selected to cover multiple trophic levels and different environmental forcing thus to examine long-term changes in this coastal region. Previous studies have hypothesised the presence of regime shifts in observations extending over the entire North Sea. Focusing on a smaller spatial scale, and closer to the coast, we investigated the major modes of variability in the compiled time series using principal component analysis. The results obtained confirm a previously identified regime shift in the North Sea in 1987/1988 and suggest that the German Bight is dominantly characterised by long-term modes of variability. In the German Bight, the shift of 1987/1988 is driven primarily by temperature, Gulf Stream index, frost days and Secchi depth. Changes in some of the ecosystem variables (plankton and fish) appear to be related to changes in these driving variables. In particular, we documented strong positive correlations between the long-term trend showed by the first principal component and herring, Noctiluca scintillans, and, to a lesser extent, Pleurobrachia pileus. Two gadoids, namely cod and saithe, showed negative correlations with the observed long-term mode of variability. Changes in the sum of five small calanoid copepods were, however, less marked. Phosphate and ammonium exhibited a decreasing trend over the last 30 years. Diatoms and Calanus helgolandicus did not show evidence of changes in concert to this trend. Specific analyses of the data divided into three different subsets (biological, climatic and chemical) characterise the climate of the German Bight as highly dynamic also on short timescales (a few years) as compared to much smoother biological and chemical components. The dynamic regime of the German Bight taken together with a low correlation between the major mode of variability and phytoplankton and zooplankton data suggests that the lower trophic levels of this ecosystem are remarkably resilient.  相似文献   
Peridotite xenoliths showing unusual tabular equigranular textures (addressed as flattened tabular equigranular) were found in Neogene alkali basalts from the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (Western Hungary), Carpathian-Pannonian Region. The olivines have a characteristic crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) with [0 1 0]-axes perpendicular to the foliation and the [1 0 0]- and [0 0 1]-axes forming a continuous girdle in the foliation plane. Contrarily, the CPO pattern of orthopyroxene is much more scattered, although a single maximum can be observed in [0 0 1] axes subparallel to the plane of foliation. In case of olivine, the activation of (0 1 0)[1 0 0] and also probably (0 1 0)[0 0 1] is suggested. The deformation micro-mechanisms of orthopyroxenes are suggested to be a combination of intracrystalline glide on the (1 0 0)[0 0 1] system and some kind of other mechanism resulting in quite scattered patterns.We suggest that the unusual orientation patterns of olivines and orthopyroxenes are the result of the complex tectonic evolution of the region. The flattened tabular equigranular xenoliths represent a structural domain within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the volcanic field with particular seismic characteristics. The occurrence of flattened domains in the upper mantle may considerably influence the percolation and residence time of the mantle melts and fluids, which could promote or prevent melt/wall-rock interaction.  相似文献   
An improved, iteratively re‐weighted factor analysis procedure is presented to interpret engineering geophysical sounding logs in shallow unsaturated sediments. We simultaneously process cone resistance, electric resistivity, and nuclear data acquired by direct‐push tools to give robust estimates of factor variables and water content in unconsolidated heterogeneous formations. The statistical procedure is based on the iterative re‐weighting of the deviations between the measured and calculated data using the most frequent value method famous for its robustness and high statistical efficiency. The iterative approach improves the result of factor analysis for not normally distributed data and extremely noisy measurements. By detecting a strong regression relation between one of the extracted factors and the fractional volume of water, we establish an independent method for water content estimation along the penetration hole. We verify the estimated values of water volume by using a highly over‐determined, quality‐checked interval inversion procedure. The multidimensional extension of the statistical method allows the estimation of water content distribution along both the vertical and the horizontal coordinates. Numerical tests using engineering geophysical sounding data measured in a Hungarian loessy–sandy formation demonstrate the feasibility of the most frequent value‐based factor analysis, which can be efficiently used for a more reliable hydrogeophysical characterisation of the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   
A useful method for increasing the signal/noise ratio of refracted waves is Common-Midpoint (CMP)-refraction seismics. With this technique the shallow underground can be described in detail using all information (amplitude, frequency, phase characteristics) of the wavetrain following the first break (first-break phase). Thus, the layering can be determined and faults, weak zones, and clefts can be identified. This paper deals with the optimization of CMP-refraction seismics used in combination with the Generalized Reciprocal Method (GRM). Theoretical studies show a close relationship of both methods to the kinematics of wave propagation. Velocities and optimum offsets determined by the GRM can be used directly in the partial Radon transformation in CMP-refraction seismics. The integration of refracted waves leads to an increase in the signal/noise ratio but simultaneously the integration boundaries must be restricted to deal only with selective parts of the investigated refractor. The result of this process is an intercept-time section which can be converted directly to a depth section using standard refraction seismic techniques. Another possibility of depth conversion is the transformation of this intercept-time section to a `pseudo-zero-offset section', known from reflection seismics. Thus, zero-offset sections can be migrated using wave-equation techniques such as Kirchhoff migration.  相似文献   
Observational data, high-resolution numerical modelling results and a simple analytical theory are combined in this paper to demonstrate the dependence of the volume transports through tidal inlets on topographical or morphological parameters of a Wadden Sea system. The area of interest covers the East Frisian Wadden Sea and consists of seven weakly connected tidal basins. The observations include time series of tidal gauge data and surface currents measured at a pile station in the backbarrier basin of the island Langeoog, as well as several ADCP transects in the Accumer Ee tidal inlet. The numerical simulations are based on the 3-D primitive equation General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM) with a horizontal resolution of 200 m and terrain following vertical coordinates. The model is forced at its open boundaries with sea-level data from an operational model for the German Bight (German Hydrographic Office). The simple theoretical concepts presented illustrate the effect of topography (hypsometry) in the tidal basins on the temporal variability of the exchange of water. This topographic control is effectuated through the bottom slope in the areas prone to drying and flooding. For our study area it takes about twice as long from slack water to maximum flood current than from slack water to maximum ebb current. The underlying physics of this signal modulation from a more or less harmonic forcing at the open-sea boundary and the quantification of the contributing physical processes are the major results of this paper. Estimates based simply on volume conservation are consistent with observations and results from numerical modelling, but they do not completely capture the actual non-linear tidal response. Our analysis shows that at least during part of the tidal cycle characteristic topographic parameters of the inlet/bay system have a major impact on the rate of exchange of waters between the Wadden Sea and the open ocean. This impact is especially strong during the transition between flood and ebb conditions. The possible morphodynamic responses are also addressed focusing on some common (universal) topographic features in seven tidal basins.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   
The study of a 275.5 m thick section of white, pelagic limestones occupying the valley of the Fonte del Giordano river on the southern slope of Mt. Montagnola has yielded a biostratigraphically controlled clear magnetic reversal pattern after thermal cleaning. The magnetic stratigraphy of the lower 131 m of the section (Calpionellid zones) is correlatable with the M-sequence of oceanic magnetic anomalies between M-19 and M-14. The reversal stratigraphy of the upper 81.5 m of the section (Radiolaria zone) has also been tied to the oceanic polarity time scale by making linear interpolation for a missing 63 m thickness underneath it.Besides the Fonte del Giordano section two Berriasian outcrops each with a different bedding attitude were studied at Gubbio and near Cagli for tectonic tilt test giving positive results. The mean palaeomagnetic pole position for the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous after bedding correction is: Φ = 19.1°, Λ = 288.2°, k = 148.7, α95 = 10.2° (N = 3), confirming the presence of a large swing in the polar path, a common behaviour of apparent polar wandering for the peri-Adriatic region during this time.  相似文献   
Freshwater discharge is one main element of the hydrological cycle that physically and biogeochemically connects the atmosphere, land surface, and ocean and directly responds to changes in pCO2. Nevertheless, while the effect of near-future global warming on total river runoff has been intensively studied, little attention has been given to longer-term impacts and thresholds of increasing pCO2 on changes in the partitioning of surface and subsurface flow paths across broad climate zones. These flow paths and their regional responses have a significant role for vegetation, soils, and nutrient leaching and transport. We present climate simulations for modern, near-future (850?ppm), far-future (1880?ppm), and past Late Cretaceous (1880?ppm) pCO2 levels. The results show large zonal mean differences and the displacement of flows from the surface to the subsurface depending on the respective pCO2 level. At modern levels the ratio of deeper subsurface to near-surface flows for tropical and high northern latitudes is 1:4.0 and 1:0.5, respectively, reflecting the contrast between permeable tropical soils and the areas of frozen ground in high latitudes. There is a trend toward increased total flow in both climate zones at 850?ppm, modeled to be increases in the total flow of 34 and 51%, respectively, with both zones also showing modest increases in the proportion of subsurface flow. Beyond 850?ppm the simulations show a distinct divergence of hydrological trends between mid- to high northern latitudes and tropical zones. While total wetting reverses in the tropics beyond 850?ppm due to reduced precipitation, with average zonal total runoff decreasing by 46% compared to the 850?ppm simulation, the high northern latitude zone becomes slightly wetter with the average zonal total runoff increasing by a further 3%. The ratio of subsurface to surface flows in the tropics remains at a level similar to the present day, but in the high northern latitude zone the ratio increases significantly to 1:1.6 due to the loss of frozen ground. The results for the high pCO2 simulations with the same uniform soil and vegetation cover as the Cretaceous are comparable to the results for the Cretaceous simulation, with higher fractions of subsurface flow of 1:5.4 and 1:5.6, respectively for the tropics, and 1:2.2 and 1:1.6, respectively for the high northern latitudes. We suggest that these fundamental similarities between our far future and Late Cretaceous models provide a framework of possible analogous consequences for (far-) future climate change, within which the integrated human impact over the next centuries could be assessed. The results from this modeling study are consistent with climate information from the sedimentary record which highlights the crucial role of terrestrial-marine interactions during past climate change. This study points to profound consequences for soil biogeochemical cycling, with different latitudinal expressions, passing of climate thresholds at elevated pCO2 levels, and enhanced export of nutrients to the ocean at higher pCO2.  相似文献   
A review of ENSO prediction studies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A hierarchy of ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) prediction schemes has been developed which includes statistical schemes and physical models. The statistical models are, in general, based on advanced statistical techniques and can be classified into models which use either low-frequency variations in the atmosphere (sea level pressure or surface wind) or upper ocean heat content as predictors. The physical models consist of coupled ocean-atmosphere models of varying degrees of complexity, ranging from simplified coupled models of the shallow water-type to coupled general circulation models. All models, statistical and physical, perform considerably better than the persistence forecast on predicting typical indices of ENSO on lead times of 6 to 12 months. The most successful prediction schemes, the fully physical coupled ocean-atmosphere models, show significant prediction abilities at lead times exceeding one year period. We therefore conclude that ENSO is predictable at least one year in advance. However, all of this applies to gross indices of ENSO such as the Southern Oscillation Index. Despite the demonstrated predictability, little is known about the predictability of specific features known to be associated with ENSO (e.g. Indian Monsoon rainfall, Southern African drought, or even off-equatorial sea surface temperature). Nor has the relative importance for prediction of different regional anomalies or different physical processes yet been established. A seasonal dependence in predictability is well established, but the processes responsible for it are not fully understood.  相似文献   
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