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We have performed holographic interferometry measurements of the dissolution of the (0 1 0) plane of a cleaved gypsum single crystal in pure water. These experiments have provided the value of the dissolution rate constant k of gypsum in water and the value of the interdiffusion coefficient D of its aqueous species in water. D is 1.0 × 10−9 m2 s−1, a value close to the theoretical value generally used in dissolution studies. k is 4 × 10−5 mol m−2 s−1. It directly characterizes the microscopic transfer rate at the solid-liquid interface, and is not an averaged value deduced from quantities measured far from the surface as in macroscopic dissolution experiments. It is found to be two times lower than the value obtained from macroscopic experiments.  相似文献   
Minor granulites (believed to be pre-Triassic), surrounded by abundant amphibolite-facies orthogneiss, occur in the same region as the well-documented Triassic high- and ultrahigh-pressure (HP and UHP) eclogites in the Dabie–Sulu terranes, eastern China. Moreover, some eclogites and garnet clinopyroxenites have been metamorphosed at granulite- to amphibolite-facies conditions during exhumation. Granulitized HP eclogites/garnet clinopyroxenites at Huangweihe and Baizhangyan record estimated eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions of 775–805 °C and ≥15 kbar, followed by granulite- to amphibolite-facies overprint of ca. 750–800 °C and 6–11 kbar. The presence of (Na, Ca, Ba, Sr)-feldspars in garnet and omphacite corresponds to amphibolite-facies conditions. Metamorphic mineral assemblages and PT estimates for felsic granulite at Huangtuling and mafic granulite at Huilanshan indicate peak conditions of 850 °C and 12 kbar for the granulite-facies metamorphism and 700 °C and 6 kbar for amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism. Cordierite–orthopyroxene and ferropargasite–plagioclase coronas and symplectites around garnet record a strong, rapid decompression, possibly contemporaneous with the uplift of neighbouring HP/UHP eclogites.

Carbonic fluid (CO2-rich) inclusions are predominant in both HP granulites and granulitized HP/UHP eclogites/garnet clinopyroxenites. They have low densities, having been reset during decompression. Minor amounts of CH4 and/or N2 as well as carbonate are present. In the granulitized HP/UHP eclogites/garnet clinopyroxenites, early fluids are high-salinity brines with minor N2, whereas low-salinity fluids formed during retrogression. Syn-granulite-facies carbonic fluid inclusions occur either in quartz rods in clinopyroxene (granulitized HP garnet clinopyxeronite) or in quartz blebs in garnet and quartz matrices (UHP eclogite). For HP granulites, a limited number of primary CO2 and mixed H2O–CO2(liquid) inclusions have also been observed in undeformed quartz inclusions within garnet, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase which contain abundant, low-density CO2±carbonate inclusions. It is suggested that the primary fluid in the HP granulites was high-density CO2, mixed with a significant quantity of water. The water was consumed by retrograde metamorphic mineral reactions and may also have been responsible for metasomatic reactions (“giant myrmekites”) occurring at quartz–feldspar boundaries. Compared with the UHP eclogites in this region, the granulites were exhumed in the presence of massive, externally derived carbonic fluids and subsequently limited low-salinity aqueous fluids, probably derived from the surrounding gneisses.  相似文献   

The Upper Proterozoic granitoids of the western part of the Siroua Massif (central Anti-Atlas, Morocco) are cut by doleritic dykes injected along submeridian and equatorial directions. These dykes were emplaced before deposition of late Neoproterozoic formations (PIII). According to and incompatible element ratios, these dolerites constitue two discrete chemical groups unrelated to orientation and thickness. They are both enriched in large ion lithophile elements, Zr, Th and light rare earth elements, and correspond to continental tholeiites displaying an alkaline affinity. This alkaline affinity is also confirmed by clinopyroxene and amphibole chemistry. Emplacement of these doleritic dykes occurred under an extensional regime active in the Anti-Atlas range during the Upper Proterozoic.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the resilient and permanent deformation characteristics of laterite gravels, determined by cyclic loading in triaxial tests of compacted specimens. A study of laterite pavements was carried out on eight paved road sections in the state of Mato Grosso. Also reported is the influence of fine sand admixture, specimen size and soaking in two laterite samples from Roraima and Rondônia in the North of Brazil. The experimental relationships of resilient moduli against applied stresses are interpreted empirically for models what may be incorporated in a structural analysis of full depth of laterite pavement.  相似文献   
The recent numerical simulations of Tittemore and Wisdom (1988, 1989, 1990) and Dermottet al. (1988), Malhotra and Dermott (1990) concerning the tidal evolution through resonances of some pairs of Uranian satellites have revealed interesting dynamical phenomena related to the interactions between close-by resonances. These interactions produce chaotic layers and strong secondary resonances. The slow evolution of the satellite orbits in this dynamical landscape is responsible for temporary capture into resonance, enhancement of eccentricity or inclination and subsequent escape from resonance. The present contribution aims at developing analytical tools for predicting the location and size of chaotic layers and secondary resonances. The problem of the 3:1 inclination resonance between Miranda and Umbriel is analysed.  相似文献   
The development of telescope capabilities tends to go in spurts. These are triggered by the availability of new techniques in optics, mechanics and/or instrumentation. So has nighttime telescope technology developed since the construction in the nineteen-forties of the 5-m Hale telescope, first by the introduction in the sixties of high efficiency electronic detectors, followed recently by the production of large 8- to 10-m mirrors and now by the implementation of adaptive optics. In solar astronomy, major steps were the introduction of the coronagraph by Lyot in the nineteen-thirties and the vacuum telescope concept by Dunn in the sixties. In the last thirty years, telescope developments in solar astronomy have relied primarily on improved instrumental capabilities. As in nighttime astronomy, these instruments and their detectors are reaching their limits set by the quantum nature of light and the telescope diffraction. Larger telescopes are needed to increase sensitivity and angular resolution of the observations. In this paper, I will review recent efforts to increase substantially the telescope capabilities themselves. I will emphasize the concept of a large all-wavelength, coronagraphic telescope (CLEAR) which is presently being developed.Dedicated to Cornelis de Jager  相似文献   
Résumé L'analyse géométrique et cinématique de la fracturation dans le Jura franconien et la bordure occidentale du Massif bohémien met en évidence les mécanismes de la tectonique cassante d'âge teriaire, essentiellement ceux des grands accidents SE-NW (lignes de Pfahl et de Franconie) qui ont présenté successivement des jeux en coulissement dextre, en faille normale et en faille inverse. Cinq états de contrainte ont été caractérisés et comparés à ceux définis antérieurement dans le Jura souabe, en liaison avec la cinématique des plaques Europe et Afrique: compression N-S, distension E-W, compression NE-SW puis E-W, distension N-S.
The analysis of both the geometric and the kinematic cenozoic faulting in the Franconian Jura and in western Bohemia enables to characterize the mechanisms of cenozoic tectonics. More especially dextral strike-slip, normal fault and reverse fault have successively occurred along large SE-NW fault line, as the Pfahl and the Franconian fault systems. Five main stress patterns have thus been identified and then compared with those previously described in Swabian Jura. They are related to the kinematic of Europe and Africa plates, i. e.: (1) N-S compression, (2) E-W distension, (3) SW-NE compression, (4) E-W compression, (5) N-S distension.

Zusammenfassung Durch die geometrische und kinematische Analyse der Brüche wird die tertiäre Bruchtektonik (tectonique cassante) im Fränkischen Jura und am westlichen Rand des Böhmischen Massifs belegt. Es handelt sich im wesentlichen um die großen SE-NW orientierten Störungen der Linie von Pfahl und der Fränkischen Linie, die nacheinander als dextrale Blattverschiebungen, als Normalverwerfungen und als inverse Verwerfungen wirkten. Fünf Spannungszustände können charakterisiert und mit jenen, die bereits im Schwäbischen Jura definiert wurden, verglichen werden. Sie spiegeln die verschiedenen Stadien der kinematischen Entwicklung der europäischen und afrikanischen Platte wider: Kompression N-S, Zerrung E-W, Kompression NE-SW, sodann E-W, Zerrung N-S.

(tectonique cassante) . , , SE-NW , , , . 5 . : - , - , - , - - .
A new solution for the Main Problem on Lunar Theory is given. This solution maintains the advantages of an analytical solution and should be more accurate than previous analytical or numerical solutions. It contains the effects of the mass ratios which are often neglected in the definition of the Main Problem.  相似文献   
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