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人工神经网络模型在地学研究中的应用进展   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
近年来,随着人工神经网络(ANNs)自身技术的不断完善,应用ANNs模型成功解决各类地学问题的案例大量出现。通过对其发展历程进行分析发现,20世纪80年代末国际地学分析中已开始融入ANNs技术,国内则滞后 1~2年。在地学分析中使用的各类人工神经网络类型中,BP模型应用最广,占到85%以上。在10余年的应用过程中,虽然地学的各个分支学科都移植了一种或数种ANNs模型作为其分析工具,但水文、地质、大气、遥感等领域应用较为广泛。传统地学定量分析中的单变量或多变量预测成为人工神经网络地学模型的主要应用客体。同时,诸如模式识别和过程模拟等也是ANNs模型求解的对象。目前,随着建模经验和知识的积累,地学ANNs模型的发展呈现出多种技术综合集成的态势,遗传算法、小波转换、模拟退火算法以及模糊逻辑等方法与ANNs模型融合,成为解决地学分析中非线性问题的利器。  相似文献   
从微体化石看西太平洋暖池的形成与演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
通过对南海大洋钻探ODP第184航次的ODP1143站和ODP1146站以及中德合作"太阳号"95航次的南沙海区17957-2柱状样中微体化石进行定量分析,提取了近18MaB.P.以来南海上部海水垂向结构的变化.结果发现11.5~10.6MaB.P.之间和3.6~3.3MaB.P.以来南海温跃层深度的南北梯度明显增大,指示了西太平洋暖池雏形的开始和现代暖池的最终形成,且分别对应于印度尼西亚海道和巴拿马地峡的关闭.此后,南沙海区的温跃层深度自约0.9MaB.P.逐渐变浅,至约0.15MaB.P.又再变深,反映了西太平洋暖池的减弱和再次加强.因而,晚新生代西太平洋暖池的形成和演化呈现阶段性.  相似文献   
本文将深海岩芯高分辩率记录的替代性指标分为沉积型和生物型两类。沉积型替代性指标主要包括沉积物的粒度,沉积速率,粘土矿物;生物型替代性指标主要包括有孔虫,氧同位素,古水温,有机碳通量。对比研究发现,17940—2柱状样沉积物的粒度、沉积速率、有孔虫,氧同位素,古水温,有机碳通量等指标记录海洋环境变化信息程度优于其它替代性指标;沉积型替代性指标与生物型替代性指标记录海洋环境变化信息不同步;海洋环境变化的突变与渐变影响替代性指标记录的同步性。  相似文献   
柳林泉是吕梁地区最大的岩溶泉,属山西省重点保护泉之一,也是吕梁地区离柳煤电能源区和离石市、中阳县、柳林县三个县市城市生活的主要水源。从上世纪九十年代开始在不断的变化,许多有害元素的检出率从无到有逐渐增加,随着水量减少和环境的变化,水质将进一步恶化。针对柳林泉的污染状况提出治理措施,并能引起有关部门的重视。  相似文献   
宜万铁路野三关隧道“8.5”突水事故成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邬立  万军伟  陈刚  赵璐 《中国岩溶》2009,28(2):212-218
2007年8月5日宜(昌)万(州)铁路野三关隧道发生了重大的岩溶突水事故.在岩溶水文地质调查的基础上,对野三关隧道所处流域两个主要岩溶洼地以NaCl为示踪剂进行了充水水源和充水途径的示踪试验.两次示踪试验结果查明水洞坪岩溶洼地是"8.5"突水事故的主要水源,茅口组灰岩中发育的周家包暗河被F18断裂切割,将暗河水导入隧道形成突水事故.稻子坪的水在隧道突水段西以渗-涌水的形式进入隧道.水洞坪示踪实验得出二叠系栖霞-茅口组岩溶含水层中的地下水流速为50 m/h.稻子坪示踪试验得到茅口组灰岩含水层中的地下水流速为45.5 m/h;大冶组灰岩含水层中的地下水流速为10.8 m/h.本示踪结果为宜万铁路野三关隧道的后期恢复施工和防渗工作提供了依据,并为岩溶地区深埋隧道的设计和施工提供了试验和分析工作的实例参考.  相似文献   
The alpine ecosystem is very sensitive to environmental change due to global and local disturbances. The alpine ecosystem degradation, characterized by reducing vegetation coverage or biomass, has been occurring in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, which alters local energy balance, and water and biochemical cycles. However, detailed characterization of the ecosystem degradation effect is lack in literature. In this study, the impact of alpine ecosystem degradation on soil temperature for seasonal frozen soil and permafrost are examined. The vegetation coverage is used to indicate the degree of ecosystems degradation. Daily soil temperature is monitored at different depths for different vegetation coverage, for both permafrost and seasonal frozen soils. Results show that under the insulating effort of the vegetation, the freezing and thawing process become quicker and steeper, and the start of the freezing and thawing process moves up due to the insulating effort of the vegetation. The influence of vegetation coverage on the freezing process is more evident than the thawing process; with the decrease of vegetation coverage, the integral of frozen depth increases for seasonal frozen soil, but is vice versa for permafrost.  相似文献   
Geometry analysis of the Hongsanhan (红三旱) Section in the northwestern Qaidam basin illustrates the typical growth strata in the Xiaganchaigou (下干柴沟) Formation. The age and sedimentation rates of the Xiaganchaigou and the Shangganchaigou (上干柴沟) formations were determined by the high-resolution magnetostratigraphy. This result shows that the growth strata began to form at ca. 38.0 Ma and increased sedimentation rates occurred at ca. 37.0 Ma. The uplift of the Tibetan plateau before the Eocene-Oligocene boundary is confirmed, which enables us to better understand the relationship between climatic changes and the tectonic uplift. This uplift event could have resuited in the regional drying by blocking the moisture and contributed to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary global cooling event due to the declining atmospheric CO2 concentrations by increased weathering of the mountains.  相似文献   
汶川地震(Ms8.0)地表建筑体变形特征及其构造意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过汶川地震震区大量的实地考察已证实沿着早先活动断裂主要发育了两条地表破裂带:一条是沿着映秀-北川断裂产生的逆冲伴随右旋走滑破裂带,长275km,最大垂直位移达11m,水平位移达12m; 另一条纯逆冲性质的破裂带,沿着灌县-安县断裂发育,最大垂直位移达4m。活动断裂之上的地表破裂带是野外工作中确定地震断裂性质的重要现象。另外,在活动断裂相邻区域和远离区域的路面以及建筑体还大量存在变形现象。通常沿活动断裂产生的地表破裂是典型的同震破裂,相邻区域的地表路面及建筑体发育的变形属于次生变形,远离区域发育的变形则属于震后变形。对次生变形和震后变形测量数据的应用容易影响活动断裂特征的确定和性质的判断,因为路面等建筑体上的挤压拱起、叠置以及水平错断等现象多是受到地震过程中通过断裂活动突然释放的巨大能量作用在局部地表建筑体产生的变形。但是,分布广泛的挤压现象暗示了区域上挤压应力场环境,有利于地表同震破裂位置的推测及地震断裂性质的判断。  相似文献   
大庆长垣南部白垩纪断裂活动及对浅层气藏的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大庆长垣南部包括葡北、敖包塔和葡两3个局部构造.黑帝庙油层的形成与3种不同演化历史断层有关:反转期断裂(Ⅲ犁)、断陷期形成坳陷期和反转期均活动的断裂(Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ型)和坳陷期形成反转期活动的断裂(Ⅱ-Ⅲ型);其中连通气源岩且活动期与大量生排气期相匹配的Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ型和Ⅱ-Ⅲ型断裂是生物气垂向运移的主要通道,Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ型断裂是深部CO2向上运移的主要通道.这些断层均是“似花状”断层组合的边界断层,对倾边界断层控制背斜和鼻状构造形成.数值模拟表明:对倾的气源断层与地层产状的配置关系共同控制天然气运移方向和聚集的部位,由于葡萄花和敖包塔构造西缓东陡,因此天然气主要富集在背斜东翼和背斜之间的断块上.  相似文献   
New analytical results are reported for rarely determined elements Be, B, Ge, As, Mo, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, W, Re, Ir, Pt, Au, Tl and Bi in MPI‐DING and USGS (BCR‐2G, BHVO‐2G, BIR‐1G) silicate glasses and the NIST SRM 610‐614 synthetic soda‐lime glasses using 193 nm ArF excimer laser ablation and quadrupole ICP‐MS. The method used involved external calibration against GOR132‐G for Ir and NIST SRM 610 for other elements, internal standardisation using Ca, and ablation with a crater diameter of 160 μm and a pulsed laser repetition rate of 10 Hz. Small amounts of nitrogen (5 ml min?1) were added to the central channel gas of the plasma to improve the limits of detection for most of these elements by a factor of 1.2–2.5 and to reduce the oxide interference level to 0.02% (ThO+/Th+). Under these conditions, the LODs for most of these rarely determined elements were within the range 0.1 to 10 ng g?1. The operating conditions that were required to minimise ICP‐induced fractionation (U+/Th+≈ 1) in the mode without nitrogen were accompanied by a 50–60% reduction in sensitivity for elements such as Ca, Au and Pt. In contrast, ICP‐induced fractionation could be minimised (U+/Th+≈ 1) with no loss of analyte sensitivity in the nitrogen mode. Interferences of CuAr+, ZnAr+, Cd+, Pb2+ and Sn+ on Pd+, Rh+, Cd+ and In+ were corrected. Oxide interferences were not considered due to their lower production rate. Analytical precision, as given by one relative standard deviation (% RSD) was less than 15% for most of the elements present at concentrations greater than 0.1 μg g?1. A significant negative correlation was found between logarithmic concentration and logarithmic RSD, with a correlation coefficient of ?0.76. This trend indicates that possible chemical heterogeneities for most of these elements are smaller than the analytical uncertainty. Our results for Be, B, Ge, Sb and W are generally in good agreement with their reference values. In contrast, other elements in many of the reference glasses have only information values, upper limits or even no values, which restrict any detailed evaluation of the accuracy of the determined values. However, concentrations from multiple isotopes of one element analysed in this study showed excellent agreement, which guarantee the quality of our data to a certain extent.  相似文献   
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