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The stratigraphy in Hamnsundhelleren is as follows. A basal weathered rock bed of unknown age is followed by laminated clay deposited under stadial conditions and correlated with palaeomagnetism to the Laschamp excursion (43–47 000 yr BP). Angular blocks, bones and clay above this are 14C dated to the Ålesund Interstadial (28–38 000 yr BP). Another stadial laminated clay following the Ålesund Interstadial includes a palaeomagnetic excursion correlated with Lake Mungo (28 000 yr BP). The newly discovered Hamnsund Interstadial above this consists of frost-weathered clay and scattered angular blocks. It is 14C dated to 24 500 yr BP on bones mixed into the Ålesund Interstadial. The Hamnsund Interstadial is succeeded by another stadial laminated clay and then a Late-glacial–Holocene mixture of bones and blocks. In Hamnsundhelleren and other similar caves four successive phases of sedimentary environments for each ice-free–ice-covered cycle have been identified: (i) ice-free phase (deposition of bones and frost-weathered blocks); (ii) subaerial ice-dammed lake phase (sand or silt deposited in a lateral glacial lake); (iii) subglacial ice-dammed lake phase (cave closed by ice, deposition of till, debris flows and laminated clay); (d) ice-plugged phase (cave is plugged by frozen lake water and/or glacial ice, no deposition).  相似文献   
Szewczyk, J. & Nawrocki, J. 2011: Deep‐seated relict permafrost in northeastern Poland. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 385–388. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00218.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A research borehole drilled in northeastern Poland revealed a permafrost layer at least 93 m thick within the Cretaceous sedimentary succession below a depth of 357 m. Its entire thickness has not been determined, owing to the borehole depth limit (450 m). The relict of permafrost, unexpected in this part of Europe, is in the ice–water transition phase at a temperature close to 0 °C. We estimate that the permafrost has been preserved in an area of several square kilometres located above the central part of the Suwa?ki anorthosite intrusion, which is covered by ~800 m of sedimentary rocks. We show that the remnants of the Last Glaciation, which ended at c. 13.4 ka BP, can, even at present, affect the thermal regime of the outer zone of the Earth's crust. These findings are of significant importance for the reconstruction of past climate conditions.  相似文献   
S. CALMANT  K. CHENG  G. JAN  C. KUO  C. SHUM  Y. YI 《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):597-613
A bottom pressure gauge (BPG) was installed in proximity (3.7 km at closest approach) of Jason-1 and formerly TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) ground track No. 238 at the Wusi site, located ~ 10 km offshore off the west coast of Santo Island, Vanuatu, Southwest (SW) Pacific. Sea level variations are inferred from the bottom pressure, seawater temperature, and salinity, corrected for the measured surface atmospheric pressure. The expansion of the water column (steric increase in sea surface height, SSH) due to temperature and salinity changes is approximated by the equation of state. We compare time series of SSH derived from T/P Side B altimeter Geophysical Data Records (GDR) and Jason-1 Interim Geophysical Data Records (IGDR), with the gauge-inferred sea level variations. Since altimeter SSH is a geocentric measurement, whereas the gauge-inferred observation is a relative sea level measurement, SSH comparison is conducted with the means of both series removed in this study. In addition, high-rate (1-Hz) bottom pressure implied wave heights (H 1/3 ) are compared with the significant wave height (SWH) measured by Jason-1. Noticeable discrepancy is found in this comparison for high waves, however the differences do not contribute significantly to the difference in sea level variations observed between the altimeter and the pressure gauge. In situ atmospheric pressure measurements are also used to verify the inverse barometer (IB) and the dry troposphere corrections (DTC) used in the Jason IGDR. We observe a bias between the IGDR corrections and those derived from the local sensors. Standard deviations of the sea level differences between T/P and BPG is 52 mm and is 48 mm between Jason and BPG, indicating that both altimeters have similar performance at the Wusi site and that it is feasible to conduct long-term monitoring of altimetry at such a site.  相似文献   
Amazing organogenic deposits were encountered within the terminal moraine zone of Renardbreen, north-western part of Wedel Jarlsberg Land. Pollen analyses and ,14C dating locate the deposits at the Middle Late Subatlantic transition. The position of these deposits indicates possible glacial advances 3,500-2,000 years BP and during the Little Ice Age, respectively. Remnants of human activity at least as old as the 9th century were also found within organogenic deposits.  相似文献   
Seven localities with fossil-bearing tills were found in the Ålesund area. Fifteen radiocarbon dates of marine shells in the tills all gave ages between 28,000 and 38,000 years B.P. In spite of a general scepticism to shell dates giving high finite ages, these ages may be accepted mainly because of the quality of the shells, the geological situation in which they were found, and identical results for different fractions. The ice-free period is named the Ålesund Interstadial. and its Middle Weichselian age is also suggested by amino acid D/L ratios in shells, compared with Late Weichselian and Eemian ratios. Shell and foraminifera faunas suggest arctic conditions with the Atlantic water present during the optimal period. The tills are non-sorted, compacted and interpreted to be basal tills. Their age is bracketed between c. 28,000 and 12,800 years B.P.  相似文献   
In 1984 the centenary of Gerard De Geer's invention of the clay-varve dating method was celebrated with a Nordic conference in Stockholm. This paper presents the history of the method as an introduction to the following pages summarizing some of the papers presented at that meeting.  相似文献   
The effect of egg volume on body mass, body composition and growth rate in arctic tern Sterna paradisaea chicks was studied at Ny-Ålesund, on Svalbard (78°55'N, 12°00'E), in order to investigate whether differences in egg size influence the physiological characteristics of the hatchlings. The relative content of yolk and albumen in eggs did not vary in proportion to egg volume. Hatchlings from large eggs had larger body masses than hatchlings from small eggs, with 71% of the overall variation in body mass accounted for egg volume. In newly-hatched chicks, water content, lean body and total lipid mass, as well as both leg and pectoral muscles, changed isometrically in proportion to egg volume. Hatchlings from large eggs, however, had disproportionately larger yolk sacs. The leg muscles of small chicks contained a lower proportion of water than the leg muscles of large chicks, indicating that the leg muscles of small hatchlings were functionally more mature. There was a weak, but significant, correlation between egg volume and growth rate. However, a residual analysis made to eliminate the effect of egg volume showed no correlation between hatchling body mass and growth rate. The results of the present study show that Arctic tern hatchlings from large eggs emerge with more yolk sac reserves, enabling them to better withstand periods of food-scarcity. During embryonic growth in small eggs, however, there seems to be a greater relative usage of yolk, resulting in a more developed leg musculature. This may partly compensate for the higher mass-specific heat loss in small hatchlings.  相似文献   
Isoleucine epimerization (alle/Ue) ratios in the pelecypod Mya truncata and benthic foraminifer Cibicides lobalulus from emerged marine units in western Norway allow construction of a regional relative chronostratigraphy for the Ecmian and Weichselian. Two in situ interglacial sections are considered correlative by the similar biostratigraphy and alle/Ile ratios in C. lobalulus. Overlying sediments at the two sites are of both marine and glacial origin. Neither site contains a complete Weichselian record, but allelic ratios, lithostratigraphy and fauna! changes suggest at least four stadial and three interstadial events occurred along the western Norwegian coast during Early and Middle Weichselian time. Kinetic data defining the relationship between the isoleucine epimerization rate constant and temperature for the species studied allow the estimation of paleotemperatures for samples of known age. Accepting published age estimates for the Eemian interglacial beds, the average Weichselian temperature in western Norway is calculated to have been ca. 4°C below the average Holocene temperature, whereas the last interglacial was 1 to 2°C warmer that the Holocene. The limited temperature depression over this region during the Weichselian implies that coastal western Norway was ice-covered only about 30% of this period, and that Atlantic water, although not necessarily in a warm surface current as today, entered the Norwegian Sea during much of marine isotope stage 5 and intermittently during stage 3. Interpolated amino acid ages date interstadial events at ca. 94 ka, 78 ka and 52 ka, B.P., whereas glacial events are dated ca. 103 ka and bracketed by limiting dates between 78 and 89 ka, between 52 and 63 ka and less than 36 ka B.P.  相似文献   
Solifluction movement rates from 1952 to 2008 for the Abisko region, northern Sweden, have been compiled and analysed through correlation tests and multiple regression. The temporal analysis is based on two datasets ( Lobe11 & gridAB and Line B ) from Kärkevagge. The dataset Lobe11 & gridAB show a strong correlation between movement rates and mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and MAAT is also identified as one of the significant contributing parameters in the multiple regression model. No significant correlations were found for the Line B dataset. The spatial analysis indicates generally higher movement rates in the western part of the region and at lower altitudes mainly between 700 and 900 m a.s.l., but the spatial variability is high. To reduce the influence of the temporal variation the data for the correlation tests of the spatial variations were divided into two parts: 1957 to 1980 and 1981 to 2008. The correlation analysis of the dataset 1957 to 1980 shows a significant negative correlation between annual average movement rates and permafrost probability and altitude. The dataset 1981 to 2008 shows a positive correlation between movement rates and wetness index. It is concluded that movement rates may increase with higher MAAT in the western part of the region (Kärkevagge), the spatial variability of movement rates within the region is very high and that altitude (and/or permafrost) together with wetness index are the main controls on the regional spatial variation. The study highlights the limitations in establishing statistical relationships between movement rates and climate using data from different field empirical studies.  相似文献   
Three methods for least-squares inversion of receiver array-filtered seismic data are investigated: (1) point receiver inversion where array effects are neglected; (2) preprocessing of the data with an inverse array filter, followed by point receiver inversion; (3) array inversion, where the array effects are included in the forward modelling. The methods are tested on synthetic data generated using the acoustic wave equation and a horizontally stratified earth model. It is assumed that the group length and the group interval are identical. For arrays that are shorter than the minimum wavelength of the emitted wavefield, and when the data are appropriately muted, point receiver inversion (first method) gives satisfactory results. For longer arrays, array inversion (third method) should be used. The failure of the inverse array filter (second method) is due to aliasing problems in the data.  相似文献   
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