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llNTRODUCTIONIrrigationisimp0rtanttof00dpr0ducti0nthr0ughoutthew0rld.Irrigati0nisused0naboutl5theworld'scropland(KendalIandPimentel,l994)and5%ofthew0rld'sfoodproductionland,whichincludesrangelandandpermanentcr0pland(FAO,l998).However,irrigatedlandproducesmorethan30%ofthew0rld'sf0od(Tribe,1994),whichis2l/2timesasmuchperunitareacomparedt0n0n-irrigatedproducti0n(KendallandPimentel,1994).IntheUnitedStates,approximatelyl5theharvestedcr0plandisirrigated,butalmost40thet0talcr0pvalue…  相似文献   
阿拉伯地盾前寒武纪火山岩和深成岩的铷—锶法研究指出,在9亿和6.8亿年前之间,阿拉伯半岛有陆壳的早期发育。地质研究表明,克拉通内的岛—弧环境沿南北向或北西向轴,以具安山岩(闪长岩)岩浆活动、火山碎屑沉积、快速沉淀作用和同期变形为特征。沙特阿拉伯西部和西南部所见年龄为9—8亿度的最早深成岩是闪长岩到奥长花岗岩岩基。年龄为7.5—6.8亿年的较新岩石组分则从石英闪长岩到花岗闪长岩变化,这些组份在阿拉伯地盾的中南部和东部变得更多了。上述两组岩石的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr初始值为0.7023到0.7030,平均为0.7027。沉积地层中硅铝质岩屑的缺失和岛—弧环境事件意味着板块和大洋岩圈之间,阿拉伯陆壳早期发育产生在会聚板块边缘上,随之发生与俯冲作用有关的岩浆作用和构造作用,称之为汉志构造旋回。在阿拉伯和非洲东部,以泛非事件为代表的碰撞事件期间,阿拉伯为非洲元古宙板块所缝合,延伸到从6.5亿年前到至少5.4亿年,甚至可能到5.2亿年前。当9亿至5亿年期间,尽管俯冲作用和大陆碰撞作用在此板块会聚的简单板块构造模式为代表,根据泛非事件的年龄差异以及汉志造山运动岩浆作用和构造作用的差异,支持了至少可划分为两个事件的看法。主要深成侵入作用时期的分布表明,汉志旋回期间,岩浆和构造活动轴是向东或向北东移动的。然而,泛非事件的花岗闪长岩到花岗岩深成作用说明它们随年龄并没有限定的地理变化,而且深成岩分布在整个阿拉伯地盾中。  相似文献   
Corals and reef environments are under increased stress from anthropogenic activities, particularly those in the vicinity of heavily populated areas such as the Florida Keys. The potential adverse impacts of wastewater can affect both the environment and human health; however, because of the high decay rate of bacterial indicators in coral reef waters it has been difficult to document the presence of microbial contaminants and to assign risks in these environments. Here we show initial evidence that microorganisms associated with human feces are concentrated along the surface of coral heads relative to the overlying water column in the Florida Keys. Bacterial indicators (fecal coliform bacteria, enterococci or Clostridium perfringens) were detected in 66.7% of the coral surface microlayer (CSM) samples at levels between five and 1000 CFU/100 ml, but were found infrequently and at low numbers in the overlying water column ( < or = 2.5 CFU/100 ml). Similarly, enterovirus nucleic acid sequences, an indicator of human-specific waste, were detected in 93.3% of the CSM samples and only once in the water column by cell culture. Results show that coral mucus may accumulate enteric microorganisms in reef environments, and may indicate a risk to public and environmental health despite low indicator levels in the surrounding water.  相似文献   
西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼,Illex argentinus,巴塔哥尼亚南部群体是重要的经济种类。海洋环境因子在柔鱼资源分布中起着重要的作用。本研究利用基于环境因子的动态产量模型评估2000-2010年的滑柔鱼的资源量。假设海洋环境因子(滑柔鱼产卵场最适宜海表温度占比)影响动态产量模型的参数K,DIC值表明在正态分布和均匀分布下均是基于环境因子的评估模型优于基本的动态产量模型。阿根廷滑柔鱼的最大可持续产量(MSY)在351600吨到685 100吨之间,资源生物量在1322400吨到1 803 000吨之间,其捕捞死亡系数均小于F0.1FMSY,资源处在良好状态,没有遭受过度捕捞。本研究为应用环境因子在柔鱼类的资源评估与管理提中供了科学的参考方法。  相似文献   
Changes in quantities of water, sodium, potassium, lipid and protein were compared in developing eggs and yolk-sac larvae of herring dupes harengus L., a species with demersal eggs, and plaice Pleuroncctcs platessa L., a species with pelagic eggs. The principal difference between the two species was the occurrence in herring, but not in plaice of considerable increases in water content and in one or both of the above ions at three distinct stages: at fertilization,during the middle stage of egg development, and in the days immediately after hatching. Newly hatched larvae of the two species differed greatly in water content because of the difference in mass and water content of the yolk, not in the water content of the rest of the body. In herring, there were increases in sodium and potassium which coincided broadly with the increase in water content. These differences are related to the gradual acquisition of buoyancy by herring during this period, comparable with the buoyancy conferred on plaice eggs a  相似文献   
For the sake of cost and potential environmental risk, it is necessary to minimize the amount of chelates used in chemically-enhanced phytoextraction. In the present study, a biodegradable chelating agent, EDDS was added in a hot solution at 90℃ to the soil in which garland chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L., white bean) were growing. The application of hot chelate solutions was much more efficient than the application of normal chelate solutions (25℃) in improving the uptake of heavy metals by plants. When 1 mmol kg1 of EDDS as a hot solution was applied to soil, the concentrations ofCu, Zn and Cd and the total phytoextraction by the shoots of the two plant species exceeded or approximated those in the shoots of plants treated with 5 mmol kg^-1 of normal EDTA solution. The concentrations of metals in the shoots of beans were significantly correlated with the relative electrolyte leakage rate of root cells, indicating that the root damage resulting from the hot solution might play an important role in the process of chelate-enhanced metal uptake. The soil leaching study demonstrated that decreasing the dosage of chelate resulted in decreased concentrations of soluble metals in soils. On the 28th day following the application of chelate, the concentrations of soluble metals in the EDDS treated soil were not significantly different from the concentrations in the control soil to which chelates had not been applied.  相似文献   
浑善达克沙地的光释光年代序列与全新世气候变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
浑善达克沙地具有对气候变化响应敏感和生态环境脆弱的特点,是研究环境变化的理想地区.相对于黄土而言,沙质沉积是近源、在沉积期堆积速率快,有可能记录了某些时间段千年时间尺度的干旱事件.应用光释光测年技术,对浑善达克沙地东北.西南断面上具代表性的10个沙丘和沙/黄土剖面进行了年代测试,获得了35个样品的光释光年龄;结合野外地层观察分析和粒度、磁化率等测试,得到了浑善达克沙地全新世干旱事件和相对湿润期的气候变化记录:在距今9.9~8.2ka期问,沙地发育厚层粗砂层,沙丘处于活动状态,气候干燥,植被覆盖度低;在距今8.0~2.7ka期间,沙地发育有多层浅灰一灰黑色砂质土壤,沙丘总体上处于固定.半固定状态(也含有短时段的沙丘活化的干旱事件),指示气候较之前明显湿润,植被相对茂密;2.3ka以来,沙地沉积物以粗砂堆积为主,沙丘又重新活化,气候总体上为干旱.通过对沙丘沉积记录和沉积产状的分析,发现浑善达克沙地在全新世早期、8.2ka前后以及小冰期时期,气候较为干旱,植被盖度小,沙丘活化;在“隋唐暖期”和“中世纪温暖期”,气候较湿润,植被发育良好,沙丘固定.具有绝对释光年龄控制的沙丘沉积记录表明,全新世浑善达克沙地多次千年时间尺度的气候事件可能是全球气候变化的区域响应.  相似文献   
The Ejina(Gaxun Nur)Basin­enclosed by the Tibetan Plateau in the south and the Gobi Altay in the north has continuously evolved as a strong continental endorheic depositional environment. Medium scale geomorphological mapping by Landsat­ and Corona­Images as well as SRTM­topographic data,combined with field­surveys and geophysical investigation provides evidence for tectonic impact on sedimentary processes during the Late Quaternary.
Analyses of SRTM­Data and Landsat­Images reveal a system of up to 20m high inverted channels developed on the inactive eastern part of the large Hei river drainage delta south of the ancient lake Juyanze. The complex evolution of these landforms requires a relative lowering of the lake basin at least two times since the last 40ka. A 26m high cliff section of gravel­covered lake sediments within the Juyanze paleolake indicates a strong subsidence of the lake bottom of 10m/1000yrs since 18kaB.P.
North of Ejina river oasis a distinct north­south striking scarp up to 13m high constitutes the eastern margin of the Gaxun Nur. Palaeodrainage channels derived from the Gobi Altay. They display a sinistral offset of some decametres along a set of WE­trending faults. The rhombic shape of the modern dry Gaxun Nur,fossil cliffs,well preserved beach ridges along the margins of the palaeolake system as well as gravel covered topsets of lacustrine sediments indicate local displacements of morphological features. The displacements of lake sediments at the southern margin of the modern Gaxun Nur Basin imply a subsidence of at least 0.81m/1000 yrs since 25kaB.P.as a result of a pull­apart development due to the left stepping faults in a sinistral system.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of the conchostracan genus Tenuestheria from the Lanxi Formation in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province in Southeast China is revised following an examination of the type species under a scanning electron microscope, which revealed some morphological features on the carapace that had not been recognized previously. The importance of the Tenuestheria Fauna is considered in the context of correlation of six Turonian–Santonian formations in this region of China. The value of the Cenomanian Nemestheria and Turonian Linhaiella faunas in correlating the underlying early Late Cretaceous formations is also noted.  相似文献   
格陵兰岛西南部Nassaq地区辉钼矿Re-Os年龄及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
格陵兰矿产资源丰富,种类繁多,目前已探明的金属矿点(床)有800多个,具有巨大的找矿潜力,世界主要矿业公司多数对格陵兰的找矿与开发表现出积极态度。因此,选择典型地区开展深入研究对进一步找矿有重要的理论指导意义。格陵兰西南部的那萨克(Nassaq)地区交通较为便利,本文在对该地区系统的野外地质特征研究基础上,采集了含辉钼矿斜长角闪岩样品,并从中选择代表性样品,进行辉钼矿Re-Os年代学研究,为其成矿作用及相关问题的研究提供基本依据。该地区辉钼矿的形成年龄为2553 Ma,为新太古界末期的产物,其矿化是Qorqut花岗岩侵入时(2550Ma)所形成,在格陵兰西南部应重视Qorqut花岗岩有关的辉钼矿的找矿与评价工作。  相似文献   
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