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Classical structural analysis, in combination with new techniques including pyroxene thermobarometry and recrystallized-grain- and subgrain-size paleopiezometry, has been used to deduce the tectonic history of the Vourinos Ophiolite Complex, Greece. Results can be used to infer the variation with depth of differential stress in the upper mantle and indicate that these rocks were subjected to an initial stress level of 10–100 bar over a depth interval from 100 to 40 km, respectively. Subsequently, they underwent mylonitization, associated with stresses of about 2500 bar at 30 km depth. Rocks equilibrated at the deepest levels commonly have the highest structural positions within the ultramafic tectonites and also show appreciable Al depletion. Lack of annealing recrystallization in the mylonitic rocks, together with low stress levels and an abnormally high pyroxene geotherm for the Complex lead to the interpretation of the Complex being the remnant of a mantle diapir, with an overlying magma chamber, located at a spreading ridge.  相似文献   
Two sites located in the sublittoral fine-sand macrobenthic community of the Ares-Betanzos Ria were sampled over four years (December 1992-November 1996) in the wake of the Aegean Sea oil spill. This sampling revealed that the petroleum had affected the structure and abundance of this community, as well as the number of taxa present. In this context, the results of the biotic index and the biotic coefficient were insufficient; however, study of the synthetic parameters, particularly through multivariate analysis, showed that the community went through three successive and distinct phases over time. A short period of high mortality in some species, especially amphipods, was followed by a period of low abundance that lasted until the spring of 1995. A period of recovery began in the second half of 1995 and continued through to the end of 1996, when the survey ended. The community showed a gradual evolution back towards the conditions observed immediately after the spill, when abundance of the more resistant species was still high. Despite this similarity, the last period exhibits a new structure, clearly separate from the two previous periods. This study provides information about the short-term effects of the Aegean Sea oil spill on the fine sand bottoms of the sites surveyed in the Ares-Betanzos Ria. This information could also serve as a baseline for identifying the effects of a more recent accident, the Prestige oil spill, in which similar communities in other Galician rias were polluted in 2002-2003.  相似文献   
Rheology of the upper mantle: Inferences from peridotite xenoliths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stress estimates as a function of depth are obtained for peridotite xenoliths from the upper mantle of three types of tectonic environments by applying revised recrystallizedgrain-size paleopiezometry and pyroxene thermobarometry. The general increase in grain size with depth and hence decrease in deviatoric stress, observed previously, is confirmed but reversals in these trends are now established and remain enigmatic. Stresses and temperatures obtained are combined with a representative creep-flow law to calculate strainrate and viscosity profiles that appear to be physically reasonable. Profiles for the highthermal-gradient rift/ridge environments show a complexity that is interpreted as.a rheological discontinuity resulting from the emplacement of asthenospheric diapirs during late stages of continental rifting. Profiles for broad continental extension zones (C.E.Z.), believed to be most representative of oceanic upper mantle, fluctuate between 50 and 80 km, with a general small increase in strain rate and decrease in viscosity with depth; deepest samples apparently come from the base of the lithosphere. Profiles for the infracratonic mantle of southern Africa show nearly a uniform increase in strain rate to values greater than 10−14/sec, and a decrease in viscosity to lower than 1021 poise, at a depth of 230 km. These profiles may transect the mechanically defined lithosphere—asthenosphere transition at about 200 km and, if so, there is no evidence for a mechanical discontinuity at the boundary. This observation, coupled with evidence that the sense of shear is homogeneous for all mantle profiles constructed, clearly favors a model whereby lithospheric plates are dragged by thermal convection of the asthenosphere below. Sea-floor spreading rates and relative plate-velocity estimates are consistent with this interpretation but do not independently permit a definitive choice between the two favored models advanced to explain the driving force for plate motions.  相似文献   
Origin of the Xigaze ophiolite, Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, southern Tibet   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Xigaze ophiolite, (Tibet) displays unusual lithological, petrological, textural, and structural characteristics. There are no large masses of cumulate gabbros, but dolerite intrusives throughout the whole ophiolite sequence, some of which were intruded into already serpentinized peridotites, only minor residual harzburgites and dunites in dominantly Iherzolitic peridotites equilibrated at low temperatures and pressures, and relatively low-temperature deformation structures in the uppermost peridotites. These features suggest a very low heat flow at the spreading center where the Xigaze ophiolite was formed, in good agreement with a discontinuous and slowly-accreting spreading center origin. However, this ophiolite does not represent a typical mid-oceanic ridge ophiolite; rather it was formed in a small basin located at the southern margin of Eurasia, hence within a preexisting oceanic lithosphere. The opening of the nearly N-S Xigaze paleo-ridge resulted from the W-E drift of Africa relative to Eurasia from 180 to 110 Ma. The N-S emplacement onto the continent of the Xigaze ophiolite, formed 120 to 110 Ma ago, can be correlated to changes in direction of motion of the African and Indian plates: a primary intra-oceanic thrusting event probably occurring at 110 or 85 Ma and the final obduction near 50 Ma during the India-Eurasia collision.  相似文献   
In June 1996, 16 UV-visible sensors from 11 institutes measured spectra of the zenith sky for more than 10 days. Spectra were analysed in real-time to determine slant column amounts of O3 and NO2. Spectra of Hg lamps and lasers were measured, and the amount of NO2 in a cell was determined by each spectrometer. Some spectra were re-analysed after obvious errors were found. Slant columns were compared in two ways: by examining regression analyses against comparison instruments over the whole range of solar zenith angles; and by taking fractional differences from a comparison instrument at solar zenith angles between 85° and 91°. Regression identified which pairs of instruments were most consistent, and so which could be used as universal comparison instruments. For O3, regression slopes for the whole campaign agreed within 5% for most instruments despite the use of different cross-sections and wavelength intervals, whereas similar agreement was only achieved for NO2 when the same cross-sections and wavelength intervals were used and only one half-day's data was analysed. Mean fractional differences in NO2 from a comparison instrument fall within ±7% (1-sigma) for most instruments, with standard deviations of the mean differences averaging 4.5%. Mean differences in O3 fall within ±2.5% (1- sigma) for most instruments, with standard deviations of the mean differences averaging 2%. Measurements of NO2 in the cell had similar agreement to measurements of NO2 in the atmosphere, but for some instruments measurements with cell and atmosphere relative to a comparison instrument disagreed by more than the error bars.  相似文献   
The recharge flow paths in a typical weathered hard-rock aquifer in a semi-arid area of southern India were investigated in relation to structures associated with a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) scheme. Despite the large number of MAR structures, the mechanisms of recharge in their vicinity are still unclear. The study uses a percolation tank as a tool to identify the input signal of the recharge and uses multiple measurements (piezometric time series, electrical conductivity profiles in boreholes) compared against heat-pulse flowmeter measurements and geochemical data (major ions and stable isotopes) to examine recharge flow paths. The recharge process is a combination of diffuse piston flow and preferential flow paths. Direct vertical percolation appears to be very limited, in contradiction to the conceptual model generally admitted where vertical flow through saprolite is considered as the main recharge process. The horizontal component of the flow leads to a strong geochemical stratification of the water column. The complex recharge pattern, presented in a conceptual model, leads to varied impacts on groundwater quality and availability in both time and space, inducing strong implications for water management, water quality evolution, MAR monitoring and longer-term socio-economic costs.  相似文献   
Estuarine systems are complex environments where seasonal and spatial variations occur in concentrations of suspended particulate matter, in primary constituents, and in organic matter content. This study investigated in the laboratory the flocculation potential of estuarine-suspended particulate matter throughout the year in order to better identify the controlling factors and their hierarchy. Kinetic experiments were performed in the lab with a “video in lab” device, based on a jar test technique, using suspended sediments sampled every 2 months over a 14-month period at three stations in the Seine estuary (France). These sampling stations are representative of (1) the upper estuary, dominated by freshwater, and (2) the middle estuary, characterized by a strong salinity gradient and the presence of an estuarine turbidity maximum. Experiments were performed at a constant low turbulent shear stress characteristic of slack water periods (i.e., a Kolmogorov microscale >1,000 μm). Flocculation processes were estimated using three parameters: flocculation efficiency, flocculation speed, and flocculation time. Results showed that the flocculation that occurred at the three stations was mainly influenced by the concentration of the suspended particulate matter: maximum floc size was observed for concentrations above 0.1 g l−1 while no flocculation was observed for concentrations below 0.004 g l−1. Diatom blooms strongly enhanced flocculation speed and, to a lesser extent, flocculation efficiency. During this period, the maximum flocculation speed of 6 μm min−1 corresponded to a flocculation time of less than 20 min. Salinity did not appear to automatically enhance flocculation, which depended on the constituents of suspended sediments and on the content and concentration of organic matter. Examination of the variability of 2D fractal dimension during flocculation experiments revealed restructuring of flocs during aggregation. This was observed as a rapid decrease in the floc fractal dimension from 2 to 1.4 during the first minutes of the flocculation stage, followed by a slight increase up to 1.8. Deflocculation experiments enabled determination of the influence of turbulent structures on flocculation processes and confirmed that turbulent intensity is one of the main determining factors of maximum floc size.  相似文献   
Semi-diurnal and fortnightly surveys were carried out to quantify the effects of wind- and navigation-induced high-energy events on bed sediments above intertidal mudflats. The mudflats are located in the upper fluvial part (Oissel mudflat) and at the mouth (Vasière Nord mudflat) of the macrotidal Seine estuary. Instantaneous flow velocities and mudflat bed elevation were measured at a high frequency and high resolution with an acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) and an ALTUS altimeter, respectively. Suspended particulate matter concentrations were estimated by calibrating the ADV acoustic backscattered intensity with bed sediments collected at the study sites. Turbulent bed shear stress values were estimated by the turbulent kinetic energy method, using velocity variances filtered from the wave contribution. Wave shear stress and maximum wave–current shear stress values were calculated with the wave–current interaction (WCI) model, which is based on the bed roughness length, wave orbital velocities and the wave period (TS). In the fluvial part of the estuary, boat passages occurred unevenly during the surveys and were characterized by long waves (TS>50 s) induced by the drawdown effect and by short boat-waves (TS<10 s). Boat waves generated large bottom shear stress values of 0.5 N m−2 for 2–5 min periods and, in burst of several seconds, larger bottom shear stress values up to 1 N m−2. At the mouth of the estuary, west south-west wind events generated short waves (TS<10 s) of HS values ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 m. In shallow-water environment (water depth <1.5 m), these waves produced bottom shear stress values between 1 and 2 N m−2. Wave–current shear stress values are one order of magnitude larger than the current-induced shear stress and indicate that navigation and wind are the dominant hydrodynamic forcing parameters above the two mudflats. Bed elevation and SPM concentration time series showed that these high energy events induced erosion processes of up to several centimetres. Critical erosion shear stress (τce) values were determined from the SPM concentration and bed elevation measurements. Rough τce values were found above 0.2 N m−2 for the Oissel mudflat and about 1 N m−2 for the Vasière Nord mudflat.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first results obtained during cruises since 1995 in the southeastern part of the Bay of Seine. New sedimentological data concerning sediment samples, box cores and water column measurements have been obtained recently in the framework of the Research Programme PNEC (French National Coastal Environment Programme). Fine sediments are deposited on form of temporary veneers of fluid-to-soft mud formed during high floods episodes. In the subtidal area (<10 m water depth), mobility of fine sediments is important and temporary mud deposited during high discharge period composes part of the distal estuarine system of the Seine River. To cite this article: S. Garnaud et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 323–330.  相似文献   
Bioturbation acts as a low-pass filter in displacing and reducing the amplitudes of stratigraphic signals. This often leads to a loss of high-frequency events in the stratigraphic record. In addition, when considering an isotopic signal 18O,14C measured in stratigraphic carriers, such as foraminifera, bioturbation and carrier abundance changes can create artifacts which may be falsely interpreted as leads or lags in the paleoclimatic record.We presenthere a model in which bioturbationis treated as a time-invariant filter whose impulse response function (IRF) is like that of a first-order system. The method involves first deconvoluting the abundance curves of the carriers and then the isotopic signals using the restored carrier abundances. This analysis was initially used to artificially generate ideal curves, with the aim of qualitatively modelling the effects of bioturbation. Following this, deconvolved curves were obtained using data from the core CH73-139C using 18O, A. M. S. C-14 ages, and abundances of two planktonic foraminifera:G. bulloides andN. pachyderma left-coiling. A comparison of the data with the unmixed curves enables separation of the bioturbation artifacts and the construction of a common deglaciation curve based on the restored signals.Importantly, the model emphasizes some severe limitations of mathematical analysis of stratigraphic signals.  相似文献   
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