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在中国东北地区,望天鹅火山的覆盖范围仅次于长白山,前人测得的K-Ar年龄主要集中在2~3Ma,但其精确的啧发年代一直没有很好的限定.这是因为第四纪以来的火山岩40 Ar/39 Ar定年与较老的地质样品有显著的不同,测试过程中极其微小的偏差会呈指数方式放大,带来测年结果的极大误差,难以严格限定火山喷发的年代.本文选用的激...  相似文献   
A gridded monthly precipitable water (PW) data for 1979?C2007 from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis are used to investigate summertime interannual PW variability over Europe and its relation to the key climate parameters in the region. During summer season the first EOF mode of PW, explaining 27?C41% of its total variance, demonstrates significant month-to-month changes in its structure, thus, implying its essential non-stationarity. The second EOF mode of PW is also non-stationary during the summer season. In contrast to precipitation, both leading modes of PW are not associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), as well as with other regional teleconnections, suggesting relatively minor role of the atmospheric dynamics in atmospheric moisture variability over Europe during summer season. Analysis of links between leading EOF modes of regional PW and air temperature (AT) has revealed a strong link between PW and AT over Europe, persisting during entire summer season. Locally, these links imply that positive (negative) AT anomalies result in enhanced (decreased) PW over particular region. Revealed links between leading modes of PW and AT highlight important role of thermodynamics in summertime PW variability over Europe. Detected relatively weak and unstable links between leading modes of PW and precipitation over Europe were somewhat expected since in contrast to atmospheric moisture, regional precipitation variability is largely driven by the atmospheric dynamics (particularly, the NAO).  相似文献   
Multiscene Landsat 5 TM imagery, Principal Component Analysis, and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index were used to produce the first region‐scale map of riparian vegetation for the Pilbara (230,000 km2), Western Australia. Riparian vegetation is an environmentally important habitat in the arid and desert climate of the Pilbara. These habitats are supported by infrequent flow events and in some locations by groundwater discharge. Our analysis suggests that riparian vegetation covers less than 4% of the Pilbara region, whereas almost 10.5% of this area is composed of groundwater dependent vegetation (GDV). GDV is often associated with open water (river pools), providing refugia for a variety of species. GDV has an extremely high ecological value and are often important Indigenous sites. This paper demonstrates how Landsat data calibrated to Top of Atmosphere reflectance can be used to delineate riparian vegetation across 16 Landsat scenes and two Universal Transverse Mercator spatial zones. The proposed method is able to delineate riparian vegetation and GDV, without the need for Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function correction. Results were validated using ground truth data from local and regional scale vegetation surveys.  相似文献   
Artifacts made from volcanic glass have been found in archaeological contexts dating from the Late Palaeolithic (ca. 20,000 yr B.P.) through to the end of the Bronze Age (ca. 2700 yr B.P.) in the southern Primorye region of Far East Russia. A geoarchaeological survey of volcanic glass outcrops assessed the various potential sources to determine their potential for sustained exploitation. A characterization study of source samples and artifacts from 27 spatially and temporally dispersed sites using a combination of PIXE‐PIGME and relative density identified which sources had actually been exploited and a technological analysis of the assemblages described patterns of use. The combination of these three approaches shows the impact of a relatively stable geological environment on patterns of procurement and exchange. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Seismic properties of isotropic elastic formations are characterized by the three parameters: acoustic impedance, Poisson's ratio and density. Whilst the first two are usually well estimated by analysing the amplitude variation with angle (AVA) of reflected P‐P waves, density is known to be poorly resolved. However, density estimates would be useful in many situations encountered in oil and gas exploration, in particular, for minimizing risks in looking ahead while drilling. We design a borehole seismic experiment to investigate the reliability of AVA extracted density. Receivers are located downhole near the targeted reflectors and record reflected P‐P and converted P‐S waves. A non‐linear, wide‐angle‐based Bayesian inversion is then used to access the a posteriori probability distributions associated with the estimation of the three isotropic elastic parameters. The analysis of these distributions suggests that the angular variation of reflected P‐S amplitudes provides additional substantial information for estimating density, thus reducing the estimate uncertainty variance by more than one order of magnitude, compared to using only reflected P‐waves.  相似文献   
The spectroscopic observations of comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught) were carried out with the 2 m Zeiss-RCC Telescope of Pik Terskol Observatory operated by the International Center for Astronomical and Medico-Ecological Research (Ukraine, Russia). The Multi Mode Cassegrain spectrometer was used to obtain spectra of moderate spectral resolving power with a wavelength coverage from 4140 to 5240 Å. The spectrum is characterized by the extremely low continuum level and strong molecular features. 192 emission lines of C2, CN, CH, NH2, CO+, and CH+ have been identified by the comparison of the observed and theoretical spectra of the molecules. The ratios of the gas production rates of Q(C2)/Q(CN)=1.32, Q(CH)/Q(CN)=0.49, and Q(NH2)/Q(CN)=0.81 were derived using a Haser model.  相似文献   
A detailed characterisation was carried out for soil sampled from sites with different levels of contamination before and after the cultivation of oats and barley. Mineralogical composition, concentration of exchangeable cations, dynamics of soil pH and acid neutralisation buffer capacity of the soil were studied. A total of 21 elements in the soil and 28 elements in the plants were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Distribution of Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb in soil leachates was studied by sequential leaching procedure and ICP-AES. It was found that plants significantly affect most of the soil characteristics including the leaching of heavy metals.  相似文献   
This paper reports a new 1° × 1° global thermal model for the continental lithosphere (TC1). Geotherms for continental terranes of different ages (> 3.6 Ga to present) constrained by reliable data on borehole heat flow measurements (Artemieva, I.M., Mooney, W.D. 2001. Thermal structure and evolution of Precambrian lithosphere: a global study. J. Geophys. Res 106, 16387–16414.), are statistically analyzed as a function of age and are used to estimate lithospheric temperatures in continental regions with no or low-quality heat flow data (ca. 60% of the continents). These data are supplemented by cratonic geotherms based on electromagnetic and xenolith data; the latter indicate the existence of Archean cratons with two characteristic thicknesses, ca. 200 and > 250 km. A map of tectono-thermal ages of lithospheric terranes complied for the continents on a 1° × 1° grid and combined with the statistical age relationship of continental geotherms (z = 0.04  t + 93.6, where z is lithospheric thermal thickness in km and t is age in Ma) formed the basis for a new global thermal model of the continental lithosphere (TC1). The TC1 model is presented by a set of maps, which show significant thermal heterogeneity within continental upper mantle, with the strongest lateral temperature variations (as large as 800 °C) in the shallow mantle. A map of the depth to a 550 °C isotherm (Curie isotherm for magnetite) in continental upper mantle is presented as a proxy to the thickness of the magnetic crust; the same map provides a rough estimate of elastic thickness of old (> 200 Ma) continental lithosphere, in which flexural rigidity is dominated by olivine rheology of the mantle.Statistical analysis of continental geotherms reveals that thick (> 250 km) lithosphere is restricted solely to young Archean terranes (3.0–2.6 Ga), while in old Archean cratons (3.6–3.0 Ga) lithospheric roots do not extend deeper than 200–220 km. It is proposed that the former were formed by tectonic stacking and underplating during paleocollision of continental nuclei; it is likely that such exceptionally thick lithospheric roots have a limited lateral extent and are restricted to paleoterrane boundaries. This conclusion is supported by an analysis of the growth rate of the lithosphere since the Archean, which does not reveal a peak in lithospheric volume at 2.7–2.6 Ga as expected from growth curves for juvenile crust.A pronounced peak in the rate of lithospheric growth (10–18 km3/year) at 2.1–1.7 Ga (as compared to 5–8 km3/year in the Archean) well correlates with a peak in the growth of juvenile crust and with a consequent global extraction of massif-type anorthosites. It is proposed that large-scale variations in lithospheric thickness at cratonic margins and at paleoterrane boundaries controlled anorogenic magmatism. In particular, mid-Proterozoic anorogenic magmatism at the cratonic margins was caused by edge-driven convection triggered by a fast growth of the lithospheric mantle at 2.1–1.7 Ga. Belts of anorogenic magmatism within cratonic interiors can be caused by a deflection of mantle heat by a locally thickened lithosphere at paleosutures and, thus, can be surface manifestations of exceptionally thick lithospheric roots. The present volume of continental lithosphere as estimated from the new global map of lithospheric thermal thickness is 27.8 (± 7.0) × 109 km3 (excluding submerged terranes with continental crust); preserved continental crust comprises ca. 7.7 × 109 km3. About 50% of the present continental lithosphere existed by 1.8 Ga.  相似文献   
This study assesses the potential use of Mg isotopes to trace Mg carbonate precipitation in natural waters. Salda Lake (SW Turkey) was chosen for this study because it is one of the few modern environments where hydrous Mg carbonates are the dominant precipitating minerals. Stromatolites, consisting mainly of hydromagnesite, are abundant in this lake. The Mg isotope composition of incoming streams, groundwaters, lake waters, stromatolites, and hydromagnesite-rich sediments were measured. Because Salda Lake is located in a closed basin, mass balance requires that the Mg isotopic offset between Lake Salda water and precipitated hydromagnesite be comparable to the corresponding offset between Salda Lake and its water inputs. This is consistent with observations; a ??26Mg offset of 0.8?C1.4??? is observed between Salda Lake water and it is the incoming streams and groundwaters, and precipitated hydromagnesite has a ??26Mg 0.9?C1.1??? more negative than its corresponding fluid phase. This isotopic offset also matches closely that measured in the laboratory during both biotic and abiotic hydrous Mg carbonate precipitation by cyanobacteria (Mavromatis, V., Pearce, C., Shirokova, L. S., Bundeleva, I. A., Pokrovsky, O. S., Benezeth, P. and Oelkers, E.H.: Magnesium isotope fractionation during inorganic and cyanobacteria-induced hydrous magnesium carbonate precipitation, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2012a. 76, 161?C174). Batch reactor experiments performed in the presence of Salda Lake cyanobacteria and stromatolites resulted in the precipitation of dypingite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·5(H2O)) and hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) with morphological features similar to those of natural samples. Concurrent abiotic control experiments did not exhibit carbonate precipitation demonstrating the critical role of cyanobacteria in the precipitation process.  相似文献   
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