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Atmospheric spectroscopy of extrasolar planets is an intricate business. Atmospheric signatures typically require a photometric precision of 1×10?4 in flux over several hours. Such precision demands high instrument stability as well as an understanding of stellar variability and an optimal data reduction and removal of systematic noise. In the context of the EChO mission concept, we here discuss the data reduction and analysis pipeline developed for the EChO end-to-end simulator EChOSim. We present and discuss the step by step procedures required in order to obtain the final exoplanetary spectrum from the EChOSim ‘raw data’ using a simulated observation of the secondary eclipse of the hot-Neptune 55 Cnc e.  相似文献   
The influence of cosmic-ray production on extinct nuclide systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in the atomic abundances of 53Cr, 92Zr, 98Ru, 99Ru, and 182W in meteorites and lunar samples relative to terrestrial values may imply the early decay of radioactive 53Mn, 92Nb, 98Tc, 99Tc and 182Hf, respectively. From this one can deduce nucleosynthetic sites and early solar system timescales. Because these effects are very small, production and consumption of the respective isotopes by cosmic-ray interactions is a concern. It has recently been demonstrated that 182W production by neutron capture reactions on 181Ta is crucial for most lunar samples (Leya et al., 2000a). In this study the neutron fluence of each sample was estimated from its nominal cosmic-ray exposure age as deduced from noble gas data. This approach overestimates the true cosmogenic isotopic shift for samples that might have been irradiated very close to the regolith surface. Here we therefore combine our model calculations with the neutron dose proxies 157Gd/158Gd and 149Sm/150Sm. This allows us to accurately correct the measured W isotopic data for cosmic-ray induced shifts without the explicit knowledge of the exposure age or the shielding depth of the sample simply by measuring 157Gd/158Gd and/or 149Sm/150Sm in an aliquot. In addition we present new model results for the GCR-induced effects on 53Mn-53Cr, 92Nb-92Zr and 98Tc-99Tc-98Ru-99Ru. For each of these systems, except Tc-Ru, a proper cosmic-ray dose proxy is given, permitting the accurate correction of measured isotopic ratios for cosmogenic contributions.  相似文献   
Abstract— We present Ne data from plagioclase separates from the solar noble‐gas‐rich meteorite Kapoeta, obtained mainly by in vacuo etching. samples rich in solar gases contain an excess of cosmogenic ne compared to solar‐gas‐poor samples, testifying to an exposure to cosmic rays in the parent body regolith. The 21Ne/22Ne ratio of the excess component is slightly lower than that of the Ne acquired during the meteoroid flight. Model calculations indicate that the observed isotopic composition of the excess Ne can be produced by galactic cosmic rays at a reasonable mean shielding of around a hundred to a few hundred grams per square centimeter. No substantial contribution from Ne produced by solar cosmic rays is needed to explain the data. We therefore conclude that they do not offer evidence for a substantially enhanced flux of solar energetic particles early in solar history, contrary to other claims. This conclusion is in agreement with solar flare track data.  相似文献   
Summary Quantitative sunglitter radiance modulations at the ocean surface due to internal waves were calculated applying a simple first order theory. The results have been compared with the image data of internal wave signatures northeast of Nantucket Shoals off the coast of Massachusetts, U.S.A., taken by the Earth Terrain Camera (ETC) during the Skylab mission. The maximum magnitudes of sunglitter radiance modulations predicted by the theory are comparable to the satellite image data. The extreme values of calculated modulations depend only weakly on the wavelength of the internal wave signature. This is consistent with the analysed ETC data. On the other hand, the shapes of simulated and measured image intensity transects across an internal wave packet are different. This may possibly be explained by the assumed idealized sinusoidal type of thermocline used in the calculations. The theory predicts that sunglint signatures of internal waves are advected relative to positions of extreme slope regions of the thermocline due to currents.
Strahldichtemodulation des Sonnenglitzerns durch interne Wellen
Zusammenfassung Quantitative Strahldichtemodulationen des Sonnenglitzerns an der Meeresoberfl?che durch interne Wellen werden unter Verwendung einer einfachen ersten Ordnungstheorie berechnet. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Bilddaten von internen Wellensignaturen nord?stlich von Nantucket Shoals vor der Küste von Massachusetts, U.S.A., verglichen, die w?hrend der Skylab-Mission von der Erdbeobachtungskamera (ETC) aufgenommen wurden. Die Werte der maximalen Strahldichtemodulation des Sonnenglitzerns, die von der Theorie vorhergesagt werden, sind mit den Satellitenbilddaten vergleichbar. Die Extremwerte der berechneten Modulationen h?ngen nur schwach von der Wellenl?nge der internen Wellensignaturen ab. Dieses stimmt mit den analysierten ETC Daten überein. Auf der anderen Seite sind die Kurvenverl?ufe zwischen den simulierten und gemessenen Bildintensit?tsprofilen entlang eines internen Wellenpaketes unterschiedlich. Dieses kann m?glicherweise durch den angenommenen idealisierten sinusf?rmigen Typ der Thermokline erkl?rt werden, der für die Berechnungen verwendet wurde. Die Theorie macht die Vorhersage, da? Signaturen des Sonnenglitzerns von internen Wellen durch Str?mungen advektiert werden relativ zu den Positionen der extremen Neigungsregionen der Thermokline.
We report newly measured noble gas isotopic concentrations of He, Ne, and Ar for 21 samples from the 10 ureilites, DaG 084, DaG 319, DaG 340, Dho 132, HaH 126, JaH 422, JaH 424, Kenna, NWA 5928, and RaS 247, including the results of both single and stepwise heating extractions. Cosmic ray exposure (CRE) ages calculated using model calculations that fully account for all shielding depths and a wide range of preatmospheric radii, and are tailored to ureilite chemistry, range from 3.7 Ma for Dho 132 to 36.3 Ma for one of several measured Kenna samples. In a Ne‐three‐isotope plot, the data for DaG 340 and JaH 422 plot below the Necos/Neureilite mixing envelope, possibly indicating the presence of Ne produced from solar cosmic rays. In combination with literature data and correcting for pairing, we established a fully consistent database containing 100 samples from 40 different ureilites. The CRE age histogram shows a trend of decreasing meteorite number with increasing CRE age. We speculate that the parent body of the known ureilites is moving closer to a resonance and/or that there is a loss mechanism that acts on ureilites independent of their size. In addition, there is a slight indication for a peak in the range 30 Ma, which might indicate a larger impact on the ureilite daughter body. Finally, we confirm earlier results that the majority of the studied ureilites have relatively small preatmospheric radii less or equal ~20 cm.  相似文献   
Primary carbonates in peridotite xenoliths from the East African Rift in northeastern Tanzania occur as intergranular patches with accessory minerals (olivine and spinel), as patches with accessory magmatic minerals (nepheline), and as round monomineralic inclusions in primary olivine grains. All are characterized by calcitic compositions (Ca/Ca + Mg + Fe from 0.83 to 0.99), extremely low SiO2 + Al2O3 + Na2O + K2O, low trace element abundance [total rare-earth element (REE) abundance <25 ppm], uniform extinction, and lack of reaction textures with the host xenolith. Calculated Fe–Mg exchange coefficients between carbonate and primary olivine indicate disequilibrium in most samples. Combined with the lack of significant reaction textures, this suggests that the carbonates were introduced shortly before or during eruption of the host magma. A global compilation of electron microprobe analyses of mantle-derived carbonates (in xenoliths, xenocrysts, and megacrysts) reveals compositional clusters near end member calcite, end member magnesite, and stoichiometric dolomite. Eutectic liquid compositions are less common, suggesting that many carbonate inclusions reported worldwide may be crystalline precipitates. Likewise, the calcites in this study are not interpreted to represent quenched carbonatitic melts, but are interpreted instead to be crystalline cumulates from such melts. These inferences are consistent with recent experiments, which show that carbonatitic melts cannot become more calcitic than CaCO3∼80 wt%. Low trace element abundance may be a diagnostic feature of cumulate carbonate, and in combination with petrography and major element composition, serve to distinguish it from quenched carbonated liquid. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 5 February 2000  相似文献   
Unlike many Western countries, the Chinese state has a much more active role in innovation that includes direct involvement with actors in innovation processes and the use of state capacity, money, and power to attain certain goals. With the rise of China, innovation processes that critically depend on state action, often labeled state‐led innovation, have thus received growing scholarly attention. However, only few contributions study the specific sector of new energy vehicles (NEV) and policy measures applied at the city level. This paper examines policy and planning tools used in Shenzhen, China, to assert innovation in the NEV industry, using an evaluation of documents and interviews. The paper finds that a city can play a decisive role in the implementation of innovation policy, and Chinese cities in particular make use of a broad set of innovation support measures ranging from binding quotas, public procurement, and incentives to bans and orders. The findings underline the importance of strong regulatory instruments that do not conform to the Western notion of market‐compliant policy, but nevertheless work effectively in the Chinese context. Moreover, the results highlight how successful policy support for innovation in the NEV can be implemented.  相似文献   
The factors controlling equatorial Atlantic winds in boreal spring are examined using both observations and general circulation model (GCM) simulations from the coupled model intercomparison phase 5. The results show that the prevailing surface easterlies flow against the attendant pressure gradient and must therefore be maintained by other terms in the momentum budget. An important contribution comes from meridional advection of zonal momentum but the dominant contribution is the vertical transport of zonal momentum from the free troposphere to the surface. This implies that surface winds are strongly influenced by conditions in the free troposphere, chiefly pressure gradients and, to a lesser extent, meridional advection. Both factors are linked to the patterns of deep convection. Applying these findings to GCM errors indicates, that, consistent with the results of previous studies, the persistent westerly surface wind bias found in most GCMs is due mostly to precipitation errors, in particular excessive precipitation south of the equator over the ocean and deficient precipitation over equatorial South America. Free tropospheric influences also dominate the interannual variability of surface winds in boreal spring. GCM experiments with prescribed climatological sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) indicate that the free tropospheric influences are mostly associated with internal atmospheric variability. Since the surface wind anomalies in boreal spring are crucial to the development of warm SST events (Atlantic Niños), the results imply that interannual variability in the region may rely far less on coupled air–sea feedbacks than is the case in the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   
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