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Bivalve populations from inshore waters often accommodate a diverse trematode fauna that may have a variety of effects on host specimens. In particular, larval trematodes that grow or reproduce within their host are known to be severe pathogens, whereas trematodes utilising bivalves only for encystment are thought to be relatively benign. Yet this may depend on the environmental conditions, and it can be expected that such trematodes in concert with other stress agents can be detrimental to host organisms. To examine the impact of such larval trematodes on hosts subjected to stress, we studied the digenetic trematode Himasthla elongata and one of its second intermediate hosts, the bivalve Cerastoderma edule. Experimentally infected cockles and non-infected cockles were exposed to oxygen depletion, whereupon we measured their burrowing ability and survivorship. After 30 h of hypoxia, the survival of infected cockles was significantly reduced compared to non-infected cockles, whereas no effect of parasites on cockles under normoxic conditions was found. In addition, parasites tended to reduce the burrowing ability of cockles exposed to hypoxia but the effect was not clear. The effect of parasites and possible ecological consequences are discussed and it is suggested that the combined effects of parasites and oxygen deficiency may explain some hitherto unexplained cases of mass mortalities in bivalve populations.  相似文献   

We explore how to address the challenges of adaptation of water resources systems under changing conditions by supporting flexible, resilient and low-regret solutions, coupled with on-going monitoring and evaluation. This will require improved understanding of the linkages between biophysical and social aspects in order to better anticipate the possible future co-evolution of water systems and society. We also present a call to enhance the dialogue and foster the actions of governments, the international scientific community, research funding agencies and additional stakeholders in order to develop effective solutions to support water resources systems adaptation. Finally, we call the scientific community to a renewed and unified effort to deliver an innovative message to stakeholders. Water science is essential to resolve the water crisis, but the effectiveness of solutions depends, inter alia, on the capability of scientists to deliver a new, coherent and technical vision for the future development of water systems.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mittelmiozäne Deltasedimente aus kaolinitischen Quarzsanden, in die sich Kaolinitlagen, Lignit-Linsen und Lateritoidhorizonte einschalten, werden als Aufarbeitungsdetritus des praemiozän lateritisierten Grundgebirges gedeutet. An ihrer Oberfläche befindet sich ein postmittelmiozäner Laterithorizont. Unter Auflösung von Quarz und Zerstörung eines Teiles der Schwerminerale und Tonminerale wurden Eisen-Konkretionen, Kaolinit und Spuren von AI-Hydroxiden und -Oxidhydraten neu gebildet.Diese hier ausgebildete Delta-Fazies — Verknüpfung von lateritischem Umlagerungsschutt mit autochthonen Lateritisierungsvorgängen — kann verglichen werden mit den Bauxiteinschaltungen in klastische Coastal-plain-Serien von Guiana und Queensland und schließlich mit Sidérolitique- und Wealdenfazies.Als ähnliche klastische Serie ist die Tambo Group der Cape York-Halbinsel in Queensland, die nach Evens (1959) ins Tertiär gestellt wird, zu betrachten. Durch Lateritisierung und Bauxitisierung der kaolinitischen Sandsteine (Loughnan u. Bayliss, 1961) bildeten sich hier die wichtigsten derartigen Verwitterungslagerstätten der Welt.Zahlreiche ähnliche Sedimentserien — vorwiegend aus dem Tertiär (Sidérolitique), aber auch aus der Unterkreide (Wealden) und dem Karbon (Millstone grit. Schottlands) werden von Millot (1964, p. 170–183) in dem Kapitel Faciès sidérolitique sehr anschaulich geschildert.
Middle miocene deltaic sediments forming kaolinitic quartz sands with intercalations of kaolinitic clay layers, lignite lenses and lateritoid horizons are interpreted as reworked detritus of premiocene lateritic soils on the cristallin basement. On top of this series a lateritic horizon of post middle miocene age is developped. The neoformation of iron concretions, kaolinite and traces of Al- hydroxides and -oxidhydrates is accompanied by solution of quartz and destruction of heavy minerals and clay minerals.This deltaic facies — demonstrating a combination of reworked lateritic detritus with autochthonous lateritic soil formation is compared with bauxite intercalations in clastic coastal plain series of Guiana and Queensland and last not least with Sidérolithique and Wealden facies.
Crustal deformation by the M w 9.0 megathrust Tohoku earthquake causes the extension over a wide region of the Japanese mainland. In addition, a triggered M w 5.9 East Shizuoka earthquake on March 15 occurred beneath the south flank, just above the magma system of Mount Fuji. To access whether these earthquakes might trigger the eruption, we calculated the stress and pressure changes below Mount Fuji. Among the three plausible mechanisms of earthquake–volcano interactions, we calculate the static stress change around volcano using finite element method, based on the seismic fault models of Tohoku and East Shizuoka earthquakes. Both Japanese mainland and Mount Fuji region are modeled by seismic tomography result, and the topographic effect is also included. The differential stress given to Mount Fuji magma reservoir, which is assumed to be located to be in the hypocentral area of deep long period earthquakes at the depth of 15 km, is estimated to be the order of about 0.001–0.01 and 0.1–1 MPa at the boundary region between magma reservoir and surrounding medium. This pressure change is about 0.2 % of the lithostatic pressure (367.5 MPa at 15 km depth), but is enough to trigger an eruptions in case the magma is ready to erupt. For Mount Fuji, there is no evidence so far that these earthquakes and crustal deformations did reactivate the volcano, considering the seismicity of deep long period earthquakes.  相似文献   
Keiko Atobe  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,168(2):223-236
We have investigated obliquity variations of possible terrestrial planets in habitable zones (HZs) perturbed by a giant planet(s) in extrasolar planetary systems. All the extrasolar planets so far discovered are inferred to be jovian-type gas giants. However, terrestrial planets could also exist in extrasolar planetary systems. In order for life, in particular for land-based life, to evolve and survive on a possible terrestrial planet in an HZ, small obliquity variations of the planet may be required in addition to its orbital stability, because large obliquity variations would cause significant climate change. It is known that large obliquity variations are caused by spin-orbit resonances where the precession frequency of the planet's spin nearly coincides with one of the precession frequencies of the ascending node of the planet's orbit. Using analytical expressions, we evaluated the obliquity variations of terrestrial planets with prograde spins in HZs. We found that the obliquity of terrestrial planets suffers large variations when the giant planet's orbit is separated by several Hill radii from an edge of the HZ, in which the orbits of the terrestrial planets in the HZ are marginally stable. Applying these results to the known extrasolar planetary systems, we found that about half of these systems can have terrestrial planets with small obliquity variations (smaller than 10°) over their entire HZs. However, the systems with both small obliquity variations and stable orbits in their HZs are only 1/5 of known systems. Most such systems are comprised of short-period giant planets. If additional planets are found in the known planetary systems, they generally tend to enhance the obliquity variations. On the other hand, if a large/close satellite exists, it significantly enhances the precession rate of the spin axis of a terrestrial planet and is likely to reduce the obliquity variations of the planet. Moreover, if a terrestrial planet is in a retrograde spin state, the spin-orbit resonance does not occur. Retrograde spin, or a large/close satellite might be essential for land-based life to survive on a terrestrial planet in an HZ.  相似文献   
Three profils of fossil Bauxites probably of Early Tertiary age in the Shevaroy Hills and in the Nilgiri Hills, South India, are examined. They are formed by isovolumetric transformation of charnockites under conservation of relict structures. The chemical and mineralogical composition of the bauxites depends on the petrology of the source rock. Na, K, Ca, Mg and the main quantity of silica are extracted, Al and Fe have been enriched relatively and in certain places even absolutely. The mineral transformation in the beginning of the weathering developped in two phases:
  1. Leaching and precipitation within the cleavage pattern of the minerals,
  2. Leaching and precipitation in the places of the former mineral relicts.
Different later phases of weathering produced Fe- and Al-rich solutions, which are precipitated in the intervals of porous rocks.  相似文献   
Electron spin resonance (ESR) is evaluated as a method to study the thermal degradation of sedimentary organic matter which consists mainly of kerogen. Whole rock and separated kerogen samples were pyrolysed stepwise (ambient to 700°C at 50°C increments), extracted and analysed for elemental composition and ESR spectra at each step. Whole rock samples give rise to complex spectra which include those of paramagnetic metals and are therefore unsuitable in most cases for this purpose.The ESR parameters g value, ΔH and Ng differ for different types of immature organic matter. An increase in Ng,shift of g value to 2.0026–2.0028 and reduction in h are the main trends during pyrolysis and in natural heating of sedimentary organic matter.The peak generations of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons coincide with maxima of free radical density. ESR spectroscopy in combination with complementary geochemical characterization of the sedimentary organic matter can serve to indicate maturity with respect to peak oil-gas generation.  相似文献   
Electrical impedance of partially molten gabbro was measured as a function of the frequency of the applied electric field. The impedance of the partially molten gabbro was mainly controlled by the volume and geometry of partial melt, which were observed with an optical microscope study of the quenched sample. The experimental results are interpreted by a theory that formulates the electrical property of rocks containing partial melt, taking ionic diffusion in the melt into account. The theory evaluates the contributions from two types of melt-geometry distributed in the rock matrix, namely:
1. (a) nearly isolated melt pockets, and
2. (b) connected melt along grain boundaries.
According to the theory, connected melt mainly contributes to the increase of net conductivity, while melt pockets increase displacement current and cause the frequency dependence of impedance. The characteristic ionic diffusivity in melt pockets was determined from the peak frequency of the imaginary part of impedance. The magnitude of diffusion coefficient is estimated to be of the order of 10−7 to 10−6 cm2/sec. This suggests that sodium, iron, magnesium and/or calcium ions mainly carry the electric charge in partial melt. The observed frequency dependence of impedance is considered to reflect ionic polarization in melt pockets due to the migration of these alkali ions toward solid-melt interfaces.The present experimental and theoretical work suggests that electrical properties of the earth's upper mantle may involve an intrinsic frequency dependence associated with ionic diffusion in the frequency range of geomagnetic observation, if a partial melt zone exists. The analysis of the earth's conductivity structure may be inadequate if such intrinsic frequency dependence of mantle media is neglected.  相似文献   
Morén  Ida  Mojarrad  Brian  Riml  Joakim  Wörman  Anders 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(3):537-555

Hyporheic exchange flow (HEF) at the streambed–water interface (SWI) has been shown to impact the pattern and rate of discharging groundwater flow (GWF) and the consequential transport of heat, solutes and contaminants from the subsurface into streams. However, the control of geographic and hydromorphological catchment characteristics on GWF–HEF interactions is still not fully understood. Here, the spatial variability in flow characteristics in discharge zones was investigated and averaged over three spatial scales in five geographically different catchments in Sweden. Specifically, the deep GWF discharge velocity at the SWI was estimated using steady-state numerical models, accounting for the real multiscale topography and heterogeneous geology, while an analytical model, based on power spectral analysis of the streambed topography and statistical assessments of the stream hydraulics, was used to estimate the HEF. The modeling resulted in large variability in deep GWF and HEF velocities, both within and between catchments, and a regression analysis was performed to explain this observed variability by using a set of independent variables representing catchment topography and geology as well as local stream hydromorphology. Moreover, the HEF velocity was approximately two orders of magnitude larger than the deep GWF velocity in most of the investigated stream reaches, indicating significant potential to accelerate the deep GWF velocity and reduce the discharge areas. The greatest impact occurred in catchments with low average slope and in reaches close to the catchment outlet, where the deep GWF discharge velocity was generally low.

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