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Characteristics of carbonyl compounds in ambient air of Shanghai,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The levels of carbonyl compounds in Shanghai ambient air were measured in five periods from January 2007 to October 2007 (covering winter, high-air-pollution days, spring, summer and autumn). A total of 114 samples were collected and eighteen carbonyls were identified. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone were the most abundant carbonyls and their mean concentrations of 19.40 ± 12.00, 15.92 ± 12.07 and 11.86 ± 7.04 μg m−3 respectively, in the daytime for five sampling periods. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde showed similar diurnal profiles with peak mixing ratios in the morning and early afternoon during the daytime. Their mean concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in winter. Acetone showed reversed seasonal variation. The high molecular weight (HMW, ≥C5) carbonyls also showed obvious diurnal variations with higher concentrations in the daytime in summer and autumn, while they were all not detected in winter. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde played an important role in removing OH radicals in the atmosphere, but the contribution of acetone was below 1%. The carbonyls levels in high-air-pollution days were reported. More carbonyl species with higher concentrations were found in high-air-pollution days than in spring. These carbonyls were transported with other pollutants from north and northwest in March 27 to April 2, 2007 and then mixed with local sources. Comparing with Beijing and Guangzhou, the concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in Shanghai were the highest, which indicated that the air pollution in Shanghai was even worse than expected.  相似文献   
This study compared precipitation, mean air temperature (MAT) and mean sea level pressure (MSLP) from two widely used reanalysis datasets (ERA-40 and NCEP) with those from observed stations across eastern China. The evaluation was based on a comparison of both temporal and spatial variability and included several assessment criteria such as the mean values, normalized root mean square error, Mann–Kendall test, empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) and probability density functions. The results showed that both the ERA-40 and NCEP datasets could capture temporal and spatial variability of the observed precipitation, MAT and MSLP over eastern China. The results showed that the two reanalysis datasets performed better for MAT and MSLP than for precipitation. Overall, the two reanalysis datasets revealed reasonable agreement with observations according to the evaluation. ERA-40 was better at capturing the temporal and spatial distributions for these three variables than NCEP, especially for MAT and MSLP. NCEP tended to overestimate the annual precipitation for both mean and extreme values, while ERA-40 tended to underestimate it, particularly for extreme values. The two reanalysis datasets performed better in the east and northeast regions of the study area than in other regions for capturing the temporal variability of MAT and MSLP. ERA-40 was poor at capturing the temporal variability of precipitation in northeastern China. According to the trend analysis, the two reanalysis datasets showed lower trends for MAT and precipitation and higher trends for MSLP. Both ERA-40 and NCEP had larger explained variances for the first two EOFs than the observed precipitation. This implies that both reanalysis datasets tend to simulate a more uniform spatial distribution for precipitation in the study area.  相似文献   
Surface ozone, NO, NO2, and NO x were measured at a coastal site (Shihua) and a nearby inland site (Zhujing) in suburban Shanghai for the whole year of 2009. More days with ozone pollution in a longer time range were observed at the coastal site than the inland site. The diurnal variations of NO x concentrations were obviously higher at Zhujing station, while those of ozone concentrations were higher at Shihua station, indicating their different air pollution conditions. Coastal wind has significant influence on the levels and characteristics of the air pollutants. The ozone concentrations during maritime winds (MW) were much higher than those during continental winds (CW) at each of the site, while the NO and NO2 concentrations were both opposite. The ozone concentrations at Shihua station were much higher than those at Zhujing station, while the NO and NO2 concentrations were both opposite. The ozone concentrations at both of the two sites showed a distinct “weekend effects” and “weekdays effects” patterns during CW and MW, respectively. Correlation analysis of the pollutants showed that, the compounds during MW were more age than those during CW, and the compounds at Shihua were more age than those at Zhujing. The air pollutions at both of the two sites are mainly associated with the pollutants emitted in this region instead of long range transport.  相似文献   
台风云娜后部强降水分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
黄克慧 《气象》2006,32(2):98-103
通过对中尺度自动站、常规气象要素、1°×1°NCEP格点资料和多普勒雷达资料的诊断分析,发现台风云娜登陆后西行路径对其后部的强降水起了关键性作用;高层辐散和低层辐合差加大,抽吸作用加强,上升运动加剧是后部降水加强的动力原因;沿海较冷的温度场配合台风后部强烈的东南偏南水汽输送,是台风后部降水加强的热力原因;台风后部海面上形成北上的螺旋雨带是造成台风后部强降水的直接原因;浙江东部地形与台风后部强烈的东南偏南水汽输送正交是造成台风后部降水增幅的重要原因。该分析结果对今后台风预报服务实际工作具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   
为解决基层气象台站现代天气业务中灾害性天气监测、识别报警、天气联防、上下级业务指导与信息反馈、产品共享、集约化业务管理等关键业务问题,基于B/S架构,采用Web、GIS、数据库等技术,研究、设计开发了省市县三级灾害性天气监测预警平台,与已有的MICAPS等系统形成互补,实现了山东天气业务、重大天气过程服务及重大活动、突发事件气象保障等为一体的业务化平台支持,不仅较好地满足了省、市、县三级气象部门现代天气业务发展对业务平台建设的迫切需求,也为优化省内集约化业务流程提供了支撑平台。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲城市群污染综合指数预报的模式方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用全二阶矩表示的商斯烟团模式,重点引入烟团的合并与分解及各种清除过程,并利用广州热带模式(GZTM)所提供的华南地区细网格的三维数字化流场,来计算污染物浓度的长期变化。具体先模拟计算SO2、NOx、TSP的地面浓度日变化,通过求平均得到每种污染物的日均浓度,并和对应的污染物的日均浓度二级标准比较,得到每种污染物的污染指数Pi,最后求和得出污染综合指数P,从而对珠江三角洲地区的污染综合指数作出预报。  相似文献   
3个登陆台风引发阳江特大暴雨的水汽输送对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用区域自动站资料及NCEP再分析资料,对0915号"巨爵"、1006号"狮子山"和1011号"凡亚比"登陆后引发阳江特大暴雨的水汽输送特征进行了对比分析,并应用HYSPLIT-4轨迹模式验证了水汽来源。结果表明:1)它们引发阳江特大暴雨期间,低纬西南季风活跃。"巨爵"影响时由来自印度洋与副高西侧偏南气流汇合产生强降雨,水汽来源于中南半岛和孟加拉湾;"狮子山"影响时西南水汽输入明显减弱,主要由偏东气流携南海近海水汽的注入引发了局地短而强的降雨,水汽来源于南海近海;"凡亚比"登陆后,北部湾超低空急流的暴发,有利于强西南气流携带水汽经粤西往"凡亚比"输送,引发粤西地区特大暴雨,水汽主要来源于北部湾。2)强降雨都是始于阳江特大暴雨区纬向风转东风或经向风转南风阶段。"巨爵"、"凡亚比"引发阳江强降雨前后,850 h Pa南海、北部湾经向风南风明显增大,加强了海上水汽的向北输送。"狮子山"影响时则是由于近海短时间转东风,水汽由东输入并加强了辐合。3)水汽输送以"巨爵"最强、"狮子山"最弱,水汽辐合层次"巨爵"和"狮子山"较"凡亚比"要浅薄。它们的低层水汽辐合中心与特大暴雨区有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
中国人工防雹四十年   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
简述了人工防雹在中国发展的历程,并从科学技术的角度,总结和概括了40年来中国人工防雹的进展和成绩,指出中国已经走上了比较科学,比较现代化的人工防雹发展道路;还分析了中国人工防雹中存在的主要科学技术问题,并提出了解决这些问题的一些看法;最后,提供了较为丰富的中国人工防雹文献.  相似文献   
结合等压面上高度场及其气象要素矢量场数据的空间分布特征,设计了一种能客观反映大气在等压面上的运行规律的可视化方法-表面场线映射,它在气象上有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   
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