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茎苔虫属(Caulibugula Verrill, 1900) 隶于唇口目、无囊亚目、双胞科(Cheilostomata,Anasca, Bicellariellidae)。茎苔虫的群体系由分节的长茎(stem) 和丛状分枝构成。每节为一空个虫。空个虫的前膜细长,侧壁有钙质加厚(Calcareous thickening)。附根一般由茎部始端的空个虫分出。泡状体(vesicles) 或有或无。分枝双列(很少单列),通常呈扇形。大多数种类扇形分枝始端的第一个虫与其后续个虫稍有不同,常呈倒圆锥形。普通个虫(ordinary zooids) 系双胞型(Bicellariella-type) 或草苔虫型(Bugula-type)。双胞型个虫呈陀螺形,前膜短但刺长;草苔虫型个虫细长形,前膜长但刺短而少,或无刺。鸟头体皆有柄,着生位置因种而异,吻和颚骨皆呈尖形,或全无鸟头体。卵胞或有(口上卵胞hyperstomial ovicell) 或无。 茎苔虫属的种可分为两组:一组种的扇形分枝的普通个虫为双胞型,如桑给巴尔茎苔虫C. zanzibariensis (Waters);另一组种为草苔虫型,如杯茎苔虫C.caliculata (Levinsen)。 Busk(1884)把具有双胞型个虫的种归于双胞苔虫属(Bicellaria, s, l.), 而Levinsen(1909)则把具有草苔虫型个虫的种放入草苔虫属。但是由空个虫构成的分节长茎是这类苔虫所特有的稳定特征,因而具有这一稳定特征的种,不能归于双胞苔虫屈和草苔虫属,只能归于茎苔虫属(Harmer, 1926:457)。 茎苔虫属的成员通常栖息在近岸浅海,有的种从潮间带至水深100多米皆有分布,多数为热带-亚热带种,主要分布在马来群岛、澳大利亚西部和南部、印度、非洲东岸、中国和日本。此外,还分布在美洲太平洋沿岸(加利福尼亚)和大西洋沿岸(佛罗里达、卡罗来纳、巴西)等地。 本文系作者对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来搜集的标本进行系统整理后写成,共报道10种,其中3种为中国首次记录,6种为新种。新种模式标本保存在中国科学院海洋研究所(青岛)。  相似文献   
南海囊糠虾亚科的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
囊糠虾亚科Gastrosaccinae 包括的种数并不很多,但有些种数量相当大,是经济鱼虾的天然饵料,在海洋食物链中占较重要的地位。例如黄海的漂浮囊糠虾Gastrosaccus pelagicus Ii 数量很大,普遍发现于底层鱼类胃含物中;此种及其他一些量大的种又可用作养殖鱼虾的饵料。这一亚科迄今已知共7属69种。本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所1958-60年在南海北部所采的底层浮游生物标本和中国科学院南海海洋研究所1974-81年采自西沙群岛、中沙群岛的标本写成,共发现4属12种,其中6种为中国近海的首次记录。  相似文献   
对虾一种无包涵体杆状病毒病原的PCR检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为建立对虾无包涵体杆状病毒的快速诊断技术,应用PCR技术分别对暴发性流行病发生前、流行中和发病后的对虾样品进行了检测.根据已克隆的对虾杆状病毒部分基因组序列而设计的引物能特异性地扩增出靶DNA片段,最低可以检测1pg的病素DNA.由典型发病症状对虾的胃、腮、肝胰腺、中肠、游泳足、肌内和心脏等器官和组织中成功地检测到病毒.不同组织和器官经扩增得到的信号强弱不同:病虾的胃扩增得到的信号最强,中肠、肌肉、心脏和游泳足次之,腮和肝胰腺信号最弱,说明病毒在不同组织和器官中数量及感染程度不同.在对虾发病前及发病后,用二次PCR还能检测表面不发病呈隐性感染状态的对虾携带的病毒;而对野生健康虾的检测结果为阴性.研究表明,PCR是检测对虾暴发性流行病快速、灵敏而准确的方法,对病毒病的早期诊断、防治和高健康对虾品种的选育具有指导意义.  相似文献   
Using meteorological data of field observation in 1990 - 2000, especially polar orbit high-resolution NOAA satellite cloud maps received from the Antarctic expedition vessel since 1997, the formation and development of the Prydz Bay cyclone are studied in this paper. Some new viewpoints are suggested such as: when surround-polar cyclone enters the Prydz Bay, it can also intensify and develop in summer; cyclone can also develop in the easterlies in this bay. These view points revise old uncom-plete view point that the Prydz Bay is a burial ground of cyclone, and also further consummate formation-development theory of surround-cyclone in the Antarctic westerlies and cyclone in the Antarctic easterlies. In this paper, the mechanism of ice-air-sea interaction in the Prydz Bay is studied, and the physical process of cyclone formation-development is explained. By use of wholly dynamic transportation method, an energy exchange case of a cyclone, which explosively developed after entering the Prydz Bay, is calcu  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheradionuclidesofnaturaluraniumandthoriumseriescanbeusedtotracemarinepro cessofvarioustemporalandspatialscaleandpropertiesthatprovideplentifulinformationaboutphysics,chemistry ,geoscienceandbiologyofoceanbecausetheyhavedifferentchemicalpro…  相似文献   
In this note we investigated the effects of a thin visco-elastic mud layer on wave propagation. Within the framework of linear water-wave theory, analytical solutions are obtained for damping rate, dispersion relation between wave frequency and wave number, and velocity components in the water column and mud layer. The wave attenuation rate reaches a maximum value when the mud layer thickness is about the same as the mud boundary layer thickness. Heavier mud has a weaker effect on the wave damping. However, the wave attenuation rate does not always decrease as the elastic shear modulus increases. In the range of small values for elastic shear modulus, the wave attenuation can be amplified quite significantly. The current solutions are compared with experimental data with different wave conditions and mud properties. In general, good agreements are observed.  相似文献   
We present a new approach that incorporates two models to estimate the underwater light field from remote sensing of ocean color. The first employs a series of analytical, semi-analytical, and empirical algorithms to retrieve the spectrum of inherent optical properties (IOPs), including the absorption and the backscatter coefficients, from the spectrum of remote sensing reflectance. The second model computes the profile of photosynthetically available radiation E 0,PAR (z) for a vertically homogeneous water column using the information of the retrieved IOPs and the ambient optical environment. This computation is based on an improved look-up table technology that possesses high accuracy, comparable with the full solution of the radiative transfer equation, and meets the computational requirement of remote sensing application. This new approach was validated by in situ measurements and an extensive model-to-model comparison with a wide range of IOPs. We successfully mapped the compensation depth by applying this new approach to process the SeaWiFS imagery. This research suggests that E 0,PAR (z) can be obtained routinely from ocean-color data and may have significant implications for the estimation of global heat and carbon budget.  相似文献   
本文给出了满足给定数字特征和谱的随机序列的产生方法,即用无记忆非线性变换实现非正态随机信号的模拟.该法与Gujar法相比较,放宽了变量概率分布的限制,只要求变量矩的存在。同时考虑无记忆非线性变换对谱的影响,用异于Liu的方法在频域上求解输入正态分布随机序列的谱.  相似文献   
渤海风暴潮的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据山东渤海沿岸各县县志记载的不完全统计,自汉朝初元(公元前48年)至民国27年(公元1938),渤海南部沿海发生的特大潮灾有79次之多(见表1)。其中特大潮灾如唐朝高宗上元三年(公元676年)八月,“青州大风,海溢,漂民五千余家,齐淄等七州大水”;明朝万历四十一年(公元1613年)七月,“海水溢逾百余里,坏民舍无算”。再如1938年8月31日,台风由青岛登陆,横断山东半岛西部(见图1),晚间抵达黄河口,逐渐停滯减弱,变成一个低气压。这次台风不仅在青岛造成严重灾情,整个渤海沿岸都深受其害,并且出现了历史最高水位。解放后,渤海又多次受到强风暴潮的危害。历史资料表明,渤海的菜州湾和渤海湾地区是风暴潮的多发区和严重区,这种潮灾大都出现于春秋过渡季节和盛夏台风频繁活动季节。 近几年来,国内对渤海局部地区风暴潮的研究已有许多论述,但大都是对冷锋所导致的单站风暴潮的研究,对台风潮的研究则较少。本文试图对冷锋和台风两种灾害性天气所导致的整个渤海风暴潮的一些现象作一较全面的讨论,并对其一些基本特性作一理论分析。  相似文献   
作者曾给出了模糊代数系的统一定义和一个代数系上的模糊子集是模糊子代数的充要条件。本文是以上结果的继续,给出了一个模糊子代数系是模糊理想的统一定义和充要条件,是诸文献上模糊正规子群,环的模糊理想等概念的统一和推广。  相似文献   
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