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河北沿海海侵灾害初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
文中以包含海进、海岸侵蚀和海水入侵的广义“海侵”概念,论述河北沿海地区海侵现状及其危害,探讨海侵产生的自然原因和人为活动的影响,在此基础上,评估海侵发展趋势。  相似文献   
三维地质模型软件71在冷43 油藏描述中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据地震解释的地层层序和构造单元的空间允布,以及多井对比建 立的小层分布,在层序内部尽可能地平行于原始沉积面细分层系,建立表 述储层在三维空间任一点分布状况的定量地质模型,并以此为骨架,加上 测井解释和岩芯分析或地震解释所得的储层参数,在三维空间内形成三 维地质模型。在mips等图形工作站上以各种切片图、剖面图、透视图等 方式显示。  相似文献   
In order to understand the vertical structure of the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt, common Pb isotopic compositions of omphacites in eclogites and feldspars in gneisses from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project (100–5000 m) have been investigated in this study. Samples from 0 to 800 m (unit 1) in the drilling core have moderately high radiogenic Pb isotopes with small variations of 206Pb/204Pb (16.82–17.38), 207Pb/204Pb (15.37–15.49), and 208Pb/204Pb (37.21–37.72), indicating either high µ (238U/204Pb) or high initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. In contrast, the samples from 1600 to 2040 m (unit 3) and most of samples from 3200 to 5000 m (unit 5) have moderately or very unradiogenic Pb (unit 3: 206Pb/204Pb from 16.05 to 16.46, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.22 to 15.29, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.68 to 37.48; unit 5: 206Pb/204Pb from 15.52 to 15.69, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.15 to 15.27, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.48 to 37.20), indicating either low µ or low initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. Pb isotopes of samples from 800 to 1600 m (unit 2) and from 2040 to 3200 m (unit 4) in the drilling core with abundant ductile shear zones are intermediate between those of units 1 and 3 or 5 and display larger variations. Pb isotopes combined with the published oxygen isotope data of the CCSD samples reveal the original positions of the five units before the Triassic continental subduction. Units 1, 3, and 5 as three UHPM rock slabs could be derived from the subducted upper continental crust, upper–middle continental crust and lower–middle continental crust, respectively. The ductile shearing zones in units 2 and 4 could be the interfaces where the detachment and decoupling took place between the upper, upper–middle and lower–middle continental crusts. The detachment between the upper slab and subducting continental lithosphere probably occurred during continental subduction, and the upper slab (unit 1) was uplifted to a shallow depth along the detachment surface by thrusting. Units 3 and 5 may be detached later from the subducted middle and lower crust and uplifted to a shallow level underneath unit 1. The low δ18O values (? 4.0 to ? 7.4‰) [Xiao, Y.-L., Zhang, Z.-M., Hoefs, J., Kerkhof, A., 2006. Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Rocks from the Chinese Continental Drilling Project-II Oxygen Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Distributions through Vertical Sections. Contribution Mineral Petrology 152, 443–458.; Zhang, Z.-M., Xiao, Y.-L., Zhao, X.-D., Shi, C., 2006. Fluid-rock interaction during the continental deep subduction: oxygen isotopic profile of the main hole of the CCSD project. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22 (7), 1941–1951.] in units 2 and 4 suggest that the detachment interfaces could be developed along an ancient fault zones which were the channels of meteoric water activity during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
This paper approaches the neotectonic stress field based on the data of foeal mechanismsolution,ground stress measurement,tectonic mechanical analysis and geodetic surveying,and finds out that the orientations of the maximum principal comproessive sterss patterns arequite discordant with different methods and the stress patterns are widely differnt betweenthose in the shallow and deep part of the crust in North China.Based on the analysis ofabove-mentioned data,we established a duplex model by considering the diversities of theStress patterns in 3-dimentional spaces,the boundary conditions and the lithospheric media,and made an inverse calculation by using the finite element method.The calculated results fitwell with the reality in North China,i.e.the stress patterns in lower crust which is below thedetachment interface at the deptp of 10 km from ground surface are relatively consistent withnearly horizontal state and NE-ENE trending of the maximum principal compressive stressaxes,whereas the stress patt  相似文献   
Lipids were extracted from organs of the starfish Asterias amurensis associated with different treatments(raw-control,boiling and heating),and then analyzed for lipid content,lipid oxidation index,lipid classes and fatty acid composition.Results showed that boiling softened the hard starfish shells,thus facilitating the collection of starfish organs.As compared with raw organs,the boiled organs had lower water content and higher lipid content,possibly due to the loss of water-holding capacity caused by protein denaturation.Both boiling and heating increased the peroxide value(PV),thiobarbituric acid(TBA) value and carbon value(CV) of lipids.Despite slight increases in the content of complex lipids,associated lipid composition had no substantial variations upon boiling and heating.For simple lipids,the content of 1,2-diglyceride decreased in boiled and heated organs,with free fatty acids observed on thin layer chromatography(TLC).However,neither boiling nor heating significantly changed the fatty acid compositions of simple or complex lipids in starfish organs,suggesting that these two treatments had no significant effects on complex lipids in starfish organs.Together,our results indicated that boiling of starfish soon after capture facilitated the handling and extraction of useful complex lipids consisting of abundant glucosylceramide and eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)-bounded phospholipids.  相似文献   
Fracture-cavity reservoirs can be described in terms of storage space, filling materials and distribution, however, characterizing these variables remains a challenge. In this study, a method was developed to characterize complex reservoirs by integrating outcrop, core, well log, and seismic data from the Tahe oilfield. Outcrop analogs were used to identify and qualitatively analyze the genesis of different reservoir spaces. Cores, well logs, and seismic data were used to identify different types of reservoir space in the subsurface, to describe the spatial distribution, and to establish the distribution pattern of fracture-cavity reservoirs. Clastic sediments, collapse breccia, and chemical fillings were described from the cores and used to assess porosity and permeability. On the basis of the results, a three-dimensional geological model was constructed incorporating a structural model, a reservoir space model, and a property model. Caves and fractures were the main storage spaces and seepage passages. The cave model was built using multi-point geostatistical simulation, while the fracture model was established using deterministic modeling combined with manual interpretations and ant-tracking technology.  相似文献   
中更新世气候转型(MPT)是第四纪环境变化的一个重要时期,该时期气候模式、气候周期等均发生了明显变化,然而不同区域对中更新世气候转型的响应特征存在明显差异.本研究选取了长治盆地XZK4钻孔中更新世转型前后(1.8~0.1 Ma)共207个样品,通过古地磁定年,运用粒度端元分析和孢粉分析,阐述了长治盆地中更新世转型期的环境变化与湖泊演化特征.结果显示,1.8 Ma以来,孢粉组合中乔木花粉含量多高于60%,但个别时段草本植物花粉占优,显示区域植被多数阶段为森林,但存在明显冷期,并且1.1 Ma和0.55 Ma是研究区环境转变的重要转折点.中更新世转型期前(~1.1 Ma):沉积物粒度总体较细,黏土含量多高于25%,EM1组分(湖相沉积)多高于60%,EM3(河流相组分)在个别时段出现,总体显示该阶段沉积物组成以湖相沉积为主,个别阶段受到河流影响大;中更新世转型时期(1.1~0.55 Ma):沉积物粒度较上一阶段更细,黏土含量(平均为30%)、EM1占比和孢粉浓度均达到研究段最高,沉积物颜色以棕灰色为主,EM3组分占比降至最低,其中1.1~0.95 Ma喜冷的云杉属花粉出现,显示该时期研究区气候总体偏冷湿,湖泊面积较1.1 Ma之前扩大;中更新世转型后(~0.55 Ma):沉积物粒度明显变粗,达到钻孔最高值,沉积物颜色变黄,EM2(风成组分)和EM3占主导,草本植物含量增加,尤其是喜干的蒿属花粉增加明显,表明气候较之前变干,沉积物类型以风力沉积为主,湖泊消亡.综合对比显示,构造运动是影响长治古湖消长的主要驱动力,气候变干加剧了湖泊消亡.  相似文献   
洛阳地震台面波震级的偏差研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用洛阳地震台1985 ~ 2003 年记录的1755 个地震的面波资料,采用与国家地震台网中心相同的面波震级公式,研究了该台测定的面波震级与国家地震台网中心测定面波震级之间的偏差。结果表明,洛阳地震台测定面波震级的偏差与震中距之间有明显的相关性,在1°≤Δ≤130°范围内面波震级由偏小0. 1 逐渐变化到偏大,Δ≥20°时偏大0. 2 ~ 0. 3;在130° < Δ≤180°范围内偏大0. 2。  相似文献   
Corrosion of marine steel constructions may vary to a considerable extent owing to their different locations such as atmosphere, splash zone, tidal zone, immersion zone and mud zone[7, 8]. A rather lengthy hanging steel sample is needed to test its corrosion resistance in various environments. But it is cumbersome to handle and not convenient for frequent observation and maintenance. So an indoor analogue test method is generally adopted for this purpose[1]. This paper is a report of such a test. Contribution No. 1333 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   
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