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Drill-hole, geochronologic, and gravity data identify the buried Shishimuta caldera beneath post-caldera lava domes and lacustrine deposits in the center of the Hohi volcanic zone. The caldera is the source of the Yabakei pyroclastic flow, which erupted 1.0 Ma ago with a bulk volume of 110 km3. The caldera is a breccia-filled funnel-shaped depression 8 km wide and > 3 km deep with a V-shaped negative Bouguer gravity anomaly up to 36 mgal. Neither ring vents nor resurgence was recognized; instead, post-caldera monogenetic volcanism in an extensional setting dominated the area. The andesitic breccia has a relatively low density and fills the caldera; it possibly formed by fragmentation of disrupted roof rock during the violent Yabakei eruption and related collapse. Fewer normal faults and shallow microearthquakes occur inside the caldera than around it, possibly because rocks beneath the caldera are structurally incoherent. A profile of Shishimuta caldera may be more elongated vertically, and have a more intensely fractured zone, than that of a Valles-type caldera.  相似文献   
We estimate corner frequencies and stress drops for 298 events ranging from M w 3.2–7.0 in 17 inland crustal earthquake sequences in Japan to investigate the source scaling and variation in stress drops. We obtain the source spectral ratio from observed records by the S-wave coda spectral ratio method. The advantage of using the S-wave coda is in obtaining much more stable source spectral ratios than using direct S-waves. We carefully examine the common shape of the decay of coda envelopes between event pair records. The corner frequency and stress drop are estimated by modeling the observed source spectral ratio with the omega-square source spectral model. We investigate the dependences of stress drops on some tectonic effects such as regionality, focal mechanism, and source depth. The principal findings are as follows: (1) a break in self-similar source scaling is found in our dataset. Events larger than M w 4.5 show larger stress drops than those of smaller events. (2) Stress drops of aftershocks are mostly smaller than those of mainshocks in each sequence. (3) There are no systematic differences between stress drops of events occurring inside and outside the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone in Japan. (4) Clear dependence of the faulting type on stress drops cannot be seen. (5) Stress drops of aftershocks depend on their source depth. (6) The crack size obtained from the corner frequency corresponds to the total rupture area of heterogeneous slip models for large events.  相似文献   
Organochlorine (OCs) and butyltin (BTs) residues were determined in deep-sea organisms collected from the western North Pacific, off-Tohoku, Japan. Among OCs, concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDTs (DDTs and its metabolites) were the highest in deep-sea organisms (maximum concentrations of 6700 and 13,000 ng/g lipid wt, respectively). Chlordane compounds (CHLs) were the next most abundant OCs, and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were the lowest. BTs were also detected at maximum concentrations of 570 ng/g wet wt. Concentrations of PCBs, CHLs and BTs in deep-sea organisms collected from the western North Pacific, off-Tohoku, were generally lower than those in deep-sea and shallow water organisms from Japanese coastal waters. On the other hand, considerable variations in the concentrations of OCs were found among deep-sea organisms analyzed. Several carnivorous fishes such as snubnosed eel, lanternshark and grenadiers accumulated some OCs such as PCBs, DDTs and CHLs at high concentrations of up to a few μg/g levels. In addition, the residue pattern of OCs and BTs in fishes showed a specific trend according to the sampling depth; higher concentrations of PCBs, DDTs and CHLs and lower concentrations of HCHs, HCB and BTs were found in fishes collected from greater depth (1000 m) compared to those from shallower waters. This trend is consistent with the results of our earlier study on mesopelagic myctophid fishes. Results of this study suggest vertical transport of hydrophobic OCs such as PCBs, DDTs and CHLs and its accumulation in benthic deep-sea organisms.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a pilot test conducted for evaluating the energy dissipation behaviour of shear panels made of low yield steel whose 0.2 per cent offset yield stress is 120 MPa. A total of six full-scale shear panels were tested with the loading condition, stiffener spacing, and magnitude of axial force as test variables. The shear panels tested yielded at a shear force that is approximately 1/3 of the yield shear force of equivalent shear panels made of common mild steel. Shear panels with proper stiffener arrangement exhibited stable hysteresis, thus ensuring large energy dissipation capacity. Sufficient strain hardening was observed in the shear panels tested, with their energy dissipation capacity about 1.5 times larger than that of an equivalent linear-elastic and perfect-plastic system. Plate buckling did not lead the shear panels to immediate degradation in their energy dissipation capacity. Post-buckling resistance was found to be a subject that requires further studies for quantifying the performance of shear panels made of low yield stress steel as hysteretic dampers.  相似文献   
The chronology of deposits of the 1976 eruption of Augustine volcano, which produced pyroclastic falls, pyroclastic flows, and lava domes, is determined by correlating the stratigraphy with published records of seismicity, plume observations, and distant ash falls. Three thin air-fall ash beds (unit A1, A2 and A3) correlate with events near the beginning of the 1976 eruption on 22 and 23 January. On 24 January a small-volume, ash-cloud-surge deposit (unit S) accumulated over the north half of Augustine Island. A series of pumiceous pyroclastic flows represented by the lobate pumiceous deposits (unit F) occurred on 24 January and locally melted the snowpack to cause small pumice-laden floods. A thin ash bed (unit A4) was deposited on 24 January, and the main plinian eruption (unit P) occurred on 25 January. In middle to late February and again in mid April, lava domes were extruded at the summit accompanied by incandescent block-and-ash flows down the north flank. A hut near the north coast of the island was mechanically and thermally damaged by the small-volume ash-cloud surge of unit S before the eruption of the pumice flow of unit F; the metal roof was then penetrated by lithic fragments of the plinian fall of 25 January. Explosive eruptions in the early stage of an eruption-like that which deposited unit S — are important hazards at Augustine Island, as are infrequent debris avalanches and attendant tsunamis.deceased on 18 May 1980  相似文献   
Shimojo  Masumi  Kurokawa  Hiroki  Yoshimura  Keiji 《Solar physics》2002,206(1):133-142
We present a detailed study of coronal loop brightenings observed in an active region on the solar limb. These brightening loops show expanding and shrinking motions in EUV coronal line images and also show downflow along the loops in Lα and Hα images. By means of time-slice analysis of the images, we found that both the expanding and shrinking motions of the loops are not real motions of plasma but apparent motions like post-flare loops, where the loops at the different height are successively heated and cooled. From a temperature analysis, the time delay between the brightenings of hot 195 Å and cool Lα loops is found to be nearly equal to the time-scale of the conduction cooling. We conclude that these loop brightenings are sources of so called Hα coronal rains.  相似文献   
We characterize the heterogeneous source slip model of intraslab earthquakes to compare source scaling properties with those of inland crustal and subduction-zone plate-boundary earthquakes. We extracted rupture area (S), total area of asperity (S a), average slip (D) and average slip on asperity (D a) of eleven intraslab earthquakes following the procedure proposed by Somerville et al. (Seism Res Lett 70:59?C80, 1999) and proposed the empirical scaling relationship formula of S, S a, and D for intraslab earthquakes. Under the same seismic moment, an intraslab earthquake has a smaller rupture area and total area of asperity, and smaller average slip than an inland crustal earthquake. The area ratio of asperity area and total rupture area of intraslab earthquakes are similar to those of inland crustal earthquakes. The strong motion generation area (SMGA) scaling of intraslab earthquakes appears self-similar, and those results support the idea the characterized source model of intraslab earthquakes can be modeled in a manner similar to that of inland crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   
We have made a Monte Carlo simulation of the intergalactic absorption in order to model the Lyman continuum absorption, which is required to estimate the escape fraction of the Lyman continuum from distant galaxies. To input into the simulation, we derive an empirical distribution function of the intergalactic absorbers which reproduces recent observational statistics of the Lyman α forest, Lyman limit systems (LLSs) and damped Lyman α systems (DLAs) simultaneously. In particular, we assume a common functional form of the number evolution along the redshift for all types of absorbers. The Lyman series transmissions in our simulation reproduce the observed redshift evolution of the transmissions excellently, and the Lyman continuum transmission also agrees with an observed estimation which is still quite rare in the literature. The probability distribution of the Lyman α opacity in our simulation is lognormal with a tail towards a large opacity. This tail is produced by DLAs. The probability distribution of the Lyman continuum opacity in our simulation also shows a broad tail towards a large opacity. This tail is produced by LLSs. Because of the rarity of LLSs, we have a chance to have a clean line of sight in the Lyman continuum even for   z ∼ 4  with a probability of about 20 per cent. Our simulation expects a good correlation between the Lyman continuum opacity and the Lyman α opacity, which may be useful to estimate the former from the latter for an individual line of sight.  相似文献   
The synthesis of organic molecules via chemical reactions within impact vapor plumes has been proposed as a mechanism to supply organics on a planet. However, the kinetics of chemical reactions within a rapidly expanding vapor plume or quenching process of the reactions has not been studied extensively. In this study, we constructed a new numerical model that calculates kinetics of the entire chemical reactions within an impact vapor plume. Numerical results revealed that the semi-analytical models proposed so far, in which the final amount of a chemical species was given by the equilibrium abundance at the quenching temperature of the fastest reaction path involving the species, underestimates the yield of organic molecules, such as HCN, by up to a factor of 10. This is because the previously used assumption that a species can achieve equilibrium with the rest of the reaction system via the fastest reaction path involving the species is not necessarily valid. Our analysis of the high-temperature H/C/N/O reaction system suggests that the quenching of slow reactions divides the reaction network into smaller reaction sub-systems isolated from the rest of the reaction system. Then, the fastest reaction path cannot equilibrate an isolated reaction sub-system with the rest of the reaction system. Simulation of this actual disequilibrium mechanism requires a simultaneous numerical calculation of the entire reaction network, which is equivalent to conducting a full kinetic model calculation, such as our model. Our numerical code makes it possible to discuss quantitatively the impact chemistry for various situations, such as the Galilean satellites. In this study, our numerical model is applied to the delivery of organic molecules via cometary impact on the Galilean satellites. Our numerical results indicate that small-particle impacts would produce HCN efficiently. Resulting HCN may freeze out immediately and be deposited on satellite surfaces, where it may be eventually converted into complex organics via irradiation of charged particle. On the other hand, large-size impacts may form transient CH4-N2 atmospheres, in which complex organics (tholin) may be formed via energy deposition of UV and/or charged particle. Resulting complex organics may subsequently precipitate on the satellite surfaces without clear correlation with the locations of impact craters. Such distribution of complex organics created by chemical reactions within vapor plumes due to cometary impacts may explain an absorption (4.57 μm) on Galilean satellites nonassociated with observable (moderate- and large-size) impact craters.  相似文献   
An instrumented field study of the across-shore evolution of wave characteristics was conducted under wind-wave and swell-wave conditions on a sloping type B shore platform along the mesotidal, fetch-limited coast of Auckland, New Zealand, based on spectral analysis of hydrodynamic data recorded in pressure-sensor time series during a 24-h deployment on 24–25 November 2008. The results highlight the ability of the shore platform in dissipating wave energy reaching the cliff toe under wind-wave and swell-wave conditions, and the spectral redistribution of wave energy. As waves propagated onto the platform surface and towards the cliff toe, infragravity-wave energy became progressively more dominant, while gravity waves were dissipated. Wave height and period in the central sector of the platform and at the cliff toe were not markedly affected by differences in incident-wave conditions observed during the survey. The findings confirm the importance of platform morphology in modulating wave-energy delivery to the cliff toe. In contrast to previous studies, infragravity-wave height at the cliff toe did not appear to be correlated to incident-wave conditions.  相似文献   
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