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Methane ( ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ ) fluxes observed with the eddy-covariance technique using an open-path ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ analyzer and a closed-path ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ analyzer in a rice paddy field were evaluated with an emphasis on the flux correction methodology. A comparison of the fluxes obtained by the analyzers revealed that both the open-path and closed-path techniques were reliable, provided that appropriate corrections were applied. For the open-path approach, the influence of fluctuations in air density and the line shape variation in laser absorption spectroscopy (hereafter, spectroscopic effect) was significant, and the relative importance of these corrections would increase when observing small ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ fluxes. A new procedure proposed by Li-Cor Inc. enabled us to accurately adjust for these effects. The high-frequency loss of the open-path ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ analyzer was relatively large (11 % of the uncorrected covariance) at an observation height of 2.5 m above the canopy owing to its longer physical path length, and this correction should be carefully applied before correcting for the influence of fluctuations in air density and the spectroscopic effect. Uncorrected ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ fluxes observed with the closed-path analyzer were substantially underestimated (37 %) due to high-frequency loss because an undersized pump was used in the observation. Both the bandpass and transfer function approaches successfully corrected this flux loss. Careful determination of the bandpass frequency range or the transfer function and the cospectral model is required for the accurate calculation of ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ fluxes with the closed-path technique.  相似文献   
This study presents full-length cDNA sequences of CYP1A1 and 1A2, in common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from the North Pacific. Both CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 cDNAs had an open reading frame of 516 amino acid residues, and predicted molecular masses were 58.3 kDa and 58.1 kDa, respectively. The deduced full-length amino acid sequence of CYP1A1 revealed higher identities with those of sheep (86%) and pig (87%), and that of CYP1A2 was most closely related to human (82%) and monkey CYP1A2 (82%) among species from which CYP1A2 has been isolated so far. Differences in certain conserved and functional amino acid residues of CYP1A1 and 1A2 between common minke whale and other mammalian species indicate the possibility of their specific metabolic function. Concentrations of organochlorine compounds (OCs) including PCBs and DDTs analyzed in common minke whale liver showed no significant correlation with hepatic mRNA expression levels of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2, indicating no induction of these enzymes by such OCs.  相似文献   
Keiichi  Sasaki  Akio  Omura  Tetsuo  Miwa  Yoshihiro  Tsuji  Hiroki  Matsuda  Toru  Nakamori  Yasufumi  Iryu  Tsutomu  Yamada  Yuri  Sato  Hiroshi  Nakagawa 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):455-467
Abstract   High-resolution seismic reflection profiles delineated the distribution of mound-shaped reflections, which were interpreted as reefs, beneath the insular shelf western off Irabu Island, Ryukyus, southwestern Japan. A sediment core through one of the mounded structures was recovered from the sea floor at a depth of −118.2 m by offshore drilling and was dated by radiometric methods. The lithology and coral fauna of the core indicate that the mounded structure was composed of coral–algal boundstone suggesting a small-scaled coral reef. High-precision α-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating coupled with calibrated accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages of corals obtained reliable ages of this reef ranging from 22.18 ± 0.63 to 30.47 ± 0.98 ka. This proves that such a submerged reef was formed during the lowstand stage of marine oxygen isotope stages 3–2. The existence of low-Mg calcite in the aragonitic coral skeleton of 22.18 ± 0.63 ka provides evidence that the reef had once been exposed by lowering of the relative sealevel to at least −126 m during the last glacial maximum in the study area. There is no room for doubt that a coral reef grew during the last glacial period on the shelf off Irabu Island of Ryukyus in the subtropical region of western Pacific.  相似文献   
Heavy oil contamination is one of the most important environmental issues. Toxicities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), including immune toxicities, are well characterized, however, the immune toxic effects of heavy oil, as a complex mixture of PAHs, have not been investigated. In the present study, we selected Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) as a model organism, and observed alteration of immune function by the exposure to heavy oil. To analyze the expression profiles of immune system-related genes, we selected 309 cDNAs from our flounder EST library, and spotted them on a glass slide. Using this cDNA array, alteration of gene expression profiles was analyzed in the kidneys of flounders exposed to heavy oil. Six Japanese flounders (mean body weight: 197 g) were acclimated to laboratory conditions at 19-20 degrees C. Three fish were exposed to heavy oil C (bunker C) at a concentration of 3.8 g/L for 3 days, and the others were kept in seawater without heavy oil and used as the control. After the exposure period, the fish were transferred into control seawater and maintained for 4 days, and then they were dissected and their kidneys were removed. Total RNA was extracted from the kidney samples to use in gene expression analyses. The microarray detected alteration of immune system-related genes in the kidneys of heavy oil-exposed flounders, including down-regulation of immunoglobulin light chain, CD45, major histocompatibility complex class II antigens and macrophage colony-stimulating factor precursor, and up-regulation of interleukin-8 and lysozyme. These results suggest that pathogen resistance may be weakened in heavy oil-exposed fish, causing a subsequent bacterial infection, and then proinflammatory genes may be induced as a defensive response against the infection. Additionally, we found candidate genes for use as biomarkers of heavy oil exposure, such as N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 and heat shock cognate 71 kDa proteins.  相似文献   
The measurement of the atmospheric electric field was carried out with a field mill at a small island in a bay on the Pacific coast of Japan. The data obtained during 80 months from 1971 to 1977 were analysed. It was found that characteristically the diurnal variation regularly alters with the seasons. Whereas the electric field in winter has the same diurnal pattern as that observed at globally representative stations, it exhibits in summer a pattern depending on the variation of the local electric conductivity. The alteration is inferred to be associated with regional atmospheric conditions surrounding the observation site.  相似文献   
Aircraft observations of oxides of nitrogen (NO y ), measured with a ferrous sulfate converter, over the sea surrounding the Japanese islands (30–43° N, 131–141° E) were carried out in the winter of 1983 and 1984 at altitudes mostly between 3 and 8 km. NO y defined here is the sum of NO, NO2, and other unstable oxides of nitrogen that are converted to NO by ferrous sulfate. The main observations were:
  1. Over the Pacific Ocean between the latitudes of 30–35° N, the observed NO y mixing ratio between 3 and 8 km was a fairly constant 200 pptv. The NO mixing ratio increased with altitude from 15 pptv at 3 km to 35 pptv at 7 km.
  2. Over the Sea of Japan, tropospheric NO y mesured between 1 and 6 km started increasing with latitude North of 35° N and reached about 1000 pptv at 40° N.
  3. NO y was measured in an air mass transported from the stratosphere near a tropopause fold region. When the ozone mixing ratio was between 80 and 140 ppbv, the NO y mixing ratio was about 200 pptv.
Fluctuation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was studied during 1971–1972 at monthly intervals in surface layers of Sagami Bay. Concentration of DOC varied from 0.8 to 1.7 mgC/l in surface water (0 m). Maximum concentration of 1.7 mgC/l was observed in July 1971 and after then DOC decreased gradually to a minimum of 0.8 mgC/l in May 1972. The fluctuation of DOC during the observation periods seems to have close relations with those of water temperature and salinity. High DOC concentration found in summer months may be associated with bloom of phytoplankton or intrusion of seawater from Tokyo Bay and/or inland water containing high DOC.  相似文献   
We have determined chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration, primary productivity, cell density and species composition of diatoms, and the number of microzooplankton at the surface in the subarctic North Pacific in January 1996. The wet weight of copepods obtained by vertical tows from 150 m to the surface was also measured during the cruise. Chla concentration and primary productivity tended to be higher in the region west of 180°, the western subarctic North Pacific (WSNP), than east of 180°, the eastern subarctic North Pacific (ESNP). The same results were observed for the total diatom cell densities and for the genera Thalassiosira and Denticulopsis. Significant linear relationships were observed between the Thalassiosira cell density and Chla concentration and primary productivity, indicating that Thalassiosira contributes to the high-WSNP and low-ESNP distribution patterns of Chla concentration and primary productivity. Moreover, naked ciliate abundance tended to be lower in the WSNP than in the ESNP, whereas copepod biomass showed an inverse trend. Significantly negative Spearman rank correlations were found between the Thalassiosira cell density and the number of naked ciliates and between the number of naked ciliates and the wet weight of copepods. These results indicate that copepod grazing indirectly controls Thalassiosira cell density via predation on the naked ciliates. We conclude that the high copepod biomass in the WSNP is a factor controlling the high-WSNP and low-ESNP Thalassiosira abundance and hence Chla concentration and primary productivity patterns.  相似文献   
The variation of displacement along fifteen traces of minor normal faults was measured in the multilayered Quaternary sediments of Kyushu, Japan. In the diagrams of distance along a fault trace (L) vs displacement (D) two distinct types of faults, a cone-shaped L-D pattern (C-type) and mesa-shaped one (M-type), were detected. Because the L-D pattern is subject to slip-parallel strain in the wall rocks, a D-constant pattern is ascribed to the competent (rigid) material and a D-variable pattern is found in the incompetent material. Therefore, C-type faults are characteristic of homogeneous incompetent materials, whereas M-types are representative of faults that cut through a rigid unit. However, the steep slopes in the flanking sections of M-type patterns indicate that the faulting of a rigid unit should terminate in a strain absorber of incompetent materials. The concept of lithologic control in the L-D pattern is important for the better understanding of faulting processes as well as the localization of faults.  相似文献   
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