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Remote sensing reflectance [R rs(λ)] and absorption coefficients of red tides were measured in Isahaya Bay, southwestern Japan, to investigate differences in the optical properties of red tide and non-red tide waters. We defined colored areas of the sea surface, visualized from shipboard, as “red tides”. Peaks of the R rs(λ) spectra of non-red tide waters were at 565 nm, while those of red tides shifted to longer wavelengths (589 nm). The spectral shape of R rs(λ) was close to that of the reciprocal of the total absorption coefficient [1/a(λ)], implying that the R rs(λ) peak is determined by absorption. Absorption coefficients of phytoplankton [a ph(λ)], non-pigment particles and colored dissolved organic matter increased with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), and those coefficients were correlated with Chl a for both red tide and non-red tide waters. Using these relationships between absorption coefficients and Chl a, variation in the spectrum of 1/a(λ) as a function of Chl a was calculated. The peak of 1/a(λ) shifted to longer wavelengths with increasing Chl a. Furthermore, the relative contribution of a ph(λ) to the total absorption in red tide water was significantly higher than in non-red tide water in the wavelength range 550–600 nm, including the peak. Our results show that the variation of a ph(λ) with Chl a dominates the behavior of the R rs(λ) peak, and utilization of R rs(λ) peaks at 589 and 565 nm may be useful to discriminate between red tide and non-red tide waters by remote sensing.  相似文献   
Summary The chemical composition of olivine phenocrysts was determined for 13 basaltic samples taken from the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic line to estimate the compositions of the primary olivine phenocrysts and the primary magmas. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines attain 0.91, though many of the magnesian olivines are identified on a textural basis as xenocrysts from peridotite inclusions. Most magnesian olivine phenocrysts have Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of 0.87–0.88 and NiO contents of 0.32–0.35 wt %. The NiO versus Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the olivines can be used to estimate the compositions of the primary phenocrysts in a range of Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.88–0.90. Assuming the Fe(3)/(total Fe) ratios of the magmas are 0.17–0.25, which is estimated from the Fe-Mg partitioning between plagioclase and groundmass, the compositions of the primary magmas were obtained from the Fe2+-Mg partition equilibrium with the primary olivine phenocrysts. The primary magmas of the Cameroonian basalts have 13.5 ± 4.0 wt MgO, which is similar to the compositions of basalts with highest MgO contents reported so far from the Cameroon volcanic line.
Olivin Kristalle in einigen Basalten aus Kamerun: Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung des primitiven Magmas
Zusammenfassung Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Olivin Phenokristallen wurde in 13 Basalt-Proben, die vom Zentralteil .des Kamerun-Vulkangürtels stammen, bestimmt, um Hinweise auf die Zusammensetzung der primären Olivineinsprenglinge and des primären Magmas zu erlangen. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse der Olivine reichen bis 0.91, obwohl viefle dieser Mg-Olivine auf Grund textureller Kriterien als aus Peridotit-Einschlüssen stammende Xenokristalle zu identifizieren sind. Die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnsse der Hauptmasse der Olivin-Phenokristalle liegen im Bereich von 0.87 bis 0.88, die Ni0 Gehalte zwischen 0.32 und 0.35 Gew %. Die Ni0 gegen Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse eignen sich zur Abschätzung der Zusammensetzung der primären Phenokristalle, solange die Mg/(Mg + Fe) Verhältnisse im Bereich von 0.88 bis 0.90 liegen. Die Zusammensetzung des Primärmagmas wurde mittels der Fe2+-Mg-Verteilung zwischen dem Magma und den sich mit dem Magma im Gleichgewicht befindlichen primären Olivinkristallen unter der Annahme eines Fe3+/Fe total Verhältnisses von 0.17–0.25, welches sich aus der Mg-Fe Verteilung zwischen Plagioklas und Grundmasse ergibt, bestimmt. Demnach ergibt sich für das primäre Magma der Kamerun Basalte ein MgO Gehalt von 13.5 + 4.0 Gew%. Dieser Wert ist mit der Zusammensetzung von Basalten mit höchsten MgO-Gehalten, wie sie bisher vom Kamerun-Vulkangürtel berichtet worden sind, vergleichbar.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
An interactive computer system has been developed to assist the mineral identification in ore microscopy. The reference file of the system consists of optical, mechanical, and chemical properties of about 130 ore minerals. The properties are name, chemical formula, color, bireflectance, anisotropism, internal reflection, reflectance at wavelengths of 470, 546, 589, and 650 nm, and polishing hardness and micro-indentation hardness. All the properties except reflectance and microindentation hardness are qualitative or semi-qualitative. Most of the properties are given as characters relative to the more common minerals. This implies that most of the identification processes advance on the basis of the comparison between a subject mineral and coexisting minerals. For this reason, the system asks a user at first to input already identified mineral names. This is quite different from the mineral identification procedures used in petrographic microscopy. To reduce the number of possible minerals, the system presents a series of questions to a user, and the user selects any of the prepared answers according to his observation. The user can also choose any desired question independently of the sequence. The user is expected to be able to recognize some common minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and hematite, without the assistance of the system.  相似文献   
The geochemical study of groundwaters and core sediments from the Old Brahmaputra plain of Bangladesh was conducted to investigate the distribution of arsenic and related trace elements. Groundwaters from tube wells are characterized by pH of 6.4–7.4, dissolved oxygen (DO) of 0.8–1.8 mg/l, Ca contents of 5–50 mg/l, and Fe contents of 0.2–12.9 mg/l. Arsenic concentrations ranged from 8 to 251 μg/l, with an average value of 63 μg/l. A strong positive correlation exists between As and Fe (r 2 = 0.802; p = 0.001) concentrations in groundwater. The stratigraphic sequences in the cores consist of yellowish silty clays at top, passing downward into grayish to yellowish clays and sands. The uppermost 3 m and lower parts (from 13 to 31 m) of the core sediments are oxidized (average oxidation reduction potential (ORP) +170 and +220 mV, respectively), and the ORP values gradually become negative from 3 to 13 m depths (−35 to −180 mV), indicating that anoxic conditions prevail in the shallow aquifers of the Brahmaputra plain. Age determinations suggest that clay horizons at ~10 m depth were deposited at around 2,000 and 5,000 years BP (14C ages) during the transgressive phase of sea-level change. Elevated concentrations of As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and V are present in the silts and clays, probably due to adsorption onto clay particles. Significant concentrations of As occur in black peat and peaty sediments at depths between 9 and 13 m. A strong positive correlation between As and Fe was found in the sediments, indicating As may be adsorbed onto Fe oxides in aquifer sediments.  相似文献   
Mafic enclaves in the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano show chemical and textural variability, such as bulk SiO2 contents ranging from 52 to 62 wt% and fine- to coarse-grained microlite textures. In this paper, we investigated the mineral chemistry of plagioclase and hornblende microlites and distinguished three enclave types. Type-I mafic enclaves contain high-Mg plagioclase and low-Cl hornblende as microlites, whereas type-III enclaves include low-Mg plagioclase and high-Cl hornblende. Type-II enclaves have an intermediate mineral chemistry. Type-I mafic enclaves tend to show a finer-grained matrix, have slightly higher bulk rock SiO2 contents (56–60 wt%) when compared with the type-III mafic enclaves (SiO2?=?53–59 wt%), but the overall bulk enclave compositions are within the trend of the basalt–dacite eruptive products of Quaternary monogenetic volcanoes around Unzen volcano. The origin of the variation of mineral chemistry in mafic enclaves is interpreted to reflect different degree of diffusion-controlled re-equilibration of minerals in a low-temperature mushy dacitic magma reservoir. Mafic enclaves with a long residence time in the dacitic magma reservoir, whose constituent minerals were annealed at low-temperature to be in equililbrium with the rhyolitic melt, represent type-III enclaves. In contrast, type-I mafic enclaves result from recent mafic injections with a mineral assemblage that still retains the high-temperature mineral chemistry. Taking temperature, Ca/(Ca?+?Na) ratio of plagioclase, and water activity of the hydrous Unzen magma into account, the Mg contents of plagioclase indicate that plagioclase microlites in type-III enclaves initially crystallized at high temperature and were subsequently re-equilibrated at low-temperature conditions. Compositional profiles of Mg in plagioclase suggest that older mafic enclaves (Type-III) had a residence time of ~100 years at 800 °C in a stagnant magma reservoir before their incorporation into the mixed dacite of the 1991–1995 Unzen eruption. Presence of different types of mafic enclaves suggests that the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano tapped mushy magma reservoir intermittently replenished by high-temperature mafic magmas.  相似文献   
The geochemical analyses of fluvial-lacustrine aquifer sediments of the Kathmandu Valley have been made as a step in assessing the environment for the mobilization of arsenic in groundwater. Elements measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) include 4 major oxides (Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, P2O5) and 14 trace elements (As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Th, Sc and TS). Elution tests of 15 selected core samples were also carried out to determine the potential leaching of arsenic from the sediments. The XRF results show that average bulk concentrations of the major oxides and trace elements are similar to modern unconsolidated sediments and average upper continental crust. However, the abundance of elements varies with grain size, with higher concentrations in finer-size grades. Variations in elemental abundances within the basin are strongly controlled by sediment facies. The elution tests show that greater amounts of arsenic are generally eluted from the fine sediments, although the rates are variable. The results overall suggest that As concentrations in the bulk sediments are not a controlling factor for elevated As in the Kathmandu Basin groundwater, and the roles of other factors such as redox conditions and organic matter contents are likely to be more significant.  相似文献   
Abstract. In order to know the behaviors of radioactive elements such as cesium and strontium during a hydrothermal alteration of borosilicate glass of radioactive waste, some alumino-borosilicate glasses belonging to the systems Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-SrO, Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-Cs2O and Na2O-Al2-O3-B2O3-SiO2-SrO-Cs2O have been treated hydrothermally at 200C under a vapor pressure of 1.54 MPa. The result shows that all glasses are changed into crystalline phases with running time up to 60 days, and that analcime-type zeolite is formed as a major product. The formed zeolite is shown to contain cesium and/or strontium. Considering the fact that natural zeolite occurs in wide physicochemical conditions including hydrothermal one, the analcime-type zeolite is expected to fix stably the radioactive elements in the disposal site. Since aluminum is necessary for the formation of the analcime-type zeolite, the waste glass should have aluminum as one of major components.  相似文献   
We investigated effects of severe hypoxia (dissolved oxygen <1 ml l−1) on recruitment of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay. Ten-year field surveys were conducted to examine quantitative relationships in annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, and spatial distribution of juveniles and severe hypoxia. There was no significant correlation between annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, suggesting that mortality during larval or juvenile stages varies among years, which might have regulated abundance of young-of-the-year juveniles. Juvenile density was low in the severely hypoxic area, implying that hypoxia could affect survivals and spatial distribution of juveniles. Meanwhile, there are yearly fluctuations in juvenile density in normoxic areas of both northern and southern part of the bay. This evidence suggests that abundance of post-settled juveniles might have been determined by not only effects of hypoxia, but also other factors influencing mortality during the early life stages.  相似文献   
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