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The global monsoon (GM) is a defining feature of the annual variation of Earth’s climate system. Quantifying and understanding the present-day monsoon precipitation change are crucial for prediction of its future and reflection of its past. Here we show that regional monsoons are coordinated not only by external solar forcing but also by internal feedback processes such as El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). From one monsoon year (May to the next April) to the next, most continental monsoon regions, separated by vast areas of arid trade winds and deserts, vary in a cohesive manner driven by ENSO. The ENSO has tighter regulation on the northern hemisphere summer monsoon (NHSM) than on the southern hemisphere summer monsoon (SHSM). More notably, the GM precipitation (GMP) has intensified over the past three decades mainly due to the significant upward trend in NHSM. The intensification of the GMP originates primarily from an enhanced east–west thermal contrast in the Pacific Ocean, which is coupled with a rising pressure in the subtropical eastern Pacific and decreasing pressure over the Indo-Pacific warm pool. While this mechanism tends to amplify both the NHSM and SHSM, the stronger (weaker) warming trend in the NH (SH) creates a hemispheric thermal contrast, which favors intensification of the NHSM but weakens the SHSM. The enhanced Pacific zonal thermal contrast is largely a result of natural variability, whilst the enhanced hemispherical thermal contrast is likely due to anthropogenic forcing. We found that the enhanced global summer monsoon not only amplifies the annual cycle of tropical climate but also promotes directly a “wet-gets-wetter” trend pattern and indirectly a “dry-gets-drier” trend pattern through coupling with deserts and trade winds. The mechanisms recognized in this study suggest a way forward for understanding past and future changes of the GM in terms of its driven mechanisms.  相似文献   
The response of El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-like variability to global warming varies comparatively between the two different climate system models, i.e., the Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCMs). Here, we examine the role of the simulated upper ocean temperature structure in the different sensitivities of the simulated ENSO variability in the models based on the different level of CO2 concentrations. In the MRI model, the sea surface temperature (SST) undergoes a rather drastic modification, namely a tendency toward a permanent El Niño-like state. This is associated with an enhanced stratification which results in greater ENSO amplitude for the MRI model. On the other hand, the ENSO simulated by GFDL model is hardly modified although the mean temperature in the near surface layer increases. In order to understand the associated mechanisms we carry out a vertical mode decomposition of the mean equatorial stratification and a simplified heat balance analysis using an intermediate tropical Pacific model tuned from the CGCM outputs. It is found that in the MRI model the increased stratification is associated with an enhancement of the zonal advective feedback and the non-linear advection. In the GFDL model, on the other hand, the thermocline variability and associated anomalous vertical advection are reduced in the eastern equatorial Pacific under global warming, which erodes the thermocline feedback and explains why the ENSO amplitude is reduced in a warmer climate in this model. It is suggested that change in stratification associated with global warming impacts the equatorial wave dynamics in a way that enhances the second baroclinic mode over the gravest one, which leads to the change in feedback processes in the CGCMs. Our results illustrate that the upper ocean vertical structure simulated in the CGCMs is a key parameter of the sensitivity of ENSO-like SST variability to global warming.  相似文献   
The present study aims to (a) examine meteorological basis for construction of regional monsoon indices and (b) explore the commonality and differences among tropical regional monsoons, especially the teleconnection and monsoon–ENSO relationship. We show that the area-averaged summer precipitation intensity is generally a meaningful precipitation index for tropical monsoons because it represents very well both the amplitude of annual cycle and the leading mode of year-to-year rainfall variability with a nearly uniform spatial pattern. The regional monsoon circulation indices can be defined in a unified way (measuring monsoon trough vorticity) for seven tropical monsoon regions, viz.: Indian, Australian, western North Pacific, North and South American, and Northern and Southern African monsoons. The structures of the tropical monsoons are commonly characterized by a pair of upper-level double anticyclones residing in the subtropics of both hemispheres; notably the winter hemispheric anticyclone has a barotropic structure and is a passive response. Two types of upper-level teleconnection patterns are identified. One is a zonal wave train emanating from the double anticyclones downstream along the westerly jets in both hemispheres, including Indian, Northern African and Australian monsoons; the other is a meridional wave train emanating from the double anticyclones polewards, such as the South American and western North Pacific monsoons. Over the past 55 years all regional summer monsoons have non-stationary relationship with ENSO except the Australian monsoon. The regional monsoon–ENSO relationship is found to have common changing points in 1970s. The relationships were enhanced for the western North Pacific, Northern African, North American and South American summer monsoons, but weakened for the Indian summer monsoon (with a recovery in late 1990s). Regardless the large regional differences, the monsoon precipitations over land areas of all tropical monsoon regions are significantly correlated with the ENSO, suggesting that ENSO drives global tropical monsoon rainfall variability. These results provide useful guidance for monitoring sub-seasonal to seasonal variations of the regional monsoons currently done at NCEP and for assessment of the climate models’ performances in representing regional and global monsoon variability.  相似文献   
香港近海第四纪研究──(香港)地区与全球对比表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
严维枢 《第四纪研究》1996,16(3):283-287
通过对WB7钻孔的研究及过去资料的分析,香港近海第四纪地层层序至少可以识别出10个海相与陆相交替的沉积序列。WB7钻孔位于香港西薄寮海峡,对该钻孔进行了连续取样。本文列出了两张地区性与全球沉积序列对比表,最早的海相沉积和陆相沉积年龄分别早于倒数第4次间冰期和倒数第5次冰期,地层对比表中把香港的第四纪地层与磁性地层、氧同位素地层、超微体化石组合及澳大利亚南部滨岸沙丘序列,新几内亚Huon半岛和印度尼西亚Sumba半岛的海岸阶地,美国大西洋海岸平原氧同位素序列,中国黄土阶段及海侵,东南亚的海岸和近海沉积进行了初步的对比。  相似文献   
In this paper.the characteristics of laboratory wind waves under various wind speeds and wat-er depths are studied.It is found that either the real or the imaginary part of the bispectrum can be relatedto the asymmetry of the wave profile,and the bicoherence is related to the ratio of nonlinear to linear wavecomponent.Occasionally,these two categories of nonlinear index lead to opposite inferences,because eachof them has its own significance and functions.The applicability of linear wave spectral model in oceanwaves becomes questionable only when strong nonlinearity is indicated by both of these two indexes.Thelinear spectral representation of wave fields does not necessarily become inadequate as water depth de-creases,and its appropriateness can be examined through the characteristics of the bispectrum.  相似文献   
As a part of Mussel Watch Program in Korea, the contamination levels and accumulation features of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were assessed for 82 bivalve samples collected from 66 sites along the entire coast of Korea. The dry weight based ∑PCBs and ∑OCPs ranged from 4.4 ng g−1 to 422.0 ng g−1 (geometric MEAN=36.9 ng g−1) and from 9.95 ng g−1 to 131.37 (34.88) ng g−1, respectively. PCB was predominant in Korean coast, followed by DDTs, HCHs, and Chlordanes. From the observed log normal distribution of PCB and each OCP, low- and high-levels were defined as geometric mean ±1 S.D., respectively. The levels at the sites near urban and/or industrial areas often exceeded the high-levels and the spatial distributions of ∑DDTs and ∑CHLs were correlated with that of ∑PCBs, indicating terrestrial input pathways. Even distribution of ∑HCHs suggested a possibility of atmospheric input pathway of HCHs. The observed isomer ratios of DDTs, HCHs, and CHLs indicated that aging has occurred.  相似文献   
The distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been investigated in the surface and core sediments from Masan Bay, Korea. Total PAHs in the surface sediments ranged from 207 to 2670 ng/g dry weight with a mean value of 680 ng/g. Qualitative similarity and quantitative difference between inner and outer bay indicate that the main sources of PAHs are located in the inner bay and outer bay is also affected by the same sources. Vertical distribution of PAHs revealed that three distinctive stages could be differentiated with the help of PCA analysis. The highest concentration (industrialization stage) appeared between late 1950s and 1980, which was 10 years later than other developed countries. A strong pyrolytic source fingerprint has been detected with slight influence of petrogenic sources, and diagenetic PAH, perylene also contributed. Total organic carbon normalized PAHs (sum of 13 PAHs, 8.85-88.0 microg/g OC) were under the threshold effects concentration (TEC, 290 microg/g OC).  相似文献   
Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were transplanted to seven stations around a large shipyard for 126 days to evaluate tributyltin (TBT) contamination. Although the application of TBT-based paints to ships is totally banned in Korea, butyltin compounds were found to accumulate in mussels following transplantation. Concentrations of TBT and total butyltins in transplanted mussels near the shipyard were in the range of 40-350 ng Sn/g and 74-530 ng Sn/g on a dry weight basis, respectively. Obviously, low TBT concentrations (6.0-53 ng Sn/gdw) were determined in mussels at four stations outside the shipyard. A negative gradient of TBT concentrations and TBT portion to total butyltin concentrations were found in both the surface water and transplanted mussels according to distance from the shipyard. In addition, TBT concentrations in surface water and transplanted mussels showed significant correlation (r(2) = 0.71; p < 0.001). These results indicate that the shipyard still releases fresh TBT into surrounding waters even after TBT regulation in Korea, and mussel transplantation is useful in evaluating TBT contamination in shipyard area.  相似文献   
Laminated, dolomitised marine limestones within a transgressive fluvio-lagoonal-carbonate platform sequence at Gara Sbaa in the Kem Kem region of south eastern Morocco yield well preserved marine fishes and crustaceans. A rarer terrestrial component includes delicate fern fronds, insects and a lizard. Sedimentological structures and stratigraphic context indicate initial shallow waters with in a carbonate lagoon with benthic microbial mats followed by deepening. High precision dating has yet to be accomplished, but a Late Cenomanian or Early Turonian age is indicated on the basis of faunal and sequence-stratigraphic considerations. The fish assemblage has affinities with mid-Cretaceous ichthyofaunas in South America and Lebanon, including taxa in common at generic level.  相似文献   
In addition to the occurrence of atmospheric blocking,the climatology of the characteristics of blocking events,including duration,intensity,and extension,in four seasons over the Northern Hemisphere was analyzed for the period 1950-2009.The seasonality and spatial variations of these characteristics were studied according to their longitudinal distributions.In general,there were sharp discrepancies in the blocking characteristics between winter and summer,and these differences were more prominent over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.The blocking not only occurred more frequently but also underwent stronger amplification in winter;likewise,the blocking occurred less frequently and underwent weaker amplification in summer.There are very strong interrelationships among different blocking characteristics,suggesting that they are supported by similar physical factors.In addition,the relationship between blocking over different regions and East Asian circulation was examined.Ural-Siberia is a major blocking formation region in all seasons that may exert a downstream impact on East Asia.The impact is generally weak in summer,which is due to its lower intensity and smaller duration.However,the extratropical circulation over East Asia in summer can be disturbed persistently by the frequent occurrence of blocking over the Asian continent or the Western Pacific.In particular,the blocking frequency over the Western Pacific significantly increased during the study period.This climatological information provides a background for studying the impact of blocking on East Asian circulation under both present and future climate conditions.  相似文献   
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