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Soil is a vital biological habitat, which is of primary importance in determining and regulating biological activity and biodiversity. Therefore, it is Earth’s most important resource in sustaining both belowground and aboveground biological activities. Biodiversity versus landscape diversity and land use practices in multifunctional landscapes have been addressed. Humans have so manipulated nature that few locations in the world remain without human influence, causing unforeseen changes in ecosystem continuously and biodiversity. Among the environmental compartments, about 90 % of environmental pollutants are bound with soil particles. The soil-bound pollutants may be released to the soil solution through physical, chemical and biological interfacial interactions and pose a threat to biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. These interfacial interactions are especially important in the rhizosphere, where the kinds and concentrations of biomolecules are different from the bulk soil because of intense biological activity. These biomolecules affect biogeochemical processes, soil microbial ecology, nutrient and contaminant dynamics, abiotic and biotic factors, and soil biodiversity through allelopathic interactions. Soil interfacial interactions under different pedogenic processes and anthropogenic activity in relation to belowground biodiversity and the impact on aboveground biodiversity, productivity and integrity should be an important and exciting area of science for years to come.  相似文献   
The Earth Observation (EO) data with their advantages in spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions have demonstrated their great value in providing information about many of the components that comprise environmental systems and ecosystems for decades that are crucial to the understating of public health issues. This literature review shows that in conjunction with in situ data collection, EO data have been used to observe, monitor, measure and model many environmental variables that are associated with disease vectors. Furthermore, satellite derived aerosol optical depth has been increasingly employed to estimate ground-level PM2.5 concentrations, which have been found to associate with various health outcomes such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. It is suggested that Landsat-like imagery data may provide important data sources to analyse and understand contagious and infectious diseases at the local and regional scales, which are tied to urbanisation and associated impacts on the environment. There is also a great need of data products from coarse resolution imagery, such as those from moderate resolution imaging spectrometer, multiangle imaging spectroradiometer and geostationary operational environmental satellite , to model and characterise infectious diseases at the continental and global scales. The infectious diseases at greater geographical scales have become unprecedentedly significant as global climate change and the process of globalisation intensify. The relationship between infectious diseases and environmental characteristic have been explored by using statistical, geostatistical and physical models, with recent emphasis on the use of machine-learning techniques such as artificial neural networks. Lastly, we suggest that the planned HyspIRI mission is crucial for observing, measuring and modelling environmental variables impacting various diseases as it will improve both spectral resolution and revisit time, thus contributing to better prediction of occurrence of infectious diseases, target intervention and tracking of epidemic events.  相似文献   
Alluvial channel has always adjusted itself to the equilibrium state of sediment transport after it was artificially or naturally disturbed. How to maintain the equilibrium state of sediment transport and keep the river regime stable has always been the concerns of fluvial geomorphologists. The channel in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is characterized by the staggered distribution of the bifurcated river and the single-thread river. The change of river regime is more violently in the bifurcated river than in the single-thread river. Whether the adjustment of the river regime in the bifurcated river can pass through the single-thread river and propagate to the downstream reaches affects the stabilities of the overall river regime. Studies show that the barrier river reach can block the upstream channel adjustment from propagating to the downstream reaches; therefore, it plays a key role in stabilizing the river regime. This study investigates 34 single-thread river reaches in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. On the basis of the systematic summarization of the fluvial process of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the control factors of barrier river reach are summarized and extracted: the planar morphology of single-thread and meandering; with no flow deflecting node distributed in the upper or middle part of the river reach; the hydraulic geometric coefficient is less than 4; the longitudinal gradient is greater than 12‰, the clay content of the concave bank is greater than 9.5%, and the median diameter of the bed sediment is greater than 0.158 mm. From the Navier-Stokes equation, the calculation formula of the bending radius of flow dynamic axis is deduced, and then the roles of these control factors on restricting the migration of the flow dynamic axis and the formation of the barrier river reach are analyzed. The barrier river reach is considered as such when the ratio of the migration force of the flow dynamic axis to the constraint force of the channel boundary is less than 1 under different flow levels. The mechanism of the barrier river reach is such that even when the upstream river regime adjusts, the channel boundary of this reach can always constrain the migration amplitude of the flow dynamic axis and centralize the planar position of the main stream line under different upstream river regime conditions, providing a relatively stable incoming flow conditions for the downstream reaches, thereby blocking the upstream river regime adjustment from propagating to the downstream reaches.  相似文献   
作者在文献[1]中探讨了我国大气透明度系数的空间分布及其主要影响因子。本文则探讨大气透明度系数的时间变化,特别是它的长期变化及其成因。结果发现:火山爆发可使大气透明度系数明显减小;由于人类活动影响,冬季大气透明度系数P_2、P_d有明显的减小趋势,P_2、P_d与用煤量等污染指标有很好的负相关。文中还对大气可降水含量的气候学推算方法进行了探讨。本文应用1820—1983年的地球自转变化率资料,分析出地球自转变化存在准44个月、准11年、准24年和准49年的周期。南方涛动指数的变化,大气活动中心位置的移动,赤道东太平洋海温的异常等,都能从地球自转速度变化思期中找到关系。已经发现,在地转长期(准24年和准49年周期)加(减)速时,南方涛动指数减弱(增强),大气活动中心向西北(东南)移动,非洲干旱区降水偏多(偏少);同时发现:在地转短期(准44个月周期)加(减)速时,赤道东太平洋海温降低(升高)。  相似文献   
中国地表热源的气候学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用研制的地表热量平衡各分量的气候计算方法,结合全国6个热平衡站资料,计算并讨论了地表热源在全国的分布特征,分析了地面对大气加热的特点以及地表热源的参数化问题。指出季风气候背景、纬度、地形和地表湿润状况是决定地表热源特征的重要因素。就全年来说,在我国湿润、半湿润地区,潜热是地面加热大气的主要形式,西北干燥区则以感热加热为主。  相似文献   
This paper introduces the calculating procedure of the offshore design waves for the Dayaowan port area of Dalian Port. Some suggestions are proposed about the conventional calculating methods with measured waves data.  相似文献   
lCo~nofthe"booarePhicAtheoftheYthewsa"TheOceanographicAtlasoftheYellowSeahasbeencompiledbyChineseandKoreanscientistsbasedmainlyondataobtainedbyl992surveysandthoseaccumu-latedduringthepastyears,particularlythoseofl958-l988inphysicaloceanography,aswel1asthoseobtainedbytheChinesesideintheperiodl958-l959inmarinecheAnstryandbiology,andnewdataofrecenttenyearsinfisheryproductionbybothcountries-TheAtlasconsistsof5mainparts:(l)Marinegeologychartset,(2)Physicaloceanographychartset,(3)Marinechendst…  相似文献   
We present the main results from the second model intercomparison within the GEWEX (Global Energy and Water cycle EXperiment) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS). The target is to examine the diurnal cycle over land in today??s numerical weather prediction and climate models for operational and research purposes. The set-up of the case is based on observations taken during the Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study-1999 (CASES-99), which was held in Kansas, USA in the early autumn with a strong diurnal cycle with no clouds present. The models are forced with a constant geostrophic wind, prescribed surface temperature and large-scale divergence. Results from 30 different model simulations and one large-eddy simulation (LES) are analyzed and compared with observations. Even though the surface temperature is prescribed, the models give variable near-surface air temperatures. This, in turn, gives rise to differences in low-level stability affecting the turbulence and the turbulent heat fluxes. The increase in modelled upward sensible heat flux during the morning transition is typically too weak and the growth of the convective boundary layer before noon is too slow. This is related to weak modelled near-surface winds during the morning hours. The agreement between the models, the LES and observations is the best during the late afternoon. From this intercomparison study, we find that modelling the diurnal cycle is still a big challenge. For the convective part of the diurnal cycle, some of the first-order schemes perform somewhat better while the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) schemes tend to be slightly better during nighttime conditions. Finer vertical resolution tends to improve results to some extent, but is certainly not the solution to all the deficiencies identified.  相似文献   
Possible influences of three coupled ocean–atmosphere phenomena in the Indo-Pacific Oceans, El Niño, El Niño Modoki and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), on summer climate in China are studied based on data analysis for the summers of 1951–2007. Partial correlation/regression analysis is used to find the influence paths through the related anomalous mid- and low-level tropospheric circulations over the oceanic region and East Eurasia, including the western North Pacific summer monsoon (WNPSM). Among the three phenomena, El Niño Modoki has the strongest relationship with the WNPSM. When two or three phenomena coexist with either positive or negative phase, the influences exerted by one phenomenon on summer climate in different regions of China may be enhanced or weakened by other phenomena. In 1994 when both El Niño Modoki and IOD are prominent without El Niño, a strong WNPSM is associated with severe flooding in southern China and severe drought in the Yangtze River Valley (YRV). The 500 hPa high systems over China are responsible for heat waves in most parts of China. In 1983 when a strong negative phase of El Niño Modoki is accompanied by moderate El Niño and IOD, a weak WNPSM is associated with severe flooding in the YRV and severe drought in southern China. The 500 hPa low systems over China are responsible for the cold summer in the YRV and northeastern China. For rainfall, the influence path seems largely through the low-level tropospheric circulations including the WNPSM. For temperature, the influence path seems largely through the mid-level tropospheric circulations over East Eurasia/western North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
A time and height dependent eddy diffusion model is used to investigate possible scenarios for the size distribution of dust in the lower atmosphere of Mars. The dust is assumed to either have been advected from a distant source or to have originated locally. In the former case, the atmosphere is assumed to initially contain dust particles with sizes following a modified gamma distribution. Larger particles are deposited relatively rapidly while small particles are well mixed up to the maximum height of the afternoon boundary layer and are deposited more slowly. In other cases, a parameterization of the dust source at the surface is proposed. Model results show that smaller particles are rapidly mixed within the Martian boundary layer, while larger particles (r > 10 μm) are concentrated near the ground with a stronger diurnal cycle. In all simulations we assume that the initial concentration or surface source depend on a modified gamma function distribution. For small particles (cross- sectional area weighted mean radius, reff = 1.6 μm) distributions retain essentially the same form, though with variations in the mean and variance of the area-weighted radius, and the gamma function can be used to represent the particle size distribution reasonably well at most heights within the boundary layer. In the case of a surface source of larger particles (mean radius 50 μm) the modified gamma function does not fit the resulting particle size distribution. All results are normalised by a scaling factor that can be adjusted to correspond to an optical depth for assumed particle optical scattering properties.  相似文献   
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