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The surface radiance spectrum within the terrestrial infrared window (i.e., wavelengths between 8-12 /spl mu/m or wavenumbers between 833-1250 cm/sup -1/) is sensitive to the optical and microphysical properties of cirrus clouds. Numerous microwindows where atmospheric absorption is minimum exist in the spectral regions of 820-960 cm/sup -1/ and 1100-1240 cm/sup -1/. The minimum radiances at the microwindows in these two spectral regions can be fitted by using two linear lines. The slope of the fitting line for the spectral region of 820-960 cm/sup -1/ is sensitive to the effective size of ice crystals within cirrus clouds, whereas the intercept of the fitting line for the spectral region of 1100-1240 cm/sup -1/ is sensitive to the optical thickness of the clouds. Based on this spectral feature, a new retrieval method has been developed for simultaneously retrieving cirrus optical thickness and the effective particle size of ice crystals. Furthermore, the ice water path of cirrus clouds can be estimated from the retrieved values of cloud optical thickness and effective particle size.  相似文献   
刘伟平  郝金明  于合理  田英国 《测绘学报》2016,45(10):1157-1164
目前,北斗卫星多天解轨道主要是通过常规的数据累积解算获得,处理效率较低。此外,由于开通运行不久,北斗卫星力学模型尚未完善,限制了多天解轨道精度的进一步提高。针对以上问题,本文提出了附加伪随机脉冲的北斗卫星多天轨道合成方法,利用法方程叠加实现北斗卫星多天轨道合成,可有效提高轨道解算效率。同时,利用伪随机脉冲对力学模型的补偿作用,进一步提高了多天轨道合成的精度水平。实测数据分析表明:在多天轨道合成中,单天边界附加伪随机脉冲对北斗卫星轨道精度有明显改进作用。其中,3类卫星切向、法向轨道精度的改善程度大于径向,GEO和IGSO卫星轨道精度的提高幅度大于MEO卫星。一定范围内,随着定轨弧段的增长,北斗卫星定轨精度能够得到不同程度的改善,且主要表现在轨道切向。  相似文献   
于合理  郝金明  刘伟平  田英国  邓科 《测绘学报》2016,45(11):1285-1292
传统精密单点定位(PPP)时间传递算法通常把接收机钟差当作相互独立的白噪声逐历元进行估计,而忽略了钟差参数历元间的相关性。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种附加原子钟物理模型的PPP时间传递算法。该算法通过利用Kalman滤波对高稳定度的原子钟钟差进行建模,拓展传统PPP时间传递模型中的接收机钟差参数,并给出了Kalman滤波过程噪声协方差和初始状态向量的确定方法。试验结果表明:该算法可以有效避免传统算法时间传递结果需要一定收敛时间的问题,使解算结果更加符合原子钟的物理特性,能够显著提高时间传递结果的精度和稳定性,可将单站时间传递精度平均提高58%,站间时间传递精度平均提高51%。  相似文献   
在基于几何的TCAR(three carrier ambiguity resolution)算法基础上,将BDS/GLONASS组合引入到宽巷和窄巷模糊度解算中,提出一种基于双系统组合的单历元多频RTK定位模型,并通过实验进行分析。结果表明,相比于其他模型,该模型在模糊度解算效率和定位精度方面都是最优的。  相似文献   
在精密定轨中,附加伪随机脉冲能够很好地弥补力学模型精度不足的问题,然而由于伪随机脉冲数量通常较多,如果利用常规最小二乘方法直接进行参数估计,会严重降低计算效率。针对这一问题,给出了一种基于参数预消除与回代思想的伪随机脉冲参数快速估计方法,实测算例表明,利用本文方法,能够获得与常规最小二乘方法相同的参数估值,但本文方法在计算效率上要明显优于后者。  相似文献   
Observations have been made of the windspeed, wind direction, and tree movement at the edge and 20 m within a stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) close to 11 m in height. The spectra of windspeed near canopy top, together with the output of accelerometers and video observations of tree movement at mid-crown, were compared in the same stand prior and two years after first thinning. Furthermore, the transfer of wind energy into tree movement was investigated by calculating the mechanical transfer function (H m 2 ) between the wind spectrum (S uu) and the tree's response (S yy), i.e. H m 2 = Syy/Suu. Trees were found to behave like damped harmonic oscillators. They reacted to sudden increases in windspeed, reached their greatest displacement during the first cycle, and then returned to their rest position under the influence of damping. The spectral peak frequencies in S yy and in H m 2coincided with the estimated natural sway frequency of trees. Response in the second mode was, however, also evident, especially within the unthinned stand. The periodogram plots showed a consistent trend of a marked decrease in the response of the tree to increase in frequency. Almost no difference in the wind energy transfer, i.e. peak frequencies and peak width, and damping of the system was found between Scot pine at 2700 and 1500 stems per hectare. However, along the stand edge tree movement was greater than within the stand indicating greater wind energy transfer and damping of the system along the stand edge than within the stand.  相似文献   
随着气候变化研究的进一步深入,中国已经积累和发布了越来越多气候变化方面的数据,为深入系统的科学研究和科技创新提供了宝贵的数据资源.相关数据存量越来越大,存储类型越来越丰富,促使我们进入一个前所未有的大数据时代.大数据时代需要对海量数据进行挖掘和应用,必然离不开数据的开放和共享.本文首先对气候变化驱动因素科学数据、气候变...  相似文献   
电离层延迟的有效改正是LEO卫星单频精密定轨的关键所在。目前主要采用电离层比例因子法进行LEO卫星电离层延迟改正,但该方法在电子密度峰值高度确定时未考虑太阳活动、经纬度、昼夜变化、季节等因素的影响。IRI2012模型虽然考虑了上述因素对电子密度峰值高度的影响,但因其与电离层薄层高度选择的标准不一致,通常它们之间存在系统性偏差而无法直接使用。为此本文提出将电离层薄层高度作为约束条件对IRI2012模型确定的电子密度峰值高度的均值进行参数约束估计,得到一种改进的电离层模型算法,并利用Swarm卫星GPS观测数据对其进行验证。结果表明:改进的电离层模型对Swarm卫星径向、切向和法向定轨精度均有不同程度的提高,尤其对轨道径向和法向精度改善最为明显,分别提高了31.6%和32.0%;同时较大幅度地降低了轨道的系统性偏差,尤其是在径向和法向,分别平均降低了65.0%和54.7%。  相似文献   
利用地面多基站RTK测量结果和精密单点定位(PPP)测量结果,分析了机载条件下PPP定位、测速性能指标。实验结果表明:机载GPS精密单点定位绝对定位精度在位置、速度上可分别达到0.182 3m和0.024 6m/s,相对定位精度在位置、速度上可分别达到0.1450m和0.0249m/s。  相似文献   
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