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在毕节青场桐梓组顶部至石炭系中发现有大量的暴露构造现象;发现毕节地区中二叠世茅口期存在两条走向北北东、宽10~50km的“黑区带”;在威信县城第四系中发现大量象牙、牙齿及骨骼化石;在凤冈琊川、遵义茅坡及威信鱼井等新发现多个志留纪植物化石;对黔中隆起进行了研究。  相似文献   
青海共和盆地下白垩统烃源岩地球化学特征及其生油意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟元林  侯创业 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):630-637
我国西北大部分地区在早白垩世处于挤压为主的构造环境,但共和地区处于伸展的构造环境,发育了巨厚的下白垩统湖相沉积。我们首次在共和盆地下白垩统发现了一套258.15m 厚的烃源岩。这一发现改变了以往西北白垩系烃源岩仅分布在祁连-秦岭以北的观点, 这对于研究我国西北地区白垩系烃源岩的分布和油气田的形成具有重大意义。共和盆地下白垩统从下到上分为万一段、万二段、万三段、万四段。万一段和万四段是炎热干旱气候条件下形成的红色沉积, 基本没有生烃能力。万二段烃源岩是一套炎热潮湿气候条件下形成的浅湖-半深湖相沉积, 烃源岩有机质丰度达到了中到好烃源岩的丰度标准, 干酪根类型以Ⅰ2 型为主。该烃源岩在K2 早期(90.01Ma) 进入生油门限, 开始生油, 从K2 晚期(74.11Ma) 以来,一直处于大量生油的成熟阶段。下白垩统万三段沉积时期, 水体时深时浅, 暗色泥岩和红色泥岩交替出现。暗色泥岩属于中等烃源岩, 其有机质类型主要为Ⅱ型。它在晚白垩世 (78.02Ma) 进入生油门限, 但一直到第四纪 (1.5Ma) 才进入大量生油的成熟阶段。共和盆地下白垩统烃源岩发育, 具有形成中小型油气田的可能性。  相似文献   
湘南地区“黄沙坪式”铅锌矿床地质特征及找矿方向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“黄沙坪式”铅锌矿是实现湘南地区新一轮铅锌找矿重大突破的主攻类型。本文系统介绍了这类矿床的地质特征和成矿规律,指出了主要找矿标志和优选靶区,并提出了下步工作建议  相似文献   
本文针对遥感信息的数据特征探讨了卫星遥感信息处理与多元统计算法之间的关系,并从实际出发对最小二乘残差技术,目标模式识别,增强主成份分析等方法的应用作了介绍。  相似文献   
Phlogopite-amphibole pyroxenite xenoliths contained in an Early Palaeozoic alkali subvolcanic lam-prophyre complex in Langao County, Shaanxi Province, are metasomatized mantle xenoliths, composed mainly of clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, apatite, pervoskite, ilmenite and sphene with well-developed subsolidus metamorphism-deformation textures, such as "triple points" and "cataclastic boundaries" . Minerological studies indicate that clinopyroxene is rich in SiO2 and MgO and poor in TiO2 and Al2O3, which is notably different from magmatogenic deep-seated megacrysts and phenocrysts formed in the range of mantle pressure. Amphibole and phlogopite have the compositional feature of mantle-derived amphibole and phlogopite. Sm-Nd isotope studies suggest that the metasomatized mantle beneath Langao County is the product of metasomatism of primitive mantle by melt (fluid) derived from the mantle plume, and the mantle metasomatism occurred 650 Ma ago. The process of mantle metasomatism changed from mantle me  相似文献   
The late Paleozoic adakitic rocks are closely associated with the shoshonitic volcanic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains, China, both spatially and temporally. The magmatic rocks were formed during the period from the middle to the late Permian with isotopic ages of 248-268 Ma. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of the rocks are low in a narrow variation range (-0.7050). The 143Nd/144Nd initial ratios are high (-0.51240) with positive εND(t) values (+1.28-+4.92). In the εNd(t)-(87Sr/86Sr)i diagram they fall in the first quadrant. The association of the shoshonitic and adakitic rocks can be interpreted by a two-stage model: the shoshonitic volcanic rocks were formed through long-term fractional crystallization of underplated basaltic magma, while the following partial melting of the residual phases formed the adakitic rocks.  相似文献   
The exploration conducted in the Bohai Bay basin, eastern China has demonstrated that the abundant petroleum resources have close affinities to the hydrocarbon kitchen with rich organic matter. A number of oil-generating associations with various characteristics of organic geochemistry and assemblages of multiple reservoir facies are developed due to the multi-center sedimentation, multi-source supply and multi-cycle evolution of filling, which have resulted in the formation of multiple oil and gas accumulation zones of various layers and trap styles. Among them the Paleogene Shahejie Formation is the most important hydrocarbon accumulation combination in the Dongying sag. Heretofore, its proved reserve has reached nearly 1.8×109t, which accounts for more than 90% of the total proved reserves of the Dongying sag. Based on previous studies, more than 600 source rock samples and 186 crude oil samples of the Shahejie Formation, collected from 30 oilfields, have been treated with organic geochemical testing  相似文献   
本文简要介绍泉州市地震局依靠各级政府、有关部门和全社会的共同努力 ,以落实地震应急预案为楔机促进“预、防、救”三大体系工全面发展的工作经验 :一、以落实《地震应急预案》为抓手 ,争取项目 ,以项目带动一切 ;二、结合社会转型全面加大防震减灾知识宣传力度 ;三、不以经费的来源划分你我 ,动员全社会的力量建立健全预警应急机制。  相似文献   
通过对构造环境、地球物理场特征、盆地生储盖层发育等方面对比研究, 讨论南海南北部沉积盆地的油气资源分布特征, 为在南海进行油气勘查指明方向.目前油气勘探实践证明, 南海南部的油气资源比北部丰富, 究其原因, 南海北部为被动大陆边缘, 张性沉积盆地的烃源岩体积较小, 而南部挤压环境下形成的沉积盆地的烃源岩体积大; 北部的地热流较南部小, 因此地温梯度也较小, 如北部陆架上的珠江口盆地的热流值在5 3~ 87mW /m2之间, 平均6 7mW /m2, 而南海南部大曾母盆地平均热流值达97mW /m2, 最大值达130mW /m2, 故南部边缘烃源岩的成熟度比北部高; 由于南部边缘处于挤压构造环境, 因此在沉积盆地中形成了许多挤压构造, 而北部边缘一直处于张性构造环境, 形成的构造较少且较小; 同时, 南部边缘沉积盆地中, 烃源岩生烃与构造形成在时间上搭配较好.因此, 在南海南部边缘沉积盆地中形成了许多大型油气田, 而南海北部边缘沉积盆地中, 大型油气田较少, 中小型油气田较多.这就是为什么南海南部边缘的油气资源比北部丰富的地质原因.   相似文献   
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