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地面沉降为北京主要次生地质灾害之一,近年来呈现快速发展趋势,对城市规划发展和经济建设的影响日趋明显。目前对于北京地面沉降灾害类型及特征认识较为局限,缺乏全面、系统认识。本文通过区域水准测量监测数据及以往调查资料的搜集整理,结合现场调查,阐明了北京地面沉降分布特征,总结归纳了地面沉降灾害类型及特征,发现区域性地面沉降形成的以井管抬升为代表的点状破坏现象,该类灾害以点为中心呈辐射状分布,影响范围较小。局部差异沉降形成包括墙体开裂、地表开裂及桥梁开裂等具有线状破坏形式的灾害,该类灾害多呈线性沿固定方向延伸,影响范围较大。  相似文献   
张辉  韩雷  何毛  等 《江苏地质》2021,45(2):150-153
岗察岩体位于秦岭、祁连、昆仑和松潘—甘孜造山带交会部位,属西秦岭成矿区,为秦岭造山带的重要组成部分。运用H、O、S同位素示踪手段对岗察岩体内江里沟、双朋西、谢坑3个矿床的成矿流体进行研究。结果表明,上述3个矿区样品的δ18O(H2O)大部分落在岩浆水范围,因此O同位素具有岩浆水特征,推测3个矿区的流体均来自发生过脱气作用的岩浆,但成矿作用发生在浅部。研究区δ34S值集中在-3.8‰~0.9‰之间,与多数岩浆岩δ34S值的范围-5‰~5‰相近,说明3个矿床的硫均为岩浆来源,即成矿物质主要来源于岩浆。总体δ34S江里沟>δ34S双朋西>δ34S谢坑,这种差异可能与岗察岩体岩浆演化有关。3个矿床的δ34S平均值均接近正常地幔硫的范围-1‰~1‰,暗示硫源可能有深源岩浆的参与。  相似文献   
受震旦纪末期桐湾运动影响,四川盆地震旦系灯影组白云岩因遭受大气降水岩溶作用而发育了丰富的溶蚀孔隙。虽然经历了漫长的埋藏成岩演化过程,深层灯影组白云岩中仍见有丰富的储集空间未被成岩矿物充填而保存下来。通过对钻井及野外剖面进行系统岩石矿物学研究发现,储集空间保存段是灯影组上部的沥青显示段;而没有沥青的下部白云岩中的孔隙空间多被白云石等成岩矿物所充填。对林1井研究发现,上部沥青发育段白云岩储层孔隙度多大于3.0%,最高可达10.6%,平均为4.0%;但下部沥青不发育的自生白云石充填段孔隙度一般都小于3.0%,平均为1.95%。下部白云岩段溶蚀孔洞中自孔洞边缘向中心,所充填的白云石中流体包裹体均一温度从120℃逐渐增加至238℃;电子探针分析Fe、Mn平均含量从0.063%和0.025%逐渐升高至0.35%和0.108%;氧同位素组成δ18 OVPDB从-6.8‰逐渐降低至-11.2‰;表明了下部沥青未充填段成岩充填作用在埋藏过程中持续进行。油气充注改变了白云岩储层中的成岩流体环境并抑制了成岩矿物的形成;在后期埋藏过程,油逐渐转变成沥青覆盖在孔洞壁周围,也抑制了成岩矿物的沉淀形成;因而在现今沥青存在的深层白云岩储层中仍有丰富的孔隙空间保存下来。  相似文献   
本文通过系统对比分析前人研究成果,研究了南海边缘海多金属结核的成矿特征,结果表明:南海边缘海结核的矿物组成与大洋结核相似,均主要由锰相矿物和铁相矿物组成,其中锰相矿物主要为水羟锰矿和钡镁锰矿,铁相矿物主要以无定型铁氧化/氢氧化物形式存在,另外南海边缘海结核中含有大量硅酸盐矿物,表明在南海结核成矿过程中受到大量的陆源碎屑矿物混杂;相对于大洋主要经济成矿区的多金属结核,南海边缘海多金属结核中主要的经济元素如Mn、Cu、Co、Ni和Zn质量分数较低,而亲陆源性元素如Fe、Ti、P、Nb、Pb、Rb、Sc、Ta、Sr、Th和REY(REE和Y)等质量分数较高;南海边缘海多金属结核的元素地球化学特征和REE配分模式显示其为水成成因,并呈现更低的Mn/Fe值;同时南海边缘海结核也具有较快的平均生长速率及较高的δCe正异常,表明其生长在更为氧化的海水环境。虽然较快的沉积物沉积速率和动荡的海水环境影响了南海边缘海结核的成矿,但大量陆源物质进入海洋也为南海边缘海结核提供了丰富的成矿物质来源,便于南海边缘海结核的快速生长成矿。南海边缘海结核富集有Fe、Ti、Pb、Rb、Th和REY等金属元素,同样可以作为极具潜力的海洋矿产资源。南海边缘海多金属结核具有其独特的地球化学特征,与大洋多金属结核存在着明显差异。  相似文献   
As an important forcing data for hydrologic models, precipitation has significant effects on model simulation. The China Meteorological Forcing Dataset (ITP) and Global Land Data Assimilation System (G...  相似文献   
Soil calcium carbonate(CaCO_3) has a strong solid phosphorus effect, and high content of CaCO_3 can significantly reduce the effectiveness of soil phosphorus. To reveal the limiting effect of soil CaCO_3 on the growth of plants on sand land and its mechanism of plant physiology, we performed pot experiments with a two-factor randomized block design and a three-factor orthogonal design for different soil CaCO_3 content treatments using Artemisia ordosica seedlings. In the experiments, we surveyed plant height, aboveground biomass, root length and root weight and analyzed N, P concentrations and RNA content of the seedlings, and discussed the relationships between relative growth rate(RGR) of the seedlings and N:P ratio as well as RNA. Results show that, the RGRs of plant height and above-ground biomass of the seedlings decreased significantly with the increase of soil CaCO_3 content, and those for root length and root weight decreased. The RGRs of plant height and above-ground biomass of the seedlings were significantly negatively correlated with leaf N:P ratios, but significantly positively correlated with leaf RNA content and leaf P concentrations. It can be seen that soil CaCO_3 is a stress factor for the growth of A. ordosica seedlings, and the growth response of the seedlings under the influence of soil CaCO_3 is in line with the Growth Rate Hypothesis.  相似文献   
Electric power consumption (EPC) is one of the basic indices for evaluating electric power use. Obtaining timely and accurate data on the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC is crucial for understanding and practical deployment of electric power resources. In this study, an EPC model was developed using stable nighttime lights time-series data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS). The model was used to reconstruct the spatial patterns of EPC in Chinese Mainland at the county level from 1995 to 2008. In addition, the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC were analyzed, and the fol-lowing conclusions were drawn. (1) The EPC model reliably represented the spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC in Chinese Mainland with approximately 70% accuracy. (2) The EPC in most regions of Chinese Mainland was at low to moderate levels, with marked temporal and spatial variations; of high-level EPC, 58.26% was concentrated in eastern China. Six urban agglomerations (Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region, Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou region, Pearl River Delta, Shandong Peninsula, middle-south of Liaoning Province, and Sichuan Basin) accounted for 10.69% of the total area of Chinese Mainland but consumed 39.23% of the electricity. (3) The EPC of most regions in Chinese Mainland increased from 1995 to 2008, and 64% of the mainland area showed a significant increase in EPC. Moderate increases in EPC were found in 61.62% of eastern China and 80.65% of central China from 1995 to 2008, whereas 75.69% of western China showed no significant increase in EPC. Meanwhile, 77.27%, 89.35%, and 66.72% of the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou region, Pearl River Delta, and Shandong Peninsula, respectively, showed high-speed increases in EPC. Moderate increases in EPC occurred in 71.12% and 72.13% of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region and middle-south of Liaoning Province, respectively, while no significant increase occurred in 56.34% of the Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
This paper describes the datasets from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project(ScenarioMIP) simulation experiments run with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System Model,GridPoint version 3(CAS FGOALS-g3). FGOALS-g3 is driven by eight shared socioeconomic pathways(SSPs) with different sets of future emission, concentration, and land-use scenarios. All Tier 1 and 2 experiments were carried out and were initialized using historical runs. A branch run method ...  相似文献   
本文研究内容为印度洋东北部边缘海安达曼海的构造演化。利用安达曼海域东部大范围二维地震数据资料及钻井数据,结合区域地质概况以及前人研究成果,选取8条具有代表性的断层并将其划分为一级和二级断裂,运用生长指数法和古落差法对断层进行定量分析,再通过计算安达曼海东部凹陷4条主测线的构造沉降量,探讨构造演化过程。结果表明:选取的生长断层中3条属于一级断裂,跨度大,几乎切穿整个地层,属于控制安达曼海域地区沉降的大断裂;另外5条属于二级断裂,控制构造带的展布情况,属于构造带的分界线。渐新世时期,印度–澳大利亚板块与欧亚板块之间处于软碰撞阶段,断层发育缓慢,上下盘落差较小,生长指数与构造沉降量也处于低值;中新世时期,板块之间的耦合效应不断增强,断层发育速度加快,此时上下盘厚度最大,是形成多处断裂带以及多种断裂样式的关键时期,各地层生长指数和构造沉降量也达到峰值。上新世至今,安达曼海沟–弧–盆体系逐渐稳定,断层活动减弱,断裂上下盘厚度差基本一致,生长指数差异较小,构造沉降量基本稳定在 1 km 左右。  相似文献   
空心块体具有良好的阻水和促淤功能,近年来被广泛用于生态修复工程。本文结合水槽试验及Flow-3D数值模拟,分析了开敞型和半封闭型空心块体的阻水效应和泥沙淤积特性。结果表明:空心块体的开孔率对内部水流流速、紊动强度起主导作用,开孔率较小的半开敞型空心块体减速、制紊效果更强;开敞型和半封闭型空心块体近底层悬沙浓度分别增大56%和75%,两者均有利于促进泥沙在块体内部淤积,近底层水流紊动越强,泥沙淤积形态差异越大;空心块体所营造的低流速、泥沙微淤、内外连通的水沙环境是大型底栖生物的生境需求,半封闭型空心块体内部的低紊动水流结构更有利于大型底栖生物的栖息、繁衍。  相似文献   
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