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The spatial mismatch situation of tourism development in Guangdong Province is analyzed by gravity model and two-dimensional matrix based on the spatial mismatch hypothesis, and the results are visualized using ArcGIS software. This study finds that varying degrees of spatial mismatch exist between the level of tourism development, abundance of tourism resources and accessibility of tourism locations in the 21 cities in Guangdong Province. The gravity centers for tourism economy, tourism resources and tourism location are (113.55° E, 23.00° N), (113.69° E, 23.21° N) and (113.74° E, 22.86° N), respectively. According to the two-dimensional combinatorial matrices, synchronous development is shown in 10 prefecture-level cities for the tourism revenue-resource abundance combination, whereas it is shown in seven prefecture-level cities for the tourism revenue-tourism location combination. Guangzhou and Shenzhen are synchronous-double high zones for both combinations, while Foshan, Qingyuan, Yangjiang, Zhongshan and Jieyang are deviating-negative mismatch zones for both combinations. Furthermore, the vast majority of prefecture-level cities within the province currently present mismatching trends in tourism development. Based on the analysis results, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward taking into account the actual situation and opportunities for further tourism development in various prefecture-level cities.  相似文献   
内蒙迪彦庙地区早二叠世寿山沟组地层发育良好,岩性相对稳定,变质、变形程度较低,是研究区范围内早二叠世地层层序研究的理想地区。该课题逐层实测了寿山沟组剖面,从剖面的岩性地层人手,着重分析了迪彦庙地区早二叠世的岩性组合特征、基本层序、沉积旋回特征;同时根据古生物化石类型和组合,推断该区域形成的地质时代和沉积环境。研究表明:寿山沟组剖面厚度为9598.98m,根据岩性和粒度的大小,可分3个岩段:一段为滨浅海一浅海陆棚沉积;二段、三段为一套浊流沉积岩系,发育特征性浊流沉积构造,为典型的复理石建造。  相似文献   
空心块体具有良好的阻水和促淤功能,近年来被广泛用于生态修复工程。本文结合水槽试验及Flow-3D数值模拟,分析了开敞型和半封闭型空心块体的阻水效应和泥沙淤积特性。结果表明:空心块体的开孔率对内部水流流速、紊动强度起主导作用,开孔率较小的半开敞型空心块体减速、制紊效果更强;开敞型和半封闭型空心块体近底层悬沙浓度分别增大56%和75%,两者均有利于促进泥沙在块体内部淤积,近底层水流紊动越强,泥沙淤积形态差异越大;空心块体所营造的低流速、泥沙微淤、内外连通的水沙环境是大型底栖生物的生境需求,半封闭型空心块体内部的低紊动水流结构更有利于大型底栖生物的栖息、繁衍。  相似文献   
小秦岭地区发育有大量古元古代晚期的花岗质浅色脉体, 这为理解同时期华北克拉通南缘的深熔作用和构造演化提供了重要的窗口。本文对小秦岭地区三条花岗质浅色脉体中的锆石开展了CL图像、LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学及稀土元素的研究。浅色脉体中的锆石具有深熔成因锆石的斑杂状、平面状或弱振荡环带的内部结构及较为自形的外部形态特征, 测得的锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄分别为(1867±13) Ma (MSWD=0.22, n=21)、(1849±17) Ma (MSWD=0.79)和(1828±15) Ma (MSWD=0.33, n=20), 代表了该区深熔作用发生的时间。与上述三组年龄相对应, 其锆石稀土元素配分曲线由具较弱负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.12~0.81)的重稀土相对富集型, 转变为中等负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.29~0.61)的近平坦重稀土型、再到显著负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.15~0.54)的重稀土富集型, 结合锆石Ti温度计获取其结晶温度为574~708 °C, 表明地壳深熔作用的发生可能与高角闪岩相-麻粒岩相的退变质作用有关。结合前人的变质年代学数据可知, 小秦岭地区1.87~1.82 Ga的深熔作用应与~1.95 Ga时东、西部陆块碰撞造山所致增厚地壳的长期抬升和冷却过程有关。  相似文献   
He  Yi  Wang  Fei  Mu  Xingmin  Guo  Lanqin  Gao  Peng  Zhao  Guangju 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2017,129(1-2):645-654
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - We analyze the variability of sediment discharge and runoff in the Hekou–Longmen segment in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, China. Our analysis...  相似文献   
2018年3月27—28日,内蒙古中东部、中国东北地区、华北等地出现一次大范围沙尘天气.28日凌晨,沙尘进入北京,受此影响北京出现了严重的污染天气.本文利用中国气象局地面常规观测资料、气溶胶激光雷达、风廓线雷达资料、生态环境部大气成分等资料分析了北京沙尘天气前后边界层特征、沙尘来源以及沙尘天气前后大气污染特征.结果表明...  相似文献   
We examined the occurrence of marine debris in the gastrointestinal tract of 54 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) found stranded or incidentally captured dead by fisheries in the Adriatic Sea, with a curved carapace length of 25.0-79.2 cm. Marine debris was present in 35.2% of turtles and included soft plastic, ropes, Styrofoam and monofilament lines found in 68.4%, 42.1%, 15.8% and 5.3% of loggerheads that have ingested debris, respectively. The dry mass of debris per turtle was low, ranging from <0.01 to 0.71 g, and the ingestion was not significantly affected by sex or body size (all p > 0.05). Marine debris averaged 2.2 ± 8.0% of dry mass of gut content, with a maximum of 35% found in a juvenile turtle that most likely died due to debris ingestion. Considering the relatively high occurrence of debris intake and possible sub-lethal effects of even small quantities of marine debris, this can be an additional factor of concern for loggerheads in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   
文章记述了甘肃临夏盆地晚新近纪林氏山西犀(Shansirhinus ringstroemi)3件未成年个体的头骨发育特征, 主要表现在: 顶嵴至迟在幼年个体出现, 此时两侧顶嵴远远分开, 其间的骨表面隆突; 3件未成年头骨的项嵴后缘均是平直的; 鼓后突与关节后突的接触出现于初生期; 头骨顶面在鼻骨后缘向前延伸由初生期的逐渐变窄到幼年个体的迅速收缩, 此时头骨顶面最宽处位于两侧眶上结节之间; 在钩突后方, 鼻后孔侧壁的后缘向后上方延伸, 幼年个体时倾斜角度已接近成年状态。与维氏大唇犀(Chilotherium wimani)头骨的个体发育相比, 两者在颊齿萌出顺序方面无明显差异; 但后者幼年头骨在顶骨与枕骨鳞部骨缝的愈合时间上较S. ringstroemi晚。Shansirhinus头骨形态方面区别于其他无角犀族类群的分类特征不晚于DP4开始磨蚀且M1刚露出齿槽时出现。新的头骨材料表明Shansirhinus可能在晚中新世早期起源于甘肃临夏盆地。Shansirhinus上颊齿发育釉质褶皱, 下颊齿发育方形轮廓的下三角座, 具有一定的加工硬草的能力, 生活在晚新近纪时期的开阔草原上, 是无角犀族已知唯一延续到上新世的类群。  相似文献   
高压旋喷承重桩的设计与施工探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高压旋喷桩作承重桩,设计和施工均无成熟经验,目前国内应用较少,从理论分析入手,结合施工实例,论述高压旋喷承重桩设计与施工的某些特点,为有足够的承载力,保证桩径与桩身强度是设计与施工的关键。  相似文献   
本文介绍了GDJ跟踪打印经纬仪在人造卫星的观测中如何应用计算机对多圈卫星的目视观测资料进行实时采集、处理等工作过程的原理和方法。  相似文献   
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