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For the case of isotropic coherent scattering plus absorption a simple expression is given (Equation 12) to compute the mean intensity of the radiationJ v (as a function of optical depth v ) if the scattering coefficient v , the absorption coefficientK v and the Planck functionB v are given as a function of depth. In general the accuracy of this approximation is of the order of a few percent.A fairly simple temperature-correction procedure for the case when scattering is important is described.  相似文献   
Downtowns are responding to decades of decline through a variety of revitalization strategies. The progression and success of downtown renewal efforts are largely rooted in asset-based, mixed-use approaches to revitalization that mirror the evolving economic functions of downtowns. While contemporary economic revitalization strategies provide opportunities, their complexity also creates potential challenges for community organizations tasked with determining the highest and best uses for downtown properties. Accordingly, this article examines how the evolution of downtown economic revitalization strategies has influenced the capacity and expertise required by organizations engaged in the endeavor of downtown market analysis. In particular, we identify applied market analysis challenges arising from organizational deficiencies in expertise, credibility, scope, and technology adoption and propose capacity building opportunities for overcoming these deficits.  相似文献   
F.G. Bell 《Engineering Geology》1994,36(3-4):257-266
The Lower Cretaceous in North Yorkshire is represented by a marine succession termed the Speeton Clay. The principal minerals in these clays consist of quartz, mica and clay minerals, although pyrite, glauconite and siderite are notable in some beds. The proportions of clay minerals change within the Speeton Clay and generally illite becomes more important in the younger horizons.

The Speeton Clay is a silty clay which generally has a high plasticity, the latter being influenced by the proportion of clay fraction present. All the clays tested were inactive although they would appear to have a potential for expansion. Neither the plasticity nor the moisture content were affected by depth.

In terms of its undrained shear strength, most of the Speeton Clay could be regarded as a stiff clay. It was also insensitive with generally a low slake-durability index. Its coefficients of volume compressibility were characteristic of overconsolidated and heavily overconsolidated days.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the modulation of laterally sheared non-tidal (residual) exchange flow in a subtropical inlet, with special emphasis on tropical storm influence, are studied using a combination of current velocity profiles and hydrographic and meteorological data. The mouth of the inlet, St. Augustine Inlet in northeast Florida, is characterized by a 15-m-deep channel flanked by shoals (<6 m deep). Residual flows across the inlet mouth were laterally sheared with inflow in the channel and outflow over the shoals. This pattern persisted during four separate semi-diurnal tidal cycle surveys effected over 3 years. During spring tides, residual exchange flows intensified relative to neap tides. Residual inflow in the channel only reversed immediately after tropical storms because of their extreme winds and major temporal changes in water level. After the residual flow reversed in the channel, along-channel baroclinicity drove gravitational circulation that persisted for 4.5 days and was enhanced by offshore winds. A depth-averaged along-basin momentum budget highlighted the importance of bottom friction to help balance the barotropic pressure gradient. The rest of the momentum budget was likely provided by advective terms. During and after tropical storms, accelerations from wind stress and baroclinic pressure gradients also became influential in the along-basin momentum budget.  相似文献   
An intense, but localized rainfall event in February 2003, led to the severe erosion and failure of a tailings disposal impoundment at the Abarόa Antimony Mine in southern Bolivia. The failure released approximately 5,500 m3 of contaminated tailings into the Rio Chilco-Rio Tupiza drainage system. The impacts of the event on sediment quality are examined and compared to contamination resulting from historic mining operations in the headwaters of the basin. Of primary concern are contaminated floodplain soils located along downstream reaches of the Rio Tupiza which were found to contain lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and antimony (Sb) concentrations that locally exceed Canadian, German, and Dutch guidelines for agricultural use. Spatial patterns in sediment-borne trace metal concentrations, combined with Pb isotopic data, indicate that Pb, Zn, and Sb are derived from three tributary basins draining the Abarόa, Chilcobija, and Tatasi-Portugalete mining districts. Downstream of each tributary, geographical patterns in trace metal concentrations reflect local geomorphic changes throughout the drainage system. Trace metal concentrations within the Rio Chilco decrease rapidly downstream as a result of dilution by uncontaminated sediments and storage of metal enriched particles (e.g., sulfide minerals) in the channel bed as a result of ongoing aggradation. Storage in the floodplains is limited. These processes significantly reduced the dispersal and, thus, the relative environmental affects of tailings eroded from the Abarόa Mine during the 2003 flood. In contrast, storage of Pb, Zn, and Sb in floodplains along the Rio Tupiza is significant, the majority of which is derived from historic mining operations, particularly mining within the Tatasi-Portugalete district.  相似文献   
New Rb/Sr and K/Ar data on minerals and whole-rocks from the metamorphic basement of Northeastern Sardinia are presented. A formation of augen gneiss of volcano-sedimentary origin yields a Rb/Sr whole-rock age of 441±33 m.y.; a Rb/Sr isochron age of 306±10 m.y. is found for the minerals separated from one of these samples. K/Ar measurements on micas also yield ages of 319–284 m.y. A banded migmatite which originated through a process of metamorphic differentiation was analysed by the Rb/Sr method. Six bands, treated as whole-rock samples, fit an isochron of 344±7 m.y. Biotite and plagioclase from one of these bands yield an isochron age of about 300 m.y.The radiometric results reported in this paper and all those previously published are discussed in order to investigate the tectono-metamorphic history of this important segment of the ancient Mediterranean basement. It is argued that in this area there is only indirect evidence of a Caledonian orogenic event (late orogenetic acidic magmatites emplaced 458-441 m.y. ago) while the main features of the metamorphic basement must be related to the Hercynian orogeny the climax of which can be fixed at about 340 m.y. The concordance of the ages of the separated minerals (310-300 m.y.) suggests that the metamorphic succession stayed above the specific critical temperatures for about 40 m.y., after which it was suddenly uplifted contemporaneous with the emplacement of the, essentially post-kinematic, Hercynian granitoids.  相似文献   
The investigation of the distributions of number densities, radial velocities and morphological types in the Hydra I cluster led us to the conclusion that this cluster possesses dominant substructures. This result is in agreement with former conclusions of different authors that substructures are a typical phenomenon for a high percentage of all clusters of galaxies. The galaxies inside the radius 60 from the cluster centre giv ea mean cluster redshift 3332±102 km/s and a velocity dispersion 679 ± 87 km/s.  相似文献   
Summary Soft rock pillars can be designed by several methods available in the mining literature. All of these methods include the effect of shape, or geometry, on the average strength of specimens and pillars. All of the pillar design methods include some measurement of the strength of specimens of the pillar rock. The most common rock specimen strength property measured is the unconfined compressive strength. However, the average strength of triaxially confined rock specimens is much greater than the unconfined specimen strength, which can be more important to pillar strength. The estimation of the strength of a pillar is complicated by the decrease in rock specimen strength with increase in specimen size.Editor's note: In common with North American engineering practise, the paper uses English units throughout, where feasible conversions are included in the text. Where not, the following factors may be used: 1 inch=25.4 mm; 1 ft=0.3048 m; 1 lbf/in.–2=6.895 kn/m–2; 1Tonf.=8.896 kN.  相似文献   
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