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13C of 367 C3 herbaceous plants was measured in loess area in northern China. Their δ13C values vary between −21.7%. and −30.0%., with a mean of −26.7%.. In the center of Loess Plateau (semimoist area) with annual precipitation of 400–600 mm, the δ13 C values of C3 herbaceous plants range from −24.4%. to −28.5%., with a mean of −27.5%.. In the west of Loess Plateau (semiarid and arid area) with annual precipitation less than 400 mm, they range between −21.7%. and −30.0%., with a mean of −26.2%.. Annual precipitation is the main factor that makes δ13C values of C3 herbaceous plants in the west greater than those in the central Loess Plateau. The composition of δ13C in C3 plants increases with deceasing annual precipitation, and the mean change is −49%./100 mm.  相似文献   
在广泛收集资料和野外调查工作的基础上,经综合分析控制和影响区域地壳稳定性的主要因素和内外动力地质的耦合作用,基于ArcGIS平台采用多因素加权叠加分析方法开展了沈抚新区区域地壳稳定性评价研究.评价因素主要选取活动断裂、 地震活动性和深部地球物理以及工程岩组、 地形地貌与地表地质灾害等共12个影响因子,并依据评价因素的关...  相似文献   
A critical step for kriging in geostatistics is estimation of the variogram. Traditional variogram modeling comprise of the experimental variogram calculation, appropriate variogram model selection and model parameter determination. Selecting of the variogram model and fitting of model parameters is the most controversial aspect of geostatistics. Shapes of valid variogram models are finite, and sometimes, the optimal shape of the model can not be fitted, leading to reduced estimation accuracy. In this paper, a new method is presented to automatically construct a model shape and fit model parameters to experimental variograms using Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Multi-Gene Genetic Programming (MGGP). The proposed method does not require the selection of a variogram model and can directly provide the model shape and parameters of the optimal variogram. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated in a number of cases.  相似文献   
<正>The Central Asian metallogenic domain(CAMD) is a multi-core metallogenic system controlled by boundary strike-slip fault systems.The Balkhash metallogenic belt in Kazakhstan,in which occur many large and super-large porphyritic Cu—Mo deposits and some quartz vein- and greisen-type W—Mo deposits,is a well-known porphyritic Cu—Mo metallogenic belt in the CAMD.In this paper 11 molybdenite samples from the western segment of the Balkhash metallogenic belt are selected for Re—Os compositional analyses and Re—Os isotopic dating.Molybdenites from the Borly porphyry Cu deposit and the three quartz vein-greisen W—Mo deposits—East Kounrad.Akshatau and Zhanet—all have relatively high Re contents(2712—2772μg/g for Borly and 2.267—31.50μg/g for the other three W—Mo deposits),and lower common Os contents(0.670—2.696 ng/g for Borly and 0.0051—0.056 ng/g for the other three).The molybdenites from the Borly porphyry Cu—Mo deposit and the East Kounrad,Zhanet,and Akshatau quartz vein- and greisen-type W—Mo deposits give average model Re—Os ages of 315.9 Ma,298.0 Ma,295.0 Ma,and 289.3 Ma respectively.Meanwhile,molybdenites from the East Kounrad,Zhanet,and Akshatau W—Mo deposits give a Re—Os isochron age of 297.9 Ma,with an MSWD value of 0.97.Re-Os dating of the molybdenites indicates that Cu—W—Mo metallogenesis in the western Balkhash metallogenic belt occurred during Late Carboniferous to Early Permian(315.9—289.3 Ma),while the porphyry Cu—Mo deposits formed at—316 Ma,and the quartz vein-greisen W—Mo deposits formed at ~298 Ma.The Re—Os model and isochron ages thus suggest that Late Carboniferous porphyry granitoid and pegmatite magmatism took place during the late Hercynian movement.Compared to the Junggar-East Tianshan porphyry Cu metallogenic belt in northwestern China,the formation of the Cu—Mo metallogenesis in the Balkhash metallogenic belt occurred between that of the Tuwu-Yandong in East Tianshan and the Baogutu porphyry Cu deposits in West Junggar. Collectively,the large-scale Late Carboniferous porphyry Cu—Mo metallogenesis in the Central Asian metallogenic domain is related to Hercynian tectono-magmatic activities.  相似文献   
The uplift and associated exhumation of the Tibetan Plateau has been widely considered a key control of Cenozoic global cooling. The south-central parts of this plateau experienced rapid exhumation during the Cretaceous–Palaeocene periods. When and how the northern part was exhumed, however, remains controversial. The Hoh Xil Basin (HXB) is the largest late Cretaceous–Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the northern part, and it preserves the archives of the exhumation history. We present detrital apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He data from late Cretaceous–Cenozoic sedimentary rocks of the western and eastern HXB. These data, combined with regional geological constraints and interpreted with inverse and forward model of sediment deposition and burial reheating, suggest that the occurrence of ca. 4–2.7 km and ca. 4–2.3 km of vertical exhumation initiated at ca. 30–25 Ma and 40–35 Ma in the eastern and western HXB respectively. The initial differential exhumation of the eastern HXB and the western HXB might be controlled by the oblique subduction of the Qaidam block beneath the HXB. The initial exhumation timing in the northern Tibetan Plateau is younger than that in the south-central parts. This reveals an episodic exhumation of the Tibetan Plateau compared to models of synchronous Miocene exhumation of the entire plateau and the early Eocene exhumation of the northern Tibetan Plateau shortly after the India–Asia collision. One possible mechanism to account for outward growth is crustal shortening. A simple model of uplift and exhumation would predict a maximum of 0.8 km of surface uplift after upper crustal shortening during 30–27 Ma, which is insufficient to explain the high elevations currently observed. One way to increase elevation without changing exhumation rates and to decouple uplift from upper crustal shortening is through the combined effects of continental subduction, mantle lithosphere removal and magmatic inflation.  相似文献   
根据岩石地层学、地貌地层学特征及年代学依据,划分了川西南雷波地区第四纪不同时期的洞外地层,并确定了其沉积类型,建立了第四纪地层系统;在此基础上讨论了本区第四纪环境的演化过程,为研究、评价第四纪岩溶发育规律及其对工程的影响,提供了第四纪不同时段的古环境背景资料。  相似文献   
Understanding the biogeochemical process of Hg is critical in the overall evaluation of the ecological impacts resulting from the reuse of Hg-contaminated dredged sediment. Sediment banks (V1 and V2) were constructed with freshly dredged sediments from a navigational channel in Venice Lagoon, Italy, with the goal of clarifying potential differences in the biogeochemistry of Hg between the reused dredged sediments and those from surrounding sites (SS1 and S2). Toward this purpose, Hg and monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentrations, and Hg methylation rates (MMRs) in the surface 2.5 cm sediments were monitored, along with ammonium, iron, sulfate and sulfide concentrations in the pore waters of banks and surrounding sites from November 2005 to February 2007. Pore water analyses indicate that the bank sediments are characterized by lower levels of sulfate and iron, and by higher levels of ammonium and sulfide compared to the surrounding sediments. With respect to Hg speciation, the fractions of MMHg in total Hg (%MMHg/Hg) and the MMRs were significantly lower in the bank V1 compared to those in the reference site SS1, whereas the %MMHg/Hg and the MMRs were similar between V2 and S2. A negative correlation is found between the logarithm of the particle-water partition coefficient of Hg and the MMR, indicating that the reduced MMRs in V1 are caused by the limited concentrations of dissolved Hg. Organic matter appears to play a key role in the control of MMR via the control of Hg solubility.  相似文献   

实现低剂量计算机断层成像(CT)的一个有效办法是减少投影角度,但投影角度较少会产生严重的条状伪影,降低图像的临床使用价值。针对该问题,提出一种耦合卷积神经网络(CNN)和多种注意力机制的U型网络(TE-unet)。首先采用U型架构提取多尺度特征信息;其次提出一个包含CNN和多种注意力的模块提取图像特征;最后在跳跃连接处加入Transformer块过滤信息,抑制不相关特征,突出重要特征。所提网络结合CNN的局部特征提取能力和Transformer的全局信息捕获能力,辅以多种注意力机制,实现了良好的去条状伪影能力。在60个投影角度下,与经典的Uformer网络相比,峰值信噪比(PSNR)高出0.3178 dB,结构相似度(SSIM)高出0.002,均方根误差(RMSE)降低0.0005。实验结果表明,所提TE-unet重建的图像精度更高,图像细节保留的更好,可以更好地压制条状伪影。

化工矿山企(事)业单位面对市场,在开展多种经营工作中,已进行了不同形式的探索。为进一步提高市场竞争能力,需根据矿山实际,认清优势、扬长避短、注重效益、充分发挥科技和人才的作用、做好综合利用及环境治理等工作。针对行业面临的困难,除努力挖掘自身潜力之外,尚需给予资金和政策方面的扶持。  相似文献   
采用GEOVIEW软件,选取顶底板为泥岩,中间为煤层(厚度变化范围0~30m)的三层介质作模型,通过改变中间煤层的厚度、处理采样率、子波等参数,并保持上下围岩参数不变的方式来讨论相关参数对AVO响应的影响,结果表明当处理采样率越高时,AVO截距和梯度精度就越高;子波采样率过低,会引起AVO截距和梯度值的扰动现象;当子波采样率提高到一定程度时,扰动现象消除;子波主频的大小决定了调谐效应的范围,提高地震波主频,有利于提高分辨率;子波长度的变化对AVO截距和梯度值求取影响不大。上述结论为AVO正演模型参数优选提供了依据,其最佳参数的选取可有效提高含煤地层AVO正演模型的精度。  相似文献   
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