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We identified a total of 101 species and two subspecies of radiolarians belonging to 56 genera from 95 samples collected from the Hagjeon and Duho Formations in the Pohang Basin of the southeastern Korean Peninsula. On the basis of the biostratigraphic range of Cyrtocapsella cornuta and Theocorys redondoensis, the depositional period of the upper Hagjeon and lowest Duho Formations was determined to be early to late Middle Miocene. The occurrence of deep-dwelling radiolarians indicates that the paleobathymetry seems to become gradually progressing toward an upper bathyal environment in the middle part of the Hagjeon Formation. However, we prefer to accept another interpretation for the occurrence of deep-sea indicators in the Hagjeon and the lowest part of the Duho Formations, and consider the presence of a region of upwelling cold water that might have simulated a deep-water environment in relatively shallow water. This interpretation is based on the present upwelling of a cold-water mass off the southeast coast of Korea, the occurrence of upwelling microfossils from the Pohang Basin, and the effect of the closing of the Korea Strait approximately 15 Ma. We also considered that the uppermost part of the studied section represents a shallow-water environment.  相似文献   
《坤輿万国全图》与《利玛窦中国札记》中外译本考疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金尼阁编译的《利玛窦中国札记》多种欧洲文字版本之间存在翻译差异,而300年后出版的英译本和中译本与原文存在严重错漏。600页的札记,利玛窦只用不到两页的篇幅叙述测绘《坤輿万国全图》一事,连实际比例尺的描述也不清楚。利玛窦承认没有见过其他的版本,"六幅版"地图出现在南京或北京,个别欧洲文字翻译版本不一,《坤輿万国全图》究竟是在南京还是北京完成的也有疑问。《利玛窦中国札记》用的是中国传统的测绘术语,指出地图的错误是针对西方地图而不是中国地图。《坤輿万国全图》中一半的中文地名,当时欧洲地图没有对应。1593年,利玛窦尚未制作《坤輿万国全图》,"六幅版"中文世界地图已出现在南京。因此,《坤輿万国全图》原本早已存在,《坤輿万国全图》应是郑和时代(1405—1433)大航海的成果,中国的地图学,不是西学东渐,甚至有可能是中国的世界地理与地图学流传到西方。世界地图史应该还原中国对地理大发现与地图学的贡献。  相似文献   
李四光  仲揆 《地质学报》1923,2(Z2):51-94
本篇分为三节:第一节论研究(竹廷)蜗之方法及其各部分之名称;并猎取古生物学家迄今历史之结果而加以批评。第二节专述中国北部已发见之(竹廷)蜗。第三节讨论本篇所述各种(竹廷)蜗生存之时代及其棲息流徙之情形。  相似文献   
In the days when the uniformitarians triumphantly fought against the catastrophists, it was apparently thought by the leaders of the rising school that the ebb and flow of the oceanic water had been going on indefinitely all over the surface of our planet for an untold length of time. Beyond this, little was then  相似文献   
李四光  赵亚增 《地质学报》1926,5(2):107-112
During his epoch-making exploration in China, von Richthofen~1 divided the Palaeozoic coal-bearing series in Shansi into 3 subdivisions:  相似文献   
J.S.LEE 《地质学报》1948,(Z1):14-25
正 In discussing the origin and trend of certain types of fault,joint,cleavageand other fractures,and in petrofabric analysis it has been a common practicesince the time of G.F.Becker[1],to refer to the so-called strain-ellipsoid.But it is questionable whether those references are always made with a  相似文献   
黄土-古土壤以及湖泊沉积物的碳酸盐含量作为常用的气候指标,被人们广泛地应用于干旱、半干旱地区的古气候研究,然而碳酸盐含量的气候意义却缺乏足够的验证.中东亚干旱、半干旱区覆盖我国西北部和蒙古国全境,区域内温度和降水等具有显著的空间分布特征,这为验证包括碳酸盐矿物含量在内的地球化学代用指标的气候意义提供了理想的研究场所.为此,选取了一条横跨该区不同气候带的采样线,对采样线上表土碳酸盐含量、pH值以及气象站的记录资料行了分析和对比.研究发现:(1)表土碳酸盐含量的分布特征沿着纬度呈现出南高北低的总体趋势,在北纬34.50°~42.50°的广大黄土、类黄土地区,碳酸盐含量较高,而北纬42.5°以北地区碳酸盐含量则相对较少,局部地区由于土壤母质为碳酸盐岩而具有较高的碳酸盐含量;(2)表土碳酸盐含量与pH值的非线性拟合特征反映出土壤碳酸盐矿物含量与pH值之间的化学平衡,两者在0.01水平上呈显著的正相关关系(r=0.51).酸性土壤地区的碳酸盐体系难处于饱和状态,碳酸盐易于淋失含量低,此时,碳酸盐矿物含量不宜作为气候指标,而碱性土壤地区的碳酸盐矿物含量变化与气候变化关系密切;(3)高温、干燥的气候环境使降水被迅速蒸发,加剧了碳酸盐类物质的表聚作用,使黄土、类黄土地区表土碳酸盐含量与降水量、温度都呈现出了一定的正相关关系;(4)黄土、类黄土地区表土pH值与多年平均降水量关系密切(PH>7,R2=0.90),可以作为我国黄土高原地区过去大气降水量变化的代用指标.  相似文献   
The CO2 concentrations and fluxes over an urban forest site (Namsan) and an urban residential region (Boramae) in Seoul, Korea, during the non-growing season (2–4 March 2011), the growing season (10–12 June 2011), and the late-growing season (22–24 September 2011) were analyzed. The CO2 concentrations of two sites showed nearly the same diurnal variation, with a maximum value occurring during the night and a minimum value occurring during daytime, as well as the same seasonal variation, with a maximum value during the non-growing season (early spring) and a minimum value during the growing season (summer). The CO2 flux over the urban forest did not show any typical diurnal variation during the non-growing season, but did show diurnal variation with a small positive value during the night and a large negative value during daytime in the growing and late-growing seasons due to photosynthesis in the urban forest. The CO2 flux over the urban residential region showed a positive daily mean value for all periods, with large values during the non-growing season and small values during the growing season, and it also showed diurnal variation with two maxima at 0600–1000 LST and 1800–2400 LST, and two minima at 0300-0600 LST and 1100-1500 LST, and was strongly correlated with the use of liquefied natural gas for cooking and heating by surrounding houses.  相似文献   
As the Gorge District of the Yangtze is one of the few areas in China that can deservedly boast before the world its scenic grandeur as well as beauty, it has been long felt that a systematic account of its geological conditions would open another aspect of interest to the scientific travellers. There are already on the record the observations of Pumpelly, Richthofen, Abendanon, Willis and Blackwelder, Noda and others; but the results of their work, important as they are in certain respects, seem to ind...  相似文献   
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