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Zusammenfassung Eine Abschätzung der im Gewitter zum Umsatz kommenden Energiebeträge zeigt, daß die in den elektrischen Phänomenen verbrauchte Energie im Gesamt-Energie-Umsatz nicht ins Gewicht fällt. Zieht man jedoch den Vergleich nur zu dem Teilbetrag des mechanisch-thermodynamischen Energieumsatzes, der sich über den normalen Energie-Umsatz des Wetter- bezw. Austauschgeschehens erhebt, und nimmt versuchsweise für diesen den aus dem Niederschlag allein abgeleiteten Betrag an, so ergibt sich, daß die elektrischen Phänomene etwa 1/4 dieses Betrages beanspruchen. — Die Abschätzung des elektrischen Energie-Umsatzes erlaubt es, die mittlere in einem Erdblitz umgesetzte Energie abzuleiten: Sie ergibt sich zu rund 2000 kWh. Eine noch nicht lösbare Diskrepanz ergibt sich für die Feldstärke unterhalb der Gewitterwolken.
Summary By an estimate of the energy budget of the thunderstorm is shown that the energy of electrical activity is entirely negligible in considerations of the whole budget. But if the energy of electrical activity is only compared with that amount of the whole energy which exceeds the normal energy amount of the «Austausch» it can by shown that the electrical phenomena need about 1/4 of this amount (this amount is estimated only from the precipitation). — By the estimation of the electrical energy budget it is possible to give the mean energy of a lightning: about 2000 kWh. In considerations of the potential-gradient under thunderstorm clouds a contradiction is given which can not be solved until now.
The Permian–Triassic sediments of the Iberian Plate are a well studied case of classical Buntsandstein–Muschelkalk–Keuper facies, with good sedimentological interpretations and precise datings based on pollen and spore assemblages, ammonoids and foraminifera. Synrift–postrift cycles are recorded in these facies, but there are only a few studies of quantitative subsidence analysis (backstripping method) and only a previous one using forward modelling for the quantification of synrift–postrift phases of this period.Here we present the results obtained by the quantitative analysis of fourteen field sections and oil-well electric log records in the Iberian and Ebro Basins, Spain. Backstripping analysis showed five synrift phases of 1 to 3 million years duration followed by postrift periods for the Permian–Triassic interval. The duration, however, shows lateral variations and some of them are absent in the Ebro Basin. The forward modelling analysis, assuming local isostatic compensation, has been applied to each observation point using one-layer and two-layer lithospheric configurations. The second one shows a better fit between observation and model prediction in a systematic way, so a two layer configuration is assumed for the sedimentary basin filling analysis. Lithospheric stretching factors β and δ obtained in the forward modelling analysis are never higher than 1.2, but sometimes β < 1 and simultaneously δ > 1 in the same section. If surficial extension is compensated by deep compression either at the roots of the rift basins or in far-away zones is not yet clear, but this anomaly can be explained using a simple shear extensional model for the Iberian and Ebro basins.  相似文献   
At the end of March 2006, the Czech Republic (CZ) witnessed a fast thawing of an unusually thick snow cover in conjunction with massive rainfall. Most watercourses suffered floods, and more than 90 shallow landslides occurred in the Moravian region of Eastern CZ, primarily in non-forested areas. This region, geologically part of the Outer Western Carpathians, is prone to landslides because the bedrock is highly erodible Mesozoic and Tertiary flysch.The available meteorological data (depth of snow, water equivalent of the snow, cumulative rainfall, air and soil temperatures) from five local weather stations were used to construct indices quantitatively describing the snow thaw. Among these, the Total Cumulative Precipitation (TCP) combines the amount of water from both thawing snow and rainfall. This concurrence of rain and runoff from snow melt was the decisive factor in triggering the landslides in the spring.The TCP index was applied to data of snow thaw periods for the last 20 years, when no landslides were recorded. This was to establish the safe threshold of TCP without landslides. The calculated safe threshold value for the region is ca. 100 mm of water delivered to the soil during the spring thaw (corresponding to ca. 11 mm day− 1). In 2006, 10% of the landslides occurred under or at 100 mm of TCP. The upper value of 155 mm covered all of the landslides.  相似文献   
Abstract Triassic granitoids related to Palaeo- and Neo-Tethyan events occur widely in the metamorphic terranes largely affected by the Alpine orogeny. A first recorded unmetamorphosed plutonic body intruded into the Palaeotethyan mélange in western Turkey, called the Karaburun granodiorite, is composed of two small intrusive stocks that were emplaced between 240 and 220 Ma. It is compositionally diverse, ranging from granodiorite and tonalite to diorite. These rocks show heterogeneous compositions with 54 to 65 wt % SiO2 and are calc-alkaline in character. They are also subalkaline with molar ratios of Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O) from 0.74 to 1.00 and are metaluminous. Most samples are diopside-normative (0.36–8.64), with Na2O > K2O. Chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns show various degrees of light REE (LREE) enrichment, with La N = 57.79 to 99.59 and (La/Yb) N = 5.98–7.85 and Eu negative anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.62–0.86). These rocks have coherent patterns in ocean ridge granite (ORG) normalized trace-element plots, marked by variable enrichment in K, Rb, Ba, Th, Ce and depletion in Ta and Nb, similar to I-type granites from subduction zones. In primitive mantle-normalized multi element variation diagrams, the granodiorites show pronounced depletions in the high-field-strength elements (HFSE; Nb, Ta, Zr), Sr, P, and Ti. Trace-element modeling of the Karaburun granodiorite suggests an origin through partial melting of the subduction-modified mantle wedge with minor contribution of crustal components through a process of strong fractional crystallization (FC) combined with slight assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC). Exposures of typical continental-arc granodiorites in the Karaburun Mélange support the validity of the subduction-accretion model that implies the presence of an active continental margin following closure of the Palaeotethyan Ocean during the Triassic.  相似文献   
A dynamic simulation model of the Ankara central wastewater treatment plant (ACWTP) was evaluated for the prediction of effluent COD concentrations. Firstly, a mechanistic model of the municipal wastewater treatment process was developed based on Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) by using a GPS‐X computer program. Then, the mechanistic model was combined with a feed‐forward back‐propagation neural network in parallel configuration. The appropriate architecture of the neural network models was determined through several iterative steps of training and testing of the models. Both models were run with the data obtained from the plant operation and laboratory analysis to predict the dynamic behavior of the process. Using these two models, effluent COD concentrations were predicted and the results were compared for the purpose of evaluation of treatment performance. It was observed that the ASM1 ANN model approach gave better results and better described the operational conditions of the plant than ASM1.  相似文献   
Body-wave Attenuation in the Region of Garda, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyzed the spectral amplitude decay with hypocentral distance of P and S waves generated by 76 small magnitude earthquakes (ML 0.9–3.8) located in the Garda region, Central-Eastern Alps, Italy. These events were recorded by 18 stations with velocity sensors, in a distance range between 8 and 120 km. We calculated nonparametric attenuation functions (NAF) and estimated the quality factor Q of both body waves at 17 different frequencies between 2 and 25 Hz. Assuming a homogeneous model we found that the Q frequency dependence of P and S can be approximated with the functions Q P = 65 f 0.9 and Q S = 160 f 0.6 , respectively. At 2 Hz the Q S /Q P ratio reaches the highest value of 2.8. At higher frequencies Q S /Q P varies between 0.7 and 1.7, suggesting that for this frequency band scattering may be an important attenuation mechanism in the region of Garda. To explore the variation of Q in depth, we estimated Q at short (r ≤ 30 km) and intermediate (35–90 km) distance paths. We found that in the shallow crust P waves attenuate more than S (1.3 < Q S /Q P < 2.5). Moreover, P waves traveling along paths in the lower crust (depths approximately greater than 30 km) attenuate more than S waves. To quantify the observed variability of Q in depth we considered a three-layer model and inverted the NAF to estimate Q in each layer. We found that in the crust Q increases with depth. However, in the upper mantle (~40–50 km depth) Q decreases and in particular the high frequency Q S (f > 9 Hz) has values similar to those estimated for the shallow layer of the crust.  相似文献   
Scheelite is a widespread accessory mineral in hydrothermal gold deposits, and its rare earth element (REE) patterns and Nd and Sr isotopic compositions can be used to constrain the path and origin of the mineralising fluids and the age of the hydrothermal activity. Micro-analyses by laser ablation high resolution inductively coupled mass spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence imaging reveal a very inhomogeneous distribution of the REE in single scheelite grains from the Mt. Charlotte and Drysdale Archaean gold deposits in Western Australia. Two end-member REE patterns are distinguished: type I is middle REE (MREE)-enriched, with no or minor positive Eu-anomaly, whereas type II is flat or MREE-depleted with a strong positive Eu-anomaly. The chemical inhomogeneity of these scheelites is related to oscillatory zoning involving type I and type II patterns, with zone widths varying from below 1 to 200 μm. Intra-sectorial growth discontinuities, syn-crystallisation brittle deformation, and variations in the relative growth velocities of crystallographically equivalent faces suggest a complex crystallisation history under dynamic hydraulic conditions. The co-existence of MREE-enriched and MREE-depleted patterns within single scheelite crystals can be explained by the precipitation of a mineral which strongly partitions MREE relative to light and heavy REE. Scheelite itself has such characteristics, as does fluorapatite, which is locally abundant and has REE contents similar to that of scheelite. In this context, the systematic increase of the Eu-anomaly between type I and type II patterns is produced by the difference between the partition coefficients of Eu2+ and Eu3+, and not by fluid mixing or redox reactions. Consequently, the high positive Eu-anomaly typical of scheelite from gold ores may not necessarily be inherited from the hydrothermal fluid, but may reflect processes occurring during ore deposition. This case study demonstrates that in hydrothermal systems characterised by low REE concentrations in the fluid, and by the precipitation of a REE-rich mineral which strongly fractionates the REE, the REE patterns of such a mineral will be highly sensitive to the dynamics of the hydrothermal system. Received: 1 November 1999 / Accepted: 4 February 2000  相似文献   
Herbicide residues have been measured in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon at concentrations which have the potential to harm marine plant communities. Monitoring on the Great Barrier Reef lagoon following wet season discharge show that 80% of the time when herbicides are detected, more than one are present. These herbicides have been shown to act in an additive manner with regards to photosystem-II inhibition. In this study, the area of the Great Barrier Reef considered to be at risk from herbicides is compared when exposures are considered for each herbicide individually and also for herbicide mixtures. Two normalisation indices for herbicide mixtures were calculated based on current guidelines and PSII inhibition thresholds. The results show that the area of risk for most regions is greatly increased under the proposed additive PSII inhibition threshold and that the resilience of this important ecosystem could be reduced by exposure to these herbicides.  相似文献   
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