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The diametrical compression of a circular disc (Brazilian test) or cylinder with a small eccentric hole is a simple but important test to determine the tensile strength of rocks. This paper studies the failure mechanism of circular disc with an eccentric hole by a 3D numerical model (RFPA3D). A feature of the code RFPA3D is that it can numerically simulate the evolution of cracks in three-dimensional space, as well as the heterogeneity of the rock mass. First, numerically simulated Brazilian tests are compared with experimental results. Special attention is given to the effect of the thickness to radius ratio on the failure modes and the peak stress of specimens. The effects of the compressive strength to tensile strength ratio (C/T), the loading arc angle (2α), and the homogeneity index (m) are also studied in the numerical simulations. Secondly, the failure process of a rock disc with a central hole is studied. The effects of the ratio of the internal hole radius (r) to the radius of the rock disc (R) on the failure mode and the peak stress are investigated. Thirdly, the influence of the vertical and horizontal eccentricity of an internal hole on the initiation and propagation of cracks inside a specimen are simulated. The effect of the radius of the eccentric hole and the homogeneity index (m) are also investigated.  相似文献   
依据线性体图像的特点,提出了一种最大长度原则下基于端点提取的自动跟踪矢量化算法。该算法通过对节点及其信息进行提取快速抓住线性体的总体拓扑结构,并以节点信息为指导对线性体进行矢量跟踪和直线提取解决了复杂的线性体交叉问题。算法具有精度高、抗噪性好和适应性强的特点。  相似文献   
Sedimentary successions and internal structure of the coastal barrier-lagoon system of Boao, eastern Hainan Island were studied through utilizing data from test holes and trenches and ground-penetrating-radar (GPR) profiles. During late Pleistocene, fluvial and delta plains developed over an unevenly eroded bedrock during low sea level stand, followed by the formation of littoral and lagoon facies and defined coastal barrier-lagoon-estuary system during the post-glacial uppermost Pleistocene-lower Holocene eustatic rise of the sea level, and the upper Holocene high stand. GPR results show that Yudaitan, a sandy coastal bar backed by a low-laying land (shoal) just east of the active lagoon, is a continuous, parallel and slightly-wavy reflectors indicating homogeneous sandy or sandy gravel sediments, and inclined reflectors partly caused by progradation and accumulation of beach sand and gravel. Quasi-continuous, hummocky and chaotic reflectors from the shoal of Nangang village correspond to mixed accumula  相似文献   
Sediments from the Aquia aquifer in coastal Maryland were collected as part of a larger study of As in the Aquia groundwater flow system where As concentration are reported to reach levels as high as 1072 nmol kg−1, (i.e., ∼80 μg/L). To test whether As release is microbially mediated by reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides/oxyhydroxides within the aquifer sediments, the Aquia aquifer sediment samples were employed in a series of microcosm experiments. The microcosm experiments consisted of sterilized serum bottles prepared with aquifer sediments and sterilized (i.e., autoclaved), artificial groundwater using four experimental conditions and one control condition. The four experimental conditions included the following scenarios: (1) aerobic; (2) anaerobic; (3) anaerobic + acetate; and (4) anaerobic + acetate + AQDS (anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). AQDS acts as an electron shuttle. The control condition contained sterilized aquifer sediments kept under anaerobic conditions with an addition of AQDS. Over the course of the 27 day microcosm experiments, dissolved As in the unamended (aerobic and anaerobic) microcosms remained constant at around ∼28 nmol kg−1 (2 μg/L). With the addition of acetate, the amount of As released to the solution approximately doubled reaching ∼51 nmol kg−1 (3.8 μg/L). For microcosm experiments amended with acetate and AQDS, the dissolved As concentrations exceeded 75 nmol kg−1 (5.6 μg/L). The As concentrations in the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosms are of similar orders of magnitude to As concentrations in groundwaters from the aquifer sediment sampling site (127-170 nmol kg−1). Arsenic concentrations in the sterilized control experiments were generally less than 15 nmol kg−1 (1.1 μg/L), which is interpreted to be the amount of As released from Aquia aquifer sediments owing to abiotic, surface exchange processes. Iron concentrations released to solution in each of the microcosm experiments were higher and more variable than the As concentrations, but generally exhibited similar trends to the As concentrations. Specifically, the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosm typically exhibited the highest Fe concentrations (up to 1725 and 6566 nmol kg−1, respectively). The increase in both As and Fe in the artificial groundwater solutions in these amended microcosm experiments strongly suggests that microbes within the Aquia aquifer sediments mobilize As from the sediment substrate to the groundwaters via Fe(III) reduction.  相似文献   
高精度磁测在长江马当要塞沉船探测中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了使用磁法在长江上探测抗战时期沉船的方法技术及应用效果,重点对Mz沉船磁异常综合水上磁法、地震勘探作了解释,指出在工程勘察和矿产资源勘察中物探工作的差异及综合物探的优势。  相似文献   
应用数据本构分析方法,对三峡库区巴东县黄土坡前缘斜坡变形发展趋势进行了分析预测,阐明了数据本构分析预测对斜坡地质灾害的分析、防治意义  相似文献   
参数区域化方法是解决资料缺乏地区水文模拟和预报的有效手段,主要包括回归法、空间邻近法和属性相似法三类方法,可将有资料流域的水文模型参数移用到资料缺乏流域。首先回顾了区域化方法的基本原理和应用方法,并分析了三类主要区域化方法的适用性。从流域特征因子、水文模型及参数、不确定性探讨三个方面综述了区域化方法的研究进展。分析发现,当前区域化方法缺乏完善的理论基础,流域特征因子选择存在主观性,水文模型及参数的适用性方面研究不足。最后展望了未来的研究重点:(1)多维度适用性比较;(2)水文过程和参数的空间分布规律;(3)参数的尺度问题;(4)参数区域化的不确定性问题。  相似文献   
梯度探测技术以其信息量大、精度高、干扰小等优点在地球物理领域中得到广泛应用,但现今针对梯度数据的反演方法还比较少。笔者提出一种新的梯度数据解释方法--梯度反褶积法,该方法以梯度数据为基础获得场源体的位置信息,在计算公式中消除了构造指数,避免了因构造指数选取不当引起的误差。通过理论模型试验证明,梯度反褶积法能有效地完成目标体的反演工作,反演结果与理论值之间的误差小于5%,且相对于常规欧拉反褶积法更加稳定、准确。将梯度反褶积法应用于实测航磁梯度异常的解释,获得了地下铁矿的分布状态。  相似文献   
This paper integrates studies on the natural subtropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forests (EBLFs) and secondary succession of the forests and plantations in Yunnan, to provide a basis for evaluating the sustainability of the forests in the mountain ecosystems of Yunnan, China. The EBLFs include mid-montane moist, monsoon, and semi-humid categories. The monsoon EBLF yielded the highest indices of the Shannon-Wiener H, Equitability J, Simpson D and Fisher’s alpha, followed by the mid-montane moist EBLF, then by the semi-humid forest. Since human uses have varied widely, the plant communities ranged from pioneer deciduous broad-leaved and/or pioneer coniferous stands to late-successional evergreen broad-leaved stands. The secondary succession pathways were from pioneer deciduous stands of Alnus accompanied by stands of pioneer coniferous Pinus and Keteleeria, through broad-leaved and coniferous mixed stands, to late-successional evergreen broad-leaved forests of Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis. In Yunnan, the EBLF is commonly replaced by plantations of exotic fast-growing Eucalyptus to produce industrial wood, oil, pulp and fuel. The result has been reduced plant diversity, and great loss of soil nutrients by erosion and runoff, as compared to the EBLF. Seventy-six plant species in the area have been ranked as critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable. Their condition is seen as largely attributable to habitat loss or degradation. A clear understanding of ecological features and succession pathways of the EBLF can lead to more effective conservation and management of these fragile forests and the mountain ecosystems.  相似文献   
对柴达木盆地察尔汗古贝壳堤剖面的沉积物进行孢粉分析,结果显示这个地区植被与气候在晚更新世中晚期经历以下几个阶段的变化:36.2~31.2kaB.P.(未校正14C年代,下同)期间,以禾本科、藜科、蒿属、莎草科为主,发育草原-草甸植被,气候温和湿润,盘星藻出现较多,反映淡水湖泊,水深在10m左右;31.2~27.6kaB.P.期间,松属、云杉属、桦属等为主的木本植物的含量增加,周围山地森林发育,表明气候温暖,降水量增多。但由于蒸发量大,有效湿度下降,荒漠成分柽柳属等增加,盘星藻在30kaB.P.以后消失,反映湖泊盐度增大;27.6~23.3kaB.P.期间,植被中荒漠成分显著增加,周围山地森林萎缩,气候趋向相对寒冷干旱,湖面积缩小;23.3~18.0kaB.P.,孢粉浓度很低,蒺藜科、藜科等荒漠成分明显增加,植被稀疏,已趋向荒漠化草原,反映气候寒冷干旱。从整个剖面来看,主要的陆生植物孢粉类型为禾本科、柽柳属、蒺藜科、麻黄属、松属、云杉属、柏科、胡桃属和桦属等,藜科和蒿属含量很少,这与柴达木盆地东部地区的表土分析结果完全不同,也与其他草原以及荒漠草原的表土花粉结果相异。这说明晚更新世中晚期柴达木盆地东部地区的植被和现在无法进行比较,气候环境与现在显著不同。  相似文献   
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