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It is important to understand how land use change impacts groundwater recharge,especially for regions that are undergoing rapid urbanization and there is limited surface water.In this study,the hydrological processes and re-charge ability of various land use types in Guishui River Basin,China(in Beijing Municipality) were analyzed.The impact of land use change was investigated based on water balance modeling,WetSpass and GIS.The results indicate that groundwater recharge accounts for only 21.16% of the precipitation,while 72.54% is lost in the form of evapotranspiration.The annual-lumped groundwater recharge rate decreases in the order of cropland,grassland,urban land,and forest.Land use change has resulted in a decrease of 4 × 106 m3 of yearly groundwater recharge in the study area,with a spatially averaged rate of 100.48 mm/yr and 98.41 mm/yr in 1980 and 2005,respectively.This variation has primarily come from an increase of urban area and rural settlements,as well as a decrease of cropland.  相似文献   
Liao  Xiaoyong  Tao  Huan  Gong  Xuegang  Li  You 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(10):1610-1624

A model integrating geo-information and self-organizing map (SOM) for exploring the database of soil environmental surveys was established. The dataset of 5 heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Pb) was built by the regular grid sampling in Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. Auxiliary datasets were collected throughout the study area to help interpret the potential causes of pollution. The main findings are as follows: (1) Soil samples of 5 elements exhibited strong variation and high skewness. High pollution risk existed in the case study area, especially Hg and Cd. (2) As and Pb had a similar topo-logical distribution pattern, meaning they behaved similarly in the soil environment. Cr had behaviours in soil different from those of the other 4 elements. (3) From the U-matrix of SOM networks, 3 levels of SEQ were identified, and 11 high risk areas of soil heavy metal-contaminated were found throughout the study area, which were basically near rivers, factories, and ore zones. (4) The variations of contamination index (CI) followed the trend of construction land (1.353) > forestland (1.267) > cropland (1.175) > grassland (1.056), which suggest that decision makers should focus more on the problem of soil pollution surrounding industrial and mining enterprises and farmland.

新型城镇化背景下,建设具有包容性和公平正义的城市,成为社会可持续发展的重要内容。交通相关的社会排斥研究主要包括理论研究、社会空间分析、交通与社会排斥的比较研究等,形成了基于空间和基于人群的2种研究范式。但关于不同地理环境和不同社会群体的交通与社会排斥研究,仍然缺乏对空间与行为互动的内在因果关系的有效论证,迫切需要从地理空间和不同社会群体的时空间行为入手,厘清交通与社会排斥的概念内涵和作用机理。论文梳理了交通与社会排斥的概念内涵、研究范式与测度方法,重点从时空间行为视角阐述了交通维度的社会排斥研究的内在逻辑和实证结果,并结合中国实际,试图构建时空间和行为互动的交通与社会排斥研究框架,为消除交通维度的社会排斥障碍、建构多尺度社会融合路径、建设更为包容和公平正义的城市提供实践基础和理论支持。  相似文献   
利用Java语言,使用Microsoft SQL Server 2005数据库,利用MyEclipse工具研发地震仪器设备管理系统.使用该系统进行台站仪器设备信息管理,便于保存、查询、更新信息,实现数据资料的完整、准确、长期保存,工作效率增加.  相似文献   
目的:建立滋阴温阳活血颗粒中两种指标性成分(腺苷和山奈酚-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷)的同时测定方法。方法:采用HPLC法,选用phenomex Kinetex C18色谱柱(4.6mm×250mm,5μm),0.1%磷酸-乙腈为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.0ml/min,柱温30℃,进样量10μm,检测波长254nm;以腺苷和山奈酚-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷为指标性成分,共测定10批滋阴温阳活血颗粒。结果:10批颗粒中,腺苷的含量在2.706~4.132mg/g范围内,山奈酚-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷的含量在3.692~4.948mg/g范围内。结论:本研究所建立方法快速、准确、高效,能够对滋阴温阳活血颗粒的质量进行科学评价。  相似文献   
通过研究磷在海洋柱状沉积物上的吸附动力学曲线和吸附等温线,并结合沉积物表面电荷性质以及磷形态分析,考察了我国东部陆架海域沉积物对磷的吸附特征。结果表明,所研究海域沉积物对磷的吸附过程明显分为快慢两段,48h后吸附可达到平衡;吸附后的磷主要为可交换态磷,吸附过程以物理作用为主;吸附等温线可用Langmuir交叉型模式描述,在磷初始浓度较低时,沉积物对磷存在解吸现象;沉积物对磷吸附参数的垂直分布较为复杂,受自身性质影响较大;盐度增大,沉积物对磷的吸附能力呈下降趋势。  相似文献   
Air entrapment is an important consideration in environments with shallow water tables and sandy soil, like the condition of highly conductive sandy soils and flat topography in Florida, USA. It causes water table rises in soils, which are significantly faster and higher than those in soils without air entrapment. Two numerical models, Integrated Hydrologic Model (IHM) and HYDRUS-1D (a single-phase, one-dimensional Richards′ equation model) were tested at an area of west central Florida to help further understanding the shallow water table behavior during a long term air entrapment. This investigation employed field data with two modeling approaches to quantify the variation of air pressurization values. It was found that the air pressurization effect was responsible at time up to 40 cm of water table rise being recorded by the observation well for these two models. The values of air pressurization calculated from IHM and HYDRUS-1D match the previously published values. Results also indicated that the two numerical models did not consider air entrapment effect (as the predictive parameters remain uncertain) and thus results of depth to water table from these models did not compare to the observations for these selected periods. Incorporating air entrapment in prediction models is critical to reproduce shallow water table observations.  相似文献   
温度是地下水的固有属性,地下水温度场和动态特征是地下水流系统的外在表现。为揭示地下水开采等人类活动影响下西北内陆盆地浅层地下水温度场特征与地下水流系统的关系,基于多点位、长序列、高精度的地下水温度监测数据,在酒泉东盆地开展了地下水温度场及动态特征研究。结果表明:酒泉东盆地浅层地下水温度9.33~20.77℃不等,平均水温为13.54℃,自地下水补给区至排泄区,沿地下水径流方向,浅层地下水温度逐渐升高;循环深度相近的不同地下水流系统对比表明,浅层地下水温度与地下水动力条件呈负相关,地表水入渗补给大、水动力条件强的水流系统地下水平均温度低,入渗补给小、水动力条件弱的地下水平均温度高;浅层地下水温度动态受自然地下水循环和地下水开采等人类活动共同影响,从山前地下水补给区到中游绿洲区再到下游排泄区,浅部地下水温度动态可划分为4种基本类型,依次分别为河流补给型、水温稳定型、开采相关型、正弦波动型。  相似文献   
The difference-frequency (DF) ultrasound generated by using parametric effect promises to improve detection depth owing to its low attenuation, which is beneficial for deep tissue imaging. With ultrasound contrast agents infusion, the harmonic components scattered from the microbubbles, including DF, can be generated due to the nonlinear vibration. A theoretical study on the DF generation from microbubbles under the dual-frequency excitation is proposed in formula based on the solution of the RPNNP equation. The optimisation of the DF generation is discussed associated with the applied acoustic pressure, frequency, and the microbubble size. Experiments are performed to validate the theoretical predictions by using a dual-frequency signal to excite microbubbles. Both the numerical and experimental results demonstrate that the optimised DF ultrasound can be achieved as the difference frequency is close to the resonance frequency of the microbubble and improve the contrast-to-tissue ratio in imaging.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了利用无线信道传输9600bps数据信号的的几种试验方案,并对其进行了评价,供各界参考。  相似文献   
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