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The rotation of Mercury is presently captured in a 3/2 spin-orbit resonance with the orbital mean motion. The capture mechanism is well understood as the result of tidal interactions with the Sun combined with planetary perturbations [Goldreich, P., Peale, S., 1966. Astron. J. 71, 425-438; Correia, A.C.M., Laskar, J., 2004. Nature 429, 848-850]. However, it is now almost certain that Mercury has a liquid core [Margot, J.L., Peale, S.J., Jurgens, R.F., Slade, M.A., Holin, I.V., 2007. Science 316, 710-714] which should induce a contribution of viscous friction at the core-mantle boundary to the spin evolution. According to Peale and Boss [Peale, S.J., Boss, A.P., 1977. J. Geophys. Res. 82, 743-749] this last effect greatly increases the chances of capture in all spin-orbit resonances, being 100% for the 2/1 resonance, and thus preventing the planet from evolving to the presently observed configuration. Here we show that for a given resonance, as the chaotic evolution of Mercury's orbit can drive its eccentricity to very low values during the planet's history, any previous capture can be destabilized whenever the eccentricity becomes lower than a critical value. In our numerical integrations of 1000 orbits of Mercury over 4 Gyr, the spin ends 99.8% of the time captured in a spin-orbit resonance, in particular in one of the following three configurations: 5/2 (22%), 2/1 (32%) and 3/2 (26%). Although the present 3/2 spin-orbit resonance is not the most probable outcome, we also show that the capture probability in this resonance can be increased up to 55% or 73%, if the eccentricity of Mercury in the past has descended below the critical values 0.025 or 0.005, respectively.  相似文献   
Jacques Gustin  Ian Stewart 《Icarus》2010,210(1):270-283
This study reports the analysis of far ultraviolet (FUV) limb spectra of the airglow of Saturn in the 1150-1850 Å spectral window, obtained with the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) onboard Cassini, spanning altitudes from −1200 to 4000 km. The FUV limb emission consists of three main contributions: (1) H Ly-α peaking at 1100 km with a brightness of 0.8 kilo-Rayleighs (kR), (2) reflected sunlight longward of 1550 Å which maximizes at −950 km with 16.5 kR and (3) H2 bands in the 1150-1650 Å bandwidth, peaking at 1050 km reaching a maximum of 3.9 kR.A vertical profile of the local H2 volume emission rate has been derived using the hydrocarbon density profiles from a model of the Saturn equatorial atmosphere. It is well matched by a Chapman function, characterized by a maximum value of 3.5 photons cm−3 s−1 in the 800-1650 Å UV bandwidth, peaking at 1020 km.Comparisons between the observed spectra and a first-order synthetic airglow H2 model in the 1150-1650 Å bandwidth show that the spectral shape of the H2 bands is accounted for by solar fluorescence and photoelectron excitation. The best fits are obtained with a combination of H2 fluorescence lines and 20 eV electron impact spectra, the latter contributing ∼68% of the total H2 airglow emission.  相似文献   
Dengue fever is the most prevalent mosquito-borne viral disease of humans in tropical lands. As an efficient vaccine is not yet available, the only means to prevent epidemics is to control mosquito populations. These are influenced by human behavior and climatic conditions and thus, need constant effort and are very expansive. Examples of succeeded prevention are rare because of the continuous reintroduction of virus or vector from outside, or growing resistance of mosquito populations to insecticides. Climate variability and global warming are other factors which may favour epidemics of dengue. During a pilot study in Claris EC project, a model for the transmission of dengue was built, to serve as a tool for estimating the risk of epidemic transmission and eventually forecasting the risk under climatic change scenarios. An ultimate objective would be to use the model as an early warning system with meteorological forecasts as input, thus allowing better decision making and prevention.  相似文献   
Remarkable advances in age dating Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) lead-zinc deposits provide a new opportunity to understand how and where these deposits form in the Earth's crust. These dates are summarized and examined in a framework of global tectonics, paleogeography, fluid migration, and paleoclimate. Nineteen districts have been dated by paleomagnetic and/or radiometric methods. Of the districts that have both paleomagnetic and radiometric dates, only the Pine Point and East Tennessee districts have significant disagreements. This broad agreement between paleomagnetic and radiometric dates provides added confidence in the dating techniques used. The new dates confirm the direct connection between the genesis of MVT lead-zinc ores with global-scale tectonic events. The dates show that MVT deposits formed mainly during large contractional tectonic events at restricted times in the history of the Earth. Only the deposits in the Lennard Shelf of Australia and Nanisivik in Canada have dates that correspond to extensional tectonic events. The most important period for MVT genesis was the Devonian to Permian time, which corresponds to a series of intense tectonic events during the assimilation of Pangea. The second most important period for MVT genesis was Cretaceous to Tertiary time when microplate assimilation affected the western margin of North America and Africa-Eurasia. There is a notable paucity of MVT lead-zinc ore formation following the breakup of Rodinia and Pangea. Of the five MVT deposits hosted in Proterozoic rocks, only the Nanisivik deposit has been dated as Proterozoic. The contrast in abundance between SEDEX and MVT lead-zinc deposits in the Proterozoic questions the frequently suggested notion that the two types of ores share similar genetic paths. The ages of MVT deposits, when viewed with respect to the orogenic cycle in the adjacent orogen suggest that no single hydrologic model can be universally applied to the migration of the ore fluids. However, topographically driven models best explain most MVT districts. The migration of MVT ore fluids is not a natural consequence of basin evolution; rather, MVT districts formed mainly where platform carbonates had some hydrological connection to orogenic belts. There may be a connection between paleoclimate and the formation of some MVT deposits. This possible relationship is suggested by the dominance of evaporated seawater in fluid inclusions in MVT ores, by hydrological considerations that include the need for multiple-basin volumes of ore fluid to form most MVT districts, and the need for adequate precipitation to provide sufficient topographic head for topographically-driven fluid migration. Paleoclimatic conditions that lead to formation of evaporite conditions but yet have adequate precipitation to form large hydrological systems are most commonly present in low latitudes. For the MVT deposits and districts that have been dated, more than 75% of the combined metal produced are from deposits that have dates that correspond to assembly of Pangea in Devonian through Permian time. The exceptional endowment of Pangea and especially, North America with MVT lead-zinc deposits may be explained by the following: (1) Laurentia, which formed the core of North America, stayed in low latitudes during the Paleozoic, which allowed the development of vast carbonate platforms; (2) intense orogenic activity during the assembly of Pangea created ground preparation for many MVT districts through far-field deformation of the craton; (3) uplifted orogenic belts along Pangean suture zones established large-scale migration of basin fluids; and (4) the location of Pangea in low latitudes with paleoclimates with high evaporation rates led to the formation of brines by the evaporation of seawater and infiltration of these brines into deep basin aquifers during Pangean orogenic events.  相似文献   
Which Models for Collocated Cokriging?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a target variable is sparsely sampled, compared to a densely sampled auxiliary variable, cokriging requires simplifications. In its strict sense, collocated cokriging makes use of the auxiliary variable only at the current point where the target variable is to be estimated; in the multicollocated form, it also makes use of the auxiliary variable at all points where the target variable is available. This paper looks for the models that support these collocated cokrigings, i.e., the models in which the simplification resulting from the collocated forms does not result in any loss of information. In these models, the cross-structure between the two variables is shown to be proportional to the structure of the auxiliary variable, not to the structure of the target variable as is often assumed (except, of course, when all structures are proportional). The target variable depends on the auxiliary variable and on a spatially uncorrelated residual. Collocated cokriging simplifies to the simple method, which consists in kriging this residual. The strictly collocated cokriging corresponds to the particular case where the residual has a pure nugget structure, but it is then reduced to the single regression at the target point. Except for this trivial case, there are no models in which strictly collocated cokriging is exactly a cokriging.  相似文献   
Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP) drill hole VC-2B [total depth 1761.7 m (5780 ft); maximum temperature 295 °C] was continuously cored through the Sulphur Springs hydrothermal system in the western ring-fracture zone of the 1.14 Ma Valles caldera. Among other units, the hole penetrated 760.2 m (2494.1 ft) of Paleozoic carbonate and siliciclastic strata underlying caldera fill and precaldera volcanic and epiclastic rocks. Comparison of the VC-2B Paleozoic rocks with corresponding lithologies within and around the 32.1 Ma Socorro caldera, 192 km ( 119 miles) to the south-southwest, provides insight into the variability of alteration responses to similar caldera-related hydrothermal regimes.The Pennsylvanian Madera Limestone and Sandia Formation from VC-2B preserve many of the sedimentological and diagenetic features observed in these units on a regional basis and where unaffected by high temperatures or hydrothermal activity. Micrites in these formations in VC-2B are generally altered and mineralized only where fractured or brecciated, that is, where hydrothermal solutions could invade carbonate rocks which were otherwise essentially impermeable. Alteration intensity (and correspondingly inferred paleopermeability) is only slightly higher in carbonate packstones and grainstones, low to intermediate in siltstones and claystones, and high in poorly cemented sandstones. Hydrothermal fracture-filling phases in these rocks comprise sericite (and phengite), chlorite, allanite, apatite, an unidentified zeolite and sphene in various combinations, locally with sphalerite, galena, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Terrigenous feldspars and clays are commonly altered to chlorite and seriate, and euhedral anhydrite “porphyroblasts” with minor chlorite occur in Sandia Formation siltstone. Fossils are typically unaltered, but the walls of some colonial bryozoans in the Madera Limestone are altered to the assemblage chlorite-sericite-epidote-allanite. La, Ce and Nd are present in an unidentified hydrothermal mineral occurring throughout much of the VC-2B Pennsylvanian sequence.Carboniferous carbonate and siliciclastic formations within and around the Socorro caldera show a similar style of alteration and mineralization to their Valles caldera counterparts, but by contrast locally host commercial, caldera-related, base-metal sulfide deposits. As in the Valles rocks, mineralization and alteration in those of the Socorro caldera were strongly controlled by porosity. Unless disrupted by fractures, breccias, or karst cavities ( not identified in Valles caldera drill holes), the rocks remained relatively unaltered. Where these features allowed ingress of mineralizing hydrothermal solutions, base-metal sulfides and rare-earth-element-bearing minerals were precipitated.  相似文献   
Résumé Après un inventaire des différents critères de structure qu'offrent les dÔmes phonolitiques, et une présentation de leur méthode d'étude, le problème du choix des critères les plus efficaces est discuté.Les relations entre fluidalité, croissance et orientation des minéraux, débit en lauzes et prismation sont présentées en fonction du processus de mise en place de ces extrusions visqueuses endogènes.L'étude de l'orientation des lauzes se montre la plus efficace pour connaÎtre les conditions d'extrusion des dÔmes phonolitiques.Un certain nombre de massifs phonolitiques du Cantal sont donnés en exemple, et une brève synthèse sur les différentes formes structurales présentes est tentée.
The structure of phonolitic domes was studied using various criteria: orientation of phenocrysts, size and shape of crystals, texture of the groundmass determined by X-ray diffraction, flow-structure and jointing. The most efficient criteria are discussed.The relationship between flow-structure, growth and orientation of the minerals, sheeting and jointing are studied with respect to the emplacement process of the volcanological evolution of these viscous extrusions.The orientation of the lauzes (sheets) proves most indicative of conditions of extrusion of the phonolitic domes, whereas the jointing only indicates their cooling history.Some phonolitic domes of Cantal are shown, and a short synthesis of various structural types is made.

Zusammenfassung Die Struktur von Phonolith-Domen wurde anhand verschiedener Kriterien untersucht: Orientierung der Phenocrysten, Grö\e und Form der Kristalle, durch Röntgendiffraktion bestimmte Textur der Grundmasse, Flie\struktur und Klüftung.Die Beziehungen zwischen Flie\struktur, Wachstum und Orientierung der Minerale, bankiger Absonderung und Klüftung werden untersucht unter Berücksichtigung der vulkanischen Geschichte dieser viskosen Extrusionen, wobei sich die Untersuchung der Bankungsrichtung am aufschlu\reichsten für die Kenntnis der Extrusionsgeschichte der Phonolith-Dome erweist.Eine Reihe von Phonolith-Massiven des Cantal werden als Beispiel angeführt, und eine kurze Synthese der verschiedenen Strukturformen wird dargestellt.

Cantal, : , , , . , , , ; , . Cantal .
A three-dimensional “long waves” model is discussed for the study of tides and storm surges in a shallow well-mixed continental sea. Emphasis is placed on the North Sea where tidal and storm currents constitute the essential part of the circulation and estimates from observations in the North Sea and, more especially, the Southern Bight are used to assess the relative importance of different effects and derive a simple set of equations by which vertical profiles of tidal and storm currents can be predicted, at each points, as functions of time.  相似文献   
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