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长江口区浮游动物生态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江口区终年有大量长江淡水流入,营养盐丰富,并且泥沙含量较大,透明度低,盐度变化幅度大(3-33)。 长江口区是我国重要渔场之一,凤鲚、刀鲚、银鱼、鲻、鲳等均在此产卵,许多海产鱼类的仔、幼鱼也在此索饵、栖息。因此长江口区浮游动物生物量的分布与其附近渔场有密切关系。  相似文献   
前人认为银额盆地下白垩统物源主要来自凹陷周缘的造山带或凸起区,但对于下白垩统的物源具体属于何套地层、确切源区位置等问题,并未开展过相关研究。笔者以哈日凹陷为例,通过对该凹陷下白垩统8个沉积岩样品开展地球化学和碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究,以期解决以上问题。研究结果表明: (1)碎屑锆石按年龄可以分为三叠纪锆石、二叠纪锆石、石炭纪锆石和古老锆石4类,对应的年龄分别为$237.9\pm3.2\pm-238.3\pm8.4$ Ma, $255.0\pm9.7-285.9\pm4.3$ Ma, $307.0\pm23.0-330.0\pm3.0$ Ma and $434.0\pm4.0-2584.0\pm14.0$ Ma 。(2)微量元素和锆石年龄组成特征表明,下白垩统以二叠系和石炭系物源供给为主,包括二叠纪和石炭纪侵入岩和沉积岩。(3)锆石年龄分布指示哈日凹陷下白垩统物源具有多源区的特征,凹陷西北部的洪格尔吉山、南部的宗乃山和东部的切刀山对其均有物源贡献。(4)3个物源区对巴音戈壁组和苏红图组的物源贡献率具有一定的差异,如宗乃山地区对苏红图组有较大的物源贡献率,这种差异可能由沉积物迁移距离、源区地质体剥蚀速率、构造运动等原因所致。下白垩统物源特征的确定,对于恢复哈日凹陷早白垩世原型盆地、建立早白垩世沉积古地理模型等均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
有效地为专业和业务用户提供快速批量下载气象数据服务,需要一种新型数据服务系统,以弥补现有气象数据共享服务系统的不足。该文在分析气象资料服务系统发展阶段和技术特点的基础上,根据业务需求设计了一个基于元数据技术的、针对专业和业务用户的、能快速批量下载数据的新型气象资料服务系统。该系统基于前台应用系统和后台管理系统实现了批量下载、文件目录导航、数据同步更新、多线程断点续传、安全管理和灵活配置等功能。该系统是对气象资料服务方式的一种全新设计,系统发布后得到专业用户的肯定,具有广泛的推广价值,对气象数据服务系统的技术开发有较好的参考作用。  相似文献   
Assessment of population carrying capacity is a key task in the reconstruction planning of areas struck by disasters, in which the precision of estimation is required. This study developed a decision-making model for estimating the population capacity of the involved townships and cities in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake based on the assessment of the suitability for reconstruction of the areas. Through analysis, arable land resources were argued to be the critical constraint of population capacity in these areas. Then, the spatial differentiations of the post-quake development conditions across different regions were analyzed with respect to their natural environments, socio-economic development and quake damages. The expected levels of urbanization, family incomes and income structures, output levels of land, and the reliance of agricultural population on arable land were estimated by different regions. With these parameters, the population capacities of the involved townships and cities in three scenarios were estimated. The total population capacity of the entire areas is abundant compared with the actual post-quake population; however, the status of over-population substantially varies across space. It was suggested to put the emphasis of post-quake resettlement policy on those counties where earthquake had been the main causes of over-population. In the Full Recovery Scenario, three mountain counties were identified including Wenchuan, Beichuan and Maoxian, with a total over-population of about 100,000 people.  相似文献   
通过对塔里木盆地库车坳陷南天山山前带克孜勒努尔沟与依奇克里克野外露头沉积相的精细研究,结合山前带大量地震剖面分析与迪那201井、东秋5井等多口钻井测井相和岩心精细描述,将古近系库姆格列木群划分为2个层序。层序2低位域以冲积扇沉积为主,自湖侵体系域始,研究区广泛发育退积与进积型扇三角洲沉积。库姆格列木群层序2湖侵体系域内扇三角洲平原砂体以正韵律沉积为主,砂砾岩占地层厚度的(68.4~87)%;扇三角洲前缘砂体正、反韵律均有分布,砂砾岩占地层的百分比有所降低,为(55.2~77)%。高位体系域内主要发育以反韵律砂体为主的扇三角洲前缘沉积。古近系苏维依组只发育一个层序,其低位体系域的砂体为扇三角洲平原与前缘的分流河道砂体,湖侵体系域内扇三角洲前缘砂体正、反韵律均发育,高位体系域内主要发育扇三角洲前缘沉积,以反韵律砂体为主,正韵律砂体相对较少。对比苏维依组不同体系域内砂体储集性,湖侵域内砂体优于高位域内砂体。扇三角洲沉积体中有利储集砂体首选为湖侵体系域内的扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道和河口坝砂体,次之为低位域扇三角洲前缘(平原)分流河道砂体,最后是高位域内的河口坝及席状砂沉积砂体。特别要指出:低位体系域或者湖侵体系域底部发育的扇三角洲前缘(平原)分流河道砂体(底砂砾岩)被快速湖侵的较厚的暗色泥岩所覆盖,可形成较好储集场所。  相似文献   
We describe organogenesis at a histological level in American shad (Alosa sapidissima) larvae from 0 until 45 days after hatching (DAH). Larval development was divided into four stages based on the feeding mode, external morphological features, and structural changes in the organs: stage 1 (0–2 DAH), stage 2 (3–5 DAH), stage 3 (6–26 DAH) and stage 4 (27–45 DAH). At early stage 2 (3 DAH), American shad larvae developed the initial digestive and absorptive tissues, including the mouth and anal opening, buccopharyngeal cavity, oesophagus, incipient stomach, anterior and posterior intestine, differentiated hepatocytes, and exocrine pancreas. The digestive and absorptive capacity developed further in stages 2 to 3, at which time the pharyngeal teeth, taste buds, gut mucosa folds, differentiated stomach, and gastric glands could be observed. Four defined compartments were discernible in the heart at 4 DAH. From 3 to 13 DAH, the excretory systems started to develop, accompanied by urinary bladder opening, the appearance and development of primordial pronephros, and the proliferation and convolution of renal tubules. Primordial gills were detected at 2 DAH, the pseudobranch was visible at 6 DAH, and the filaments and lamellae proliferated rapidly during stage 3. The primordial swim bladder was first observed at 2 DAH and started to inflate at 9 DAH; from then on, it expanded constantly. The spleen was first observed at 8 DAH and the thymus was evident at 12 DAH. From stage 4 onwards, most organs essentially manifested an increase in size, number, and complexity of tissue structure.  相似文献   
The capacity of soil and water conservation measures, defined as the maximum quantity of suitable soil and water conservation measures contained in a region, were determined for the Loess Plateau based on zones suitable for establishing terraced fields, forestland and grassland with the support of geographic information system (GIS) software. The minimum possible soil erosion modulus and actual soil erosion modulus in 2010 were calculated using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and the ratio of the minimum possible soil erosion modulus under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures to the actual soil erosion modulus was defined as the soil erosion control degree. The control potential of soil erosion and water loss in the Loess Plateau was studied using this concept. Results showed that the actual soil erosion modulus was 3355 t?km-2?a-1, the minimum possible soil erosion modulus was 1921 t?km-2?a-1, and the soil erosion control degree was 0.57 (medium level) in the Loess Plateau in 2010. In terms of zoning, the control degree was relatively high in the river valley-plain area, soil-rocky mountainous area, and windy-sandy area, but relatively low in the soil-rocky hilly-forested area, hilly-gully area and plateau-gully area. The rate of erosion areas with a soil erosion modulus of less than 1000 t?km-2?a-1 increased from 50.48% to 57.71%, forest and grass coverage rose from 56.74% to 69.15%, rate of terraced fields increased from 4.36% to 19.03%, and per capita grain available rose from 418 kg?a-1 to 459 kg?a-1 under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures compared with actual conditions. These research results are of some guiding significance for soil and water loss control in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
Effects of mixing on water mass subduction are analyzed in the South Pacific Ocean. Model simulations using a passive tracer and its adjoint are employed in conjunction with a particle tracking method to distinguish effects of mixing from those of advection. The results show that mixing processes can contribute to as much as 20% of the overall subduction rate in the South Pacific. Of this mixing contribution, about 30% can be attributed to meso-scale eddies, including their associated bolus transport, while the major part (70%) is due to other diabatic processes. The impact of mixing reaches its maximum near the Sub-Antarctic Front, accounting for nearly 30% of the total subduction rate. Consequently, estimates based on tracing particles or on advection alone may significantly underestimate the subduction rate in the South Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
海上平台桶形基础模型压力压贯与负压沉贯试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了海上平台桶形基础模型(模型桶)压力压贯和负压沉贯的试验概况,对比分析了两者贯入力的巨大差异和产生的原因,给出了模型桶压力压贯中贯入深度与压力的关系,负压没贯负压与贯入深度,抽吸泵流量,基土渗流量,桶内土塞隆起之间的关系,试验结果表明,负压沉贯可以大大降低以砂质粉土为基土的土抗力,为在胜利油田类似基土海域海上平台应用桶形基础提供了试验依据,为海上现场导管架桶形基础平台的安装就位施工和控制提供了  相似文献   
Deep-large faults in the central continental margin of eastern China are well developed. Based on the regularity of spatial and temporal distribution of the faults, four fault systems were divided: the Yanshan orogenic belt fault system, the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt fault system, the Tanlu fault system and the East China Sea shelf basin-Okinawa trough fault system. The four fault systems exhibit different migration behaviors. The Yanshan orogenic belt fault system deflected from an EW to a NE direction, then to a NNE direction during the Indo-Chinese epoch-Yanshanian epoch. The thrust-nappe strength of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt fault system showed the tendency that the strength was greater in the south and east, but weaker in the north and west. This fault system faulted in the east and folded in the west from the Indo-Chinese epoch to the early Yanshanian epoch. At the same time, the faults also had a diachronous migration from east to west from the Indo-Chinese epoch to the early Yanshanian epoch. On the contrary, the thrust-nappe strength was greater in the north and west, weaker in the south and east during the late Yanshanian epoch-early Himalayan epoch. The Tanlu fault system caused the basin to migrate from west to east and south to north. The migration regularity of the East China Sea shelf basin-Okinawa trough fault system shows that the formation age became younger in the west. The four fault systems and their migration regularities were respectively the results of four different geodynamic backgrounds. The Yanshan orogenic belt fault system derived from the intracontinental orogeny. The Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt fault system derived from the collision of plates and intracontinental subduction. The Tanlu fault system derived from the strike-slip movement and the East China Sea shelf basin-Okinawa trough fault system derived from plate subduction and retreat of the subduction belt. Translated from Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science Edition), 2005, 35(5): 554–563 [译自: 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版)]  相似文献   
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