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This study focuses on the geology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and tectonic settings of the three types of seamount basalts from the Xingshuwa subduction accretionary complex in the Xar Moron area, eastern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). The seamount remnants are composed of carbonate 'cap' sediments, large volumes of pillow and massive basalts, carbonate breccia slope facies and radiolarian cherts. Group 1 basalts are characterized by high contents of P2 O5 and TiO2 with alkaline affinity and LREE enrichment, indicating that they are derived from intraplate magma. Group 2 basalts display N-MORB LREE depletion patterns, indicating that they were formed at a mid-ocean ridge. Group 3 basalts have shown distinct Nb depletion and high Th/Yb ratios, indicating that they were generated in an island arc tectonic setting. The zircon U-Pb age of Group 1 basalt sample XWT18-131 is 576.4 ± 9.4 Ma, suggesting that the oceanic island seamount was the product of intraplate magmatism related to a mantle plume or 'hot spot' in the late Neoproterozoic. The zircon U-Pb age of Group 2 basalt sample XWT18-132 is 483 ± 22 Ma, indicating that the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO) was continuously expanding in the Early Ordovician. The zircon U-Pb age of Group 3 basalt sample XWT18-101 is 240.5 ± 8.2 Ma, suggesting that this area underwent the evolutionary path of ocean-continent transition, developing towards continentalization during the Middle Triassic. Thus, we believe that there was both mantle plume-related intraplate magmatism and intraoceanic subduction during the evolution of the PAO, the CAOB possibly being an evolutionary model of an intraoceanic subduction and mantle plume magmatism complex.  相似文献   
With the increasing development of coalbed methane (CBM) field, the quantitative characterization and evaluation of coal reservoir physical properties is becoming more and more important to CBM scale development. In order to solve the limitations of conventional methods for testing coal reservoir physical properties, the authors used the high-tech technologies such as nuclear magnetic resonance technology and CT scanning technology to effectively solve the problems of in-situ and integrity of rock samples and acquire the porosity and permeability. Nuclear magnetic resonance and CT scanning experiments of coal samples were carried out to rapidly obtain the pore type, pore size distribution and connectivity, effective porosity, spatial distribution of pore fissures and other refined coal reservoir physical parameters, based on the samples of middle and low rank coal in Shenfu block and high rank coal in Shizhuangnan block. So a set of quantitative characterization analysis technology that can be applied to coal reservoirs with different coal rank was formed.  相似文献   
生态地质学是研究生态系统与地质环境之间关系的一门交叉学科,对国土空间生态保护修复工作有重要理论支撑作用。我国生态地质研究工作虽然经过了多年的发展与积淀,但时至今日生态地质学仍然处于研究和探索阶段。鉴于此,基于前人的大量研究,总结了国内外生态地质研究进展: 国际上,俄罗斯建立了生态地质学研究体系,美国发起的地球关键带研究是与生态地质研究十分契合的主题; 在国内,生态地质研究主要着眼于”生态-地质”相互作用过程与机理以及地质环境影响下的系统性生态修复研究。在此基础上,提出了生态地质学涵义及其研究内容、方法技术创新及学科体系构建思路,以期为服务山水林田湖草沙整体保护、系统修复、综合治理和生态地质系统深化研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Effects of weather modification operations on precipitation in target areas have been widely reported, but little is specifically known about the downwind (extra-area) effects in China. We estimated the extra-area effect of an operational winter (November-February) aircraft cloud-seeding project in northern Jiangxi Province in eastern China by using a revised historical target/control regression analysis method based on the precipitation data in winter. The results showed that the overall seasonal average rainfall at the downwind stations increased by 21.67%(p=0.0013). This enhancement effect was detected as far as 120 km away from the target area. Physical testing was used to compare the cloud characteristics before and after seeding on 29 November 2014. A posteriori analysis with respect to the characteristics of cloud units derived from operational weather radar data in Jiangxi was performed by tracking cloud units. Radar features in the target unit were enhanced relative to the control unit for more than two hours after the operational cloud seeding, which is indicative of the extra-area seeding effect. The findings could be used to help relieve water shortages in China.  相似文献   
In order to improve our understanding of microphysical properties of clouds and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), six cloud and precipitation processes with different intensities during the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Science Experiment (TIPEX-Ⅲ) from 3 July to 25 July 2014 in Naqu region of the TP are investigated by using the high-resolution mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The results show unique properties of summertime clouds and precipitation processes over the TP. The initiation process of clouds is closely associated with strong solar radiative heating in the daytime, and summertime clouds and precipitation show an obvious diurnal variation. Generally, convective clouds would transform into stratiform clouds with an obvious bright band and often produce strong rainfall in midnight. The maximum cloud top can reach more than 15 km above sea level and the velocity of updraft ranges from 10 to 40 m s-1. The simulations show high amount of supercooled water content primarily located between 0 and -20℃ layer in all the six cases. Ice crystals mainly form above the level of -20℃ and even appear above the level of -40℃ within strong convective clouds. Rainwater mostly appears below the melting layer, indicating that its formation mainly depends on the melting process of precipitable ice particles. Snow and graupel particles have the characteristics of high content and deep vertical distribution, showing that the ice phase process is very active in the development of clouds and precipitation. The conversion and formation of hydrometeors and precipitation over the plateau exhibit obvious characteristics. Surface precipitation is mainly formed by the melting of graupel particles. Although the warm cloud microphysical process has less direct contribution to the formation of surface precipitation, it is important for the formation of supercooled raindrops, which are essential for the formation of graupel embryos through heterogeneous freezing process. The growth of graupel particles mainly relies on the riming process with supercooled cloud water and aggregation of snow particles.  相似文献   
<正>1引言1.1气象灾害区划及防御工作的研究意义气象灾害是指由于气象因素直接或间接的影响造成的灾害,常见的气象灾害主要有干旱、霜冻、洪涝、冰雹、大风等。拜泉县位于黑龙江省西北部,地处小兴安岭余脉与嫩江平原的过渡地带,属寒温带气候。主要气象灾害为水灾、旱灾、霜冻、冰雹、雷电等。给工农业生产造成不同程度的危害,对社会经济造成严重的影响。因此对影响拜泉县的气象灾害进行区划和防御管理对策研究,对提高全县防灾减灾能力具有重要  相似文献   
GPS技术具有实时导航、定位准确的特点,遥感影像能提供快速及时的地理信息,它们当前还未广泛应用于地图的制作,本文尝试将这两种技术结合应用来编制地图,进而探讨在制作过程中的数据处理、重点文物图的设计与编制等问题;并以制作武汉大学的重点文物图为例,来说明和分析这种制作方法所具有的显著特点和具体操作的可行性。  相似文献   
江汉叠合盆地及邻区中生代以来盆山耦合数值模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  
江汉叠合盆地位于扬子地台中部,夹持于秦岭-大别及江南造山带中段之间。中生代以来,先后经历了北部陆陆碰撞、南部陆内挤压造山与断陷、裂陷成盆的演化历程,区域构造体制在中生代发生了重大转换,其中复合、联合了众多的地质现象;盆地历经的海盆、煤盆、盐盆、陆相广盆四个盆地世代详细记录有中国南北大陆联合及东北亚大陆构造体制转换的运动学过程,是认识欧亚大陆东部深层动力地质作用过程的关键地区之一。盆地沉积充填过程可简要概括为前陆、裂陷、坳陷三种基本样式。系统的盆山构造样式及运动学分析结果表明:叠合盆地前陆期发育于同碰撞-造山后作用阶段早期,断、坳陷期发育于造山后作用阶段晚期-非造山裂解阶段。本文运用大陆动力学数值模拟(FLAC软件)方法,从挤压和伸展两方面效验了山-盆演化分别受控于印支-早燕山期的华南与华北陆块的旋转碰撞造山,以及随后的晚燕山-喜山早期碰后陆内俯冲作用所产生的板片断离引起的地幔物质上升与对流作用,晚喜山期太平洋板块俯冲作用以及由此产生的地幔调整等三期动力学系统。为南方中小型叠合盆地动力学解析提供了一种新的思路与研究方法。  相似文献   
济阳坳陷古近系同沉积背斜构造及其与油气的关系   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
济阳坳陷由于受到多期构造运动的影响,在前第三系古地形高点背景上广泛发育同沉积背斜构造,然而由于坳陷在断陷期基底滚动式沉降,造成挠曲顶部的塌陷,形成复杂的块断结构,使本区同沉积构造发生强烈改造,往往与各次级断层或沉积地层相复合,表现出独特的构造景观。济阳坳陷发育的同沉积背斜构造可分为同沉积背斜和同沉积鼻状构造,它们在形成和发展中,重力起主导作用,滑塌是主要形式。在与油气成藏关系上,济阳坳陷同沉积背斜构造的形成与发展,对于油气的生成、运移、聚集、储集、保存等都有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
2004年印尼8.7级强震前昌黎台的远场电性异常特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在2004年12月26日印尼8.7级地震前河北昌黎台记录到的自然电位及电场异常, 结果显示昌黎台自电位、 电场正常时段观测到的半日、 半月潮汐波周期变化在震前1个多月发生畸变, 周期消失, 变化幅度相应减小, 震后快速恢复, 且潮汐波记录比震前正常时段更加清晰。 该台地电阻率的观测结果显示起始下降变化比较平缓, 震前一周左右, 变化加剧, 出现多次阶变。 究其原因, 在强震发生前断层的蠕滑作用导致孔隙压力变化, 产生一种可以在岩石中传播的应变波, 由于台站下方岩土层对小应变信号具有很好的放大作用, 所以记录到了这种小幅度的应变波, 也就是远场的静态应变效应。 随着地震临近, 应力作用加强, 远程应变波引起台站下方水位、 水化学性质以及岩石孔隙度、 渗透率等的改变, 导致电阻率、 电场大幅度的阶变, 这反映了远场应变波的动态效应。 当然就异常幅度而言, 应变波的效应还嫌弱一些, 因此昌黎台异常变化可能还叠加了震源区激发的电磁波。  相似文献   
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