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Measurements over an annual cycle of longitudinal and vertical salinity distributions in a small sub-estuary, the Tavy Estuary, UK, are used to illustrate the dependence of salt intrusion and stratification on environmental variables. The interpretations are aided by vertical profiling and near-bed data recorded in the main channel and on the mudflats. Generally, high water (HW) salt intrusion at the bed is close to the tidal limit and is dominated by runoff and winds, with decreasing salt intrusion associated with increasing runoff and increasing up-estuary winds (or vice versa). Tidal effects are not statistically significant because of two compensating processes: the long tidal excursion, which is comparable with the sub-estuary length for all but the smallest neap tides, and the enhanced, near-bed, buoyancy-driven salt transport that occurs at small neap tides close to the limit of saline intrusion. The effect of wind on HW surface salt intrusion in the main channel is not statistically significant, partly because it is obscured by the opposing local and estuary-wide effects of an up-estuary or down-estuary wind stress. These processes are investigated using a simple tidal model that incorporates lateral, channel–mudflat bathymetry and reproduces, approximately, observed channel and mudflat velocities. Surface salinity at HW increases with tidal range because of enhanced spring-tide vertical mixing—a process that also reduces salinity stratification. Stratification increases with runoff because of increased buoyancy inputs and decreases with up-estuary winds because of reduced near-bed salt intrusion. Stratification and plume formation are interpreted in terms of the bulk and estuarine Richardson Numbers, and processes at the confluence of the sub-estuary and main estuary are described.  相似文献   
In this paper we develop a generalized statistical methodology for characterizing geochronological data, represented by a distribution of single mineral ages. The main characteristics of such data are the heterogeneity and error associated with its collection. The former property means that mixture models are often appropriate for their analysis, in order to identify discrete age components in the overall distribution. We demonstrate that current methods (e.g., Sambridge and Compston, 1994) for analyzing such problems are not always suitable due to the restriction of the class of component densities that may be fitted to the data. This is of importance, when modelling geochronological data, as it is often the case that skewed and heavy tailed distributions will fit the data well. We concentrate on developing (Bayesian) mixture models with flexibility in the class of component densities, using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to fit the models. Our method allows us to use any component density to fit the data, as well as returning a probability distribution for the number of components. Furthermore, rather than dealing with the observed ages, as in previous approaches, we make the inferences of components from the “true” ages, i.e., the ages had we been able to observe them without measurement error. We demonstrate our approach on two data sets: uranium-lead (U-Pb) zircon ages from the Khorat basin of northern Thailand and the Carrickalinga Head formation of southern Australia.  相似文献   
The first New Zealand vertical aerial survey was made almost 60 years ago in 1926 by the New Zealand Permanent Air Force (now the Royal New Zealand Air Force). Up to April 1984 at least 8500 surveys have been completed by a number of aerial survey organisations: these surveys comprise over 490,000 individual aerial photographs.  相似文献   
 Spatial variability of shallow-water carbonate sediments near Dry Tortugas, Florida, is scale-dependent. Wet bulk density, grain density, porosity, compressional wave velocity, and grain size variability generally increase down to 2.4 m vertically and 850 m laterally. Grain size is most variable, followed by porosity, wet bulk density, compressional wave velocity, and grain density bothvertically and laterally, consistent with Walther’s Law. Variability was empirically modeled by linear regression analysis to predict variability based on scale, characterize sediment property variability, and quantify sedimentisotropy.  相似文献   
In the eastern part of the Permo-Triassic Bowen Basin of Queensland, Australia, a transition from passive, thermal subsidence to flexural (foreland basin) subsidence is recorded within the Upper Permian stratigraphy. Two coarse-grained intervals containing deposits of mass-wasting processes occur within an otherwise siltstone-dominated succession over 1500 m thick (the Moah Creek Beds and equivalents). These intervals can be traced over at least 350 km north–south, along the structural eastern margin of the basin. The lower of the coarse-grained intervals is spectacularly exposed in the banks of the Fitzroy River, west of Rockhampton. Here, interbedded sandstones and siltstones of marine shelf origin are abruptly truncated by a mudrock succession containing evidence of slumping and contemporaneous magmatic activity. This unit passes up-section into packages of mass-flow conglomerates and diamictites, interpreted to have formed on an unstable submarine slope. The character of the mass-flow deposits, their stratigraphic position and lateral extent are interpreted in terms of destabilization of a sloping marine surface by pulsed, subsurface thrust propagation.  相似文献   
The Sonobuoy Dynamic Simulation (SDS) computer program is designed to analyze the three-dimensional, nonlinear dynamic behavior of free-drifting cable-suspended hydrophone systems. It will also simulate other marine systems composed of series-connected cables and rigid bodies, including cable-towed bodies and autonomous vehicles. Models of directed wave fields and three-dimensional currents allow simulation of semi-immersed objects. The present study validates the rigid body models by simulating a helicopter-like free-falling oceanographic vehicle. We describe detailed SDS models of the vehicle body and wings and compare our calculations of vehicle rotation and descent rates with laboratory measurements for various wing attachment angles. SDS reproduced the essential behavior of the laboratory vehicle and matched the published rates to within 10%.  相似文献   
Constant head borehole infiltration tests are widely used for the in situ evaluation of saturated hydraulic conductivities of unsaturated soils above the water table. The formulae employed in analysing the results of such tests disregard the fact that some of the infiltrating water may flow under unsaturated conditions. Instead, these formulae are based on various approximations of the classical free surface theory which treats the flow region as if it were fully saturated and enclosed within a distinct envelope, the so-called ‘free surface’. A finite element model capable of solving free surface problems is used to examine the mathematical accuracy of the borehole infiltration formulae. The results show that in the hypothetical case where unsaturated flow does not exist, the approximate formulae are reasonably accurate within·a practical range of borehole conditions. To see what happens under conditions closer to those actually encountered in the field, the effect of unsaturated flow on borehole infiltration is investigated by means of two different numerical models: a mixed explicit-implicit finite element model, and a mixed explicit-implicit integrated finite difference model. Both of these models give nearly identical results; however, the integrated finite difference model is considerably faster than the finite element model. The relatively low computational efficiency of the finite element scheme is attributed to the large number of operations required in order to re-evaluate the conductivity (stiffness) matrix at each iteration in this highly non-linear saturated-unsaturated flow problem. The saturated-unsaturated analysis demonstrates that the classical free surface approach provides a distorted picture of the flow pattern in the soil. Contrary to what one would expect on the basis of this theory, only a finite region of the soil in the immediate vicinity of the borehole is saturated, whereas a significant percentage of the flow takes place under unsaturated conditions. As a consequence of disregarding unsaturated flow, the available formulae may underestimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity of fine grained soils by a factor of two, three, or more. Our saturated-unsaturated analysis leads to an improved design of borehole infiltration tests and a more accurate method for interpreting the results of such tests. The analysis also shows how one can predict the steady state rate of infiltration from data collected during the early transient period of the test.  相似文献   
Within the framework of the plasma-laser star model of quasars it is proposed that the quasar 0805+046 is a helium-rich shell star. (a) The strong emission line at 4712 Å is identified with Hei 4713. (b) The discontinuity in the continuous energy distribution at 3420 is identified with the helium discontinuity at 3422. (c) In the absorption-line spectrum many lines have been identified. It is shown that the proposed model provides a consistent and satisfactory interpretation of the observed spectra.  相似文献   
A reliable representation to the invariant cross-section for the production of antiprotons ( ) in inclusive reactions has been obtained, which fits the data extremely well from threshold to ISR energies. Using this, the production spectrum of by cosmic ray interaction with interstellar gas is calculated and is compared with other existing calculations. The equilibrium spectrum in the Galaxy has been derived from about 100 MeV to a few hundred GeV in kinetic energy using Leaky Box Model for the propagation of cosmic rays, by taking into account all energy loss processes. It is found that /P ratio calculated here is very much smaller than the observed ratio. In view of the fact that this excess of observed /P ratio is much larger than the measured upper limits on the fraction of antimatter in the form of antinuclei, the excess /P ratio has not been attributed to the existence of antimatter. Instead, it is shown that Closed Galaxy Model for the propagation of cosmic rays predicts more antiprotons than observed. Therefore, it is suggested that if cosmic rays contain about 50% new component of local origin, the resulting Closed Galaxy Model explains well the observations. The present calculations also predict too small a flux of below a few hundred MeV to make this energy region ideally suited to look for antiprotons of primordial origin.  相似文献   
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