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In this study, we performed an integrated investigation of K and Mg isotopes in hydrothermally altered rocks from the giant Dexing porphyry Cu deposit in China. Both the altered porphyry intrusion and the surrounding wall rocks exhibit large variations in K and Mg isotope compositions, with δ41K values ranging between-1.02‰ and 0.38‰, and δ26Mg values ranging between-0.49‰ and 0.32‰. The δ41K and δ26Mg values of the majority of altered samples are higher than the isotopic baseline values for upper continental crust. We attribute the general increase in δ41 K and δ26Mg in altered rocks to hydrothermal alteration,which caused preferential incorporation of heavy K and Mg isotopes in alteration products, particularly phyllosilicates. However,a few altered samples show anomalously low δ41K and δ26Mg values. The δ41K and δ26Mg values do not correlate with K and Mg concentrations, or mineralogy of altered samples. The variable K-Mg isotope data likely reflect fluids of different physicalchemical properties, or different isotopic compositions. Based on the combined K-Mg isotope data, at least three groups of hydrothermal fluids are distinguished from the Dexing porphyry deposit. Therefore, K-Mg isotopes are potentially a novel tracer for fingerprinting fluids in complex hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   
High-resolution Chirp profiling and coring reveals an elongated(ca. 400 km) Holocene Zhujiang River(Pearl River)-derived mud area(maximum thickness 20 m) extending from the Zhujiang River Delta, southwestward off the Guangdong coast, to the Leizhou Peninsula. Two depo-centers, one proximal and one distal, are identified. On the continental shelf off the west Guangdong Province, the mud is deposited in water depth shallower than 50 m; while to the southeast of the Zhujiang River Estuary, the mud area can extend to the-120 m isobath. A combined analysis with the stratigraphic sequences of other muddy deposits in the Western Pacific marginal seas(mainly Changjiang(Yangtze) and Huanghe(Yellow) Rivers derived) indicates that the initiation of the Zhujiang River muddy deposit can be further divided into two stages: Stage 1 is before the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand(ca. 7.0 cal. ka BP), the proximal mud was mostly deposited after 9.0 cal. ka BP, when the sea-level rose slowly after the Meltwater Pulse-1C; Stage 2, after the mid-Holocene sealevel highstand, clinoform developed on the continental shelf off the west Guangdong Province, extending ca. 400 km from the Zhujiang River Estuary. The proximal clinoform thins offshore, from ca. 10 m thickness around 5–10 m water depth to less than 1–2 m around 20–30 m water depth. In addition, we also find a developed distal clinoform in the east of the Leizhou Peninsula.  相似文献   
在低发射功率条件下,相控阵多普勒天气雷达为了增加探测距离和提高分辨率,需要采用脉冲压缩技术.由于采用相控阵技术,波束扫描过程中,在平面阵非法线方向上会产生波束展宽,引起波束内功率下降,需要在计算雷达气象方程时弥补功率下降的误差.平面相控阵天气雷达在探测远距离目标时,使用宽脉冲发射,经脉冲压缩处理以提高分辨率,因此需要建立适用的雷达气象方程.首先讨论了脉冲压缩低峰值功率的平面相控阵多普勒天气雷达的结构、线性调频脉冲压缩的距离(多普勒测量)、调频波形的耦合问题以及目标距离的测量;然后给出了适用于脉冲压缩的平面相控阵雷达气象方程,此方程同时也适用于一维线性阵的脉冲压缩的天气雷达.  相似文献   
改性膨润土在环境保护中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
综述了改性膨润在环境修复、环境净化、环境替代功能等环境保护方面的应用研究最新进展,并展望了改性膨润土在环境保护中的应用前景。  相似文献   
在弹丸侵彻混凝土的数值模拟过程中,材料模型及其相关参数的选取是一项关键且复杂的工作,其原因在于混凝土动力学材料模型参数众多,一般都在几十个以上,而且大多数参数无法通过试验直接获得,有些甚至没有明确的物理意义。通常的办法是通过试验确定少量参数,然后通过数值模拟计算结果反推其他模型参数。鉴于这种情况,非线性动力分析软件LS–DYNA增加了自动生成参数的功能,该成果是由Schwer等在损伤混凝土材料模型的基础上通过大量总结得到的,该特性很大程度上方便了用户在混凝土侵彻数值模拟方面的工作。利用LS–DYNA的该项功能,模拟了Forrestal的部分侵彻试验,并将计算结果同试验数据、经验公式计算结果做了对比分析。结果表明,自动生成参数功能是一种研究弹丸侵彻混凝土问题的简单而有效的办法。  相似文献   
“一带一路”沿线地区气候灾害类型多样,分布广泛,其中水资源短缺和洪涝灾害频发等水资源问题是“一带一路”沿线国家的主要气候风险之一。文中对“一带一路”沿线国家提交的国家自主贡献(NDC)中提出的水资源相关适应措施进行了分析评估。结果表明,气候变化及水资源相关风险已经受到了“一带一路”沿线国家的普遍关注,大部分国家都或多或少提出了针对性的适应措施,如优化水资源管理、提高水资源利用效率、强化监测预警、增加基础建设等。然而目前还存在一些不足之处,包括:以中东欧国家为主的部分“一带一路”沿线国家NDCs中缺乏适应相关的内容;西亚/中东和中亚地区对于风险关注的范围不够全面,缺乏对未来潜在洪水风险的评估和预案;在中亚、南亚和中东等水争端问题突出的地区缺乏合适的国际合作机制;大部分国家缺少对水环境的关注。为提高“一带一路”沿线国家气候适应能力,构建完善的气候适应体系,建议完善国家自主贡献报告、建立国际合作机制,增加对气候变化研究的关注和投入,保障“一带一路”建设绿色可持续发展。  相似文献   
汉源县大渡河“8.6”崩塌堵河灾害研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009-08-06四川省汉源县顺河乡猴子岩发生大型崩塌,90余万m~3崩塌体直接冲进大渡河,形成40 m高的堰塞坝,阻断大渡河,形成库容达6 000×10~4 m~3堰塞湖,导致2人死亡,29人失踪和重大财产损失.以现场调查与观测为基础,分析灾害发育条件和成灾过程,认为高陡边坡次级断裂造成的岩体破裂是崩塌发育的基础条件,"5.12"汶川大地震、强降雨及道路工程建设造成的边坡失稳是灾害发生的重要原因.针对崩塌堵河灾害的成灾特点,提出加强山区重大工程区地质灾害评价、预防、预警,科学设计、施工减少陡坡开挖,采取果断措施处置施工过程中出现的险情、灾情,及时在灾害点设置警示标志减少灾害损失等减灾对策.  相似文献   
According to archaeological data from about sixty samples the relative stability of physical and human geographical environment in the tropical zone of China is discussed in this paper. Because of the superior natural environment, sufficient food resources and a sparse population resulting in the absence of social requirement to transform the productive forces, the advancement of economy and society was stagnated during prehistorical period in China's tropics. Compared with northern China, the appearance of ground stone tool stagnated about 3,000 years, the beginning of Bronze Age, about 1,000 years, and the agriculture, 2,500-3,000 years. The no ceramics age continued till the early Neolithic Age and the appearance of colour or white ceramics was 2,000 years later than that in northern China. The life form of migration to gather and to hunt continued till the middle Neolithic Age, and the fixed settlement based on agriculture 1,000-2,000 years stagnated. The clan commune just appeared at the end of the Neolithic Age which was 2,000-3,000 years later than that in northern China.  相似文献   
南海问题的大周边地缘环境   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
南海的西沙、南沙等历来是中国的领土,但如今海洋国土存在重大争议,南海已经成为世界上最复杂、最紧张的水域之一,南海周边的政治、军事、经济地缘环境也越来越为复杂。本文以南海问题为切入点,基于南海地理区位中的要素联系对南海周边国家的地缘环境进行探讨。结果得出:南海问题是涉及多元利益和跨国机构关联的复杂问题,南海周边是一个包含域内争端国家、域外干涉国家和具有复杂组织机构关联的"大"周边,南海周边地缘环境是超出地理毗邻的"大"地缘环境,中国南海的维权维稳势必要在域内双边地缘环境、域外多边地缘环境、国际多元多边地缘环境等构成的大周边地缘环境下做出战略决策。  相似文献   
基于3S技术的内蒙古乌审旗景观格局研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以乌审旗2005年30 m分辨率的TM遥感影像为基本数据源,在ArcView和ArcMap支持下,得到乌审旗景观分布格局图,并对景观单元特征指数、斑块形状指数、斑块数破碎化指数、斑块分维数、景观异质性指数进行统计分析。结果表明,在乌审旗21 495个景观斑块中,斑块数目最多的为沙地景观,共有10 357块;总面积最大的也是沙地,为6.28×109m2;水域景观总面积最小,仅为5.36×107m2;平均面积最大的是工矿用地,为4.26×106m2;景观斑块密度最大的是耕地。各类斑块形状均较复杂,近圆度极小,居民点由于受到人为规划的影响呈现明显的几何形状特点,故景观形状指数最小;随着人类干扰强度的增加,从自然景观、半自然景观到人工景观,多样性指数、破碎化指数均依次减小,景观多样性指数沙地最高、工矿用地最低;居民点的优势度指数最高,其均匀度指数最低;整个研究区各景观分数维值均小于1.4,景观的自相似程度比较高。  相似文献   
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