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HEIFE绿洲和沙漠地区大气边界层湍流混沌特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
高志球  王介民 《高原气象》1998,17(4):397-402
利用“黑河实验”期间张掖、沙漠观测站加强观测期间1991年6月20日09:00至1991年10月2日09:00时段内水平风速的观测资料,计算分析了有关测量混沌的特征量:关联维数。Lyapunov指数和Kolmogorow熵。  相似文献   
仕阳—百丈地区侵入岩岩浆演化岩石类型趋势一般由二长花岗岩→钾长花岗岩→碱长花岗岩方向演化。岩浆分异程度从二长花岗岩→钾长花岗岩→碱长花岗岩基本呈现递增规律,呈现铁、镁降低,而钾钠增加的趋势。稀土总量(∑REE)在演化趋势方向上呈增加趋势。随着岩浆演化分异程度的增高(分异指数DI值的增大),δEu值变化呈减小趋势。  相似文献   
The phenomenon of nutrient maximums at 70~200 m occurred only in the region of the Canada Basin among the world oceans. The prevailing hypothesis was that the direct injection of the low-temperature high-nutrient brines from the Chukchi Sea shelf (<50 m) in winter provided the nutrient maximums. However, we found that there are five problems in the direct injection process. Formerly Jin et al. considered that the formation of nutrient maximums can be a process of locally long-term regeneration. Here we propose a regeneration-mixture process. Data of temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrients were collected at three stations in the southern Canada Basin during the summer 1999 cruise. We identified the cores of the surface, near-surface, potential temperature maximum waters and Arctic Bottom Water by the diagrams and vertical profiles of salinity, potential temperature, oxygen and nutrients. The historical 129Ⅰ data indicated that the surface and near-surface waters were Pacific-origin, but the waters below the potential temperature maximum core depth was Atlantic-origin. Along with the correlation of nutrient maximums and very low oxygen contents in the near-surface water, we hypothesize that, the putative organic matter was decomposed to inorganic nutrients; and the Pacific water was mixed with the Atlantic water in the transition zone. The idea of the regeneration-mixture process agrees with the historical observations of no apparent seasonal changes, the smooth nutrient profiles, the lowest saturation of CaCO3 above 400 m, low rate of CFC-11 ventilation and 3H-3He ages of 8~18 a around the nutrient maximum depths.  相似文献   
本文通过微观、超微观变形特征的研究,论述了颍(上)凤(台)区推覆构造是在近南北向挤压应力作用下形成的以脆性变形为主的中浅层次的上叠式推覆构造,它发生于印支末期,强烈推覆期为燕山早期,而燕山晚期—喜山早期为推覆终止和改造期。利用位错密度、亚颗粒大小等进行古构造应力的计算,说明了颍凤区推覆构造是在高应力、高应变速率的构造环境中形成和发展的。  相似文献   
Role of solar activity on modern climate change, particularly in the decadal scale is an important scientific issue. This paper reviews the recent observation of decadal solar signal in earth’s climate, with focus on the mechanism of solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and cosmic rays on climate system ,and its validation. The paper points out that the assessment of uncertainty in observations, amplification process of the climate system, as well as possible future impact of solar extreme events are challenges in the present study. Finally, the keys of breakthrough are pointed, to provide a reference for future research.  相似文献   
木里煤田聚乎更矿区是全球陆上中纬度、高海拔冻土带天然气水合物的发现地,也是当前青藏高原地质研究的热点地区之一。依据近年来的煤炭地质勘查资料,对聚乎更矿区的构造轮廓、含煤地层、沉积相和聚煤作用进行深入分析.认为聚乎更矿区位于祁连坳褶带西段,受大通山北缘和托莱山南缘对冲断裂组的制约,构造线总体方向为北西一南东向,构造轮廓表现为南北2个向斜,其中北向斜的煤炭赋存条件优于南向斜。聚乎更矿区含煤地层为中侏罗统木里组和江仓纽。主要可采煤层赋存于木里组上段,聚煤作用主要发生于木里组沉积期的辫状河淤浅之后发育的泥炭沼泽和湖泊、水下三角洲淤浅而发育的泥炭沼泽。  相似文献   
基于VRS的GPS伪距码的虚拟与精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VRS有效地克服了常规RTK存在的缺陷,具有广阔的市场应用前景。在简单介绍VRS系统组成和基本原理的基础上,着重讨论VRS中伪距码虚拟的数学模型,并在VC 6.0中实现了相应的程序。同时,利用实测数据对网内单站和多站模拟数据以及网内和网外模拟数据的精度进行实验分析,最后通过误差公式的推导来进一步分析测试结果,从而证明伪距虚拟数学模型的正确性。  相似文献   
随着经济和三维仿真技术及虚拟现实技术的迅猛发展,三维场景的漫游越来越受到人们的关注,它的应用遍布了许多不同的领域。本文对具有代表性的国内外虚拟现实技术的发展做了简要的分析,利用3D MAX建模软件建立宿舍楼的三维模型,并对其进行纹理贴图,使模型更加形象。  相似文献   
清代是福建社会文化和教育由古代向近代转型的重要时期,各类人才不断涌现.但从福建清代进士和<福建通志>列传人物等方面考察,各府州间存在严重的不平衡性人才集中于东部沿海,而稀疏于内陆山区.即使同一府州的县,其差距也很大.这种差异的存在是政治、经济、文教、习俗等综合作用的结果.  相似文献   
复杂环境下智能手机RTK+PDR融合定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐国梁  李圳  陶钧  郭靖  赵齐乐 《测绘通报》2021,(12):44-49,98
针对室外复杂环境下智能手机定位精度低、抗干扰能力不足的问题,本文利用手机GNSS观测值和手机内置IMU数据,采用RTK和PDR算法融合定位,对比分析了小米8和华为Mate20X两款手机的GNSS数据质量和融合定位算法性能,以及不同观测条件下融合算法的定位精度和稳定性。试验结果表明,在良好和复杂两种观测条件下,采用RTK算法定位精度分别为1.8 m和4.6 m;采用RTK+PDR融合算法定位精度分别为1.2 m和2.6 m,在两种环境下,RTK+PDR融合算法的精度分别提高了50%和76%,即显著提高了智能手机在室外复杂环境下的定位精度。  相似文献   
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