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综合研究了福建省上地幔的矿物、岩石、地球化学、地球物理(重、震、电)等有关资料,全面论证上地幔B′与B″层的三维空间特征、可疑地幔岩性、古代与现代地幔岩岩石类型与矿物成分。继而从地幔岩矿物组合,化学成分、微观特征、包裹体、稳定同位素等特点,来探讨第三纪上地幔的成岩环境与动力学,并指出东南沿海岩石圈上地幔减薄斜坡带及其叠生的深切断裂是燕山期双系列岩浆岩形成的深部地质背景。  相似文献   
重磁界面的一种快速正、反演方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
重磁界面的正反演方法研究是地球物理解释方法中的重要课题。本文在前人研究Raker反演方法的基础上采用了一种增强反演稳定性的快速正反演方法,并较好地解决了稳定因子中参数选择问题。本文还对该方法的收敛性及影响反演效果的诸因素加以详细讨论。理论模型及应用实例说明该方法是一种令人满意的快速正反演方法。  相似文献   
祁连山西段蛇绿岩型超基性岩特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对祁连山西段具有代表性的大拉排沟等6个超基性岩体的岩石学,主要元素、微量元素及副矿物铬尖晶石特征作了深入的研究,认为分布于祁连造山带的蛇绿岩型超基性岩,具有分异后的上地幔组成特点,其成岩作用比较复杂。岩体主要由方辉橄榄岩和纯橄榄岩构成,为钙碱性系列的镁质超基性岩类。岩石化学成分具高MgO、Na2O,而低Al2O3、Fe2O3、TiO2、CaO、K2O特征。同时,微量元素分析表明,该类岩体均起源于分异作用相对较小的深部地幔。  相似文献   
This paper studies the magnetic hysteresis and refrigeration capacity of Ni--Mn--Ga alloys in detail during heating and cooling isothermal magnetisation processes. The Ni--Mn--Ga alloys show larger magnetic hysteresis when they transform from austenite to martensite, but smaller magnetic hysteresis when they transform from martensite to austenite. This behaviour is independent of either the pure Ni--Mn--Ga alloys or the alloys doped with other elements. Because of the existence of the magnetic hysteresis, the relation between the magnetic entropy change and refrigeration capacity is not simply linear. For practical consideration, magnetocaloric effect of Ni--Mn--Ga alloys should be investigated both on cooling and heating processes.  相似文献   
Based on the nonlinear model of two-dimensional random sea waves, a statistical distribution of wave surface slope exact to the third order is derived by using the expansion of the characteristic function and direct calculations of each order moment. Based on the distribution of wave surface slope derived in this paper, a whitecap coverage is proposed by using the limit surface slope as a criterion of wave breaking. The whitecap coverage expressed by the model depends on three parameters which can be determined in principle by the linear wave spectrum and three kinds of wave-wave interaction.  相似文献   
Growth hiatuses in massive corals are usually indicative of past ecological or environmental stresses. Among 37 fossil Porites colonies surveyed from the reef flat of Dadonghai fringing reef at Sanya, Hainan Island, northern South China Sea, seven of them were found to show clear evidence of past mortality, representing a population of ~19%. Among these samples, two of them (SYO‐13 and SYO‐28) display clear growth hiatuses reflecting mortality followed by subsequent recruitment, and five others exhibit a well‐preserved mortality surface and no subsequent recruitment. The growth hiatuses were dated using high‐precision thermal ionisation mass spectrometry U‐series techniques. The age results suggest all the dated corals formed and died in the mid Holocene. Multiple dates below the growth hiatuses suggest that SYO‐13 and SYO‐28 died at 6298 ± 11 and 6929 ± 19 a BP (i.e. years before AD 1950), respectively. Multiple dates above the growth hiatuses indicate that growth in SYO‐13 and SYO‐28 resumed at 6257 ± 14 and 6898 ± 20 a BP, respectively. The calculated durations of growth hiatuses are therefore 41 ± 18 a for SYO‐13 and 31 ± 28 a for SYO‐28, respectively, implying growth resumed within decades after the mortality events. U‐series dating of four other samples with dead heads suggests that they died at 6035 ± 53, 6059 ± 23, 6127 ± 22 and 6474 ± 24 a BP, respectively. In addition, using solution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS), monthly resolution Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios were determined for the annual growth bands below and above the growth hiatuses for three of the dated samples. The Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca profiles indicate that the three corals probably died in different seasons (from spring to autumn), and the mortality appears to be unrelated to anomalous sea surface temperature‐induced bleaching. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
With the rapid economic development, the water quality is worsening and red tide takes place frequently in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent seawaters. To improve the marine water quality, the total inland pollutant load should be controlled effectively. With efficiency and fairness in consideration, the total maximum allowable loads of CODMn, NH3–N, inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate to the seawaters were calculated and allocated by the linear programming method based on the water quality response fields of the pollution sources. The maximum allowable loads are 2008 × 103 tons, 169 × 103 tons, 226 × 103 tons and 18 × 103 tons for CODMn, NH3–N, inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate when the water quality targets are requested to be achieved in the whole studied region, and 346 × 103 tons and 32 × 103 tons for inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate when the water quality targets to be achieved only in the red tide sensitive area. The cut task of CODMn and NH3–N is relatively easy and can be finished by the watershed environmental plan; while the cut task of inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate is tremendous. The coastal provinces should install more denitrification and dephosphorization facilities in the existing waste water treatment plants or build new ones to control the red tides in the concerned seawaters.  相似文献   
按照岩溶化特点,黄骅盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩古岩溶可分为三种不同的类型:由大气水溶解形成的岩溶、有机酸溶蚀古岩溶及埋藏热液古岩溶。其中,控制古生界碳酸盐岩储层物性的大气水岩溶对潜山油气聚集起着显著的作用,它的形成与黄骅盆地演化过程中三期(加里东、印支—燕山及喜马拉雅期)重要的碳酸盐岩暴露事件有关。这三期与古抬升相关的岩溶作用相互叠置在一起形成古岩溶复合系统,在黄骅盆地中,由加里东、印支—燕山期岩溶叠置的古岩溶复合体拥有较多的有效孔隙及缝洞,有利于油气的储集,是黄骅盆地中最好的碳酸盐岩储层。同时,古岩溶复合体的形成时间对潜山油气运聚起着决定性作用,发育于中新生代的大气水岩溶是“新生古储”油气聚集的有利因素,但对古生界原生油气聚集不利。加里东期岩溶、埋藏热液古岩溶及有机酸溶蚀古岩溶则对古生界原生油气聚集有利。  相似文献   
地震灾害快速评估的计算机方法和程序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姜立新  李闽峰 《地震》1995,(3):228-233
文中介绍一种在微机上实现的地震灾害快速评估应用软件:DISEV,DISEV由地震输入系统,图形显示系统,灾害评估系统和数据输出系统等4部分组成,采用确定性的地震灾害评估方法,用C语言设计完成,DISEV操作简单,快速,对震后快速反应工作以及救灾工作有重要意义。  相似文献   
当人们使用长波长的地震层析数据利用地震波速和密度的实验关系外推而直接计算地球大地水准面异常时惊奇地发现,计算大地水准面异常和观测大地水准面异常无论在异常型态或者异常幅度上均相差甚远。因而不能将地幔看做“刚性”地幔,而真实的地幔应当是一“动力”的地幔,它的内部,甚至被看做固体地幔内部也存在物质流动,否则无法解释上述两种水准面的差异。地幔,特别是下地幔远比人们设想的要活跃得多。地幔内部存在一个复杂的热动力系统。全球规模的大尺度对流、上地幔范围的二级对流、层状对流、核-幔边界上部D″层内很小尺度对流以及地幔热柱形式的对流可能同时存在于地幔之中,它们相互独立又相互影响,而形成多层次、多形态的运动格局。为了进一步完善、丰富人类对其赖以生存的地球的认识,除了需要建立更为合理的非线性的地幔热动力学模型之外,更加精细的、更加精确的大地测量、地球物理和地球动力学观测资料是必需的。  相似文献   
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