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Zusammenfassung Um die Wirksamkeit des Aufschlags von Wolkentröpfchen auf Eis (Faraday-Sohncke-Effekt) für die Elektrizitätserzeugung in Gewittern beurteilen zu können, werden quantitative Ladungsmessungen im Laboratorium beim Aufprall fallender Wassertropfen auf Hindernisse aus Eis unter möglichst variierten Bedingungen vorgenommen. Ein Tropfen von 20 mg und 20° C aus 75 cm Höhe befreit die Ladung von 3,6·10–13 Coul. Während eine Änderung der Tropfentemperatur den Effekt wenig beeinflußt wird er stark reduziert, wenn man die Temperatur der Eisplatte kräftig erniedrigt, da der Tropfen schließlich sofort festfriert. Veränderung der Fallhöhe und der Tropfenmasse führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß in gewissem Bereich die getrennte LadungQ in Annäherung allein der kinetischen EnergieW des Tropfens proportional ist:Q=2,75·10–16 Coul/erg·W für einen Tropfen von 20° C auf Eis von 0° C. Die Anwendbarkeit dieser Gleichung auf Wolkentröpfchen wird diskutiert. Messungen bei verringertem Reinheitsgrad des Wassers bestätigen die Erfahrung, daß gleichzeitig die befreite Ladung abnimmt.
Summary To study the effect of the impact of cloud droplets upon ice (Faraday-Sohncke-effect) for the production of electricity in thunderstorms laboratory experiments were carried out under various conditions to measure quantitatively electric charges originating from the collision of falling water drops with ice. A droplet of 20 mg and 20° C falling from a height of 75 cm releases the charge of 3,6·10–13 Coul. While the effect is not considerably influenced by a change of the temperature of the droplet it is strongly reduced if the temperature of the ice plate is lowered to such a degree that the droplet immediately freezes. Variation of falling-height and mass of droplets leads to the result that, in a certain range, the separated chargeQ is approximately proportional solely to the kinetic energyW of the droplet:Q=2,75·10–16 Coul/erg·W for a droplet of 20° C on ice of 0° C. Applicability of this equation to cloud droplets is discussed. Measurements carried out with water of reduced purity confirm the experience that in such cases the released charge is smaller.

Résumé En vue d'étudier quantitativement la production d'électricité orageuse par la chute de gouttelettes d'eau sur des grêlons (effet Faraday-Sohncke), les auteurs ont réalisé des expériences et mesuré la charge libérée lors de la chute de gouttelettes sur de la glace dans des conditions variées. Une goutte de 20 mg à 20° C, tombant de 75 cm de hauteur libère la charge de 3,6·10–13 Coul. Tandis que l'effet ne dépend que peu de la température de la goutte, il est fortement réduit si la température de la glace s'abaisse, car la goutte se congèle alors aussitôt. Des essais avec des variations de la hauteur de chute et de la masse des gouttes ont en outre montré que la charge libéréQ est en première approximation proportionelle à la seule énergie cinétiqueW de la goutte:Q=2,75·10–16 Coul/erg·W pour une goutte à 20° C tombant sur de la glace à 0° C. On discute l'application de la formule à des gouttelettes nuageuses. Des mesures faites avec de l'eau non pure confirment le fait connu que la charge libérée diminue alors.

Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Während im Unterperm Südtirols gewaltige Eruptionen die Bozener Porphyrplatte schufen, geht die seit dem Oberkarbon begonnene Sedimentation in den Karnischen Alpen ruhig weiter. Hingegen sind in den Lienzer Dolomiten und Gailtaler Alpen Ausläufer der Bozener Eruptionen zu beobachten. In den Karawanken beginnt der triassische Vulkanismus schon im Skyth und überschreitet im Anis/Ladin in der Villacher Alpe die heutigen Südalpen. Im Savebereich fehlen teilweise die Grödener Konglomerate, wobei hochmarines Mittelperm bis zur heutigen Savelinie zwischen Karawanken und Julischen Alpen reicht.  相似文献   
F. Lucassen  G. Franz 《Lithos》1994,32(3-4):273-298
A deep section of the Jurassic, 200-150 Ma old magmatic arc is exposed in the Coastal Cordillera south of Antofagasta in northern Chile. The chemical compositions of metabasic and plutonic rocks from the deep level are compared with those of Jurassic volcanic rocks and ≈ 150 Ma old dykes. The metabasites, most of the plutonic rocks, and the dykes have calc-alkaline characteristics. However, small postmetamorphic gabbro plutons are tholeiitic. The composition of the volcanic rocks is not related to the plutonic rocks, metabasites and dykes. All igneous and meta-igneous rocks of the arc are derived from a similar source in the upper mantle and evolved without major crustal contamination.

The general tectonic setting was dominated by extension, and Pre-Jurassic crust is extremely thinned or absent in the area. Details of the tectonic, magmatic and metamorphic development remain still a matter of speculation.  相似文献   


The Boein–Miandasht Complex (BMC) is a part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic basement and is cut by gabbroic to granitoid bodies. These intrusive bodies comprise gabbro, gabbro–diorite associated with fine-grained, in part porphyritic leucocratic granitoids. Zircon U–Pb dating of representative gabbro–diorite samples yielded ages of 166.4 ± 1.8 Ma and 163.5 ± 6.3 Ma (Callovian, the latest stage of the Middle Jurassic). Mineral chemistry of the gabbro–diorites shows a homogeneous composition of the main minerals, main augite to diopside clinopyroxene and plagioclase (~An17–59). Moreover, low AlZ/TiO2 ratios of the clinopyroxene grains suggest that the rocks were generated in a within-plate tectonic regime. The SiO2 contents of the gabbro-diorite rocks are between 46.36 and 55.61 wt. %, Al2O3 ranges from 7.57 to 17.98 wt. %. The TiO2 contents vary from 1.18 to 3.65 wt. %, Fe2O3 from 7.41 to 12.95 wt. %, the MgO ranges between 3.49 and 15.75 wt. %, Na2O from 0.65 to 5.08 wt. % and K2O from 0.48 to 1.08 wt. %. These rocks mostly plot in the alkali-gabbro field. Compared to chondrite are characterized by enrichment of LREEs over HREE, enrichment of LIL elements (e.g. Rb, Sr and Ba) and obvious positive anomalies of Nb and Ti. Based on the chemical composition, and mineral composition, this complex was generated in an extensional tectonic regime by partial melting of the hot asthenospheric mantle which is not more consistent with previous models which have suggested for SaSZ evolution in before.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - The Lower Permian Hasan-Robat syenogranite occurs as a single pluton and intruded the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sandstones and dolomitic limestones in the...  相似文献   
Prediction of snowmelt has become a critical issue in much of the western United States given the increasing demand for water supply, changing snow cover patterns, and the subsequent requirement of optimal reservoir operation. The increasing importance of hydrologic predictions necessitates that traditional forecasting systems be re-evaluated periodically to assure continued evolution of the operational systems given scientific advancements in hydrology. The National Weather Service (NWS) SNOW17, a conceptually based model used for operational prediction of snowmelt, has been relatively unchanged for decades. In this study, the Snow–Atmosphere–Soil Transfer (SAST) model, which employs the energy balance method, is evaluated against the SNOW17 for the simulation of seasonal snowpack (both accumulation and melt) and basin discharge. We investigate model performance over a 13-year period using data from two basins within the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed located in southwestern Idaho. Both models are coupled to the NWS runoff model [SACramento Soil Moisture Accounting model (SACSMA)] to simulate basin streamflow. Results indicate that while in many years simulated snowpack and streamflow are similar between the two modeling systems, the SAST more often overestimates SWE during the spring due to a lack of mid-winter melt in the model. The SAST also had more rapid spring melt rates than the SNOW17, leading to larger errors in the timing and amount of discharge on average. In general, the simpler SNOW17 performed consistently well, and in several years, better than, the SAST model. Input requirements and related uncertainties, and to a lesser extent calibration, are likely to be primary factors affecting the implementation of an energy balance model in operational streamflow prediction.  相似文献   
End-Triassic ammonoid and bivalve faunas of the Germig area, Tibetan Himalaya, lived in a tropical, shallow-water environment during the Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval. High stratigraphic resolution based on ammonite-biochrons allows to tracing the place of origin of several faunal elements. The bivalves Aguilerella and Ctenostreon occurred first in the Tibetan Himalaya and migrated from there to the eastern South Pacific, exhibiting a pantropic dispersal pattern. This dispersal route is supported by the distribution pattern of the ammonites Choristoceras, Discamphiceras, Pleuroacanthites, and Psiloceras calliphyllum. A few taxa, which went extinct everywhere else by the end of the Triassic, survived in the Tibetan Himalaya into early Early Jurassic times. They include the ammonites Choristoceras and Eopsiloceras, and the bivalves Newaagia, Terquemia, Persia, Ryderia guangdongensis, and Cultriopsis angusta. This suggests that the Tibetan Himalaya may have played a refugia role in the course of the end-Triassic mass extinction.  相似文献   
In many developing economies, a partial or full liberalization of the retail trade has encouraged the establishment of supermarkets. This innovation and the consequent shifts in market share can evoke protest from a spectrum of traditional and small‐scale retailers, wholesalers, farmers and market workers whose organized resistance can influence the investment policies and decisions of governments and corporations. Yet, so far, resistance is rarely considered in global production networks analysis. The paper uses the case of the ongoing resistance and protest against the entry of modern supermarket operations in cities in India to show how such resistance and protest groups have influenced retail investors and public opinion, and gained collective power. In the Indian democracy, these mobilizations have developed a strong enough political influence in certain geographic regions to curtail the operations of transnational corporations and induce shifts in corporate expansion strategies.  相似文献   
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