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A Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3/early MIS 2 section from a structural high along the east coast of the North Basin of Lake Baikal was analysed for diatoms, C/N ratios, and organic carbon isotope ratios. Diatoms were present throughout MIS 3 and early MIS 2, with high concentrations of the planktonic taxa Cyclotella sp. c.f. gracilis between 54 and 51.5 kyr BP indicating relatively warm, interstadial, conditions. Following a %TOC inferred climatic cooling between 43.2 and 39.1 kyr BP, evidence of a more muted δ13C(organic) and %TOC inferred climatic warming from c. 39.1–34.7 kyr BP coincides with a period of very high diatom concentrations, indicating high aquatic productivity, at the Buguldeika Saddle in the South Basin of Lake Baikal. No evidence exists for a ‘Kuzmin’ catchment erosional event in the North Basin during MIS 3. This, however, may reflect the location of the coring site away from major riverine inputs. Abrupt climatic cooling at the culmination of both warm phases in the North Basin are associated, on the basis of the palaeomagnetic age-model and correlations to existing sites in Lake Baikal, with the initiation of Heinrich events 5 (c. 50 kyr BP) and 4 (c. 35 kyr BP), respectively, in the North Atlantic. The amount of organic material declines across the MIS 3/MIS 2 transition while constant C/N ratios suggest organic material to be predominantly derived from phytoplankton. An increase in δ13C(organic) at the MIS 3/MIS 2 transition may therefore indicate changes in aquatic productivity, pCO2 or the inorganic carbon pool.  相似文献   

The role of economic sectoral structure in regional growth and development is widely acknowledged. However, there has been scarce reflection on its role as a policy instrument, particularly for peripheral regions. In reaction, this paper investigates the role of economic sectoral structure as a policy instrument towards more resilient peripheral regions. Through a multiple country policy analysis, the paper determines to what degree economic sectoral structure is reflected in regional development policies of 18 countries with predominantly rural characteristics and lagging regions. Moreover, the role of economic sectoral structure towards more resilient regions is quantified and measured for a specific peripheral region case in South Africa as developing country exhibiting poor economic resilience. The paper highlights related variety as a key ingredient for a region to reach a state of dynamic stability between adaptation and adaptability towards enhanced long-term resilience capacity of the peripheral region. The research concludes that policy focus should support the maintenance of the sectors and industries of comparative advantage on the regional scale, but strongly focus on sectoral comparative advantage within the national scale (if present) to establish a more robust region. This will establish and strengthen the identified peripheral growth centres as centres of national competitiveness and specialisation. Primary policy actions as emanated from the literature and the multiple country policy analysis will promote more efficient sectoral composition as key towards more resilient peripheral regions. It is acknowledged that these policy actions must be informed by a detailed regional economic analysis for different peripheral regions to determine inherent and latent economic potential and link with interdependent industries. This paper will highlight that regional policy should become more explicit by exploiting the role of economic and natural resources as growth engines for the peripheral regional economy in a more effective way through a multi-centred territorial structure.

Concentrations and isotopic compositions were determined for H2, N2 and C extracted by stepwise pyrolysis from powdered meteorites, from residues of meteorites partially dissolved with aqueous HF, and from residues of meteorites reacted with HF-HCl solutions. The meteorites treated were the carbonaceous chondrites, Orgueil, Murray, Murchison, Renazzo and Cold Bokkeveld. Data determined for whole rock samples are in approximate agreement with previously published data. Acidification of the meteorites removed the inorganic sources of H2, so that H2 in the HF-HCl acid residues came primarily from insoluble organic matter, which makes up 70–80% fraction of the total carbon in carbonaceous meteorites. The δD in the organic matter differs markedly from previously determined values in organic matter in meteorites. The δD values of organic matter from acid residues of C1 and C2 carbonaceous chondrites range from +650 to + 1150%. The acid residues of the Renazzo meteorite, whose total H2 has a δD of +930‰, gave a δD value of +2500‰. Oxidation of the HF-HCl residue with H2O2 solution removes the high δD and the low δ15N components. The δ13C values range between ?10 and ?21 and δ15N values range between +40 and ?11. The δ15N of Renazzo is unusual; its values range between +150 and ?190.There is good correlation between δD and the concentration of H2 in the acid residues, but no correlation exists between δD, δ13C and δ15N in them. A simple model is proposed to explain the high δD values, and the relationships between δD values and the concentration of H2. This model depends on the irradiation of gaseous molecules facilitating reaction between ionic molecules, and indicates that an increase in the rate of polymerization and accumulation of organic matter on grains would produce an increase in the deuterium concentration in organic matter.  相似文献   
We report multi-frequency radio continuum and hydrogen radio recombination line observations of HII regions near l = 24.8°, b = 0.1° using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 1.28 GHz (n = 172), 0.61 GHz (n = 220) and the Very Large Array (VLA) at 1.42 GHz (n = 166). The region consists of a large number of resolved HII regions and a few compact HII regions as seen in our continuum maps, many of which have associated infrared (IR) point sources. The largest HII region at l = 24.83° and b = 0.1° is a few arcmins in size and has a shell-type morphology. It is a massive HII region enclosing ∼550 M with a linear size of 7 pc and an rms electron density of ∼110 cm−3 at a kinematic distance of 6 kpc. The required ionization can be provided by a single star of spectral type O5.5. We also report detection of hydrogen recombination lines from the HII region at l = 24.83° and b = 0.1° at all observed frequencies near V lsr = 100 km s−1. We model the observed integrated line flux density as arising in the diffuse HII region and find that the best fitting model has an electron density comparable to that derived from the continuum. We also report detection of hydrogen recombination lines from two other HII regions in the field.  相似文献   
Particulate organic carbon (POC) is vertically transported to the oceanic interior by aggregates and their ballasts, mainly CaCO3 and biogenic opal, with a smaller role for lithogenic aerosols through the mesopelagic zone. Diel migrating zooplankton communities effect vertical transport and remineralization of POC in the upper layers of the ocean. Below 1.5 km, the presence of zooplankton is reduced and thus the aggregates travel mainly by gravitational transport. We normalized the fluxes of POC, CaCO3, and biogenic opal from data published on samples collected at 134 globally distributed, bottom-tethered, time-series sediment trap (TS-trap) stations to annual mole fluxes at the mesopelagic/bathypelagic boundary (m/b) at 2 km and defined them as Fm/bCorg, Fm/bCinorg, and Fm/bSibio. Using this global data set, we investigated (1) the geographic contrasts of POC export at m/b and (2) the supply rate of ∑CO2 to the world mesopelagic water column. Fm/bCorg varies from 25 (Pacific Warm Pool) to 605 (divergent Arabian Sea) mmolC m−2 yr−1; Fm/bCinorg varies from >8 (high latitude Polar Oceans) or 15 (Pacific Warm Pool) to 459 (divergent Arabian Sea) mmolC m−2 yr−1; and Fm/bSibio, the most spatially/temporally variable flux, ranges from 6 (North Atlantic Drift) to 1118 (Pacific Subarctic Gyre) mmolSi m−2 yr−1. The oceanic region exhibiting the highest POC flux over a significantly large region is the area of the North Pacific Boreal Gyres where the average Fm/bCorg = 213, Fm/bCinorg = 126, and Fm/bSibio = 578 mmol m−2 yr−1. Fm/bCorg and Fm/bCinorg are particularly high in large upwelling margins, including the divergent Arabian Sea and off Cape Verde. One of the data sets showing the lowest flux over a significant region/basin is Fm/bCorg = 39, Fm/bCinorg = 69, and Fm/bSibio = 22 mmol m−2 yr−1 in the North Pacific subtropical/tropical gyres; Pan-Atlantic average fluxes are similar except Fm/bSibio fluxes are even lower. Where Corg/Cinorg and Sibio/Cinorg are <1 defines the “Carbonate Ocean”, and where these ratios are ?1 defines the “Silica Ocean”. The Carbonate Ocean occupies about 80% of the present world pelagic ocean between the two major oceanographic fronts, the North Pacific Polar Front and the Antarctic Polar Front, and the Silica Ocean is found on the polar sides of these fronts. The total global annual fluxes of Fm/bCorg, Fm/bCinorg, and Fm/bSibio at m/b calculated by parameterizations of the export flux data from 134 stations are surprisingly similar; 36.2, 33.8, and 34.6 teramol yr−1 (120, 112, and 114 mmol m−2 yr−1), respectively, resulting in a near uniform binary ratio between the above three elements of about one. The global ternary % ratios estimated from 152 TS-trap samples of the three elements are 35:32:33. From our global Fm/bCorg and a published model estimate of the global export production, we estimate the regeneration rate of CO2 through the mesopelagic zone by the biological pump is 441 teramolC yr−1. Based on our global Fm/bCinorg and recently estimated global primary production of PIC, 36-86 teramolC yr−1 of PIC is assumed to be dissolved within the upper 2 km of the water column.  相似文献   
The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the major mode of intraseasonal variability (30–60 days) in the tropics, having large rainfall impacts globally, and possibly on southern Africa. However, the latter impact is not well understood and needs to be further explored. The life cycle of the MJO, known to be asymmetric, has been nevertheless analyzed usually through methods constrained by both linearity and orthogonality, such as empirical orthogonal function analysis. Here we explore a non-linear classification method, the self-organizing map (SOM), a type of artificial neural network used to produce a low-dimensional representation of high-dimensional datasets, to capture more accurately the life cycle of the MJO and its global impacts. The classification is applied on intraseasonal anomalies of outgoing longwave radiation within the tropical region over the 1980–2009 period. Using the SOM to describe the MJO is a new approach, complimentary to the usual real-time multivariate MJO index. It efficiently captures this propagative phenomenon and its seasonality, and is shown to provide additional temporal and spatial information on MJO activity. For each node, the subtropical convection is analyzed, with a particular focus on the southern Africa region. Results show that the convection activity over the central tropical Indian Ocean is a key factor influencing the intraseasonal convective activity over the southern African region. Enhanced (suppressed) convection over the central Indian Ocean tends to suppress (enhance) convection over the southern African region with a 10-day lag by modulating the moisture transport.  相似文献   
Crystallization experiments have been conducted in the system Na2O–K2O–MgO–FeO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (with 4% normative corundum) in order to constrain the stability of biotite as a function of water activity and the Mg# of biotite [Mg/(Mg +Fetotal)] in equilibrium with peraluminous granitic melts. The temperature at which biotite breakdown starts is strongly dependent on the Mg# of biotite. At 500 MPa, the temperature of biotite breakdown to form orthopyroxene increases from 750 °C to 830 °C, as the Mg# of biotite increases from 0.4 to 0.5. Considering that the system investigated is relevant for Ca-poor peraluminous biotite-bearing rocks (metapelites), the biotite dehydration curves obtained are used to discuss the melting reactions and the temperatures that lead to the formation of two distinct types of two-mica granites found in the South Bohemian batholith (specifically the Eisgarn and Deštná granites). The phase relationships were determined experimentally for the composition of these two granites in order to constrain the composition of the biotite in equilibrium with the melt in the protoliths. We demonstrate that Eisgarn granitic melts may have been generated at temperatures in the range 830–850 °C from melting reactions involving biotite with a Mg# up to 0.5 as a reactant. In contrast, Deštná granitic melts cannot have been generated from dehydration melting reactions involving biotite.  相似文献   
We present the study of dust environment of dynamically new Comet C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR) based on spectroscopic and photometric observations. The comet was observed before and after the perihelion passage at heliocentric distances from 5.2 to 9.5 AU. Although the comet moved beyond the zone where water ice sublimation could be significant, its bright coma and extended dust tail evidenced the high level of physical activity. Afρ values exceeded 3000 cm likely reaching its maximum before the perihelion passage. At the same time, the spectrum of the comet did not reveal molecular emission features above the reflected continuum. Reddening of the continuum derived from the cometary spectrum is nonlinear along the dispersion with the steeper slop in the blue region. The pair of the blue and red continuum images was analyzed to estimate a color of the comet. The mean normalized reflectivity gradient derived from the innermost part of the cometary coma equals to 8% per 1000 Å that is typical for Oort cloud objects. However, the color map shows that the reddening of the cometary dust varies over the coma increasing to 15% per 1000 Å along the tail axis. The photometric images were fitted with a Monte Carlo model to construct the theoretical brightness distribution of the cometary coma and tail and to investigate the development of the cometary activity along the orbit. As the dust particles of distant comets are expected to be icy, we propose here the model, which describes the tail formation taking into account sublimation of grains along their orbits. The chemical composition and structure of these particles are assumed to correspond with Greenberg’s interstellar dust model of comet dust. All images were fitted with the close values of the model parameters. According to the results of the modeling, the physical activity of the comet is mainly determined by two active areas with outflows into the wide cones. The obliquity of the rotation axis of the nucleus equals to 20° relative to the comet’s orbital plane. The grains occupying the coma and tail are rather large amounting to 1 mm in size, with the exponential size distribution of a−4.5. The outflow velocities of the dust particles vary from a few centimeters to tens of meters per second depending on their sizes. Our observations and the model findings evidence that the activity of the nucleus decreased sharply to a low-level phase at the end of April–beginning of May 2007. About 190 days later, in the first half of November 2007 the nucleus stopped any activity, however, the remnant tail did not disappear for more than 1.5 years at least.  相似文献   
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