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We intercompare a series of multi-year simulations with a coupled regionalchemistry-climate model for east Asia to assess the relative importance ofdirect and indirect (Type I) effects of anthropogenic sulfate on the climateof the region. Both direct and indirect aerosol effects induce a negativeradiative forcing that results in a cooling of the surface and in a decrease of precipitation. Under present day sulfur emissions,the direct aerosol effects prevail during the cold season, while the indirecteffects dominate in the warm season (when cloudiness is maximum over the region). When both the direct and indirect effects are included, the surface cooling varies in the range of –0.1 to over –1 K throughout the region and extended areas ofstatistically significant cooling are found in all seasons except winter.The indirect effects largely dominate in inhibiting precipitation, especiallyduring the summer. When doubling the sulfur emissions, the direct effects aresubstantially strengthened, while the indirect effects are only marginally affected. This indicates that the indirect effects over the region might be asymptotically approaching their maximum efficiency. Overall, the indirect effects appear necessary to explain theobserved temperature record over some regions of China, at least in the warm season.A number of uncertainties need to be addressed, such as due to Type IIindirect effects, modeling of the relationship between aerosol concentration and cloud optical properties, and contribution of aerosols other than anthropogenic sulfate.  相似文献   
Observations of water surface elevation (WSE) and bathymetry of the lagoons and cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula (YP) in southeast Mexico are of hydrogeological interest. Observations of WSE (orthometric water height above mean sea level, amsl) are required to inform hydrological models, to estimate hydraulic gradients and groundwater flow directions. Measurements of bathymetry and water depth (elevation of the water surface above the bed of the water body) improve current knowledge on how lagoons and cenotes connect through the complicated submerged cave systems and the diffuse flow in the rock matrix. A novel approach is described that uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to monitor WSE and bathymetry of the inland water bodies on the YP. UAV-borne WSE observations were retrieved using a radar and a global navigation satellite system on-board a multi-copter platform. Water depth was measured using a tethered floating sonar controlled by the UAV. This sonar provides depth measurements also in deep and turbid water. Bathymetry (wet-bed elevation amsl) can be computed by subtracting water depth from WSE. Accuracy of the WSE measurements is better than 5–7 cm and accuracy of the water depth measurements is estimated to be ~3.8% of the actual water depth. The technology provided accurate measurements of WSE and bathymetry in both wetlands (lagoons) and cenotes. UAV-borne technology is shown to be a more flexible and lower cost alternative to manned aircrafts. UAVs allow monitoring of remote areas located in the jungle of the YP, which are difficult to access by human operators.  相似文献   
After a 26 years long quiescence El Reventador, an active volcano of the rear-arc zone of Ecuador, entered a new eruptive cycle which lasted from 3 November to mid December 2002. The initial sub-Plinian activity (VEI 4 with andesite pyroclastic falls and flows) shifted on 6 and 21 November to an effusive stage characterized by the emission of two lava flows (andesite to low-silica andesite Lava-1 and basaltic andesite Lava-2) containing abundant gabbro cumulates. The erupted products are medium to high-K calc-alkaline and were investigated with respect to major element oxides, mineral chemistry, texture and thermobarometry. Inferred pre-eruptive magmatic processes are dominated by the intrusion of a high-T mafic magma (possibly up to 1165 ± 15 °C) into an andesite reservoir, acting as magma mixing and trigger for the eruption. Before this refilling, the andesite magma chamber was characterized by water content of 5.3 ± 1.0%, high oxygen fugacity (> NNO + 2) and temperatures, in the upper and lower part of the reservoir, of 850 and 952 ± 65 °C respectively. Accurate amphibole-based barometry constrains the magma chamber depth between 8.2 and 11.3 km (± 2.2 km). The 6 October 2002 seismic swarm (hypocenters from 10 to 11 km) preceding El Reventador eruption, supports the intrusion of magmas at these depths. The widespread occurrence of disequilibrium features in most of the andesites (e.g. complex mineral zoning and phase overgrowths) indicates that convective self-mixing have been operating together with fractional crystallization (inferred from the cognate gabbro cumulates) before the injection of the basic magma which then gave rise to basaltic andesite and low-silica andesite hybrid layers. Magma mixing in the shallow chamber is inferred from the anomalous SiO2–Al2O3 whole-rock pattern and strong olivine disequilibria. Both lavas show three types of amphibole breakdown rims mainly due to heating (mixing processes) and/or relatively slow syn-eruptive ascent rate (decompression) of the magmas. The lack of any disequilibrium textures in the pumices of the 3 November fall deposit suggest that pre-eruptive mixing did not occur in the roof zone of the chamber. A model of the subvolcanic feeding system of El Reventador, consistent with the intrusion of a low-Al2O3 crystal-rich basic magma into an already self-mixed andesite shallow reservoir, is here proposed. It is also inferred that before entering the shallow chamber the “basaltic” magma underwent a polybaric crystallization at deeper crustal levels.  相似文献   
A number of studies have suggested that mangrove forests and their faunal components may be pre-adapted to the impact of organic waste discharge, making them possible natural wastewater treatment wetlands. However, the results from recent research are contradictory. Some studies have shown that negative effects, sometimes subtle and difficult to observe, can be detected on specific biotic components of forests subjected to organic pollution. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate possible alterations in the ecosystem engineering activities of a fiddler crab community dominating the landward belts of Kenyan mangrove forests. The total processed sediment produced by burrowing and foraging activities in a population from a peri-urban mangrove area receiving untreated domestic sewage was compared with that from a forest not affected by urban wastewater. The results showed how the peri-urban site hosted a higher biomass of crabs, which produced a significantly lower amount of processed sediment compared with the pristine site, resulting in a lower total top sediment mixing activity of the crabs. Thus, the present study showed a link between sewage exposure and top sediment reworking by crabs, which is potentially beneficial for mangrove growth and ecosystem functioning. This represents a possible example of cryptic ecological degradation in mangal systems.  相似文献   
In the framework of the VECTOR DIVCOST Project, a 2-year investigation was started in 2006, with the aim of testing the sensibility of microbial parameters to environmental changes and of assessing whether they can provide information about functional changes in the carbon cycle. The investigation was performed in the surface waters of two small brackish ponds (Ganzirri and Faro), located in the Cape Peloro transitional area (Sicily, Italy). The seasonal changes in both the microbial compartment [bacterioplankton, vibrios, exoenzymatic hydrolysis of proteins and polysaccharides, bacterial secondary production (HBP) and community respiration] and the trophic state of suspended matter [total suspended matter (TSM), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), C/N] were analysed in relation to the hydrological characteristics [temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence, NH4, NO2, NO3, PO4]. Despite marked differences in the nutritional input and the diversification in both carbon budget and trophic level, the two ponds show similar trends in many of the investigated factors, hardly influenced by seasonal variations. Temporally coupled trends were observed for some parameters (enzyme activities, vibrios abundances, respiratory activity), whereas others (POC, PON, heterotrophic bacterial production, bacterioplankton) showed a seasonal shift between the two lakes. The different behaviour found for the some biotic parameters suggests that their response to environmental conditions may be modulated differently between the two lakes, which, despite their spatial proximity and reciprocal connection, do not always show contemporaneous functional processes.  相似文献   
Future changes in tropical cyclone(TC)activity over the western North Pacific(WNP)under the representative concentration pathway RCP4.5 are investigated based on a set of 21 st century climate change simulations over East Asia with the regional climate model RegCM4 driven by five global models.The RegCM4 reproduces the major features of the observed TC activity over the region in the present-day period of 1986-2005,although with the underestimation of the number of TC genesis and intensity.A low number of TCs making landfall over China is also simulated.By the end of the 21st century(2079-98),the annual mean frequency of TC genesis and occurrence is projected to increase over the WNP by16%and 10%,respectively.The increase in frequency of TC occurrence is in good agreement among the simulations,with the largest increase over the ocean surrounding Taiwan Island and to the south of Japan.The TCs tend to be stronger in the future compared to the present-day period of 1986-2005,with a large increase in the frequency of strong TCs.In addition,more TCs landings are projected over most of the China coast,with an increase of~18%over the whole Chinese territory.  相似文献   
On the 30th of December 2002 two tsunamis were generated only 7 min apart in Stromboli, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. They represented the peak of a volcanic crisis that started 2 days before with a large emission of lava flows from a lateral vent that opened some hundreds of meters below the summit craters. Both tsunamis were produced by landslides that detached from the Sciara del Fuoco. This is a morphological scar and is the result of the last collapse of the northwestern flank of the volcanic edifice, that occurred less than 5 ka b.p. The first tsunami was due to a submarine mass movement that started very close to the coastline and that involved about 20×106 m3 of material. The second tsunami was engendered by a subaerial landslide that detached at about 500 m above sea level and that involved a volume estimated at 4–9×106 m3. The latter landslide can be seen as the retrogressive continuation of the first failure. The tsunamis were not perceived as distinct events by most people. They attacked all the coasts of Stromboli within a few minutes and arrived at the neighbouring island of Panarea, 20 km SSW of Stromboli, in less than 5 min. The tsunamis caused severe damage at Stromboli.In this work, the two tsunamis are studied by means of numerical simulations that use two distinct models, one for the landslides and one for the water waves. The motion of the sliding bodies is computed by means of a Lagrangian approach that partitions the mass into a set of blocks: we use both one-dimensional and two-dimensional schemes. The landslide model calculates the instantaneous rate of the vertical displacement of the sea surface caused by the motion of the underwater slide. This is included in the governing equations of the tsunami, which are solved by means of a finite-element (FE) technique. The tsunami is computed on two different grids formed by triangular elements, one covering the near-field around Stromboli and the other also including the island of Panarea.The simulations show that the main tsunamigenic potential of the slides is restricted to the first tens of seconds of their motion when they interact with the shallow-water coastal area, and that it diminishes drastically in deep water. The simulations explain how the tsunamis that are generated in the Sciara del Fuoco area, are able to attack the entire coastline of Stromboli with larger effects on the northern coast than on the southern. Strong refraction and bending of the tsunami fronts is due to the large near-shore bathymetric gradient, which is also responsible for the trapping of the waves and for the persistence of the oscillations. Further, the first tsunami produces large waves and runup heights comparable with the observations. The simulated second tsunami is only slightly smaller, though it was induced by a mass that is approximately one third of the first. The arrival of the first tsunami is negative, in accordance with most eyewitness reports. Conversely, the leading wave of the second tsunami is positive.  相似文献   
Near‐surface cavities can pose serious hazards to human safety, especially in highly urbanized town centres. The location of subsurface voids, the estimation of their size and the evaluation of the overburden thickness are necessary to assess the risk of collapse. In this study, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction tomography data are integrated in a joint interpretation process for cavity location in the city of Rome. ERT is a well established and widely employed method for cavity detection. However, additional information provided by seismic refraction tomography is capable of eliminating some potential pitfalls in resistivity data interpretation. We propose that the structure of the cavities defined by ERT can be used as a base to optimize seismic refraction tomography investigations within the framework of a joint interpretation process. Data integration and the insertion of a priori information are key issues for reducing the uncertainties associated with the inversion process and for optimizing both acquisition procedures and computation time. Herein, the two geophysical methods are tested on both synthetic and real data and the integration of the results is found to be successful in detecting isolated cavities and in assessing their geometrical characteristics. The cavity location inferred by geophysical non‐invasive methods has been subsequently confirmed by direct inspection.  相似文献   
A novel implementation of parameters estimating the space-time wave extremes within the spectral wave model WAVEWATCH III (WW3) is presented. The new output parameters, available in WW3 version 5.16, rely on the theoretical model of Fedele (J Phys Oceanogr 42(9):1601-1615, 2012) extended by Benetazzo et al. (J Phys Oceanogr 45(9):2261–2275, 2015) to estimate the maximum second-order nonlinear crest height over a given space-time region. In order to assess the wave height associated to the maximum crest height and the maximum wave height (generally different in a broad-band stormy sea state), the linear quasi-determinism theory of Boccotti (2000) is considered. The new WW3 implementation is tested by simulating sea states and space-time extremes over the Mediterranean Sea (forced by the wind fields produced by the COSMO-ME atmospheric model). Model simulations are compared to space-time wave maxima observed on March 10th, 2014, in the northern Adriatic Sea (Italy), by a stereo camera system installed on-board the “Acqua Alta” oceanographic tower. Results show that modeled space-time extremes are in general agreement with observations. Differences are mostly ascribed to the accuracy of the wind forcing and, to a lesser extent, to the approximations introduced in the space-time extremes parameterizations. Model estimates are expected to be even more accurate over areas larger than the mean wavelength (for instance, the model grid size).  相似文献   
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